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Jan-21-2009 09:58printcomments

Will Bush's Departure Signal the End for Charles Schwab?

A new day has dawned in America and maybe things will really change under Barack Obama, even to the extent that the "untouchable" are suddently within reach of the long arm of the law

Bush and Schwab
George W. Bush and Charles Schwab

(SALEM, Ore.) - In the past, we have reported serious criminal allegations against the investment banker Charles Schwab in San Francisco. The stories were circulated on many levels beyond, and were written and published before the current national financial picture was so bleak.

An Oregon man has approached the FBI and the Department of Justics and many other agencies and politicians in an attempt to seek justice against Schwab for Internet hacking and attempting to frame him for planting bombs on his property, has been the focus of our previous reports.

Through a relationship that began on the Internet, Wayne Pierce of Eugene, Oregon, became involved with a woman named Kim Haines who had recently been in a serious relationship with Schwab, he explains.

Before it was over, he says Schwab thwarted his relationship with Haines by intercepting his private emails and sharing them with her.

After the relationship with Haines ended, Pierce sent emails to friends in California saying he was coming to Monterey to visit. At the last minute, Pierce cancelled his travel plans and stayed in Oregon. He telephoned his friends in California to say he wouldn't make it, rather than emailing them.

On what would have been Pierce's first full day in California according to the travel plans he had emailed friends, Charles Schwab called the FBI to report that a bomb had been planted at a Schwab office in Monterey and also at his home in Pebble Beach.

Wayne Pierce of Eugene, Oregon, according to the F.B.I., had been identified by Schwab as the man who he believed put the bombs on the property. The bombs turned out to be apparent duds, or "fake" devices.

"That was funny," Pierce said of the F.B.I.'s sudden interest in talking to him. "Had I taken that trip to California and just been anywhere near Carmel, I'd probably be rotting behind bars."

Pierce reasoned that the feds would take him seriously now about the email theft, but to this day the crimes against him have failed to draw any real response.

But a new day has dawned in America and maybe things will really change under Barack Obama, even to the extent that the "untouchable" are suddently within reach of the long arm of the law.

Pierce said, "What is important is whether or not the new AG Designate, Eric Holder, Jr. will be allowed to operate independently of White House control and return the DOJ to that of enforcing US laws. And will Holder follow through and investigate my allegations against Bush and Schwab. Keep in mind that Bush is the greater criminal here."

He says there is no doubt in his mind that Schwab was simply placed on a list of people that the Department of Justice was not allowed to investigate or prosecute.

"Instead of investigating and going after Charles Schwab, Bush chose to protect him," Pierce said.

Schwab's stocks are in a serious state, as they continue to plunge with Inauguration Day being a bad one indeed for Schwab investments, indicated by the chart below:

Pierce says he wants to see the law work the way it is supposed to work; for all people.

"I have learned that I have no refuge or protection from any level of government. I have been on my own for 6.5 years. Instead of protection from criminals, the US government has joined them. For 6.5 years I have been under surveillance. They have an ongoing campaign of hacking into my computers--sometimes very successful. The Bush administration has conspired with Schwab to try to frame me for attempting to murder Schwab. How many people know how it feels to become, not only abandoned by their government, but become the enemy of a billionaire like Schwab and leaders like Bush and Cheney? These are formidable enemies and with enough years of this treatment one can become pre-PTSD."

I have no doubt after knowing Pierce for nearly two years that the man is sincere and he has the documentation to back up his allegations. It seems like time could end up presenting an advantage for this Oregonian.

Here is Pierce's letter to Eric Holder:

U.S. Attorney General Designate, Eric Holder, Jr.
U.S. Department of Justice
950 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20530-0001

Subject: The George W Bush – Charles R Schwab Conspiracy to defraud the US government

Dear Mr. Holder:

Congratulations on joining President Barack Obama’s administration and becoming our new Attorney General. Your role in salvaging the plundered US Department of Justice will be a daunting task as well as an historical event. People all over the world eagerly await the return of America to its core values set forth by our founding fathers in our Constitution and Bill of Rights. They also await the restoration of moral character within the White House and US government. And many people like me await the return of equal protection under our laws.

Since August of 2002, I have sought assistance from the US government in bringing Charles R Schwab to justice for a number of crimes he committed against Kim Haines and myself. I have also reported what I suspected was improper financial dealings. Please refer to my website where I discuss my allegations in detail. Though Schwab’s illegal activities were worthy of investigation and prosecution, President Bush and Vice President Cheney created legal difficulties for themselves by refusing to investigate my allegations, but instead conspiring to protect Schwab from our system of justice. Because they apparently felt I was still a threat and wanted me silenced, Bush, Cheney, and Schwab compounded their problems when, in August of 2003, they conspired to frame me for attempting to murder Schwab. Had I not consulted with my attorney and followed her advice, I have little doubt they would have locked me up and I would still be trying to prove my innocence—just like so many other Bush prisoners. Please refer to my website’s Conspiracy page for details regarding these matters.

Corporate executives have joined in the Bush–Cheney conspiracy to spy on innocent citizens. Two of these that have affected me are the CEO’s of AOL and, which Bush utilizes to hack into my computers. Though I filed complaints with these corporations and wrote to Bush regarding their illegal activities, they continue unabated. Bush and Cheney have repeatedly demonstrated their total disregard for our Constitution and Bill of Rights.

Because I executed my rights and filed charges against one of Bush’s billionaire supporters back in August of 2002, he has subjected me to ongoing electronic surveillance. My internet service and web hosting companies have provided ample evidence of their illegal activities. This all began long before Bush’s Homeland Security and Patriot Acts became law.

I wish you well with the challenges that lie ahead and look forward to hearing from you regarding these matters.


Wayne Pierce

US President Barack Obama
US Vice President Joe Biden
US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton
US Representative John Boehner
US Senator Robert Byrd
US House Judiciary Committee Chairman John Conyers, Jr.
US Representative Peter DeFazio
US Senator Bill Frist
US Representative Steny Hoyer
US Senator, Edward Kennedy
US Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Patrick Leahy
US House Speaker Nancy Pelosi
US Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid
Salem News Journalists, Tim & Bonnie King

To learn more about the history of this case, visit this Website:
To learn more about this story, visit Wayne Pierce's site:

May 27th 2008: Lies, Liars, and Those Who Suffer the Consequences of Impeachable Offenses - Bonnie King

October 4th 2007: Is George Bush Protecting Charles Schwab? (VIDEO)- Tim King

September 20th 2007: Has President Bush Protected Charles Schwab From the U.S. Justice System? (VIDEO) - Tim King

August 17th, 2007: Slippery Slopes for Financial Mogul Charles Schwab - Tim King

Tim King is a former U.S. Marine with twenty years of experience on the west coast as a television news producer, photojournalist, reporter and assignment editor. In addition to his role as a war correspondent, this Los Angeles native serves as's Executive News Editor.
Tim spent the winter of 2006/07 in Afghanistan with Oregon troops. Tim recently returned from Iraq where he covered the war there while embedded with an Oregon Guard aviation unit. Serving the community in very real terms, is the nation's only truly independent high traffic news Website, affiliated with Google News and several other major search engines and news aggregators.
You can send Tim an email at this address:

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Retro August 11, 2010 1:54 pm (Pacific time)

Against my better judgement, I'm still researching this...
Looks like the bomb threat was against the Carmel branch, not Monterey, in 2003. So now I have more to go on... still digging.
One immediate thing that definitely damages Wayne's claims however: Chuck was never divorced from his wife. I find it VERY doubtful that "Kim" was ever engaged to him.

Editor: I would appreciate the chance to communicate with you via email if you are up to it.  I have no motives beyond disseminating what Mr. Pierce communicated to me.  I know he is a determined individual and all of that, but I also know he is a retired IBM guy who has a good amount of documentation  I talked to your employer's office about this in the beginning and they simply directed me to Kim and asked me to clarify the story with her.  My name is Tim King and my email is, thanks for the contact.  I only seek the truth, you sound like minded, I hope you have time to write.


Retro August 11, 2010 11:45 am (Pacific time)

Okay - never mind. I just went to this guy's website, and that is a TEXTBOOK case of paranoid-delusional schizophrenia. There is absolutely NOTHING I could do or say to convince him that his beliefs are incorrect - I could present conclusive proof and he would just claim I'm a government agent that planted listening devices in his breakfast cereal. I have to assume that you are feeding this poor guy's delusions for your own reasons, or that you are also delusional. btw, I stumbled on your site while searching for publicly posted hacking attempts against my employer. I had never heard of Wayne, his website, or his claims before then. I'd think I would have heard about this, as long as I've been working in computer security for Schwab. Amazingly sad.

Retro August 11, 2010 11:33 am (Pacific time)

Wow. That's a lot to swallow. Full disclosure: I work in Schwab Computer Security, and have for many years. I'll restrict more disparaging comments until I do more research, but initial research of bomb threats made to the Monterey Charles Schwab branch only brings up Wayne's site. That's it. Nothing more. I was NOT a fan of Bush, and in fact voted for Obama, but this is just craziness. Saying something is true because you trust who told it to you is fine until you start publishing those thoughts as "news". I'm not going to immediately try to discredit this story - but I'd like more proof... because you've given me nothing but your word - as if that's enough. I can, however, discredit MANY different elements of your story just based on fact and personal experience, so I'd love to engage you (and Wayne as well) in this, as I'd like to see truth told here. I won't by any means claim that the Charles Schwab Co is squeaky clean - but you're reeeeeally barking up the wrong tree here.

Henry Ruark February 1, 2009 7:07 am (Pacific time)

Sniffer: You mean I ain't really just a suspicious old reporter, finding same signs of s... being sold widely as for years past ? "Fun" aside, thanks for your insights and sympathy for my gut-reaction, hard to suppress here with open-keyboard. BUT perhaps both shots from the same direction will alert others to seek sense and some solid proof from such as these shills. Yrs re who-runs-what in D.C. well-stated, too. What we know re all from Reagan-on should tell us more about the success of that same billionaire group at work vs FDR, New Deal and all else progressive ever since, with mainstream media as major weapon.

Sniffer January 31, 2009 11:00 am (Pacific time)

Henry, You can see just in the dialogue here what a distraction this can be. Two of the most powerful people in the US are accused of high crimes, that if conficted could put them behind bars for 20 or more years. However, we are quibbling over nonsense. Snoozer is just a smoke blower, probably from the NSA. Forget people like Snoozer who would do more for his country working at Burger King. The big question in my mind is how the US Congress was caused to turn its back on the crimes being committed by Bush and Schwab. And, if it happens, how can the election of a new president change this and cause them to be brought to justice? This says to me that the president of the US has control of the judicial system. Bush told three attorney's general, Congress, and the media to protect Schwab--and they did. This is more like a dictatorship than a democracy. Being Bush was nothing but a puppet with a low IQ, It causes one to wonder what sinister group was really in charge of our government. Sniffer

Henry Ruark January 27, 2009 8:21 pm (Pacific time)

Sniffer: Do I hear you stating we have a shill at work vs S-N channel and our honest dialog ? Dunno re your nose, but mine already caught that scent, and it continues to offend in most stuff still allowed,obviously not drawing suckers enough on his own site. Sounds very much like that other offender on same counts, Oh Boy, don't you agree ?

Sniffer January 27, 2009 5:47 pm (Pacific time)

I have lots of experience and Snoozer sounds very much like an FBI or NSA agent whose job is to blow smoke and continue the cover-up of Bush's illegal activities. Or he's one of Chucks goons. Pierce has laid the case out quite clearly and convincingly, so why argue with these smoke blowers. The ultimate test is this: If Schwab and Bush did not do these things for the past six years, why haven't they responded to Pierce? Why haven't they sued Pierce for defamation of character and take his website down?

Henry Ruark January 26, 2009 11:27 am (Pacific time)

Snoozer: For any rational, reasonable and reliable public comment, by choice and intention, as yours re Schwab story surely presumes to do,first essential is to read entire story. You obviously did NOT, as Tim so civilly points out. But then you multiply the magnitude of demonstrated arrogance by assuming the high improbability of precisely the actions taken by the President. IF he will pervert national intelligence, how is it probable that he will NOT also reach this far-down for this action-as-reported ? IF he will plan preemptive attack on Iraq several years prior to initiation for perverse cabal purposes, why would he NOT also stoop far less-lower for this one, too ? You prove your own judgment to be fallacious and futile on this one --which surely doth cast doubt re its value for anything else somewhat less obvious. Better return to snooze and thus protect self from public exposure via further such anomalistic acts.

MTX January 25, 2009 8:44 pm (Pacific time)

Oh yeah, the stock thing? Well if you look at the financial industry as a whole, you will find that SCHW is doing quite well, not tanking as you propose.

Snoozer January 25, 2009 1:26 pm (Pacific time)

I've read Wayne's site in it's entirety and everything else I can find on the topic, and at this moment, there is absolutely NO evidence presented that Bush, Schwab, et al, had anything to do with "hacking" his computer or stealing his email.

To think that the president, in the middle of the post-911 events and Afghanistan and Iraq, would personally get involved in a conspiracy over a girlfriend, up to and including ordering the NSA and foreign hackers to "steal his email"? That's just silly. And, apparently, you're so blinded with Bush Derangement Syndrome, that you'll believe anything, no matter how acutely absurd it is. I have no opinion on the merits of his complaints vs the woman and Schwab. He provides so little information it's impossible to have any reasonable conclusion.

Tim King: We have reported on this extensively and chose not to rehash the entire story again. Wayne set out "emails" to friends, saying he was going to California on a particular date, then didn't go at the last minute; he also didn't notify anyone he wasn't coming via email. Schwab called the FBI the day Wayne would have arrived, said there were "bombs" at his office and home (they turned out to be 'duds') and said Wayne was responsible. If Schwab wasn't illegally intercepting Wayne's email, he wouldn't have known about the proposed trip to California - especially not hte date. If Wayne had been in the area at the time, he would probably be rotting behind bars to this day. What is hard to understand? You may simply be from the Schwab company and we've had those guys comments before, trying to discredit the story. It doesn't take an accelerated degree in reasoning to comprehend this; it is painfully and utterly simple.

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