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Feb-11-2011 00:15printcomments

Gigantic Icelandic Volcano Could Plunge Europe Into Immediate Ice Age...

A plethora of scientists have come out in the past 12 months warning about the signs of an impending Ice Age.

Eyjafjallajokull glacier volcano that blew in 2010
Strange illusion from Eyjafjallajokull that blew in 2010: Iceland Volcano: Radar Pictures of the Craters

(CHICAGO) - Another mammoth Icelandic volcano, Baroarbunga, is ready to erupt. This one could dwarf the Eyjafjallajokull glacier volcano that blew in 2010 causing havoc throughout Europe.

That's the word that's streaming out of the northern island nation as geophysicists around the globe hold their breaths to see what will happen next.

The Eyjafjallajokull eruption galvanized Europe and stunned the world with its unrelenting ferocity. It caused billions of dollars in loss, paralyzed European air travel and caused food and other commodities to spike upwards.

Worried experts warn that this eruption could be much, much worse.

University of Iceland geophysicists have warned of a significant rise in seismic activity in the area of Vatnajökull, the largest of Iceland’s glaciers. A swarm of earthquakes has erupted signaling the likely eruption of Bardarbunga, Iceland's second biggest volcano and one that sits directly above a major lava conduit.

Baroarbunga, a stratovolcano towering 6,600 feet, is part of the island nation's largest volcanic system. The huge volcano's crater covers 43 square miles and is completely encased under glacial ice.

Devastation in the 15th Century

Bárdarbunga glacier; a large and
powerful Stratovolcano in Iceland.

Baroarbunga's last major eruption was horrendous. It changed the weather pattern in northern Europe and darkened the skies for months during 1477. That gigantic eruption generated the largest lava flow in 10,000 years and significantly expanded Iceland's land mass.

Grim experts concede that if the volcano's current activity culminates in an eruption equal to that of 1477, all of Scandinavia and much of northern Russia and Europe will be left reeling. The UK will be slammed by choking volcanic dust, grit and poisonous superheated gases. Commerce will grind to a halt, the skies will blacken for weeks, perhaps months, and agriculture would be severely affected.

The late Cornell University professor, astronomer Carl Sagan, used the consequences of large volcanic eruptions impact on global cooling as part of his theoretical model for the frightening prospect of a nuclear winter.

Ken Caldeira, an earth scientist at Stanford University, California, and member of Britain's prestigious Royal Society working group on geo-engineering, explained that "dust sprayed into the stratosphere in volcanic eruptions is known to cool the Earth by reflecting light back into space."

That simple process has led to the starvation of whole nations in the past. Volcanic gases and dust suspended in the atmosphere cool the Earth to a point where the growing seasons significantly shrink and crops cannot reach maturity.

Speaking to Icelandic TV about the danger the re-activating volcano posed to the country and the Northern Hemisphere, Einarsson said, "This is the most active area of the country if we look at the whole country together. There is no doubt that lava there is slowly growing, and the seismicity of the last few days is a sign of it."

Vulcanologists confirm they have great concern, but the region prevents them from detecting earth movements more accurately.

"We need better measurements because it is difficult to determine the depth of earthquakes because it is in the middle of the country and much of the area is covered with glaciers," Einarsson added.

The UK and the Baroarbunga Ice Age

A plethora of scientists have come out in the past 12 months warning about the signs of an impending Ice Age. Some believe it will be a mini-Ice Age, others argue it will be a major one.

Ice Ages are caused by a number of factors. Not all of the factors are fully understood.

But a consensus of scientists agree that more than anything else what dominates the climate is the sun's activity, the Earth's core, volcanic action and water vapor in the atmosphere.

Adding to Earth's shivering woes: NASA has confirmed the sun will be going into an extended cooling period after 2012.

The cool down is expected to last from 30 to 50 years.

At one time geophysicists believed it took hundreds or thousands of years for an Ice Age to begin, but during the past few decades evidence has emerged that the planet can slip into an Ice Age in under a decade.

Events like a giant volcano erupting...

Catch the conclusion of this article at:


Terrence Aym is a Contributor based in Chicago, who is well known nationally for his stirring reports on the top ranked site, Born in Minnesota, Terrence Aym grew up in the Chicagoland suburbs. Having traveled to 40 of the 50 states and lived in 7 of them, Aym is no stranger to travel. He's also spent time in Canada, Mexico, the Caribbean, Europe, Asia and Western Africa. An executive for many years with Wall Street broker-dealer firms, Aym has also had a life-long interest in science, technology, the arts, philosophy and history. If it's still possible to be a 'Renaissance man' in the 21st Century, Aym is working hard to be one.

Aym has several book projects in the works. Media sites that have recently featured Aym, and/or discussed his articles, include ABC News, TIME Magazine, Business Insider,, Discover, Dvice, Benzinga and more recently, his work has been showing up in South Africa and Russia.

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Kelsey March 3, 2011 10:47 am (Pacific time)

I like volcanoes!

Kelsey March 3, 2011 10:46 am (Pacific time)

I like volcanoes!

Roy Claure February 15, 2011 3:59 pm (Pacific time)

En culturas anteriores, de eras anteriores, fenómenos similares, ya acontecieron sobre esta tierra, porque este tipo de situaciones, son cíclicas en el mundo material. La diferencia es que en el pasado, donde hubieron civilizaciones increíblemente mas avanzadas en la ciencia y en la tecnología que la nuestra, y que también sucumbieron en su momento, porque este es el mundo material, aparece y desaparece, cualquier cosa, pues en esas civilizaciones, mas bondadosas e inteligentes, se alertaba a la población, y a esta se las preparaba con siglos de anterioridad, para todo tipo de catastrofes, pruebas las hay por todo el mundo, y no solo para los océanos que nos golpearan después de el golpe electromagnético de el sol binario, sino para casos similares a estos, ya esta escrito en la geología, eras glaciares anteriores, y a la vez, sobrevivientes.
Infelizmente estamos en kali yuga, la era de la riña, el hierro y la hipocresia, la caracteristica de esta humanidad actual, es la falta de veracidad, y por solo por esa razón, una gran mayoría de la población, entre ellos yo, ya estamos condenados a muerte
pues la desinformación, es conspiración de lesa humanidad, con alevosía premeditada incluso de milenios... tal como es el caso de nuestra incultura trolera, llamada "civilización moderna"

Translation: In previous cultures, of previous eras, similar phenomena, already occurred on this earth, because this type of situations, are cyclical in the material world. The difference is that in the past, where there were civilizations incredibly but outposts in science and the technology that ours, and that also succumbed at the time, because this it is the material world, appears and disappears, any thing, because in those civilizations, but kind and intelligent, it was alerted to the population, and to this it prepared them with centuries of anteriority, for all type of disasters, there are them to tests by everybody, and not only for the oceans struck that us after the electromagnetic blow of the binary sun, but for cases similar to these, already this writing in geology, eras previous glaciers, and simultaneously, survivors. Unfortunately we are in kali Yuga, the era of the fight, the iron and hypocrisy, the characteristic of this present humanity, is the lack of veracity, and by for that reason, a great majority of the population, among them I, already am only condemned until death because the disinformation, is conspiracy of lesa humanity, with premeditaded treachery even of millenia… as it is the case of our trolera lack of culture, called " civilization moderna"

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