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Dec-20-2007 11:49 ![]() ![]() Constituents Call on Blumenauer to Support ImpeachmentSalem-News.comWeekly protest moves beyond picketing.
(PORTLAND, Ore.) - At noon today, a group including veterans, grandparents and younger people calling themselves "Individuals for Justice" will sit in front of the main entrance to Representative Earl Blumenauer's Office Building at 729 NE Oregon to demand that he support bringing articles of Impeachment against Dick Cheney and George W. Bush. For the 21st week the group will call on Blumenauer to respond to the advice of Multnomah County Democrats and the 65 % of the public that supports impeachment. Joe Walsh, also known as 'The Lone Vet' initiated the protests because he feels that it is the responsibility of American citizens to challenge the illegality of the Bush administration. "George Bush has caused me to be ashamed to be an American; Earl Blumenauer has caused me to be ashamed to be a democrat. We are willing to risk arrest to send a message that Bush is the one who should face a judge." Another of the demonstrators is Sara Graham, one of the "Grannies" recently acquitted of misdemeanor charges for a protest at the Army/Marine Recruiting office on NE Broadway, Graham believes that impeachment is necessary to restore the integrity of the United States Government. Story continues below "The people of this country are going to lose what little faith they have left in our political process if our representatives in Congress won't even try to hold Bush and Cheney accountable for their crimes against humanity," she said. Those demanding impeachment support House Resolution 333 introduced by Representative Dennis Kucinich (D-Ohio) on April 24th 2007 during the 110th United States Congress. House Resolution 333 calls for impeachment of Vice President Dick Cheney on three charges. If the House approves an article of impeachment, it then moves to the Senate, which has constitutional authority to try, and with a two-thirds vote, remove a person from office. Articles for December 19, 2007 | Articles for December 20, 2007 | Articles for December 21, 2007 | ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() googlec507860f6901db00.html Support | |
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Jefferson December 26, 2007 11:14 am (Pacific time)
People those on the far left want big government, they want to control every part of your lives. Henry quotes Ben Franklin below, but does he agree with him? By the way Henry, I'm sure your prowess with a badmitton shuttlecock is quite a site to behold (have you video files?), but I was comparing waterboarding with the rigors of football (I played both in high school and college) and the physical, mental and emotional toll that football provides is far more severe than controlled waterboarding, as the evidence attests to. Ergo, waterboarding in conjucntion with other intelligent gathering methods saves lives and hopefully will continue to do so. Again, as I stated below people, journalist's are lining up to sample waterboarding themselves, and please keep in mind there is a political agenda involved here. This procedure goes back a long long time and here in the states it can be documented back to before FDR and up to the present. It is just now that the far left wants to use this as a poltical device to further their own dangerous agenda which includes abolishing the electoral college. So who would want to abolish the Electoral College if it tears the country apart? "The same people who want to do away with ALL states' rights. They don't understand the purpose of having states (and a limited government!) in the first place. These people would prefer living under an omnipotent centralized government. They believe that their lives will be much more secure under such rule. Those of us who oppose such government power recognize that a strong centralized government that can deliver perfect security from invading and interior forces then itself becomes the primary enemy as it controls its own power limits. If you let anyone or anything determine its own limit of power, then it will choose not to limit itself. A "secure" nation is one with a perfect balance of limited government and national/domestic defense. Any shift in either direction leaves the population at serious risk to domestic and/or foreign opposition."
Henry Ruark December 26, 2007 5:59 am (Pacific time)
To all: Fundamental decision on Founders remedy for attack on this nation is facilitated by this authoratative report. "See with own eyes" and use own head, rather than rely on anyone else; that's YOUR responsibility ! Here's link:
Henry Ruark December 23, 2007 6:15 am (Pacific time)
To all: Final fitting touch is Nonentity family flourish: " family's connection with Oregon journalism (and other professions) runs back to before Oregon became a state. I for some reason do not feel the need to drop names with you, can you comprehend that?" Seems both insulting and unnecessary, don't you think ? If we to exchange family-ID as requirement for words here, depends on what generation you wish to choose. Mine are Black Irish, one was leader of British open effort to depopulate Ireland in capturing the rich lands there some centuries ago. Others of same tribe helped sail early vessels coming to America...and one built own shipyard in Baltimore. Several were in early U.S. journalism long before West was conquered, with my Dad as last example: Investigative reporter on Baltimore SUN, famed crusading daily then. He won gold medal for his debating prowess, by the way, in then-famed college there. But none ever had connection with torture; all were strong enough to work within social compact, sharing with others; and none made way by onerous self-superior denunciations of those disagreeing with them. "See with own eyes" supply of sources, "for their own examination", is carryover taught me by my Dad, insisting it was "only fair" to let all readers "use their own brain, since then they must stand responsible for results." That still makes perfect sense for me, today, when it is surely more needed than ever before, if we are to save and strengthen what we have left of our world-famed legacy left to us by the Founding Fathers. Remember wise old Ben Franklin? In reply to a query about format of government, he replied: "A republic --if you can keep it."
Henry Ruark December 22, 2007 12:29 pm (Pacific time)
To all: For the record on "torturer" emphasis. Universal Declaration of Human Rights, ratifed by UN Dec.10, 1948, 48-0, states: Article 5: "No one shall be subjected to torture, or to cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment"; and Article 6: "Everyone has the right to recognition everywhere as a person before the law." Waterboarding has been declared by international agencies as torture. Anyone claiming civilized demeanor and attitude towards others, regardless of any political affiliation, thus must recognize that any and all connection with torture is in effect breaking this internationally recognized compact intended to be binding on all civilized persons. Does this explain my real intensities on this subject ? Where does it leave anyone who admits to even passing contact with waterboarding, even in demonstration, when impossible to so experience without close connection with "national security agency" --the very group charged with egregious usage of terror, and now with destroying videotape recordings which would have proven up ongoing guilts. Article
Henry Ruark December 22, 2007 5:11 am (Pacific time)
Nonentity: Almost missed this one, in your own words and set off by parens (in itself revealing action !): "(and other professions)" So must ask, naturally, if they included "torturer" and "anti-Indian persecutor", among others storied in the West at that time.
Neal Feldman December 22, 2007 1:25 am (Pacific time)
Jefferson - promoting Coulter... no more need be said. LOL Ah well...
Henry Ruark December 21, 2007 6:27 pm (Pacific time)
Nonentity: For once I believe you, re family...concepts, ideas, image of realities makes it clear it could be no other kind of group, holding same views now as when then started --probably with French and Indian newsletter. And the hee-haw fits nicely, too...thank you for that final revealing touch.
Jefferson December 21, 2007 6:08 pm (Pacific time)
Henry my family's connection with Oregon journalism (and other professions) runs back to before Oregon became a state. I for some reason do not feel the need to drop names with you, can you comprehend that? My family and associates are quite blessed, and my communications with people like you really make me aware of just how fortunate I am, so I thank you for that. Well I'm off to the Alpine compound where I will do my best to generate some carbon while slow-smoking some vittles that would give a cardiac to the peta's...for you conservatives out there Merry Christmas, and for you secular progressives, go read some Ann Coulter...inform yourselves. Hee haw
Neal Feldman December 21, 2007 4:34 pm (Pacific time)
Weapons of Mass Distraction. Ah well...
Henry Ruark December 21, 2007 4:13 pm (Pacific time)
Neal et al: Continuance from scripts comes from fact of using "fear" as weapon to confuse public, when supposed enemy long gone and practically dead due to worldwide changes in past 50 years. BUT if one refuses to see those changes, then "fear as weapon to confuse" still appeals, substituted for facts and realities which if used would give away the whole fraudulent neocon nonworking nonsensical "policies", per perfect picture of such demonstrated for eight years by Bush II cabal, descended from Bush I Reagan debacle. To see proof in place, just check personal status from ten years ago, with emphasis on costs, deep concerns, many corporate venalities, and what is happening to all those you know, too.
Neal Feldman December 21, 2007 2:34 pm (Pacific time)
Funny I thought the commie hunting was supposed to have ended with HUAC and the 'socialist' BS with the cold war. I guess some folks can never update their scripts. Ah well...
Henry Ruark December 21, 2007 2:08 pm (Pacific time)
Nonentity et al" Nope, never applied for MAC, but was once offered complimentary membership...most of those I knew there were much wiser than I at the time, and most were true conservatives, rather than fraudulent non-ID neocon-types. Re OREGONIAN, always friendly there, too; one of main editors sent me his book on Pulitzers with neat note on flyleaf. You ever get similar from anyone there ? "Respectfully", note says... And yes, we do have something in common: Responsible action within our profession. What's yours, by the way ? You seem determined to keep it deep, dark secret --except for water-boarding assignment, that is. IF you do not see obvious actions by those you one-sidedly denominate as "socialists", it may be that your vision is, somehow, blocked by the psychotic characteristic of seeing what you want to see...could be ? Symptom is also still further characterized by your continuing penchant to substitute name-calling and generalized abuse for any rational, responsible rhetoric adding to factual information for productive sharing here, as channel designed to do. You might find Tannen book titled THE ARGUMENT CULTURE: Moving From Debate to Dialog of help, if you can still focus on straighforward English documentation. It is ISBN 0-965-60915-4; and NO ! she is NOT either socialist or communist - simply one of world's leading linguists. Happens I got book when I once interviewed her on tv in re-reading for sixth time. Or perhaps you have difficulty in reading ? You never mention or quote any of the books I continue to call to your attention, such as Reich's SUPERCAPITALISM.
Jefferson December 21, 2007 1:33 pm (Pacific time)
Comparing a self-acknowledged violent felon who criminally abuses children (NEIL GOLDSCMIDT) with Packwood and his penchant for cheap box wine, who did the honorable thing and resigned (Goldscmidt would have taken over the State Educational Board had the media bosses not finally exposed him, we are going to expose them next, real soon), demonstrates how really skewed your value system is Henry. What happened, did your MAC membership application get turned down and you're still bitter after all these years. P.S. Literally dozens of journalists with the Oregonian and Oregon Journal were/are members (their children and grandchildren are also)...of course these professionals have nothing in common with you Henry. Why do you think that is? I never see the socialists out there doing anything to help their fellow man, just belching out meaningless and gaseous theories of what should be done...nonsensical things!
Henry Ruark December 21, 2007 12:38 pm (Pacific time)
Sue et al: The time is right for serious thought about impeachment as the absolute final measure to protect what we have left of our Constitution. Anon's ref.from behind that tree is confused and ill-built, but I seem to recall a Packwood situation similar to that of the Goldschmidt debacle, too...which may prove it is evil from either side, with little tie to politics. Re "disdain for veterans", Guantanamo, waterboarding, disastrous slashes in veterans care at all levels, and ongoing other contempt clearly shown by neocons in D.C. control should help to make up any thinking person's mind to examine the Founding Fathers plan for remediation when demanded...and perhaps now's that time.
Anonymous December 21, 2007 10:00 am (Pacific time)
Blumenauer, aka, Baby-boomer Deferment Warrior is such a total embarassment to clear-thinking Oregonians and all veterans. Wexler, ditto but for Florida. I have heard that people of their ilk have always shown disdain for our military personnel and veterans? Maybe Neal has more of an insight into them from a different perspective than I? I would wager some serious money that neither of these congress-critters have any family members from the distant past that ever had anything to do with the U.S. Constitution, but I wonder what their views are on say the Rosenberg's rightful execution, or say the behavior of the violent child-rapist and former Oregon governor Goldschmidt?
Sue December 21, 2007 7:41 am (Pacific time)
There is information on the call for hearings at This congressman is on the committee that holds hearings. He also has a website where you can sign a petition If this is something important to you, I encourage you to show the leadership in Congress by signing his petition. I believe we deserve answers to the destruction of our Constitution, so I have signed.
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