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Feb-11-2009 14:13printcomments

Op Ed: Salami-Slicing
Our Stimulus Plan
Is GOP Back-Stab

Neocon continuance threatens decades of Depression.

Uncle Sam injured

(EUGENE, Ore.) - Never in all of our American history has there been a clearer --but assuredly NOT “clean”!-- example of political subterfuge to promote return-to-power than the GOP salami-slice stuff perpetrated in paralyzed D.C. this past week.

Their destructive self-serving political-survival effort NOW --to force failure on our new President-- truly may well force only decades of Depression deeper than ever experienced globally at any previous time. GOP leadership is faced with inevitable consequence from more than thirty years of massive neocon misrule manipulated by every means possible.

The disastrous debacle beginning with the Reagan era has been extended and multiplied ever since. With Bush ii connivance it has NOW involved every national agency, impacting every state, city and town, and every one of us as American citizens.

Historic proof of the wit, wisdom and will of the American people occurred without question on Nov. 4 when millions overwhelmingly chose Obama as our 44th President.

That action vetoed any continuing GOP dominance in determining either direction or detail of our national life. In short: THEY LOST THAT TRANSFORMATIVE ELECTION!

In all commonsense and by any rational/reasonable democratic determination, that means Americans demand distinct, different, determinative --and democratic --CHANGE, NOW.

They are firmly, undeniably, historically on full and final public record via that most powerful and potent voice politicians MUST hear, to survive and serve: THE VOTE.

No matter how fast-the-spin somehow attached to that striking transformative event, nor the reasons for its occurrence, that IT DID OCCUR is undeniable. To defy, deny and attempt to defeat that level of desperate determination by the American people is an act of anti-democratic magnitude clearly approaching Constitutional attack.

Meanwhile the inevitable consequences of our own national credit-flow, fiscal/financial freeze, and its assorted other social, cultural and economic impacts has spread around the world.

WE are widely named-and-blamed for exceptional excesses and regulatory excuses permitting and even promoting conditions and market characteristics leading to our own devolutions and desperate similar situations worldwide.

Credit and fiscal and financial chaos has NOW collapsed the channels for capital-flow and business survival everywhere, at every level.

World-recognized economists of all stripes, families and circles join in a warning consensus never before heard so broadly or so comprehensively in agreement. Never before has there been such powerful agreement focused fast and furiously on worldwide collapse --AND worldwide concern for the clear leadership role American must NOW play RAPIDLY.

American action to rescue and put right what’s so badly gone-wrong should lead-out and motivate millions in every nation on the face of this wracked and weary globe we know as our unavoidably-mutual home. Without that American action, especially NOW in face of worldwide economic chaos leading inevitably downward to another Deep Depression, we’re playing a palpable game of “We ALL Lose!”

That’s totally unavoidable no matter what other fancy-name is futilely stuck-on somehow by those whose blindness comes from close attention to personal gain or loss, despite destructive impact on all others.

There is simply no question that the GOP leadership set out to seduce, sabotage and bring to naught whatever parts of President Obama’s pertinent plans it can prevent by salami-slice.

That’s part of the continuing constant-warfare operations plan of the Far Right billionaire-funded foundations and fancy-fallacy writers at work ever since Reagan’s regime. They know all too well that direct attack on wit, wisdom and will of the American people has NOW become useless --futilized by the fact of the massive mandate conferred by that Nov. 4 election.

That’s what precludes anything other than this underhanded salami-slice/and-run approach. IF it works they will follow with further furbelows and fancy footwork, fashioned to dance their way back from the famous defeat they suffered on Nov. 4.

What the Grand Old Party laid on the line in D.C. days recently was more like a sneaky stab-in-the back with the same salami-slicer.

What’s nailed down in public record is more than 1,000 “do as I please” signing statements by Bush II making non-operational any part of new law produced by our Congress. That action-alone is surely, clearly and certainly a Constitutional violation denying and defying the will of the people written into law by elected representatives-- surely, clearly and certainly demanding impeachment as its Constitutional remedy.

That action pales into insignificance against the determined defiance of the controlling Republican leadership now focused on sabotage and further seduction of the uninformed, unaware and indolent. EVERY STATE must now slash budget-plans, wisely preparing for holocaust-hard hits on every social program, every saving network for survival, and most of all on school systems starving for new technologies and new stimulation for 21st Century needs.

But the GOP demands bloody political payback to permit even partial progress, when potent perpetual economic and business-operational credit considerations demand rescue rather than revenge.

The national economy-vessel is NOW rapidly filling to the brim with liquidity-generators become UN-liquid -- strangest phenomenon of this 21st Century! Every level of entrepreneurship is drowning NOW in the dreary-stagnant mess, defying the famed “miracle of the markets” to set every anomaly right rapidly.

Like “laissez-faire”, Reaganomics and continued neocon nonentity ever since, it DOES NOT WORK to do nothing --OR “too little, too late”, sure only to be WORSE than nothing since more costly and contrived.

Yet these massive-monied mandarins of corporate campaign contributions cannot pry their own talons loose from the target-dollars they still hope to gain. WE voted on Nov. 4 to guarantee President Obama would get his opportunity to serve us ALL --and we gave him that huge mandate with many indications of what we sought for his rapid action for us ALL, NOW.

Let your voice be heard --loud, clear, to any and all who can act-- to preserve, protect, promote and provide potent public opinion strength for what we must DO, NOW!

Henry Clay Ruark is the one of, if not the most experienced, working reporter in the state of Oregon, and possibly the entire Northwest. Hank has been at it since the 1930's, working as a newspaper staff writer, reporter and photographer for organizations on the east coast like the Bangor Maine Daily News.
Today he writes Op-Ed's for with words that deliver his message with much consideration for the youngest, underprivileged and otherwise unrepresented people.

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Settor93 October 22, 2009 7:39 am (Pacific time)

Such an approach would entail different avenues of regional cooperation, including fulfilling immediate needs in terms of rec- onciliation initiatives, awareness building of the role of youth-serving NGOs, and nurturing existing national youth institutions and networks.

Anonymous February 20, 2009 3:18 pm (Pacific time)

Is Robert Reich on some kind of medication, or is he really as stupid as he talks?

Henry Ruark February 19, 2009 11:22 am (Pacific time)

To all: Here's "see with own eyes" re President Obama's mortgage relief plan assessed by national, checkable, reliable source: Turning The Tide Speaking Wednesday in Mesa, AZ -- a giant Phoenix suburb that is a "poster child for foreclosure" -- President Obama announced a plan to "help as many as nine million American homeowners refinance their mortgages or avert foreclosure. He asserted his plan would shore up housing prices, stabilize neighborhoods and slow a downward spiral that was 'unraveling homeownership, the middle class and the American Dream itself.'" In addition to an investment of $200 billion for "strengthening confidence in Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac," the Homeowner Affordability and Stability Plan will "pour more than $75 billion into arresting one of the root causes of the nation's economic spiral" by helping homeowners obtain more affordable mortgage terms. This housing plan is the final leg of what Obama has "called a 'three-legged stool' aimed at fixing the nation's crumbling economy": restoring the health of the job, credit, and housing markets. The $789 billion economic recovery plan signed into law on Tuesday is expected to "create or save three and a half million jobs over the next two years." Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner "unveiled a restructured plan to aid the ailing financial system" last week with more accountability and "limits on bankers' bonuses." Only a combined government effort on all three fronts "has a chance" of turning the tide for the shrinking economy." --------------------- Please note solid progress in plan movement to action now taking place. Whether all will work or not depends at least as much on cooperative action by responsive citizens as on any one other factor. ANY plan possible must depend on same factor; negativities driven by political pander to any one philosophy may be worst danger we face, shown by concerted catastrophe-seeking GOP acts.

Henry Ruark February 19, 2009 10:59 am (Pacific time)

To all: From another channel here's quote to consider in light of what we know has been done ever since Reagan-era beginnings: "Lenin is said to have declared that the best way to destroy the capitalist system was to debauch the currency. By a continuing process of inflation governments can confiscate, secretly and unobserved, an important part of the wealth of their citizens. By this method they not only confiscate, but they confiscate arbitrarily and, while the process impoverishes many, it enriches some. The sight of this arbitrary arrangement of riches strikes not only at security, but at confidence in the equity of distribution of wealth. Lenin was certainly right. There is no subtler, no surer means of overthrowing the existing order of society than debauching the currency. The process engages all the hidden forces of economic law on the side of destruction, and does it in a manner which not one man in a million is able to diagnose." ---John Maynard Keynes, "Economic Consequences of the Peace" ----------------------- Consider his wisdom here via what we know of neocon policy since Reagan for their own purposes with no thought of playing into Communist hands.

Henry Ruark February 18, 2009 11:28 am (Pacific time)

JW: You wrote: "...hypothesis-tested evidence that purports otherwise..." Overwhelming public record of rising unemployment, desperate demand from busines, corporate, agency and individual entrepreneurs for bailout makes your statement into farce. Per previous, talk with any of your neighbors now out of work, see any daily newspaper or tv/news report for further evidence of horrendous reality involving whole nations now. Erroneous or distorted OR perverted statements mean very little vs "see with own eyes" practical, rational-reasonable evidence clearly visible to any who will but look. Re startpoint 1999, public records, widespread published reports, books, research, et al, et al, now tie beginnings to Reagan era as result of horrendous philosophy and self-serving actions then begun and continued via Bush I, Bush II. Fct is fact; sources easily cited, open to check, named here early, repeatedly, see previous Op Eds. Time's a'wasting, cannot spend more senseless waste on points made irrevocably by many others...go fight Krugman, Stiglitz et al...!! Be sure to report when you win your Nobel for economics, sir...will be first to shake your hand, in self-defense holding other-one !!!

Henry Ruark February 18, 2009 8:27 am (Pacific time)

JW: Will repeat request for link to your source, for check and evaluation. Also will repeat (10th time) invitation to ID self with Editor Tim for direct contact, saving space needed here for others. Yours is erroneous in face of overwhelming published evidence from huge consensus of economists, analysts, and others far more qualified than either of us. Yr link to claim for "six degrees" is old-han so/called philosopher's approach long used by neocons for palpably false defense in face of economic realities. Ask yr unemployed neighbor t which of six levels he finds himself...!!

Henry Ruark February 17, 2009 2:04 pm (Pacific time)

To all: Since "libertarian" has become a political concept demanding clarity these days, here is authoritative definition from the classic academic authority: “Libertarian” Definition Oxford Press Encyclopedia of Political Thought: “Individuals are free to pursue their own interests unqualified by any conception of public interest or public duty. “The individual is the best and only judge of his or her own interests, and government and law should do no more than provide a minimal framework of order in which these interests can be pursued. --------------------- That should make entirely clear why it is that nearly all others devoted to the public interest via varying political foundations make very clear WHO is"libertarian" and how deeply that philosophy has penetrated the person and any actions taken.

JW February 17, 2009 11:28 am (Pacific time)

Henry have you ever heard of the "six degrees of separation of Kevin Bacon?" As you are aware you can connect anyone with anyone else eventually. As per my earlier links, the economic fundamentals and history that I provided demonstrates and confirms the economic evidence that government intervention (starting in 1999, see link to graph) caused our economic downturn. You, or anyone else would be hardpressed to be able to provide any hypothesis-tested evidence that purports otherwise in my opinion. In a few years this will be evident to the masses.

Henry Ruark February 17, 2009 10:43 am (Pacific time)

To all: Here's "see with own eyes" link for solid fact re current political scene: Conservative Ideological Idiocy By Bernie Horn Today, exactly four weeks after his historic inauguration, President Barack Obama signs a historic bill into law. That law will create or save 3 ½ million American jobs, make a substantial down-payment on repairs to our nation’s ailing infrastructure, put our nation on the path to energy independence, assist millions of lower-income families, and cut taxes for 95 percent of Americans. "Yet, I come not to praise Obama but to bury his opponents. The right wing—congressional Republicans, conservative bloviators, and their greedy benefactors—have made a huge political mistake. They are teetering at the edge of a cliff and the question now is whether we progressives will provide a little shove." =================== See "rest of story" for devastating summary of true political history, motivating what we MUST do now by our own citizen responsibility for action in every way possible.

Henry Ruark February 17, 2009 8:33 am (Pacific time)

Terry: A bit more digging turns up this about the Roosevelt behind the link you used: "Archibald B. Roosevelt Jr., 72 a retired intelligence officer who served as chief of the Central Intellgence Agency's stations in Istanbul, Madrid and London, died yesterday at this home in Washington. He had congestive heart failure. A grandson of President Theodore Roosevelt and a soldier, scholar, linguist and authority on the Middle East, Mr. Roosevelt viewed his calling--and its faceless, anonymous half-world of nuance and seemingly random fact--with a hard-headed realism leavened by a kind of romanticism that that has echoes of an earlier time. After retiring from the CIA in 1974, he became a vice president of Chase Manhattan Bank and director of international relations in its Washington office. Well known in Washington social circles in his own right, he was particularly active on the diplomatic circuit during the Reagan administration, when his wife, Selwa Showker `Lucky' Roosevelt, was chief of protocol at the State Department." ----------- Dunno yet whether he's the Roosevelt credited with first attack on Iran which brought down its elected government, thus setting up our bitter plight now; but suspect it is same one. Will check further and report here. IF you wish to take world view so revealed, that's your choice, of course; but at least you should know WHO is telling YOU just WHAT and for WHAT purpose...which is real reason to check out content of sources via some common sense applied liberally and rubbed in hard, too...

Henry Ruark February 17, 2009 8:14 am (Pacific time)

Terry: As example here, took time to read entire chapter on Keynes life in your link. As expected, from 50 years professional work in field, I can tell you it is propaganda motivated from first pgh to end. While correct in historical references, it is slanted, far from objective and realistic, smears many U.S., British leaders by denigrating reference, and otherwise is qualified only as political view from Far Right. The site itself happens to be one of several encountered while I was UPI wires editor there, living in Cambridge, known for its base for then-growing Far Right billionaire noise machine groups such as this. Hope personal/professional experience cited may help you to make critical choice in

Henry Ruark February 16, 2009 1:45 pm (Pacific time)

Terry: You wrote: "one of the British group trying to put Socialism over by deception. He had a personality that needs overview." For anyone wishing truthful description rather than this carefully-coded p/pander, see Wikipedia re Fabian Society. It provides depth, detail and undeniable truth re the Fabian origins, stance, action and philosophy. Do you believe T. could not have so checked for self prior to p/pander statement now shown to be political/pander ? Fact is fact, checkable most easily via Internet, and when intentionally distorted here it does not provide good faith use of channel meant for truth and mutual sharing/learning.

Terry February 16, 2009 10:21 am (Pacific time)

Keynes was not only a committed Fabian Socialist--i.e. one of the British group trying to put Socialism over by deception. He had a personality that needs overview. See Keynes At Harvard: Also click on the Austrians when at this site. Ron Paul also has an interesting observation on Keynes and people like Krugman.

Henry Ruark February 15, 2009 7:49 pm (Pacific time)

Terry: Already checked link, recognized anyhow, to make sure it was Chicago economists group responsible for Milton Friedman and others initiating what became neocon principles for Reagan/BushI/Bush II,now recognized as setting up the worldwide economic/credit collapse, Nothing wrong with site; but need to recognize it for what it is, rather than swallow their poison all over again. If questions remain, dig up Friedman's now notorious statement re ONLY responsibility for corporate management; then check out his just prior to death statement nullifying some of what he had insisted was principle; THEN sere Prof. Barth article with "We are all Keynesians now !" quote -- from Friedman. That should give you pause before you gulp...

Henry Ruark February 15, 2009 8:34 am (Pacific time)

To all: Mine to Skipper missing part of last sentence, herewith:

ChrisJones February 15, 2009 11:12 am (Pacific time)

There's nothing unpatriotic about wanting to have independence from an illegitimate tyrannical governing body with ZERO respect for our laws.

ChrisJones February 15, 2009 11:01 am (Pacific time)

Henry one of my previous links provides links to all passed and soon to be passed bills for each state involved. Technically it is not secession, but claiming of sovereignty, the next step is secession if necessary in the case of martial law, sweeping gun bans, or forced servitude. Read it and weep henry---HCR 6 – AS INTRODUCED 2009 SESSION 09-0274 09/01 HOUSE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION 6 A RESOLUTION affirming States’ rights based on Jeffersonian principles. SPONSORS: Rep. Itse, Rock 9; Rep. Ingbretson, Graf 5; Rep. Comerford, Rock 9; Sen. Denley, Dist 3 COMMITTEE: State-Federal Relations and Veterans Affairs ANALYSIS This house concurrent resolution affirms States’ rights based on Jeffersonian principle...cont'd @

Henry Ruark February 15, 2009 10:55 am (Pacific time)

To all" John Maynard Keynes once wrote: "Words ought to be a little wild, for they are the assaults of thoughts on the un-thinking." That may help some here to appreciate S-N's open, honest,ethical, democratic channel meant for dialog to aid sharing and learning.

Henry Ruark February 15, 2009 8:28 am (Pacific time)

Vic: Well and wisely said, friend. I too fall off sled of issue into muck of malign feeling based on emotion vs cogitation which is wellworn way to very unwelcome for far too many writers. ALL we have to share here is heartfelt and brain-shaped feelings, sometimes needing wrapping beyond first-emotion but not always well, wisely done. Yours points to sensible, rational, reasonable way to keep on keepin'on...whic is about all we got left these days ! Power to you, friend...keep firing to reshape, then rebuild same target we both seek: Strong, decent, equal and advancing America.

Henry Ruark February 14, 2009 8:05 am (Pacific time)

Skipper: Thanks for your good words, sir. We get some beat-up here pretty good much of the time, so when we do something right (lower-case !) it helps to know many others also read. Re inauguration, DC was delightful place when I was there long ago for three years with national association. Now it is dreary deep-hole for dangerous, desperate, damned deceitful lobbyists surrounding our elected representatives more than 100-deep. Their presence due mostly to lush

Henry Ruark February 14, 2009 8:45 am (Pacific time)

Chris: Occurred to me to check edition number on basic MACROECONOMICS,Samuelson text cited here, vs yours from 1988 single edition. Samuelson now in 20th edition, which should prove wide acceptance vs yours still in single edition. Samuelson, in my earlier edition, contains at least ten citable quotes re failure of Reagan "supply-side", and multiple warnings vs precisely the kind of root causes we now suffering for world economic and credit crisis. Can you cite any comparable source to rebut points made here ? Barring Mise Institute, that is, known for potent bias approach in principles of its founder. Nothing wrong with that; simply needs full recognition here for anyone depending on its distorted interpretations. Your "miracle of markets" thus seems to indicate solid choice for Samuelson over any and all others. See Amazon for reviews of contemporary texts which very revealing, also.

Henry Ruark February 14, 2009 7:56 am (Pacific time)

Jim: Thanks for link, which shows as ChicagoBoys, website for the very group at U/Chicago noted for the neocon-based very difficult economic policies we dialog about here. Led by Milton Friedman, now notorious for his beliefs at basis of their actions, which led to World Bank, IMF, et al horrendous pressures on developing countries now seen as one of roots for economic crisis worldwide. Appreciate link, use their stuff any way you wish --BUT know background-above, and "evaluate with own mind" vs history readily available and reported here constantly. Nothing wrong with site; just recognize its economic (dollar base for those involved !)bias since they definitely selling "point of view" now discarded even by Milton Friedman, now quoted (in Obanomics article by Prof. Barth here) stating "We are all Keynesians now !" and by his before-death admission of erroneous views, as well as by huge revolt of all faculty at Chicago when foundation opened brain-trust in his name. Do not question your honest use, simply adding known and checkable facts for all here. That's power of open, honest, ethical democratic channel, when participants act in good faith as Jim has done: We ALL learn, grow, understand truths and realities that much better, deeper, and truer.

Henry Ruark February 14, 2009 7:38 am (Pacific time)

Chris: Why avoid direc question,sir ? I sought from you any one state whose LEGISLATURE has acted to SECEDE from the UNITED States. Can you provide name, date, leg. ref.? Otherwise yours is potent fear-builder simply by seeing groups whose radicalism is deeply unpatriotic. Similar re yr ref. to economic handbook, which in ONLY edition was published in 1988, peak of Reagan "supply-side" stupidity. HAD to affirm, support "s-s" to sell; if you question potent force to make book dollar-worth, you deride "miracle of markets" youall preach so proliferously. SO, sir, TWO simple questions you continue to ignore: WHY ??

Vic February 14, 2009 7:34 am (Pacific time)

I hear ya, Henry...but it is easy to get emotional and drift from opinion to attacks on those whose opinions are in opposition to ours...I do it all the time, and several times after I have submitted a comment, thought about it and e-mailed the newsroom asking them not to post it. The great thing is, that we all still seem to be able to interact and share ideas without too much animosity. I remember about a year ago someone posted an opinion re Bush that I promptly lambasted and ridiculed and even mocked them for their poor spelling.....and I never saw them post again. That made me feel like crap and I realized that I had committed an unforgiveable offence if I had indeed ridiculed another human being into silence. Like I said, I am among the worst offenders, but hope to learn and listen and realize that I cannot wish and work for freedom of speech and deny it to others, or ridicule their expressions if they do not jive with mine. Thanks for the input, Friend Henry! May Good Prevail !

Henry Ruark February 13, 2009 3:26 pm (Pacific time)

Vic: You wrote (2/12 8:14am): "Some of the most insulting retorts I have read on here come from one of your staff..." Sorry if denial of claims made openly and publicly, with then assorted reasons for denial, are seen as "insult". FYI, here's real "insult", carried some years ago in an open Salem forum: "You all should stitch a yellow star to their clothing for easy rapid identification." That writer was advising the rest of us on the channel how to handle those he considered we were challenging too much, too deeply, in the same way seeking something other than personal feeling as "opinion". THAT is real insult from him to all others on the channel, whether or not they had taken part in what HE considered a bit too much "participation". Here it seems to depend on purpose of writer and whether it wins easy approval by many, or whether it simply serves the purpose of a few. If NOT the latter, then it becomes "insulting" to demand more than personal feeling or partisan propaganda. We work hard to keep this S-N channel open, honest, ethical and democratic, and it is time those who abuse it unethically by resort to personal attack to learn we will defend it, too, while still allowing open access and responsibility to those who make themselves known, while suggesting they supply solid fact to bolster what they claim in empty words. If that is"insult" --so be it !!...May be just what public opinion climate now needs both here and nationaly, too...

Jim February 13, 2009 1:21 pm (Pacific time)

Henry et al. The below is the link re: the commercial and private real estate comparison article. The link I provided in earlier post below was the graph link. Sorry.

Jim February 13, 2009 1:16 pm (Pacific time)

Oops! Sorry Henry I forgot to provide a link regarding the commercial v.s. private home real estate market. Below is a comprehensive source link, especially good for lay people as well as business/academic professionals. It has other resource links and a clear no-nonsense graph (be sure to click on the graph to enlarge it!) that provides a good visual longitudinal analysis of the real estate market over several decades. The author of the article also makes it clear from what side of the coin he comes from. If you have something else that disputes the data I would be glad to review. Hopefully all readers and posters can take a few minutes to review the graph and brief narrative to gain insight on what happens when we have too much govt. intervention, once again, this is empirical proof: "Every once in a while, though, we get lucky. The differences between residential and commercial real estate provide the means to test the hypothesis that government intervention or the lack thereof caused the housing bubble and subsequent collapse of the financial system. We can compare the two markets because the same institutions ultimately make residential and commercial loans. They make loans in the same communities and regions. Changes in the economy affect both types of real estate at the same time and to the same rough degree. The only major difference between the two markets lies in the degree of government intervention."

Henry Ruark February 13, 2009 11:58 am (Pacific time)

"Anon": You wrote: "Dont expect Henry to watch it tho. But thanks for your support. And, I dont want to put my name, it does not make me any more or less credible.." FYI, demonstrated here often, we do check EVERY link we can make work, and often then show why their stuff is both distorted and perverted by our reference to respected national sources of high probity and nonpartisan. Re non-ID and credibility, you equate masked-man/at-door with known friend sharing solid information he is unfearful of stating under his own name. Do you welcome such intervention at your door ? If so, I have long list of partisan providers for you...

Skipper Osborne February 13, 2009 10:26 am (Pacific time)

Henry, beautiful article! The GOP and others are doing everything in there power to see that President Obama fails; because of "their" God forsaken policies for the wealthy and their croonies. But I would like for America ( readers)to know this: President Obama is President "for the PEOPLE, VOTED BY THE PEOPLE." With the GOP's slimmy tactics, remember this America: "WE THE PEOPLE of the United States of America, can not and should not put on the shoulders of President Obama all the social and economic ills since before, and America has existed; to clean up "everyone's mess" in 8 years (yes, I am looking for President Obama to run and win again. My wife and I were fortunate enough to receive tickets, and went to President Obama's inauguration!!!

Henry Ruark February 13, 2009 8:03 am (Pacific time)

Jim: See my Comment under Prof. Barth's Obamanomics report. You wrote:"...there has been far less government intervention in commercial real estate, so not second guessing different economic theories we have irrefutable empirical evidence that government has been the boogie man in the downturn." Your statement is presented undocumented by ref. to any national source and does not come close to conformity with consensus firmly on record in the national press and in associated real estate press. If you have anything from them, cite it here for check. Then there is irrefutable evidence, including public record, of billions spent over years to lubricate removal of regulations from New Deal days preventing precisely the kind of plundering by invidious sales tactics and illegal other means perpetrated (and largely now admitted) by a whole range of banks and fiscal institutions. National magazines and the national press services have so reported in depth and detail. You fail to cite checkable source for allathis, as usual with distorted/perverted easy-words Comments here. Prove up what you wrote on any point by furnishing here nonpartisan full-detail source with link we can all "see with own eyes" and "evaluate with own minds", our usual pattern for statements we make. Don't miss mine to Prof. Barth under Obanomics story, either. He confirms fact and denies thrust of yours. Thank you for participation, richly appreciated right here.

Henry Ruark February 13, 2009 7:48 am (Pacific time)

Jim: It is very odd that waht you state does NOT conform with clipping I hold. For reference, please now date and ID your source, with actual words if you have them. Otherwise I will trust my clip on hand here. Also please note this is torn and tattered repeat of old one often used-since by Far Right to discredit concept of the "noise machine" well proven by other documentation, including some already cited here. Nice try, Jim, but no basket. Only another example of p/p in full operation.

Jim February 12, 2009 5:52 pm (Pacific time)

Henry I appreciate your views for they allow me to re-check my own thinking and viewpoints about various topics. Regarding the downturn of private housing where we certainly have had too much government intervention in my opinion, why do you think commercial real estate did not have to deal with such a similar downturn? As you know there has been far less government intervention in commercial real estate, so not second guessing different economic theories we have irrefutable empirical evidence that government has been the boogie man in the downturn. Please note that real estate sales are currently up, and retail sales are up, which in turn the unemployment rate was reported today as not increasing. For people not familiar with commercial real estate, it is every type of property not classified as private homes, so to speak. Duplexes and some multiple housing units may be included in private housing, but very minimal. As per the CBO we may not need this stimulus bill. I wonder why we the public have not had access to the bills content so we can provide feedback to congress? Where's the transparency?

JIM February 12, 2009 5:48 pm (Pacific time)

Regarding Hillary Clinton coining the phrase "right wing conspiracy", I remeber it well. She was on a morning talk show and was asked about the rumor about her husband's infidelity with an intern. That's when she said it was a right wing conspiracy. So now we are seeing the budding of a thing called a "left wing conspiracy." Will the latter be as accurate as the former was not?

Anonymous February 12, 2009 4:35 pm (Pacific time)

thanks Chris for your post. Dont expect Henry to watch it tho. But thanks for your support. And, I dont want to put my name, it does not make me any more or less credible, but whatever. But yes, Endgame, Terrorstorm, Loose Change..all GREAT documentaries. All by Alex Jones, and free on google video.

Vic..I agree with you about salem-news being better than most. Even with disagreements. And I like your posts.

Obama is another puppet of the new world order, and if the wars, banks, nationalism, same people in office, he is supporting is not enough proof, then trying to convince anyone is fruitless.

Dont bother.

Editor: I'm reminding you guys, please don't get personal here. Henry has an open mind if anyone ever did. Not a big deal, but Loose Change by the way is not an Alex Jones documentary. Thanks for your good words about SNc

ChrisJones February 12, 2009 3:48 pm (Pacific time)

Yes and I am fully aware of the PNAC documents as well. I just don't think you are seeing the forest through the trees Henry. You speak of conspiracies-- are you aware of the overarching influence held by the CFR, Trilateral Commission, and Bilderberg Group over the policy of this country? Would those be left or right wing conspiracies? The elites of the right and left are to be likened to rival mafia crime syndicates competing and more often then not cooperating for their common good and increase of centralized power.

Henry Ruark February 12, 2009 1:51 pm (Pacific time)

Chris et al: For anyone in doubt about reality of "the vast right-wing conspiracy", the simple fact is that phrase came from Hillary Clinton, with good reason, in media contacts. Further, Rob Stein,wellknown in DC, in 2003 produced a 40-slide PowerPoint documented presentation titled "The Conservative Message Machine Money Matrix, reviews the history of the Scaife, Bradley, Olin, Coors and a few other families laying the foundation for a $300 million network of policy centers, advocacy groups, and media outlets, currently still expanding with great (some say overwhelming) influence on our national agenda. More than 700 people saw it in DC in 2003. Neocon remnants are now turning to innuendo, open attack and assorted "dirty tricks" vs Obama progress of any kind. Didn't want anyone to feel "insulted" by these fact, much also reflected in many books including David Brock's defection from "conservative side", and in writings by John Podesta of Center for American Progress, in part leading to founding of that group and to the Democratic Phoenix Group. So you see its relevancy to current Op Ed...background for rejection of GOP consummated via Nov. 4 election which the leadership refuses to recognize via continued attack on what Obama mandate clearly demands. No rational, reasonable observer can any longer deny both the mandate and the now-absolute necessity for the actions set forth by Obama. That's NOT "insult" but undeniable truth proven by both prior and current events.

ChrisJones February 12, 2009 1:09 pm (Pacific time)

I noticed link a few comments ago by link by anonymous is not working. It is a very interesting movie HIGHLY recommended for the truth seeker on all sides of political spectrum. Also see the movie: Terrorstorm: a history of state sponsored terror--This link to watch the documentary for free on google video is correct--Endgame: Blueprint for global enslavement @

ChrisJones February 12, 2009 12:52 pm (Pacific time)

They have already spent trillions this past 6 months, about to spend trillions more, and SN wants to make it out like they're spending all that money on kids lunches and helping old ladies across the street. Zimbabwe school economics at it's finest.

Henry Ruark February 12, 2009 12:14 pm (Pacific time)

Sorr for inadvertent send of partial Comment. Title of content is "Millions Are At Risk of Falling Out of Middle Class" - PDF with detailed report is available at site given. Read, then "evaluate with own mind" --no "insult" intended, ever !!!-- simple invitation to cogitate if still possible given huge information overload today.

Henry Ruark February 12, 2009 11:18 am (Pacific time)

Chris: Hudson Institute is one of those set up primarily for propagandizing purposes by GOP Noise Machine, as carry/on for well-documented 12-family attack by billionaires on FDR and New Deal.(Harper's at time of attack, on file here, others later naming specific foundations, groups, writers.) Your citation is for group dedicated to interpretative philosophy of politics and thus open to question. Fact they are cited by press, including Reuters or et al, shows only influence with those reporters involved. That's how political/p. at press level is done, in case you've never "been there" and on receiving end. (I use "receiving end" knowingly.) That's why ownership is only way to guarantee you have real control of press,paper and performers(read:"staffers".Don't have to paste huge notice over payoff desk to make sure, either. HOW do you check source ? ONLY way is personal cogitation from known should try it sometime...Open, honest, ethical, democratic dialog can assist immeasurably but only if allowed to operate as advertised...we try hard here to make sure that is what S-N offers to all who use it without abusing it...

Henry Ruark February 12, 2009 9:35 am (Pacific time)

Chris: Search of Amazon turns up only 1988 edition of Hazlitt.]

Henry Ruark February 12, 2009 9:38 am (Pacific time)

Chris: Search of Amazon turns up only 1988 edition of Hazlitt. Do you know of ANY more recent than that ? If so, please source for me to check NOW re any possible upgrading. IF you dependent on '88 main source such as this, helps to explain your misinformation and UNinformed status re major developments ever since, a la authors-named and ready for ref. list here if and when you choose to ID rather than p/p...

Henry Ruark February 12, 2009 8:35 am (Pacific time)

Chris: Please send-again your last link, which turns up incorrect when copied-pasted, as I do on all possible links. Again repeat ID-to-Editor for direct, any time, for anyone, with ID as ticket simply proving good faith rather than seeking still further pp/shot, for which we have legal responsibility to protect readership, unavoidable and potentially very costly.

Vic February 12, 2009 8:14 am (Pacific time)

Does anyone think China is going to sit by and see their investments in the dollar get watered down constantly and not respond? China could bring this country to its knees in one hour if they announced that they were selling off their holdings! I suspect the only reason they havent yet is because they want to do it in a way that allows them to get some kind of return. Our money is based on nothing more than the Pollyannaish belief that everything will always get better. If I were China, Id relish the idea of decapitating this arrogant, warmongering nation. We need two billion dollars a day of foreign investment to stay has been almost 9 months since we met that standard. We might be able to kill everyone in the world several times over, but we are bankrupt...economically and morally. And re the attacks on staff thing....lets be fair. Some of the most insulting retorts I have read on here come from one of your staff, who claims to want honest open long as everyone agrees with him..if not, they are uninformed and ignorant. A lot of us have this mindset to a degree, and I am guilty also, but I dont claim to be openminded,(on some topics I most certainly am not) nor am I a staff member. I honestly do not know why a lot of my comments arent censored..there was a rash of censorship and re-writing comments while Tim was in Iraq, but that seemed to pass when he returned. I still think S-N is incredibly open and live up to their journalistic goals..hopefully things will stay that way.

ChrisJones February 12, 2009 7:06 am (Pacific time)

To all: Don't forget about this critical continuation of bank intervention policy--- Hold your wallet — here is TARP 2--– Diana Furchtgott-Roth is a senior fellow at the Hudson Institute and former chief economist at the U.S. Department of Labor. The views expressed are her own. – This week Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner unveiled a financial stabilization plan that could cost $2 trillion, in addition to the $790 billion that Congress plans to spend on economic stabilization. All this without any consultation with Congress. That’s financial stability?..cont'd @

Anonymous February 12, 2009 6:35 am (Pacific time)

Conservative: obama just signed legislation to bring hundreds of thousands of palestinians to the U.S. I feel for the palestinians of course, but yeesh. America will be a third world country soon. guaranteed. It was all planned decades ago. People such as Chuck Baldwin, Ron Paul, Alex Jones have been predicting/trying to prevent the fall of America for 10 years. It was strange talking about it, but now that its here and real, well to be honest, its surreal. Knowing it was coming is different than actually experiencing it. Feel like I am having a bad dream. So many are in complete denial of what is transpiring right in front of our eyes. The southwest/mexican border is more dangerous than Iraq but no news coverage. etc.etc The rothchild bank is robbing us blind, which will lead to further oppression and tyranny. Chuck Baldwin speaks the truth in regards to the bailouts and history. I'll say once again: the republican/democrat paradyme was made up by the elite to keep people distracted while they had their way. Get two people in a heated debate, they wont notice when they get their wallet stolen.

ChrisJones February 12, 2009 5:26 am (Pacific time)

To all: "see with own eyes" top story on fearmongering to pass political agenda--Obama's use of fear card may backfire--By Tabassum Zakaria - Analysis WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Barack Obama may think words like "catastrophe," "crisis" and "disaster" help sell his economic rescue plans, but U.S. history has shown that scare tactics can backfire. Having campaigned on a promise of hope and run against what he called President George W. Bush's "politics of fear," Obama may be taking a big political risk -- for himself and his policies -- by resorting to the same tactic....cont'd @

ChrisJones February 11, 2009 10:07 pm (Pacific time)

I've made plenty of comments that are on point with "see with own eyes" references to back up my case that have failed to be approved by you. You have every right to do whatever you want with your privately-funded website, but your policy is less than consistant with what you stated in previous comment editor. "If comments are to the point and don't involve attacks on our staff then they will be published" ----This is simply not the case and what you have going as far as your comment system is anything but an honest, open exchange of ideas...It's your way or the highway. The situation is to the point where almost none of my well thought out and documented comments that I spent a good deal of my precious time composing are getting through. It seems to me that any valid disagreements presented in a civilized manner are to be treated as "vicious personal attacks on the staff" in the eyes of the SN editor.

Anonymous February 11, 2009 7:25 pm (Pacific time)

please do not censor my thoughts and ideas salem-news.. thanks. :-)

Editor: Are you serious? I censor and/or delete anything that I think needs to go. If comments are to the point and don't involve attacks on our staff then they will be published. If people want to vent on us they can go elsewhere.

Henry Ruark February 11, 2009 6:24 pm (Pacific time)

To all: Simple short-course in sensible applied economics is ready for YOUR examination --in NATION 2/23/09. See CRASH LANDINGS, review of Krugman's famed early book (1999)now updated in new edition: The Return of Depression Economics. The review runs five deeply detailed pages; it puts to rest once and for all what Krugman has proven over past decade, every day, in his earlier edition and then in New York TIMES column. Read (and possibly weep !) if you wish to understand reality of worldwide Depression now well overdue but arriving...

Henry Ruark February 11, 2009 6:19 pm (Pacific time)

Friend Chris: Took us 30 years to dig huge pit, now we poised to leap over it...we'll see if jump is big enough to get to safety, or weakened enough to land us right in the pit. Fortunately it is YOU and your generation who will be forced to deal with consequences - I should escape before we find out !! Be my guest at party when we do --bring your own stuff, if you can still stand it.

Jim Williams February 11, 2009 5:59 pm (Pacific time)

The bill is a done thing but it will fail in my opinion and there will be a major awakening for those people who are political moderates. As far as the Republicans in the House, including the 11 or 12 democrats who voted against the bill they are simply reflecting what the majority of voters feel about this bill, along with their fiscal responsible principals. Capitalism will be the economy's rescuer, something that we have not allowed to flourish for many years now. In 1994 when the republican congress balanced the budget (it was the pubs that legislated that fiscal balancing and Clinton signed their legislation), capitalism was looking good, but the pubs dropped the ball. At least the first six years of Bush II had a robust economy, just look at the numbers: low unemployment with steady job growth, high stock market trades and regular quarterly growth. It went downhill when the dems took over in 2006 (just look at the record) when using the fear mongering tactic to get elected that we were losing in Iraq. Well we're looking good there, so Obama uses fear mongering for the economy. It's Cry Wolf, and we know how that story ended. I'll eat my Lexus sunvisors if the economy improves because of this pork bill.

conservative February 11, 2009 5:50 pm (Pacific time)

that's the reason we're broke. This bill will get more Government jobs and teachers. It will be worse before it gets better. God help us

Henry Ruark February 11, 2009 3:25 pm (Pacific time)

To all: Personal professional sources inform me that a masssive flood of negative comments arrived overnight in D.C., heavily influencing GOP dissidents to "get in line" re compromise-today on economic rescue bill. moresoon but do NOT let up in your contacts with any/all you can reach, since neocon nasties intend every act short of.....(fill in as you wish), to kill off (chosen word) any and all actions they see as finally torpedoing their longterm malign manipulations.

ChrisJones February 11, 2009 2:37 pm (Pacific time)

Well, they are gonna pass your precious spending package, so let's see how well it works. The economy should rise out of reccession now right??

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