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Jan-17-2011 20:01 ![]() ![]() China Moves Troops Into North KoreaTerrence Aym Salem-News.comA South Korean official downplayed the report saying that it only permits China to come to North Korea's aid in the event of greater instability.
(CHICAGO) - South Korea's daily newspaper is reporting that what Western analysts have feared has happened: Chinese troops have been deployed into North Korea. The Chinese now have a presence in the rogue state for the first time in more than 15 years. China has had no military presence in the rogue country since 1994 after it quit the Military Armistice Commission that supervises the Armistice that suspended the Korean war. Since that time, Pyonyang has stridently announced that it will no longer abide by the agreement. During 2010 the North Korean government officially declared that it is once again in a state of war with South Korea and the U.S. The South Korean government confirmed reports on January 18, 2011 that China has stationed military forces in the special economic zone of Rajin-Sonbong. It's a move on China's part that has seen U.S. and South Korean military experts rushing back to reprogram their war games scenario computers. A week earlier, the South Korean daily newspaper, Chosun Ilbo, carried quotes from a government official wishing to remain anonymous. The official who works for the South Korean president stated that Party leaders in Beijing and Pyongyang's leaders recently held "substantive" talks about the need to station Chinese troops in the troubled region. "North Korea and China have discussed the issue of stationing a small number of Chinese troops to protect China-invested port facilities," said the official. "The presence of Chinese troops is apparently to guard facilities and protect Chinese nationals." The unnamed official further revealed that the Chinese planned to deploy their troops in the city of Rason, within Rajin-Sonbong, a special economic zone located in North Korea's northeastern quadrant. The reasoning behind the Chinese troop deployment is presumably to afford protection for Chinese ports that might be at risk if a war breaks out on the Peninsula, but South Korean analysts consulted by the paper point out that the targeted location positions the troops in a militarily strategic location. The city gives the Chinese direct access to the Sea of Japan. One senior South Korean official downplayed the report saying that it only permits China to come to North Korea's aid in the event of greater North Korean instability. "Pyongyang and Beijing have reportedly discussed the matter of stationing a small number of Chinese troops in the Rajin-Sonbong region to guard port facilities China has invested in," a Cheong Wa Dae official said. "If it's true, they're apparently there to protect either facilities or Chinese residents rather than for political or military reasons." The government of North Korea has grown increasingly dependent upon their giant communist neighbor. As the North's economy continues to deteriorate their saber-rattling has become increasingly bellicose. During December of 2010 they warned that they were ready to annihilate any aggressor and would be more than willing to defend themselves with their nuclear stockpile. Military nuclear experts estimate the North now has between six to twelve nuclear weapons. None have been successfully modified to arm missiles yet. The South Korean paper also reported that Seoul's International Security Ambassador Nam Joo-Hong believed that China had the capability to rush large numbers of troops into the North if extreme stability became evident. "The worst scenario China wants to avoid is a possibly chaotic situation in its northeastern provinces which might be created by massive inflows of North Korean refugees," Chosun Ilbo quoted Nam as saying. Catch the rest of this article on Source article: - Chinese Troops Stationed in N.Korean Special Zone _________________________________
Aym has several book projects in the works. Media sites that have recently featured Aym, and/or discussed his articles, include ABC News, TIME Magazine, Business Insider,, Discover, Dvice, Benzinga and more recently, his work has been showing up in South Africa and Russia.
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Daniel January 26, 2011 10:42 pm (Pacific time)
Bill let me add if you understood the writings of Carl Marx you would know that the current economy of China is the total opposite of his teachings ! The USA is closer in practice because of all the child and safety laws developed over the years . Marx was against the exploitation of the worker , and for social equity . In China what has developed is a large middle class and much larger exploited underclass supporting a very small rich class . The middle is doing better than earlier times so they stay content and well know the quick punishment if they get out of line , the poor want to get by and have little influence as a group , the rich like things as they are ! Hong Kong is the jewel , with religious freedom and a free press . English law and signs are still the rule , altho mainland has the last say . Bill you make it sound like one big monolith where there is no diversity . China has recently spent billions on infrastructure and education and will surpass the USA if we do not do the same . We have to deal with China , and the more moderate Chinese to press for more freedoms and less exploitation of its people . The fact is our economies are too intertwined not to deal with each other . This has been years in the making by both political parties and very powerful finical interests .
Daniel January 26, 2011 6:15 pm (Pacific time)
No Bill its more like saying Haiti is not so Democratic , even tho its a democratic country . I am sorry you can not grasp this concept . I forgot to mention I have been to Hong Kong before it was part of Communist China , also Tibet , I also do not conceder Tibet part of China , but a country under Illegal occupation . The Chinese of course insist its part of China . I do respect the fact that you do not change your name every post as too many here do . I am very familiar with Tibetan refugees and ethnic Chinese who have been persecuted by their Government . As I have stated its a repressive toleration state run by a few powerful families . China is the worst of both worlds Capitalism and Communism ! The limited benefits of the state have been removed and replaced with exploitive capitalism , so its not so Communist . When you lose your job often you also lose your dorm room and are put on the street to sleep on cardboard . Bill spend some time in Hong Kong , its like an overcrowded western city with much more freedom than the mainland , but still under Chinese control , with very stiff penalties for drugs . And thank you Bill for all the laughs you have given me , BTW do you think tailgating at a Ducks game is the same as the Superbowl ? I really love how you clueless you are about me with all your suppositions . As I have mentioned I have been invited to visit by those who live and work their , I have no desire to do so . Besides I am sure I am on their S. list for all my activism on behalf of Tibet .
Bill Griffith January 26, 2011 12:17 pm (Pacific time)
Daniel I am in full agreement with you that many of your comments are brief, as well as your clarity, but that's the former teacher in me. Your comment "not so Communist " is quite laughable Daniel, and thank you for that. You certainly have a unique sense of humor. I guess that above referenced comment is like saying "not so pregnant." I've had a number of friends that have been traveling to China for many years now, and because of their business needs, they are not like those on tourist visas who are restricted in their movements, they actually have been able to see and talk to the citizens about how life really is for them. No doubt there are people who have superficial insights, maybe that's where you have developed your brief knowledge? As per these business people, the vast majority of the Chinese, over one billion souls Daniel, are under a marxist yoke. The people the world sees in various settings, like those that were frequently observed during the Olympics, are created by a highly-controlled government media, and they restrict access to foreign media. Lot's of articles by journalists who have complained about their stunted ability to get better investigative access. Anyway, maybe you have other first hand info that counters those who have been there?
Daniel January 25, 2011 8:15 pm (Pacific time)
Bill If you read my statement I said " not so Communist ", I did not say it was not Communist , I believe I clarified this in my post . If you take the time to actually read my post you would not have to waste both our time with a response to something I never said ! I have been invited a number of times to go to China , but do not have the interest . I am close to those who have lived there . It is a vast empire with incredible problems and potential . Bill your response makes me wonder if you only briefly read the first few words and not the whole post . Thats one of the reasons I keep them brief .
Bill Griffith January 25, 2011 7:01 pm (Pacific time)
Daniel I always enjoy reading your opinions for they almost always provide me with an opportunity to engage in some informative updating. Of course there are many opinions regarding whether or not China is communist, especially from the university elite and pundits, but see the below link which is a more informed and objective source. Then of course there are thousands of Chinese who have left China in recent times who have provided their actual empirical insights via a plethora of interviews and writings, and they certainly agree with the below source. Have you spent anytime there Daniel? Maybe you have some personal insights that the expatriates do not? "According to CIA World Factbook, China's government is still a Communist State. According to CIA World Factbook, China's government is still considered a Communist State. However the below (source link) does note some economic changes since the 1970s . A country's economic policy is only one part of it's government, so just because economic policies are changing doesn't necessarily mean the system of government has changed."
Daniel January 25, 2011 4:06 pm (Pacific time)
Corrie Its true China is not true to the ideals of is communist ideology ! A lot of the programs and small village communal concepts are gone . They have been replaced by villagers moving to the large polluted cities to labor in capitalist created industries . Hardly the Communism of Mao . You will note this is why I state NOT SO communist , and compared to thirty years ago this is the case , I did not say it was not communist . Working with people who have business dealing with China I know it is run by a few powerful families , not by the communist committee . No Russia is NOT run by Communists , Corrie did you miss the fall of the Berlin wall !!! Russia has a president altho the Russia mob runs the country . You should call the book publishers and tell them Russia is communist again , now that would be big news !
Corrie January 25, 2011 1:04 pm (Pacific time)
Daniel saying China is not communist-controlled is most likely big news to the world media. North Korea and Russia also? Cuba? I wonder why they have not come to the same conclusion that you have? Thank you for updating me on this matter. I shall be contacting many different organizations including a bazillion publishers to have them get the world updated to your interpretation. Thanks again.
Daniel January 22, 2011 12:09 pm (Pacific time)
It true China is not so Communist , its more a repressive dictatorship run by a few powerful families . Its economy is based upon unregulated pollution and worker exploitation . It reflects England during the time of Oliver Twist , the early 1800s . The middle class in China yearns for freedom , economic and political , the poor yearn for a good meal and a place to sleep . The rich in China are becoming super rich with very big egos ! The history of the persecution and genocide of the Chinese people by its leadership is tragic . I was always for trade with China but with the proper conditions , for its labor and for advancement of a more open society . I do not want to see the collapse of the economy in China , it would have negative world wide effect . China has vast real estate holdings in the USA also large investments in the American stock market . Carlos the first paper tiger to deal with China was the first US ambassador to China , George Bush 1st . The bush family cut HUGE deals selling off american raw materials and helping to facilitate the import of the finished goods . When the Chinese leadership sent in the tanks to roll over those demanding democracy , James Baker was sent by then President Bush to tell them no problem keep the goods flowing . The trade deficits with China have increased under both Republican and Democratic leadership . The bottom line is the bottom line for world Industry . China assembles the goods that are engineered in the USA , Japan and Europe at the cheapest price . They are also the largest rip offs of software and world media productions . American companies are hoping for a share of the huge Chinese middle class market some like Ford got a piece of it . The last thing I want to see is a trade war or worse military action between our country and China . I believe China sent troops into North Korea to protect their own people and economic interest from a very unstable N.K. government . I also do not trust their current system but at this stage of our engagement I see no simple answers . China has seen a 10% growth rate for years , this figure is unsustainable . There will at some point be a bursting of this bubble , I just hope the impact is not a world wide depression .
Carlos January 21, 2011 11:27 am (Pacific time)
Say "BOSUNJ", maybe you should crack open a history book regarding your statement : "China is only nominally communist and is much better at capitalism than DUHmerica. DUHmerica is the aggressor in all ways in all places though not for much longer." This communist dictaitorship has been reported to have killed well over 100 million of their own people, but who really knows how high the number is. Talk to an American POW that was held by the Chinese/North Koreans for some insight on how they interpret International laws. They have nearly 5 times our population, and their economy is about 2/3's of ours. Their labor force is essentially just a cut above being slaves. Oh not the workers you see via their propaganda machine, for they only let the simpletons see what they want them to see. The Chinese are barbarians and are militarily a growing threat to the entire planet. This is one place Islam will never get much of a foothold in, so we'll see how things work out in the next 5 years. My guess is the Chinese economy will collapse if and when we in the west demand pricing parity. They are in one huge bubble, which can be popped very easily, so expect very agressive steps by them against Taiwan, while our paper tigers will be silent, then they will continue their agression if they see that the 2012 election will not change our leadership. Pray for intervention by an awakened electorate.
Zots an idiot January 20, 2011 5:10 pm (Pacific time)
I care about the south fool
Editor: What about the fool to the north?
AK January 19, 2011 10:51 pm (Pacific time)
Without the backing of the Chinese, Jong-il is nothing but a loudmouth lapdog. South Korea has far greater military power, highly trained troops and a better defensive position. The North Korean army would get slaughtered if they attempted an invasion. South Korea doesn't need help from the US. On the other hand, North Korea needs China.
bosunj January 19, 2011 8:03 am (Pacific time)
China is only nominally communist and is much better at capitalism than DUHmerica. DUHmerica is the aggressor in all ways in all places though not for much longer.
@ConspiracyDude January 18, 2011 8:00 pm (Pacific time)
China denies plans to send troops to North Korea
Zit January 18, 2011 5:43 pm (Pacific time)
These comments are pure distilled stupid.
Editor: Well you know what they say about opinions right...?
Future Historian January 18, 2011 3:09 pm (Pacific time)
China is just protecting their interests against NK during the implosion
theproco January 18, 2011 6:38 am (Pacific time)
if south and us attack the north will china intervene even if there troops are attacked or will usa not attack now china troops are there
EXPANDING ENDGLANDS January 18, 2011 5:51 am (Pacific time)
Zot January 17, 2011 11:46 pm (Pacific time)
Since America has destroyed her own fathers (divorced dads and left them in ruins), N korea can have it's way with the south. No one in America cares one wit.
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