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Feb-23-2007 12:45printcomments

Op Ed:
Cult-Driven Chaos
Descends On Oregon's
Hopes for 21st Century

Personal-Power Drive, 'Contributions' Threaten Session.

Oregon state capitol building
Oregon State Capitol. Photo by: Tim King

(SALEM) - It¹s not only "the law" that is "sometimes an ass."

Some politicians have strong special proclivity for precisely the same level and direction of choice, even when they are obviously defying public will that has been expressed by vote.

In recent decades that has applied to the GOPster-side of the Salem Arena, malignly manipulated by musty machinations made in D.C. by Norquist et Cie. That Wednesday group-session D.C. 'show and tell' is now universally recognized for the pervading strong aversion to ongoing governance, even when based on commonsense and solid documentation of need. While seeking smaller government, it has actually built massive national deficits and extremely damaging distrust for inevitable governmental responsibilities that are now hampering reasonable, rational cooperation in too many state legislatures. That impact-affect was intentional and intensely promoted via funding from Far Right multi-millionaire political campaign contributors; until inevitable widespread calamitous consequences became so universally recognized that perpetrators have been unhorsed in every jurisdiction; especially in Oregon, for the first time in 16 years.

Those views are now universally seen as reflecting 19th Century political-philosophy myth-and-fable far outmoded in the opening years of our 21st Century.

State public service-levels must depend on the level of sustainable funding provided, painfully-continued experience has long ago proven, in multiple-state experience over too many past decades. Surely our recent-decade results in Oregon should have taught that powerful lesson, short of sacrificing a whole generation in educationally-deprived schools, community colleges, and the State university system.

Not to mention many other programs now shown to be in a deficient that demand decently-justified good will and concentration on what's best for the commonwealth --like Oregon child healthcare.

Known public-record facts make completely clear the consequences for allowing irrational, myth-based funding allegations to delay, damage or defeat this justified and judicially-approved approach to the necessities for succoring and supporting our children.

They cannot learn if they are too sick to attend schools, or to pay attention when they get there. That is the point of this program --and the only point necessary for open-minded, sensitive, sensible persons acting solely on goodwill and cooperative effort.

Of all programs vulnerable to politically-motivated attack, this one puts the attacker at greatest risk to prove unsustainable funding, flying directly in the face of State economic authorities and the national record.

Including experience next-door, directly observable and easily accessible for still further public-hearing examination, proving up sustainability-maintained --if, indeed, goodwill cooperation is intended.

What's best for the political-cult still solidly determined to block anything until their unquestioned mettle is proven² --again !!-- becomes the returning-drive for NON-cooperation and NON-negotiation and NON-determination of demanding issues --at heavy continuing public costs.

IS the obvious NON-reason that a principle is at stake on how funding is found really strong enough to block solid and substantial relief for thousands of children and families?

The tax-level tentatively set for cigarette-pack addition has been examined, tested, and proven by prior experience elsewhere. There is no way in which it can --or should !!-- be used as an excuse-now for near-political blackmail, made obvious in the current power-levels of this Legislature.

Both Democratic and Republican leaders --of much more practical experience and demonstrated political allure-- have now joined with the Governor to support and explain in depth and detail why this is a tax they all clearly see as best-designed, workable, worthy and demanding of full support - NOW.

Meanwhile the abstract-issue: --Never No Tax Rise, No How, No Way !!-- is further frazzled-out as justifying further delay and more costly child/healthcare damages.

Old stuff, outdated. That¹s precisely how to create still further futility made universally felt among disgusted and dismayed Oregon voters -- whose wit, wisdom and will are plainly on public record after the last election.

That's precisely what Oregon voters chose when they dislodged both GOPster cult-leaders and others too-long-there in the recent election.

That's precisely why those still participating from both parties should view this current situation: Your strong message received; we will act soon. -- as all promised during the recent campaign-ad conflict.

Surely more-than-one GOPster should be willing to listen, learn, and act accordingly. Yet as of writing-time TWENTY-EIGHT Members of the Oregon House are assuming the cult-posture on personal pressure from the prevailing cult-leader: "We all want to insure kids", he is quoted. "That¹s not the issue."

Don¹t look now, but something seems to be showing up all too plainly, as perceived by most Oregon voters; if NOT by the 28sters.

That's precisely why Oregon voters will, rightly, assume that it IS cult-pressure, not political principle; involved here with the threat of lost prestige, lost piles of you-know-what, and lost consequences with constituents.

They overlook that their constituency, for this one, is the entire State, and that they've pledged cooperative effort vs cult-control per past debacle-littered public record. That¹s an overwhelming historic principle from our Founders.

There are those inevitable slow learners who can never move away from ambitious demand for personal political power coincidentally (...of course !) still massaged and maintained by corporate campaign contributions; mainly by Big Tobacco, despite recent national outrage at death-product protection provided by further judicial error.

The tobacco-dollar/paid impact on this situation is clear on the public record --both in Oregon and every other state, and at national level. The political consequences are still to be felt at every level --and Oregon's painful consequence will be among the strongest if public will is further frustrated. Death-stick taxes are universally proven to cut down effectively on consistent cumulative addiction by smoking beginners --with huge savings in lives and dollars/drained from others-involved-- by inevitable healthcare costs, now becoming unbearable across the nation.

Governor Kulongoski commented that Nothing is ever stuck in this building referring to the Capital, when asked about this still- building situation.

He may be right.

IF this badly-needed and decently-documented direct-action to save lives and dollars DOES comes UN-stuck and UN-approved by massive manipulation by malign forces --surely some-corporate-- we will all know what lavishly lubricated that result.

Note: Quotations from prior and currently- ongoing discussions withauthoritative persons were so extensive they have been summarized and scaled-out here, without attribution. Per professional protocol all are recorded with source-available on request.

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Hank Ruark February 25, 2007 2:03 pm (Pacific time)

Re "games still being played" do not forget which lobbyist paid way Maui junkets... Big O recently quoted one lobbyist for liquor as stating he had killed off any rise in tax for 30 years, and could continue to do so. Do you really believe Big Tobacco any less potent ? If you do, check out past public record of corporate campaign "contributions".

Henry Clay Ruark February 25, 2007 11:07 am (Pacific time)

S-L et al: Check sequence of media coverage to see timeline. BOTH GOP and Dem praised cooperative negotiations on Wed.; Big O ran specultative story re "Scott's way or..." Sunday; Sen. Smith stood with Gov. K., Berger supported tax-bill add on cigs, Dem. House leader expected positive action. Then came payoff...what else to call this political maneuver, given lobby record ? "Political power" can be powerful payoff, too...any doubts after national record ? NOW all is upset,with new confrontation (read: "chaos" ?) threatening whole session.

S.Lamarche; February 23, 2007 5:04 pm (Pacific time)

Henry, is this legislation going to be put to a vote?, and what's your suggestion to affect it?, as in how the measure to be voted on and related info, it seems complicated just determining what "they" are trying to or not trying to do. Please advise.

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The NAACP of the Willamette Valley

Sean Flynn was a photojournalist in Vietnam, taken captive in 1970 in Cambodia and never seen again.
