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Feb-27-2008 22:47printcomments

Op Ed: U.S. Attorney Firings Prove Bush's Political Retaliations

This Polk Award --honoring a unique and very strong journalistic effort-- will once again strongly illuminate, for many more millions, what has been going on for many years.
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(BEND, Ore.) - A Web blogger who followed George W. Bush’s distinctly revenge-oriented retaliation-firings of several U.S. District Attorneys across the nation --the leaders in essential functions of our Judicial System-- has just won a famed Polk Award for news coverage. The work by Joshua Marshal led to the recent resignation of U.S. Attorney General Alberto Gomez.

Through their ethical and professional responsibilities, these District Attorneys General represent the heart-and-soul of the Constitutional provisions protecting the human rights of every American citizen, set forth in the Bill of Rights.

The award, for a publication series in TalkingPoints Memo on the Internet, is the first such prestigious professional prize for a Website news-blogger.

That in itself is a significant turning point from the mainstream media's pattern of shaping communications for every citizen on issues, problems and pending actions directly affecting our lives.

But it also represents a new high point in Internet news-coverage since that action by Bush II is --by any evaluation whatsoever-- surely the kind and level of offense demanding the impeachment of any President allowing it to happen in his time in office.

Further, it represents a striking retaliation, in and of its own right as a pattern for our American news-coverage, against the ongoing strengths and malign consequences of the right-wing noise machine, which has dominated the entire media-communications spectrum of channels for more than thirty years.

Print-side mainstream units and both radio and tv-news units, too, have been heavily influenced, if not fully overwhelmed, by a manipulative and dollar-shaped politically-driven group.

This group is under direct control of corporate business interests, with overriding impacts clearly evident from advertising revenues, also controlled by still further corporate and business interests.

That news-coverage success-by-Internet demonstrates once again that Yes -- there was AND IS STILL a right-wing noise machine.

It has long been and remains, so well funded it can operate to cause events leading to the removal of professionally ethical lead U.S. Attorneys, long universally recognized as the very foundations of our national Justice Department.

As reported and fully documented, this still highly active noise machine contributed in depth and detail to the distressing, demeaning, and highly damaging distorted 'news' and perverted propaganda and rumors widely circulated, to justify and manipulate the key situations involved. This was later reported in detail by Marshall via the TalkingPoint Memo website.

Those removed or forced to resign, failed to satisfy demands for support for clearly politically-motivated actions by the Bush cabal.

They were ordered to manipulate key events. Those who failed to respond as ordered, in direct defiance of their professional obligations and/or ethical considerations, were summarily punished by various forms of retaliation, including removal from their significant posts.

This Polk Award --honoring a unique and very strong journalistic effort-- will once again strongly illuminate, for many more millions, what has been going on for many years.

The 'no holds barred, use any weapon, any way you can' assault on our democracy --set up by Far Right billionaire sponsors-- began as part of the Reagan era and is now well-documented by many exploring books and other publications firmly ensconced in the public record.

For full and excruciating detail of what, when, why, and how this was accomplished, very quietly, for decades of deep damage and very desperate consequences to our government systems and our whole democracy, see my two Op Eds published here last August 20th and August 30th. They are easily accessed using the Written by...-line in my STAFF section.

An extremely revealing article in Harper’s Magazine (March 2008) covers the damaging and Constitutionally distorting initiation, accomplishment and dire consequences of what is now clearly still another strong charge for inclusion in the fast-growing list leading us ever closer to impeachment of Bush.

See also VOTE MACHINE: How Republicans Hacked the Justice Department, pp. 37-46; by Scott Horton, noted attorney and Harper’s contributing editor.

To allow these multiple offenses to go unpunished --even at the end of the Bush II destructive "worst administration in our history" -- sets a very dangerous precedent for any President following him.

The 'imperial Presidency' has long been maligned by nearly every qualified authority on democratic governance as defying and defeating the purpose of the original design chosen by the Founders.

They provided three components --Legislative, Executive and Judiciary-- each providing checks and balances for the other two, very clearly designed precisely to prevent what has been perpetrated on us all by the Bush cabal.

Now it is termed by neo-con cabal leaders to be the inherent right of the President stemming from his role as Commander in Chief of the national armed forces in wartime.

But the Constitution clearly assigns the role and responsibilities to declare war and to manage any conflict to our elected representatives, acting as our Congress --with the decisive control remaining via the huge funding demanded still firmly in Congressional hands --if they have the courage to use it.

Nowhere is there any Constitutional hint that even a wartime President is Commander in Chief of the entire nation, as these newly-snatched --and clearly dictatorial-- powers would make him.

The concept --carried over from origination by some of these same cabal members during the Reagan era -- is now sometimes termed the unitary Presidency' --but, however wrapped, it still irrevocably smacks of one-man/rule altogether too reflective of the fascist pattern we all long ago learned to deplore and defeat whenever it appears.

This latest incident involving political manipulation of the Justice system thus simply adds more demonstrated malign intent and action to the long list already at hand, leading to the necessity for impeachment now to reverse and return the power given them by the people to Congress --where it truly belongs.

The vote-power you still hold, ready as a strong weapon, is the very best answer to any-and-all attempts to create a new and overwhelming fascism in our nation --NOW.

That’s why impeachment --on extremely solid and extensive charges-- is the next weapon we should demand from our elected representatives --the Congress of the United States.

Never, ever, forget what it was the Founders fought-and-bled to leave to us: "...OF the People, BY the People, FOR the People."

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Godsofchaos March 7, 2008 8:41 am (Pacific time)

"This Polk Award --honoring a unique and very strong journalistic effort-- will once again strongly illuminate, for many more millions, what has been going on for many years."Henry Clay Ruark Because gaining California, New Mexico, Arizona,and Texas was simply awful. Lets give them back to Mexico.By the way is the New England states going to threaten leaving the Union again?

Henry Ruark March 2, 2008 3:51 pm (Pacific time)

Sawyer et al: Understood and agree; we appreciate your clarifying comment.

Anonymous March 2, 2008 1:18 pm (Pacific time)

Alphonso Jackson was a very bad appointmet.

Sawyer Johnson March 2, 2008 1:00 pm (Pacific time)

Henry the only reason I used those below senatorial quotes was to demonstrate a number of points. First the quotes were made during both Clinton and Bush's administrations by senators still in office. Second, these same senators would be making the decision whether or not to convict Bush if the house sends up the impeachment proceeding. I just think it would be difficult to convict him regarding the Iraq invasion, but his failure to secure our borders would be an easier prosecution route to take. Democrats, Republicans and Independents would certainly provide a majority support for this angle, in my opinion.

Henry Ruark March 2, 2008 7:19 am (Pacific time)

To all: This one just popped up on Internet. "See also" excerpt below, then check for full report and "see with own eyes".
You can thus "use own brain" to evaluate whether I chose well for your further information on this crucial issue. Here it is:
"Recently, I came across a pocket of sociological research that suggested a tantalizing answer to these questions -- and also that America may be far more ready for far more change than anyone really believes is possible at this moment. In fact, according to some sociologists, we've already lined up all the preconditions that have historically set the stage for full-fledged violent revolution."
"It turns out that the energy of this moment is not about Hillary or Ron or Barack. It's about who we are, and where we are, and what happens to people's minds when they're left hanging just a little too far past the moment when they're ready for transformative change."
Here's the link for source:

Henry Ruark March 2, 2008 6:53 am (Pacific time)

To all: "Retaliation" has become way of political life in Bush II. Witness this new report: Mar 1, 4:49 PM EST Suit Says HUD Chief Tied Funds to Favor PHILADELPHIA (AP) -- A seemingly ho-hum rules dispute between Philadelphia's public housing agency and the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development has led to accusations of favoritism and corruption against a member of President Bush's Cabinet. "According to the city housing authority director, HUD Secretary Alphonso Jackson has threatened the agency's funding since it refused to award a vacant lot worth $2 million to Kenny Gamble, a soul-music producer-turned-community developer. "Jackson, forgoing protocol, toured the site with Gamble in September 2006 without inviting local officials to join them, and later personally called Philadelphia's mayor at the time for help, according to an amended federal lawsuit filed against HUD last month by the Philadelphia Housing Authority. "This is extraordinary. He's the president's representative, and he's personally coming out, on his own, to take a firsthand look into a contract dispute?" housing authority Director Carl Greene said Thursday." Why am I NOT surprised ? What should we do about this extremely damaging continuing attack on our democracy ? Who should we order Congress to do-it-to --and when ??

Henry Ruark March 1, 2008 10:18 am (Pacific time)

Sue, Sawyer et al: Sue, precisely re yours: it is this cabal we must conquer and correct. Clinton had many faults, but he's long-gone, and we had two shots to set things right,both distorted if not perverted, and with Supremes involved. Sawyer, your quotes add much to the intensities we should feel, from ANY such actions as they cover by ANYone. But it is fact that the majority of Dems did oppose the Iraq "preemptive attack" with leadership on record, too. Always some few who will be perverse, in either failing party, due to human nature, if not political pay-offs, which continue to be also further perverted by huge corporate campaign contributions made possible by now-proven dollar payoff to court reporter, who then ended up working for railroad interests who paid.

Sue March 1, 2008 9:44 am (Pacific time)

Thanks Henry for that clarification. Like most others, I get busy with trying to make ends meet and keeping up with a household that I don't take the time to research. That is why the media manipulation is so easy. Regarding Bill Clinton, there are so many things that we can go over that he screwed up, it would takes months. However, I am more concerned with the guy in office now. Very dangerous, in my opinion. Sawyer, you want to talk the Iraq war and how everyone agreed Sadaam Hussein had to be controlled. Well, the weapons inspectors were in there, he was cooperating, but W kicked them out. He told everyone that Hussein wouldn't let them in. JUST ANOTHER LIE! Yes, he was a horrible dictator, but are the Iraqis better now? Are there more terrorist now? Did we catch the SOB that mastered the hit on the world trade center? This occupation is a FLOP and our soldiers are doing the best job, sacrificing life and limb for an idiot Commander in Chief. I'm afraid if we don't investigate and prosecute our country will never be the same. :(

Henry Ruark March 1, 2008 9:30 am (Pacific time)

Earlier I mentioned MSM worker necessity to conform or suffer, distorting news worse than by censorship. Here's prime example: The Weekly Update from Media Matters for America Meet Tim Russert "It's never the question that's the problem, Matt, it's the answer." -- NBC's Tim Russert "It's 'never the question that's the problem'? Really? Spoken like the guy who gets to ask the questions." -- CJR's Liz Cox Barrett "MSNBC recently began running commercials touting its coverage of "Decision 2008." One begins with on-screen text asking, "Why do people care about politics?" Viewers then hear Tim Russert explain: "It's about the war. Our sons and daughters. It's about the economy. Our jobs. It's about education. Our schools. It's about health care. Our families' well-being. It's about everything that matters." The ad ends with the on-screen declaration: "That's why you care. That's why we cover it." "The serious and high-minded approach to political coverage Russert brags about would be a welcome change from the political coverage for which Russert is responsible. "During this week's Democratic presidential debate, Russert didn't ask a single question about global warming, continuing his longstanding habit of all but ignoring the topic. He didn't ask a single question about the mortgage crisis. (As one Cleveland resident noted, "We've got the mortgage industry's toxic waste scattered all over this city, but Mr. Blue-Collar-Buffalo-and-Cleveland-Marshall-Guy Russert couldn't be bothered with a question about it.") He didn't ask a single question about executive power, the Constitution, torture, wiretapping, or other civil-liberties concerns. But that shouldn't come as a surprise; of all the questions he has asked while moderating presidential debates during this campaign, only one has dealt with any of those topics. "He has, however, asked Dennis Kucinich what he felt compelled to insist was a "serious question" -- whether Kucinich has seen a UFO. And he has asked about John Edwards' expensive haircut. "Funny, Russert doesn't mention UFOs or haircuts in that MSNBC promo." You all can sign up for the Media Matters Newsletter at their request-address: to evaluate "with own mind", and check on what I report.

Henry Ruark March 1, 2008 7:14 am (Pacific time)

Sawyer, Sue et al: Your Comments have added much to the arsenal we all need to get this essential action underway NOW. Our mutual voices across the nation can still force the process into the impacts our Founders foresaw as demanded in precisely this situation. Sawyer, your quotes add to my ongoing file in several instances, and file has many others, too. Point here is that this full dialog for citizen concern can and DOES WORK --if we will but use it --same process as the Founders employed in their Federalist Papers !! SO strong encouragement for others, with other views, more experiences, and any points to SHARE.

Sawyer Johnson February 29, 2008 9:41 pm (Pacific time)

Thanks Henry and Sue, this is becoming an interesting topic to toss around. First Henry I am in total agreement with you that I would like to see Bush II fully investigated, even after he leaves office, for there are some very serious concerns I have regarding a lot of things he has done and not done by the way. If he is found guilty then the full force of the law should come down on him so future Presidents know that they are liable even after they have left office. Are you familiar with the following quotes? They are time referenced and I do believe they are pertinent. "If Saddam rejects peace and we have to use force, our purpose is clear. We want to seriously diminish the threat posed by Iraq's weapons of mass destruction program." President Clinton, Feb. 17, 1998. "[W]e urge you, after consulting with Congress, and consistent with the U.S. Constitution and laws, to take necessary actions (including, if appropriate, air and missile strikes on suspect Iraqi sites) to respond effectively to the threat posed by Iraq's refusal to end its weapons of mass destruction programs." Letter to President Clinton, signed by Sens. Carl Levin, Tom Daschle, John Kerry, and others Oct. 9, 1998. "In the four years since the inspectors left, intelligence reports show that Saddam Hussein has worked to rebuild his chemical and biological weapons stock, his missile delivery capability, and his nuclear program. He has also given aid, comfort, and sanctuary to terrorists, including al Qaeda members. It is clear, however, that if left unchecked, Saddam Hussein will continue to increase his capacity to wage biological and chemical warfare, and will keep trying to develop nuclear weapons." Sen. Hillary Clinton (D, NY), Oct 10, 2002 "We are in possession of what I think to be compelling evidence that Saddam Hussein has, and has had for a number of years, a developing capacity for the production and storage of weapons of mass destruction. "[W]ithout question, we need to disarm Saddam Hussein. He is a brutal, murderous dictator, leading an oppressive regime ... He presents a particularly grievous threat because he is so consistently prone to miscalculation. And now he has continued deceit and his consistent grasp for weapons of mass destruction ... So the threat of Saddam Hussein with weapons of mass destruction is real ... Sen. John F. Kerry (D, MA), Jan. 23. 2003.

Henry Ruark February 29, 2008 3:21 pm (Pacific time)

To all: May or may-not be ironic, but just found these: "Media manipulation in the U.S. today is more efficient than it was in Nazi Germany, because here we have the pretense that we are getting all the information we want. That misconception prevents people from even looking for the truth." - Mark Crispin Miller "If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State." - Joseph Goebbels, German Minister of Propaganda, 1933-1945 From, the Information Clearing House Newsletter, a constant source for me...sign up to "see with own eyes" by simple message to that address...

Henry Ruark February 29, 2008 3:16 pm (Pacific time)

Sue et al: Yours prompted me to check Sawyer's source, reading: "Upon taking office, in an unexplained departure from the practice of recent Administrations, Miss Reno suddenly fired all 93 U.S. attorneys." Apparently her action was first time, for President to seize opportunity to "appoint 'his own'", as you wrote. SO it may have been this added-by-staff GOP rep. bill which set up this Bush II use of political blackmail, reprehensible beyond any mere naming-of-own... Thus we learn from each other, surely helping to guide our rational, reasonable real responsibility of citizens to understand what some of our "elected' (!?!) leaders really do -- FOR us, OR TO us !! Thank you both for more meaningful information than we had found previously on our own...

SUE February 29, 2008 2:38 pm (Pacific time)

I don't want to sound like I am defending Clinton, but I thought (and this is just my memory) that the firings he did were at the time of his taking office which, I think is standard practice for a president to appoint "his own". The odd thing about these firings was that a bill had just gone through the Congress that had a little side note regarding not needing to confirm replacements. I can't remember the Rep Congressman's name that was the author of the bill. He claimed not to know it was there, that it had been written in by one of his staff. And Henry, you are so right to judge each appointee by their own merit. I truly believe that, but it is very hard to under the circumstances. My trust is very minimal.

Henry Clay Ruark February 29, 2008 1:54 pm (Pacific time)

To all: I referred to fact there are now about as many contractors as U.S. soldiers in Iraq. "See with own eyes" at:,in materials from NATION,by Jeremy Scahill, who wrote "Blackwater: Rise of the Most Powerful Mercenary Army", NYTimes best-seller. This added in spirit of our ongoing dialog here...

Henry Clay Ruark February 29, 2008 1:29 pm (Pacific time)

Sawyer: Thank you for your rapid and reasonable response. Now we know the jobs are at political behest, be that "right" or not. (No pun !!) But the Bush II retaliation for refusing to commit ethical and professional-obligation offenses still stands well beyond the political action record you supply, although I agree that the Clinton action, too was far from what it should have been. I think we would also agree that Clinton was far from a perfect President --but at least he did leave us with a huge positive surplus now entirely dissipated via a "preemptive war" sold under now-admitted false pretenses, leaving us in consequences now surely impossible to continue either ethically, culturally OR financially --moretocome on that last point, soon. Again, your reasonable tone and response well appreciated since it continues our attempt to share rational dialog here.

Henry Clay Ruark February 29, 2008 12:41 pm (Pacific time)

Sawyer: Yes, friend Sawyer, there ARE shills harassing some other channels as well as Salem-News. SO forgive immediate challenge made necessary by their malign activities. Appreciate your check re Clinton action, which may well have occurred --my memory not so good as yours, perhaps, at 90 ! Meanwhile appreciate your concern re Iraq action, and do hope we can manage something much wiser and better than in Vietnam. We really value honest sharing here, and I hope you will continue as you can, and look forward to what you can find on Clinton action.

Sawyer Johnson February 29, 2008 12:36 pm (Pacific time)

Henry I just grabbed a quote from National Review, but the Washington Post and others also acknowledged the firings, just with different interpretations. I guess depending on one's perspective you could apply whatever reasoning, but the firings happened. I guess the bottom line is that they are political appointees and they serve at the pleasure of that authority. Forewith is the quote: "She (Janet Reno) was not in charge from the beginning. Upon taking office, in an unexplained departure from the practice of recent Administrations, Miss Reno suddenly fired all 93 U.S. attorneys. She said the decision had been made in conjunction with the White House. Translation: The President ordered it. Just as the best place to hide a body is on a battlefield, the best way to be rid of one potentially troublesome attorney is to fire all of them. The U.S. attorney in Little Rock was replaced by a Clinton protege. The long-running Waco emergency that culminated in the deaths of eighty Branch Davidian men, women, and children again proved that Janet Reno was not in charge in the Justice Department. Webster Hubbell, Hillary's former law partner in Little Rock and Bill's man at Justice, coordinated tactics with the White House. The President did not even talk to his attorney general throughout the crisis."

Henry Clay Ruark February 29, 2008 12:30 pm (Pacific time)

Sawyer: Please include in that upcoming Op Ed your stance on using private contractors to protect "largest embassy in world history", due to operate in Bagdad. No choice now since there are at least as many private contractors already operating, NOT held accountable by any U.S. law, and NOT to the same standard as U.S. troops, as there are U.S. soldiers in the country now. Your Op Ed can explain exactly how we should get out of this malodorous mess, and when, and with what setup for the Iraqians as we "declare victory and go home" --NOT as liberators, but as invaders via "preemptive war" chosen by Bush II et al to finish off what Bush I chose NOT to do. Tht's history, and unfortunately we cannot rewrite it simply to fit your personal political preferences any more than on other issues you've presumed to publicly discuss here. SO ID-self to editor and we cans see what you can document and share in understandable detail for open dialog with any and all others.

Sawyer Johnson February 29, 2008 12:17 pm (Pacific time)

I certainly did not mean to offend anyone, I simply was trying to clarify what you were stating Henry. As you know, many people are calling for an immediate withdrawl of all our forces and I consider that to be a very dubious move and that's why I stated that, if we did do that it should be a measured withdrawl. Tim King, there are paid people out there harassing websites? Who on earth would pay for that activity? Henry if memory serves me right when President Clinton took office he replaced all the attorney generals across the states except for one in 1993. I'll go scout out a link, maybe I'm misremembering.

Tim King February 29, 2008 11:57 am (Pacific time)

Sawyer, you sound a lot like the regular comment poster here that is a little right wing operative on a payroll to harass sites like ours that lay it all on the line to expose this rare thing these days called "truth." What you have done here is imply that Hank suggested something he did not. Stick to the matter friend or we will ban your IP faster than you can blink. Don't assume Hank meant "suggesting we pull out the military immediately" unless he said it, and I don't see that anywhere. You like anyone else from here to eternity will work factually in this comment section or your posts will never see the light of day. If you are honest then you are welcome to be here, but I am paying close attention, let's just leave it at that. We need to find what we have in common, get to the basic core values and humans and Americans, not fragment and polarize.

Henry Clay Ruark February 29, 2008 11:03 am (Pacific time)

Sawyer: Please document yours re Clinton removal of U.S. Attorneys. If it did occur, which I do not recall, then Clinton impeachment should and could have gone on with much more solid foundation than GOP chose to use in ridiculous debacle --surely would have used if they could do so. Re "surge", reports vary by who makes 'em NOW, especially military under duress of several excruciating levels, both of responsibility and of heavy funding obviously at stake. Information, we know from past experience, not always reflective of reality. Re "declare victory and come home", despite same painful, unavoidable consequence, might still be best possible action given fascistic "premptive war" added to prior "wasting wars" from which we damn well should already have learned. I experienced the Viet Nam debacle-consequences deeply myself, which is one reason for how I see need for Constitutional action so obviously demanding NOW. We SHOULD be able to leave such decision to Congress, but that perhaps now precluded in face of performance from both sides of aisle. That's why impeachment-now will prove up any remaining possibilities --if we have the guts, insights, sensibilities to demand as we still can being a "free people" --OR ARE WE, still-free that is...we need to determine that basic foundation fact rapidly. Are you willing to continue status-quo for years-longer, as McCain now advocates ? What do you propose otherwise ? Please detail for us all via own Op Ed - Editor Tim awaits your contact.

Sawyer Johnson February 29, 2008 10:02 am (Pacific time)

Are you suggesting we pull out the military immediately and allow the Iraq's and Afghanistan people to fend for themselves? Is not the surge having a benefit? I remember clearly what happened in SE Asia when we pulled out of Vietnam. I believe this could come close to being as bad if we do not have a measured withdrawl. A thought, did President Clinton remove all the attorney generals when he took office? I don't recall any investigations when that happened. Why do you think not?

Henry Ruark February 29, 2008 8:13 am (Pacific time)

To all: Overwhelming and overriding consequences of "wasting wars" now further impacting our way of life and our economy forces clean-up/clear[out action: ""While vast sums of money are being siphoned off into hidden [military] coffers, America's schools, hospitals and public services are facing cutbacks and closures." - Representative Henry Waxman Many in Congress now coming to understand that forcing fact, on both sides of aisle.

Henry Ruark February 28, 2008 1:05 pm (Pacific time)

Sue et al: Good point; judge on each situation, for each one in action, though. In 60 years media work, in education and journalism, never encountered a single questionable U.S. Attorney --but not so naive as to believe there are not many more now, given Bush cabal and hugely mounting pressures, who will succumb to this kind of unwarranted, actionable, and very democracy-damaging demands from this cabal. Thank you for your strong insights, Sue...and now we all know what to do, and who to do it to !!

Sue February 28, 2008 10:30 am (Pacific time)

So, if the federal prosecutors that refused to violate the law for political reasons were fired, shouldn't we FEAR the ones that are still there or hired to replace them???

Matt Johnson February 28, 2008 8:45 am (Pacific time)

No doubt about those sentiments Glen, you are right on the money. All of the heaviness of recent years will soon abate and the future is actually still here, thank God for that.

Glen February 28, 2008 6:29 am (Pacific time)

The pendulum had swung so far to the right that it all but broke the clock. It's about time for some justice.

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