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Dec-20-2007 16:22 ![]() ![]() Department of Revenue to Refund Kicker Checks Donated in ErrorSalem-News.comThe department will process the checks in the order it gets the information from taxpayers.
(SALEM, Ore.) - Taxpayers who reported that they didn't donate their kicker refund to the State School Fund when they electronically filed their 2006 personal income tax returns can get their kicker refund back, the Oregon Department of Revenue announced. Deputy Director Susan Browning said the department determined that the law that makes the election to donate the kicker irrevocable applies only to those who make that choice. "In this case, these taxpayers are telling us they did not make the choice to donate," Browning said. The department is sending letters to every e-filing taxpayer whose kicker refund was donated to the State School Fund. Nearly 6,800 e-filers donated their kickers to the fund, either by choice or not. Taxpayers who didn't check the box to donate their kicker but received a notice from the department telling them their kicker had been donated to the State School Fund, may request their kicker check by doing all of the following: 1. Make a copy of only the front page of your 2006 Oregon tax return (Form 40S, 40, 40P, or 40N) that shows the "donate kicker" box is not checked. 2. Write "kicker" plainly across the top of the page. 3. On the back of the tax return copy, write: "I certify that I did not check the box to donate my tax year 2006 kicker to the State School Fund." 4. Sign and legibly print your name and the date. If you filed a joint return, both spouses must sign and date. 5. Mail (don't e-mail or fax) only that page of your tax return with your signed statement on the back, along with the letter, to Oregon Department of Revenue, P.O. Box 14600, Salem, OR, 97309-5049. Your envelope must be postmarked by February 1st 2008. The department will send the taxpayer their check within three to four weeks after it receives this information. Taxpayers who owe a debt on which the state collects may receive a smaller-than-expected kicker check. The department will process the checks in the order it gets the information from taxpayers. Beginning January 2nd, the department will post on its website,, the status of kicker-refund processing. For more information, including frequently asked questions, visit the department's website, or call 1-800-356-4222 (toll-free from an Oregon prefix); 503-378-4988 (Salem and outside Oregon); or e-mail, The department's call center is very busy, and taxpayers may get a busy signal or experience extended wait times. "We appreciate the public's patience during this time. And we appreciate the cooperation from the Oregon Department of Education and guidance from the governor's office," Browning said. Articles for December 19, 2007 | Articles for December 20, 2007 | Articles for December 21, 2007 | ![]() Quick Links
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Jefferson December 26, 2007 12:30 pm (Pacific time)
People please notice how Henry does not want the "Culture of Corruption" (Nancy Pelosi's terminology) issue to be addressed by me (or you!!), for he knows exactly how hypocritical the dems are. For example we have had 14 people removed from congress for criminal convictions in the last 30 or so years and only 2 were he and those of Henry's ilk will put on a full court press to change the subject and demonize people like me. Think! 12 democratic felons kicked out of office and sent to prison compared to 2 republicans (Rep. Jefferson [Democrat] from Louisiana next?). Email Nancy Pelosi and ask her to call a press conference and come clean!
Henry Ruark December 26, 2007 11:31 am (Pacific time)
To all: "nonentity": a person of no influence." Easy to see why; waste of time and space to reply. Others of same ilk may now appear; we need to give them same treatment, described well by Lincoln's famed "skunk advertising its act."
Jefferson December 26, 2007 10:48 am (Pacific time)
Henry as usual you missed the point. Both you and feldman are peerless in that ability, just peerless! This "Culture of Corruption" that the democrats discuss, have you ever reviewed who has the most criminal convictions!? Feldman it's been my observation that people who start name calling are the ones who are the real bigots, especially the anti-Gentiles, who historically are also peerless when it comes to mass murder and criminal behavior(s) and of course evasivness, which you excell at!. Facts that can be provided to anyone who wants to know them. They use to be taught in our universities but stopped in the late 50's on the east coast and the late 60's on the west coast, but the historical material is starting to pop up in our schools at this time. Thousands of years of historical facts that have been submerged!
Henry Ruark December 24, 2007 9:00 am (Pacific time)
To all: Explicit in any consideration of what's happening to our economy must be the "terrible fate" befalling our once-strong union movement, smashed into current weakness by corporate design, strategy and continuing attack. Paul Krugman of NY TIMES fame wrote this in his latest, on-site at TIMES today: "It’s often assumed that the U.S. labor movement died a natural death, that it was made obsolete by globalization and technological change. But what really happened is that beginning in the 1970s, corporate America, which had previously had a largely cooperative relationship with unions, in effect declared war on organized labor. "Don’t take my word for it; read Business Week, which published an article in 2002 titled “How Wal-Mart Keeps Unions at Bay.” "The article explained that “over the past two decades, Corporate America has perfected its ability to fend off labor groups.” It then described the tactics — some legal, some illegal, all involving a healthy dose of intimidation — that Wal-Mart and other giant firms use to block organizing drives. "These hardball tactics have been enabled by a political environment that has been deeply hostile to organized labor, both because politicians favored employers’ interests and because conservatives sought to weaken the Democratic Party. “We’re going to crush labor as a political entity,” Grover Norquist, the anti-tax activist, once declared.: But that has only party been accomplished, and labor is again leading a progessive surge soon to show opponents just how strong public opinion and participation can again become, in these United States, as we take back our nation once again.
Neal Feldman December 24, 2007 12:33 am (Pacific time)
Jefferson - I do not believe that the divisions you try to employ break down on left or right... at least as not as much as you seem to think they would. As fot Israel they seem able to take care of themselves but our govt gunds a great many other nations that they probably shouldn't. So I have to ask you why you choose to single out Israel? Is it my surname? Are you a religious bigot or anti-Semite? If so you are off-target as I am Jewish by birth but Wiccan by choice. Typical of your myopic neocon nonsense though. As for intellectual superiority between you and me it is no contest, my nuke to your extinguished match. As for right vs left on the intellectual spectrum the facts speak for themselves. While those on the right are not universally unintelligent or uneducated they appear to be to the point that those who are not stand out in such strong contrast. It is just too cute when a victim of the right wing neocon propaganda like yourself attempts to project your delusional state onto me with your ludicrous claims. Kinda sad and pathetic actually. Ah well...
Henry Ruark December 23, 2007 6:39 am (Pacific time)
To all: Might wish to add revealing statement from NY TIMES Edit today to economic information distorted by canny choice of selective numbers: Trade and Prosperity NY TIMES 23 Dec. 2007 "Many Americans are experiencing economic anxiety. Wages for most workers are going nowhere. It is a sad fact that despite enormous gains in productivity over the past few decades, the wages of typical workers are only marginally higher than they were a quarter of a century ago. But throttling trade — say, by reconsidering existing agreements — would hurt a lot more people than it helped. "There is scant evidence that trade has played a big role in holding down typical workers’ wages. There is abundant evidence that it has contributed substantially to America’s overall economic growth. It offers American producers access to foreign markets. It multiplies choices for producers and consumers. Foreign competition spurs productivity growth at home. "Trade, like technological change, can produce wrenching dislocations that hurt some workers. But trade barriers are not the proper tool to deal with these changes. What is needed is a bold strategy to rebuild a functioning safety net, deploying some of the vast wealth this nation has gained through globalization to assist those hurt by the forces of economic change. "This will allow Americans to embrace globalization, rather than fear it." That is precisely the solid message from the Boston Summit on redesign of the corporate format, which I reported here for you (exclusively in Oregon) recently --and also the same solid story from the new Robert Reich book on now- SUPERCAPITALIZATION. Still invite own Op Ed from Neocon Nonetity, and will be glad to exchange drafts prior to publication, side by side if possible right here.
Jefferson December 21, 2007 5:55 pm (Pacific time)
Neal one more point: Which "sectors" of the population centers in America have the highest crime rate? The highest drop out rate? The people on the most entitlement programs? The highest unwed-mother rate? I could go on, but certainly when you want to claim some intellectual superiority, you really have no concept about just what intelligence entails, but that's okay Neal, you are after all a victim of the leftist propaganda and you are not even aware of it, now that's what is meant about being clueless! Tough break...and by the way Matt, you alluded to the concept of "censoring" those viewpoints you don't like...look up the definition of fascism...enlighten yourself over this holiday period.
Jefferson December 21, 2007 4:42 pm (Pacific time)
Neal and Matt thanks for making my point. And Neal why no response about cutting funds to Isreal, a nation that kills Americans and uses lethal torture? Conflict of interest?
Neal Feldman December 21, 2007 2:52 pm (Pacific time)
Matt Johnson - I understand your position, really I do, but I respect the editors here for even allowing the dishonest and clueless their free speech... and as you point out it is easy enough for the likes of us to point out the truth and show him (them) to be the fool(s) he/they is/are. I prefer that to some censor sitting back and deciding which side gets to say anything, true or not (such as is the case at the Statesman-Journal forums due to their censorship policies I've discussed before in an article). Besides the more Jefferson etc post the more it is clear they are terrified of the likely outcome of the 008 elections... or of impeachment proceedings against his hero Shrub and Co. Ah well...
Matt Johnson December 21, 2007 2:29 pm (Pacific time)
Neal, this guy is nothing but a GOP shill and I am going to remind people about that every time he starts flapping his lips. It is a joke that he has been able to spread so much false and negative propaganda already, but I guess the people running this news site don't care about controlling this kind of nonsense, and I understand that, but geez! I mean, he won't stop, everything he says is backward and untruthful. He wants to magnify small things the left does and minimize each and every deplorable action of the GOP. He is a shill, plain and simple, paid to do this and probably doesn't mean a word of it as it is completely nonsensical in the first place.
Neal Feldman December 21, 2007 2:20 pm (Pacific time)
Jefferson - Never mind the fact that 'the left' you so vilify tends to be the more intelligent and educated sector of the population. I have my own ideas on public education and will be putting up a commentary soon regarding such. It disgusts me that anyone in high school cannot do the most rudimentary algebra (such as 2x 3=11 what is x? Far too many haven't a clue.. it is 4 by the way in case anyone wondered). But I blame administration more than teachers and I blame mainstreaming too... because teachers cannot bring the class ahead of the slowest student in the class and with what used to be 'special ed' kids mainstreamed that slows everyone down to their level which is not only unfair but it is stupid. Also all the overcrowding by the broods from the 30 million illegals, all the money wasted on unnecessary ESL classes (the kids should be able to do English if they are entering the school, that is the family's, not the district's, responsibility) and all the other money sinks put in so that parents today have to provide the books, paper, pens, pencils and just about everything that used to be provided by the school. And disruptive kids have to be kept in the class? Why? Put the old disruptive kids classes back into being. If they do not want to learn fine, don't let them steal the opportunity from others. There is a lot of room for improvement but to fault teachers for sending their own kids to private schools who can take the pick of the litter and keep class sizes low and excise the undesirables instead of the public schools who have to take everyone no matter what and just 'deal with it'. If it were you and you had the choice where would you send YOUR kids?) The goal should be to make the answer to that question 'public schools of course!'. Ah well...
Jefferson December 21, 2007 1:09 pm (Pacific time)
People as per latest testing assessment's as provided per even the bluest of blue far left media out there: "70%", that's right 70% of urban 4th graders cannot pass an age-related reading test! Also the vast majority of public education school teachers, when they have the funds available, send their kids to private schools. Currently the people who would be high achievers (regardless of the learning environment) will always generally excel, but they will diminish as they begin to give up swimming against the waves of mediority that Henry champions. The advancements we enjoy at this time are essentially from a school time period when education was about learning how to think independently, not being told what to think, which is what the socialist's are all about, ergo, the poor testing assessment results by a significant majority of our urban students and starting to spread to the burbs. If we continue on the present course, i.e. , a downward spiral, the vast majority of public educated students will be "ripe for the picking" by people who are similar to Henry's ideology and these poor children will simply become fodder for some really bad objectives by these creatures. People you should obviously be aware that employers want an educated employee, it's a win win for everyone, and that is why our country has been so successful up to this point, but we will not continue if public education is controlled by the ones that are screwing it up now. Since we would need to completely rebuild the system which could take many years, it would be better to let people have vouchers for their children then private schools would compete for those dollars by continung to offer good and always improving educational programs that produce desired it was pre-LBJ. I was there during that time period Henry, and so were the majority of Oregon voters (and the vast majority of veterans) who kicked Morse out of office. Unfortunately the left started to grow about the same time the media started to be controlled by some really bad people, now the time has come to take our country back and give it to the people, which is what our founding fathers designed this republic for...not the inculcating process that the media owners have established. These creatures, well, never mind...
Henry Ruark December 21, 2007 12:30 pm (Pacific time)
If education "has failed", how come you continue to cite how wonderfully well-off nation continues to be, and how come our corporations are leading the world in profits and products and promotions, on every measurement ? IF so-failed, how come our scientists are and have already created and controlled and consolidated more solid advances in a decade or two than most others over the last half-century ? Cannot ALL be grads from those costly private schools so many money-grabbing neocon investers send their kids to. IF we making any progress such as you profess, must come from current generations, and not so much from old geeks like the two of us...and how come that happens if the schools are failing us so badly ? Interesting to note that most of our advances come from large numbers of persons trained and advanced via the federal-funds NDEA --which was helped into being by...Wayne Morse ! I know, since I was there. "Vas you dere, Charlie ?"
Jefferson December 21, 2007 9:51 am (Pacific time)
Appears more and more people simply want to keep their money. Time to provide educational fund vouchers for those who demand it, especially in light of the continuing downward spiral of public education. It has failed!
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