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Feb-19-2012 15:19printcomments

Will Another Documentary on Sri Lanka's Genocide Impact the Geneva Human Rights Session?

Sinhalese journalists recoil with sharp tongues, yet they also speak truth about war crimes...

Tamil Genocide

(SALEM) - U.S. human rights politicians are focusing attention on the gripping government-orchestrated mass murder on the island nation of Sri Lanka, finally...

As Americans increasingly come to terms with the fact that a terrible ethnic cleansing genocide enveloped Sri Lanka from 2005 to 2009, and that their own government helped foment the conditions for this bloodbath of murdered innocents and gut wrenching sexual depravity, media groups in Sri Lanka announce that a second documentary recounting the Genocide will air on London's Channel 4.

This is a real burn for Sri Lanka's wallowing political leaders, who keep watching the light of their own future grow dimmer and dimmer. they claim that the program, reportedly set to air in the first week of March, is timed to coincide with United Nations Human Rights Council sessions in Geneva.

It is the Channel-4 documentary, Sri Lanka's Killing Fields, that blew the lid off this story in the first place. While many knew that a terrible series of murders had occurred in the country formerly known as Ceylon, few realized the extent of it. More than 160,000 human beings disappeared during this battle a country waged against its own citizens. Sri Lanka denied the facts, and suggested that Channel 4 had a personal beef against the current Sri Lanka government, and that the documentary was a "fake". It was anything but.

US Media Ignored Tragedy

While Channel-4 deserves nothing but support and applause for their efforts, American reporters, with a few notable exceptions, deserve absolutely nothing. Perhaps this is the worst example of what has taken place with braindead western media trends. In this event, they ignored world-scale tragedy.

That is what CNN, NBC, ABC, the New York Times, Wall Street Journal, etc., can lay claim to.

They made references to the civil war, but the parties behind the state terrorism are allies of the U.S. government, and reporting the facts and truth might have compromised these networks and newspapers with their advertisers, with the Bush administration; so they looked the other way for the vast majority of it, and they continue to do the same thing today.

Advocates of Sri Lanka President Majinda Rajapaksa bemoan the news that yet another damning documentary about the Genocide will air, flocks of Sinhalese reporters are already writing their columns that villify Channel 4 and news presenter Jon Snow, who have invested so much to bring this story forward to the world.

The Island has a current article titled: Another documentary ahead of Geneva human rights session, that states:

Government sources told The Sunday Island that the move was expected in the wake of the LTTE rump going flat out against Sri Lanka in the run-up to the forthcoming Geneva sessions, where the US would support a resolution targeting Sri Lanka.

America’s Ambassador in war-time Sri Lanka, Robert O. Blake, now an Assistant Secretary at the State Department in Washington, last week told President Mahinda Rajapaksa of the US decision after meeting with the Tamil National Alliance (TNA).

The US and human rights watchdogs, Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch and Global Crisis Group are citing ‘Sri Lanka’s Killing Fields’ as evidence of war crimes committed by the Sri Lankan military.

Sources alleged that for those expecting to raise quick cash, Sri Lanka bashing seemed to be the easiest thing to do. They pointed out that the Canadian branch of the Amnesty International recently received 50,000 Canadian dollars from LTTE front, the Canadian Tamil Congress in return for its role in the ongoing anti-Sri Lanka campaign.

It all sounds incredibly like Israel, a nation or 'state' as the case may be, suspected of thousands of war crimes- yet always protected by the United States when charged with crime in the United Nations. Israel brands those who resist its genocidal politics 'terrorists' and Sri Lanka followed Israel on this too, deeming the Sri Lanka resistance front, the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE), as a terrorist group. The LTTE or 'Tamil Tigers' were originally formed simply to protect the Tamil minority in the north of this country. Before they fired a shot, they spent 30 years trying to negotiate, watching Sri Lanka do everything to eliminate their culture from existence.

When political leaders or journalists discuss Israel's patterns of terrorism, death and violence, they are retaliated against by the Jewish-American lobby as being 'antisemitic' and being 'Jew haters'. This plan of attack within the religious Zionist community, deflects attention from war crimes and drives attention back to the Holocaust, which has absolutely nothing to do with the current problems.

The Island outlined it for me, and while I disagree with their writer, Shamindra Ferdinando, on many points, I have to admit that several undeniably truthful points are made also.

Asked whether the government was concerned about the US threat, sources said that the UN Human Rights Council was a grouping of 47 countries, which couldn’t be easily manipulated.

"The failure of the US to prevent UNHRC passing resolutions targeting Israel over war crime allegations is a case in point. Similar resolutions were also passed at the UN, though US strongly stood by the Jewish state." They said that the handing of the controversial UN commissioned Goldstone report, which dealt with atrocities committed by the Israelis during Dec 2008 –Jan 2009 Gaza and the US response to it revealed the absurdity of US position on so-called accountability issues in Sri Lanka.

Those shedding crocodile tears for the LTTE should move the UNHRC to inquire into war crimes and crimes against humanity in Iraq, Afghanistan and Libya. In the wake of revelations made by whistle-blowing website, WikiLeaks on the basis of US military and diplomatic cables, the UN couldn’t ignore the need to investigate abuses committed by Western forces, they added.

Too many countries considered moral and upright, are simply criminal organizations operating under unfair political rules similar to those that government Germany in the 1930's and 1940's. Sri Lanka, the United Kingdom, but most of all the U.S., are responsible for most of the world's problems today, particularly Israel, Rwanda and Sri Lanka, all countries under the rule of zealots and the spell of greed and superiority.

As I have said before, thank goodness for Channel 4.

Special thanks to The Island


Tim King, summer 2008, covering the Iraq War

Tim King: Editor and Writer

Tim King has more than twenty years of experience on the west coast as a television news producer, photojournalist, reporter and assignment editor. In addition to his role as a war correspondent, this Los Angeles native serves as's Executive News Editor. Tim spent the winter of 2006/07 covering the war in Afghanistan, and he was in Iraq over the summer of 2008, reporting from the war while embedded with both the U.S. Army and the Marines. Tim is a former U.S. Marine.

Tim holds awards for reporting, photography, writing and editing, including the Silver Spoke Award by the National Coalition of Motorcyclists (2011), Excellence in Journalism Award by the Oregon Confederation of Motorcycle Clubs (2010), Oregon AP Award for Spot News Photographer of the Year (2004), First-place Electronic Media Award in Spot News, Las Vegas, (1998), Oregon AP Cooperation Award (1991); and several others including the 2005 Red Cross Good Neighborhood Award for reporting. Tim has several years of experience in network affiliate news TV stations, having worked as a reporter and photographer at NBC, ABC and FOX stations in Arizona, Nevada and Oregon. Tim was a member of the National Press Photographer's Association for several years and is a current member of the Orange County Press Club.

Serving the community in very real terms, is the nation's only truly independent high traffic news Website. As News Editor, Tim among other things, is responsible for publishing the original content of 102 writers. He reminds viewers that emails are easily missed and urges those trying to reach him, to please send a second email if the first goes unanswered. Tim's Facebook page is You can write to Tim at this address:

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SriLankan February 25, 2012 10:21 pm (Pacific time)

What can I say..?
Thisis like talking to a child.. ;-)
Your misguided interpretation from far away talking to a bunch of terrorist sympathizers do not constitute fact!!
But the misguided and delusional world you live in is obviously immune to real fact and evidence and you trying to counter all the comments here by calling us genocide apologists is laughable who know what happened..
Do you really know why the Rajapakse Govt sent the troops north during the ceasefire?
Do you know how many tamils killed (children and adults and tamil political leaders ) by the LTTE ?
Were civilians killed during the war?Probably so.
But was it genocide as you imply??!!
Laughable indeed..
There was segregation on the Southern US 40-50 years ago...Does taht mean that southern Americans are still racist..?
Is taht how your logic works young Tim?
While all your article and the replies to commebts you have given are high in comedic content there really is no fact or evidence withi is there..?
I look forward to another laughable and entertaining reply to this comment ;-)

Tim King: I am not an apologist for US atrocities and Genocide of the Native Americans, You are indeed off track if you think that.  Here is some wisdom that is indisputably true based on the record: all religious governments are ticking time bombs with ethnic strife at the center of their core existence.  In the end this is a battle of religious ego and SL's refusal to simply let Tamil Eelam exist.  You toss the word 'terrorist' out but in reality you defend state terrorism, is that not backward?  I have no problem with you by the way, I have a problem with government inflicted violence.  This war didn't take place in the south, it all took place out of the view of most of SL didn't it?  All the pro-Tamil journalists were killed and disappeared, the white van incidents are sickening.  It was a willful conflict that MR wanted and had, little more.


common sense February 22, 2012 1:05 pm (Pacific time)

Tim, You keep presenting your own past writings as evidence. Look at the situation that prevailed in Sri Lanka that led to the so called “human rights violations”. What you call Sinhalese government’s repeated legislations against Tamils is untrue. Once the British rule was over what the government legislated was towards the majority of the Sri Lankan people. Tamil’s who were 10% of the population and were better treated by the British and were doing financially well took it as discrimination. You need to visit Sri Lanka and talk to the common people both Tamils and the Sinhalese. Get facts on their lives now and during the terror period. What would be your reaction if the Hispanics minority wants the US official language to be Spanish? How do you like if the African Americans want a separate country within the US and get engaged in a terrorist war? Would you vote to divide? Any war is dirty, but are you familiar with the difficulties of fighting a terrorist war? It is time for you to take the moral high ground and write about negatives of engaging in terrorist wars as a warning, taking Sri Lanka as a prime example. What we need is to seriously recognize the situation that prevailed in Sri Lanka rather than repeating same information about war crimes, panels or human rights investigations. Sri Lanka was the only country known to successfully fight a terrorist war. The role of the UN is to lay down collective criteria (do’s and don’ts) of fighting terrorist wars. As we are learning now, no conventional army has the capability to identify and fight terrorists without civilian casualties in a terrorist war. Once the ground rules are laid down “war crimes” of terrorist wars are identified and the UN takes appropriate action against offenders. I guess Sri Lanka’s experience is a lessons learned for all.

Tim King February 21, 2012 8:56 pm (Pacific time)

To the person using the name 'LTTEFACTS', you are sending a comment the size of a small book, we do not carry anything of that size in comments, sorry.

SriLankan February 21, 2012 8:21 pm (Pacific time)

You've listed a few links on where you got your info from..
Just to let you know how mislead and ignorant you are here are some other links to educate your self..
You sit where ever you do and collect your pay cheque by writing drivel..
Wonder if you would be so disposed to setting the record straight or just go through defending the misleading information you have disseminated here

I could go on but I hope this serves your purpose

If you google ltte atrocities or ltte massacres ltte bombings you should get a long enough list from main stream international news agencies taht should hopefully make you think about the veracity of what you have written..

As some wise man said a long ago
Ignorance is bliss and fools rush in where the wise man where the wise man dreads to tread...
Your ignorance is showing young Tim and it's not doing you any good

Tim King: Nobody has ever disputed the fact that the LTTE was a very violent group, they are violent and the SLA is violent.  This is what happens when a country tries to dismantle a culture.  I see a parallel with the Israeli problem.  If a Palestinian kills an Israel, a hundred or more are killed in reprise.  What about Black July in 1983, I'm sure you defend that also?  All the ranting about Tamil Tigers killing civilians comes to a head with that story, because 18 SLA soldiers were killed in military action, and then thousands of Tamil civilians were killed in reprisal by mad mobs led by Gunawanse - who is now being appointed to the police commission?  Nothing like a warmonger monk in office, what a bunch of ignorance you want to contaminate people with.  Those links I listed are links to stories I have personally written, within many of those are other links, my sources are these things you truly wouldn't understand called 'facts' and 'evidence' and that is about to catch up to your leaders in Geneva, perhaps that explains your obvious desperation to spread the lies a little more.  Yes, the acts of the LTTE are terrible.  However they would not have happened if the Sinhalese government had not repeatedly legislated against them the way they did.  Just remember you are a war criminal apologist, not exactly a prestigious title.  

Roy February 20, 2012 5:51 pm (Pacific time)

Who is this clown Tim King? is he really a Journalist? if so really bad one too. Mate, get your facts right first. LTTE leader was a thug who killed Jaffna Mayor and ran for his life and formed a armed group. by the way that mayor was Tamil. he killed most of the other educated tamils who opposed him too. he forced recruited kids as young as 7 years old as sui side bombers and fighters against that kids will as well as parents will. In fact LTTE did more damage to tamils in SL than any one else. You dont beleive me. go to Jaffna now and talk to these people. have a open mind insted of biased opinion led by some Western tamil organisation.

Tim King: If you were asking even your first question with sincerity, you would have taken the time to read about who I am, there is plenty of information and of course you think of the most debasing insults possible, but that is because you are a WAR CRIME defender and that is a pathetic role to hold in this world mate.  The world is getting ready to thump SL in Geneva and for once my country is doing the right thing.  Just remember that most of the brain dead media are in your pocket, they go about their days as if this didn't happen, they love that 'terrorist' label and this lame and wrongful process gives the mainstream media all they need to know, but here we are, a thorn in the side of the SL govt and you can't do anything about it, read it and weep, we are humanitarians, we have major Internet ranking,  and you are not and do not, enough said.  

Manjula February 20, 2012 5:26 pm (Pacific time)

This article is a clear example of how money can get you to say anything. A good try to white wash terrorists. I wish and pray that this author's family get attacked by terrorists so at least then he can feel what terrorism can do to innocent people regardless of their demands.

Tim King: I write about the Tamil tragedy because it needs to be discussed, particularly in the US.  I have carried articles that detail numerous killings by the LTTE, all of it is tragic but must I remind you of Sri Lanka's history, really?  The laws against the Tamil minority started immediately after independence in 1948, and beyond all else there was a cease fire when Rajapaksa sent his forces north.  What you attempt to excuse is an incomprehensible nightmare, I am glad that so many Sinhalese agree and sad that others like yourself remained fooled..   

common sense February 20, 2012 1:29 pm (Pacific time)

From what sources did King find information to write this article?

Tim King: Well, I have been writing about Sri Lanka since 2009, however the pace has increased over time.  The article that criticized the news of the new film is listed at the bottom of the article.  As for the rest of them, here is the list through 11 Jan 2012... I did not see a reference to this documentary on the Channel 4 Website, the only source for the reported documentary is The Island in Sri Lanka.

For all articles about Sri Lanka, visit this link: articles under key word 'Sri Lanka'

" King's" previous reports on Sri Lanka:

Jan-11-2012: While UN Claims Zero Tolerance, No Discipline of Sri Lankan Abusers in Haiti

Dec-28-2011: Why Was a Red Cross Manager on Vacation from Gaza Murdered in Sri Lanka?

Nov-24-2011: Fear, Genocide and Torture in Sri Lanka

Nov-21-2011: London Calling: Time for Sri Lanka's Release of Post-Conflict Report

Nov-11-2011: Ode to a Humble Hero of Sri Lanka: Dr Brian Senewiratne

Oct-15-2011: Genocide 101: World and Media Apathy

Oct-08-2011: Sri Lanka Joins Israel in Naval Attacks on Unarmed Fishermen

Oct-05-2011: War and its Aftermath... a Real Killer for Tourism

Oct-01-2011: Sri Lanka in the Crosshairs of Canadian Parliament

Sep-13-2011: Sri Lanka Recalls Diplomat Accused of War Crimes

Aug-31-2011: 'No Song and Dance' Over Sri Lanka War Crime Admissions

Jul-25-2011: Former Sri Lanka President's Children 'Reacted With Anguish' to Tamil Genocide Program

Jul-22-2011: M.I.A. - A Beautiful Reflection of the Besieged Tamils of Sri Lanka

Jul-17-2011: 44 Prisoners Join Hunger Strike at Vavuniya Prison in Sri Lanka

Jul-14-2011: The Bush Administration's Role in Sri Lanka's Tamil Genocide

Jul-13-2011: Fields Should be for Sports, not Genocide... Sri Lanka

Jun-29-2011: Sri Lanka Continues Genocide, Thumbing Nose at UN and World

Jun-20-2011: Sri Lanka's Violence Toward Tamil Minority Continues

Jun-18-2011: 'International Day in Support of Victims of Torture'Remember the Tamil Genocide

Jun-17-2011: European Tourists Waylaid in Sri Lanka, Resurgence of 'White Van' Crime

Jun-15-2011: Tamil Genocide Explored in Sri Lanka's Killing Fields

Jun-02-2011: UN Experts: Sri Lanka Tamil Genocide Video is Real

May-31-2011: New Song 'Depression' - Graphic Truth of Sri Lanka Tamil Genocide

May-31-2011: Sri Lanka Tamil Genocide: Killing the Messenger

May-03-2011: Confronting the Tamil Genocide in Sri Lanka

Apr-27-2011: Tamil Genocide in Sri Lanka Emerges Into Public View

Apr-22-2011: World Ignores Genocide of Sri Lanka's Tamil Population 

Sri Lankan February 20, 2012 9:04 am (Pacific time)

Your knowledge about LTTE is pathetic. This article is summed up by this biased statement: "The LTTE or 'Tamil Tigers' were originally formed simply to protect the Tamil minority in the north of this country. Before they fired a shot, they spent 30 years trying to negotiate, watching Sri Lanka do everything to eliminate their culture from existence." Please go and read about LTTE before trying to lob for them. In fact one of the first things they did as an organisation was to kill the Mayoress of Jaffna another tamil person whom they were supposed to be protecting. That was the first assassination by the LTTE. What a start and they even finished off in style by killing 1000s of tamils keeping them as human shields. Your article is a very poor effort at glorifying decades of terrorism.

Tim King: I'm sorry, so you are glad the Genocide happened, is that what you are saying? 

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