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Feb-06-2007 18:46printcomments

Oregon's Sees Record Day

Oregon's fastest growing news Website sets new record with just under 600,000 hits in one day. has achieved this milestone in less than three years.

(SALEM) -'s most visited day in history happened this week when the site received 597,751 hits. The traffic generated on Monday stems from many factors, but the primary story drawing visitors was the arrest of an Oregon dad for using a stun gun on his 18-month old son.

Traffic on took a big jump last summer when it was added to the Google News site, becoming one of the 4,500 news sites that supply news to the world's largest search engine. A Google search of the words salem oregon news now sees holding the top search position, ahead of the Statesman Journal newspaper.

For people new to the Web, a "hit" is not a representation of the number of people who visit a site. Hits are counted each time a Web page is loaded. Each piece of artwork on a site counts as one hit. Therefore, the number is always several times higher than the actual number of site visitors.

On Monday, received 21,522 "unique visits." This data is recorded each time a different IP address visits the site. Several people in a home, business or school district may look at the site over the course of a day, but their traffic only counts as one unique visit if generated by the same IP.

Probably the most important number to examine in Web traffic is the number of "pages viewed." On Monday, February 5th, 2007, there were 32,842 pages or stories opened.

With Oregon coverage ranging from our city's downtown to war in the Mid-East, is continuing to serve Oregonians and people from all over the world. Many new and exciting additions are coming to in the very near future.

With newspaper circulation in the Willamette Valley continuing to decline sharply, the Internet is the preferred choice of news for the majority of the population. In the United States, over 75% of adults are online.

A few fast facts about

  • is locally owned and operated in Salem, Oregon.
  •'s Tim King has recently traveled to Afghanistan to report on the involvement of Oregon troops in the war there.
  • Kevin Hays won the Contributor of the Year Award from the Oregon Associated Press on behalf of in 2005.
  • is affiliated with a number of other local media groups including KPTV FOX-49 TV News and KEX 1190 AM Newsradio in Portland, Oregon.
Who is behind
  • The Web Designer is Matt Lintz.
  • Bonnie King is General Manager and Producer.
  •'s News Director is Kevin Hays
  • Tim King is's Chief Correspondent and Reporter.
  •'s Opinion/Editorial writer is Henry Clay Ruark.
  • Glen Bledsoe is's Staff Cartoonist.
  • Lela Taylor serves as Community Editor and Feature Reporter.
  • Sean King is the site's Teen Reporter.
  • Kevin Montgomery serves as a Photojournalist/Reporter.
  • David Duncan is Technical Consultant.
Contact staff members at:

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James Scott February 12, 2007 8:50 am (Pacific time)

I wanted to say good job to the site for the growth. But if you search "salem oregon news" on google the statesman journal comes up first.
Matt You are correct he should have worded it as salem news oregon

Albert Marnell February 12, 2007 3:33 am (Pacific time)

Thanks for the pep-talk Hank! I get tired from really only wanting a fair and compassionate system. No one should be abandoned in such a financially rich and technologically advanced country. Also, with the internet, there is no reason for people to live with the old myths and lies of history. We finally have a tool to get the truth out. Let's use it before the global elite shut it down and fill it with commercials.

Hank Ruark February 8, 2007 7:28 pm (Pacific time)

Al et al: NO - "Keep on keepin' on", doing damndest you can to convince those few who know enough to pay attention. Eventually truth wins out, if repeated often and loud enough...Founders believed that, and we have little other choice today. Never, ever quit when majority leans other-way...that only proves demand and necessity that much more... Tough --but so was 1776 !

Albert Marnell February 8, 2007 11:54 am (Pacific time)

JAFO, We have new information. My point was that websites and archived docs are still not updated and may never be. "TerrorStorm" by Alex Jones, tells about President Johnson pushing to have the ship sunk under a "False Flag" accusation as a pretext to go to war with Egypt. This was an early "Iraq" attempt, except our Commander and Chief decided that Egypt was an easier entry point at that time. The Israelis were told to sink it by a small circle of people under Lyndon Johnson as a pretext to invade the Middle East. At some point there was a Russian ship witnessing what was going on and they stopped the attack because of this. You can get "TerrorStorm" perhaps at your local library as I did. Maybe Blockbuster has it. Or you may have to buy it. You may also find it under various sites including those of Alex Jones. Additionally, Commanders and others in high positions do not always know what is going on. If they live to tell the truth they are usually told that they and their family will be killed if they open their mouths. A Medal of Honor in this situation is just more camouflage and adds strength to the lies and mental confusion. It is a very dirty world out there. There is no limit as to what people or powers will do when they have the obsession of being on the top.

JAFO; February 8, 2007 3:06 am (Pacific time)

Albert, USS Liberty "incident" very interesting.,tragic and unbelievably they didn't sink it! Commander of said vessel by the way, Commander W.L. McConagle,USN, was awarded the Medal of Honor for his actions in June,1967, and lived to tell about it! 34 ships crew were killed and 172 wounded that day according to USS Liberty web site and archived docs.,what I'd like to ask is what was your connection specifically, or was it a more general statement?.,no antagonism intended, but I lost track a bit.

Tim King February 7, 2007 4:47 pm (Pacific time)

Albert, thanks for that information on the U.S.S. Liberty, it is an important story.

Albert Marnell February 7, 2007 4:04 pm (Pacific time)

For Tim King et al: I do not know if you picked up on my U.S.S. Liberty information. I will be brief even though it is not my style. The Alex Jones's Film "TerrorStorm" should answer peoples' questions about the U.S.S. Liberty and other government sponsored terrorism. "TerrorStorm" reveals how Western leaders have repeatedly murdered their own citizens while posing as their saviors. You must remember that the vast majority of people in the military, police, corporations, government etc. are not aware of what a minority of their colleagues are up to. The majority really are trying to do the right thing. The problem is that they follow the declarations, information, and outright lies and schemes of the minority who do so for various, promotions, you name it. I hope that this reaches a few people that will take the time to view it instead of the MSM propaganda box...Television.

Albert Marnell February 7, 2007 2:23 pm (Pacific time)

Henry, I am not waiting, neither are you. How do you get people out of first grade to a level they have never been before and are frightened of? We try our best and make mistakes but it is all so disheartening. There are very few people that I can even carry on a conversation with anymore. They have been so completely brainwashed. The concept of using the media is so simple. It is such an obvious opportunity for those who want to control the direction of thoughts and beliefs of the masses. People question everything but the images and dialogue they see on the "Nightly News." Who on this earth ever taught them to trust newspapers, television, magazines and radio? Maybe the potential evil of the media is too much for most people to accept. The images and writings of total strangers with vested interests, connections and having the sole goal of a paycheck and a stable career should be totally obvious. Yet people are still buzzing about flatscreens and still pick up newspapers. When they buy the flatscreens nowadays, I ask them why? They always say that they do so to watch sports, thinking that this puts them in a different category of awareness. Organized sports and other fluff keeps the people from learning the truth about anything. I know that I am living in "The Twilight Zone." My connections with people are down to a small circle of friends. If I listen to mainstream dialogue I feel like a grandparent in a room of babbling infants. Maybe I should just become an alchoholic? That might be the best solution for me.

Hank Ruark February 7, 2007 10:34 am (Pacific time)

Al et al: Propaganda has been political weapon for centuries, as you often remind us. BUT Founders fought way around most of it via First Amendment, which is strongest component for our democracy. We fail them and ourselves when we fail to use the tools and weapons they provided --to kill off '76-symptoms of "royalism"-then. What are we waiting for ?

Albert Marnell February 7, 2007 7:18 am (Pacific time)

Congratulations, This is only the beginning. Main Stream Media (MSM) is total propaganda and garbage. Please allow yourselves to be even more cutting edge and you will find that everything that you have learned over a lifetime was nothing but government sponsored lies. Of course not everyone in government or the military or anywhere else knows the degree of propaganda and staged terror attacks on our own people. But MSM will not even allow you to touch that subject. Here you can give any perspective without being deleted, totally discredited or ignored. I hope this site helps to expose Western sponsored terrorism on their own people. The London Bombings for example were orchestrated by a priveleged few in British intelligence but the general public swallows the news on the tube. In 1921 the sun never set on the British flag. They want their domination of the world back, so does the United States with it's bribes and schemes to direct and control the world. Check out which is an Alex Jones website. I will not even argue with people anymore. My grandfather and mother taught me how lies are more powerful than bombs. They knew this almost 100 years ago. You need very few weapons if you are a master of lies. It is all about mind control.

Mary Keizer February 7, 2007 7:05 am (Pacific time)

No real shock here.

Anonymous February 7, 2007 6:57 am (Pacific time)

Most excellent news. But then, isn't that what we expect to see at

Q Madp February 7, 2007 6:27 am (Pacific time)

Good Job!!! Now keep it up. :)

curious; February 7, 2007 12:28 am (Pacific time)

what's the Statesman-Journal?

Osotan February 6, 2007 9:19 pm (Pacific time)

not bad pilgrims.,not at all!

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