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Jan-11-2007 10:10printcomments

Oregon Constitution Party Calls For End to U.S. Occupation in Iraq

President Bush Wednesday night ordered an additional 21,500 soldiers to Iraq.

George Bush
Photo: National Park Service.

(GRANTS PASS) - The Constitution Party of Oregon is calling for an end to U.S. occupation in Iraq.

Jack Alan Brown, Jr., Constitution Party of Oregon Chairman, said, “We live in a republic, not a dictatorship. After listening to the President last night declare his unilateral power to make war, one could wonder if he knows the difference.”

The U.S. Constitution is clear, the Congress is vested with the exclusive power to fund and regulate our military, as well as the power to declare war. Conversely, the President has none of those powers.

The continued failure of our Congress to reign in this rogue administration is a direct violation of the oath they swore to defend the Constitution from all enemies foreign and domestic. Clearly, the enemies of our Constitution do not reside in Iraq!

David Brownlow, CPO Vice Chairman, said, “We are in the middle of a full blown constitutional crisis. President Bush has violated, in so many ways, the oath he swore to defend the Constitution. Whatever it is that is going on inside of his head, it is clear that we are not going to reach him with logic. It is time for our Congress to step in and take control of the catastrophe that is unfolding before us in Iraq.”

Brownlow continued, “Fortunately, the Constitution, while tattered and frayed, is still the supreme law of the land. It is time to hold our elected representatives accountable to the oath they swore to defend it.”

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Go Lee Go January 18, 2007 10:43 pm (Pacific time)

You said it perfectly Lee Larson. I think it is already too late. The masses are asses and will open their eyes right before they die of neglect from their own homeland.

Lee Larson January 17, 2007 12:26 pm (Pacific time)

Wake up and smell the reality. It's one thing to live in an authoritarian regime, and quite another to live in a nation owned and operated by big corporations. We can do nothing about this as individuals but let the entire operation collapse under its own weight. Once the big corporations and high finance have everything, there's nothing left to take from us, and the game is over. And time is running out.

human being; January 13, 2007 7:57 pm (Pacific time)

i've been shot and hit twice,missed many times. It's a worthy fear., and I won't agree to return fire till fired upon.,until that horrible scenario, I still have a voice.In the past and present many voices together have changed the course of the future.,my dream, though possibly naive., is that one day we "will learn war no more".

Double Human Being January 13, 2007 6:53 pm (Pacific time)

HOW DID WE ALLOW THIS TO HAPPEN? I will tell you and am glad you brought it up. Many Americans want to scrap the whole evil system that we live under..They are scared of the police and the military that buys all of the bull from this and preceding administrations. The bottom line is that Americans are afraid of being shot by police or military if they do what is needed. We need to have the same kind of physically agressive demonstrations that we had during Vietnam. People are just plain afraid of being shot by police and military ironically even though we pay their salaries and are their bread and butter. Where are the demonstrations and violent ones if needed? People are scared that they are going to wind up like the Kent State Kids that were killed. The power structure will send in the national guard to suppress the people into being submissive. Be good little boys and girls and we will not shoot or jail you. What in the hell has happened to this country? We are a nation of cowards being ruled by a small group of people with their minions with guns. So, LET US ALL BEAR ARMS SO THAT WE CAN BE FREE AGAIN! PEOPLE ARE EVEN SCARED TO TALK ABOUT WHAT NEEDS TO BE DONE. GIVE AMERICA BACK TO THE REAL AMERICANS not to a group of super rich slave owners with plantations like WalMart and all the other Prisons. We have too many people in government that live very, very well compared to most AMERICANS. We need more organized mass demonstrations and whatever it takes. The police and national guard should just put their guns down while the people reorganize things. If they do not then they will have to face an armed population.

Reminder on Iraq; January 13, 2007 6:51 pm (Pacific time)

Henry., today's washington post on-line op-editorial by Colbert King.,developed from a speach by Martin L. King forty years ago., with no arrogance intended, how could I say more?

human being; January 13, 2007 5:38 pm (Pacific time)

the president has chastised those who challenge his escalation plan as unpatriotic for "endangering the lives of our brave troops in harms way".,as if it wasn't his idea to put them there in the first place! The man went to a prestegious university to escape the war in Vietnam, choosing to serve his country by signing up to defend Texas flying a barstool in formation. HOW DID WE ALLOW THIS TO HAPPEN?.,more importantly is to not let it continue and stop being silent,we have a chance to make a differance.

JAFO January 13, 2007 4:53 pm (Pacific time)

agreed Henry.,the revolution should and can be waged at the voting booth, my ire is against the misuse of "democracy"and the power hungry detached political reps who are sycophants to that system. We have an amazing system and if "democracy" were to prevail it has to be from example, not by bombing into submission. I respect the founders principals in word and want this present government to do likewise.

Henry Ruark January 13, 2007 10:35 am (Pacific time)

JAFO et al: Yr theme reflects longtime So.State ideology illuminated as King-assassination approaches. Pls elucidate for me and others if misunderstanding you and for clear next-steps. If you seek 2nd Revolution, peacefully by Founder provisions, you will find many ready --but not for bloody assault while vote remains available.

JAFO January 13, 2007 7:10 am (Pacific time)

believe it or not., the president this very day signed into law a bill making it ..,"illegal" to frauduantly obtain peoples private phone records! Is that anything like "unacceptable"? What planet does this guy live on? is that anything like "unnac

Albert Marnell January 13, 2007 6:19 am (Pacific time)

The only way to be a diligent citizen is to read things or see interviews on the internet by Robert Gaylon Ross, Sr. or Alex Jones (others too...anything that MSM will not show because the sponsors do not want to lose market share for there unneeded products). DISCONNECT YOUR CABLEVISION AND USE YOUR TV as a planter or just for your favorite DVDs or Videos. Newspapers have been used as toilet paper in bad times across the world, that is the only use they deserve. Forget the radio too. Internet, Library, Internet! Then you pay for real information such as books and informational papers. Just lying back an clicking the remote for anything but fluff is a fools game. Besides, even with fluff, who wants to watch 20 plus minutes per hour of commercials?

No one, January 12, 2007 3:01 pm (Pacific time)

Founders also attempted to leave us prepared for the day when the soap box, jury box, and ballot box failed to redress grievances, a little something called an ammo box. Have you been a diligent citizen?

Henry Ruark January 12, 2007 11:18 am (Pacific time)

Federalist Papers. Founders biographies show they saw most of this coming...and warned us well, leaving Constitutional method for moving meaningfully when massive malignities so demand of us as Americans.

Jamie January 12, 2007 1:05 am (Pacific time)

Good comments as usual, Dave. Watch "Iraq For Sale" on Google Video.

Albert Marnell January 12, 2007 12:32 am (Pacific time)

The decendants of the Rothchilds still control the Central Banks of England, France and Germany (others too). They reached during President Wilson's term to have The Federal Reserve created. They now help control that. Whatever you were taught in school or from MSM, throw it out and start does not matter how old you are to find out how things really work. The Central Banks led by these kind of people create wars and stop them. They profit either way. President JFK was killed because he almost succeeded in introducing new Silver Certificates that almost put the Federal Reserve Bank of New York out of business (there are 12 member banks throughout the country). He was starting to issue currency backed by something and part of the government. The Federal Reserve System (euphemism for Private Banking Consortium) is a global private criminal enterprise that will eventually take what it can from you by continuously debaseing the dollar until we are all so poor that essentially we have next to nothing for ourselves. Executive order 11110 was never repealed and is still valid. No President since Kennedy has decided to use it. It would have completed the abolition of The Federal Reserve System. He knew about the private ownership of central banks and the control and corruption that they wield over the populace.

Albert Marnell January 11, 2007 11:46 pm (Pacific time)

Ms. Rice is just another prostitute for the Bilderberg, Council on Foreign Relations, Trilateral Commission etc. She could have used her education for good rather than evil. She has a cousin in Los Angeles, Constance Rice, who is an attorney that takes on many civil rights cases. I wish she were like her cousin.

anon. January 11, 2007 10:02 pm (Pacific time)

Condoleezza Rice holds a doctrate in political science, and is an obviously articulate being., according to Wickapedia.,and her management skills respected and endorsed by acedemia and the petroleum industry she works for while filling her sec. defense role on the side. I didn't graduate from high school and I am sure I missed something signifigant, so check out Wickapedia and see what it was.

S. LaMarche January 11, 2007 8:28 pm (Pacific time)

Mr. Bush, I find you and your dishonesty, planned deception, and hired spin teams unacceptable! If the troops you plan to send will now have a "clear purpose", then what the hell was it before? The world has watched more than two hundred thousand Iraquis and three thousand of our own die and the government of Iraq refuses so far to disarm their own constituancy! Who, without regard, continue to kill ours and their own, and what are your kids doing tonite Mr. Bush? I'd wager not digging a fighting hole in one of this administration's wars.

Osotan January 11, 2007 5:44 pm (Pacific time)


Albert Marnell January 11, 2007 3:05 pm (Pacific time)

What a nice picture of an ugly, stupid and corrupt sociopath.

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