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Dec-18-2006 16:22printcomments

Armed and Dangerous: Car Jackers Steal Again

Watch for a Burgundy, 2001 Dodge Neon with Oregon plates 897-CHH. Suspects should be considered Armed and Dangerous.

31-year old Jason Robert Desantis and 20-year old Marco A. Villerreal, both wanted on multiple charges.
Have you seen these men? Police are looking for 31-year old Jason Robert Desantis and 20-year old Marco A. Villerreal, both wanted on multiple charges.

(ALBANY) - The two men on the run since their car jacking attempt last week in Albany are at it again. Still armed and considered dangerous, they stole two cars Saturday, and have successfully avoided apprehension at this time.

On Saturday at 4:55 PM, deputies from the Linn County Sheriff’s Office responded to a 911 report of an armed disturbance at 38768 NW Alder in Scio.

According Sheriff Tim Mueller, while en-route to the call, deputies were advised that the suspects had left the residence, and were driving toward Jefferson in a 1994 Silver Cadillac 4 door sedan.

Deputies caught up to them near Greens Bridge going into the Jefferson area. While information was being gathered on the incident, deputies followed the Cadillac through Jefferson onto Hwy 99E toward I-5.

When deputies attempted to stop the Cadillac, the driver of the vehicle refused to yield and continued onto I-5 at speeds up to 90 mph. The car was pursued onto the Talbot Road exit, where it slowed down, and two men fled from the rear of the vehicle.

Two more occupants remained in the vehicle, one in the driver’s seat and the other in the right front. Deputies were committed to a high risk stop on the Cadillac while the two suspects on foot ran toward the rear of a residence at 1058 Talbot Road. The identity of these two occupants is not known at this time.

Moments later, a 2001 Ford Expedition with two subjects in it left the driveway of the residence and drove past the deputies who were attempting to deal with the Cadillac.

The Ford Expedition was stopped in a short distance and the people inside explained that were fleeing the residence because there were two armed suspects inside the house, attempting to steal a vehicle.

The deputies were returning to the area of 1058 Talbot road when a 2001 Dodge Neon was stolen from the same residence and took off with the two suspects in it.

The vehicle had a significant lead and was pursued at high speed to the area of 99E and Ankeny Hill where it was lost. The Dodge Neon has not been located at this time. It is Burgundy, with Oregon plates 897-CHH.

Deputies from Linn County were assisted in this incident by the Oregon State Police, Marion County Sheriff’s Office and the Albany Police Department.

Law Enforcement agencies are currently looking for: 31-year old Jason Robert Desantis is from the Salem area. Desantis is wanted for Burglary I, Robbery I, Kidnap I, Menacing, Coercion, and Unauthorized Use of a Motor Vehicle. Desantis is also a wanted in the December 15th car jacking that occurred in the Mervyn's parking lot in Albany. 20-year old Marco A. Villerreal is also from Salem. Villerreal is wanted for Robbery I, Kidnap I, Burglary I, and Unauthorized Use of a Motor Vehicle.

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J.B. October 20, 2016 3:33 pm (Pacific time)

My Dear sweet Jason! Still remember U running around in Diapers! Miss that sweet little face! I was not much older. But, U are my little Cuz! Things were not easy for U! Our Parents, There lives were much worse than ours. Still they did there best! Sucks to hear that U thought there was no other way out. Thinking your life was over. Shows that U were not as harden as people think. Take care Cuz U will be missed!

Danyel DeSantis February 1, 2011 12:58 pm (Pacific time)

To "Widow DeSantis" or anybody concerned: I am the ONLY wife of Jay DeSantis, therefore making ME his widow. You *may* have a child by him, to which I would say, let's get a paternity test. As his wife, I KNOW the details surrounding his death and they were extremely unfortunate and painful. People will speculate and create things in their minds in order to appear to be "in the know." But, the truth will step out into the if you really do have a child, want to know about Jay's life, feel free to contact me. I'm happy to provide you w/any information you need to know. For those who have negative comments, assumptions and judgements, may God be w/you. Feel free to contact me at -Dany DeSantis

Danyel DeSantis February 1, 2011 12:57 pm (Pacific time)

To "Widow DeSantis" or anyone else of concern: I am the ONLY wife of Jay DeSantis, therefore making ME his widow. You *may* have a child by him, so I say, Let's get a paternity test. As his wife, I KNOW the details surrounding his death and they were extremely unfortunate and painful. People will speculate and create things in their minds in order to appear to be "in the know." But, the truth will step out into the if you really do have a child, want to know about Jay's life, feel free to contact me. I'm happy to provide you w/any information you need to know. For those who have negative comments, assumptions and judgements, may God be w/you. Feel free to contact me at -Dany DeSantis

Aunt Sassy December 20, 2010 5:55 pm (Pacific time)

Today is the anniversary of the death or should I say suicide of my nephew Jason. I feel like it was just yesterday and when I read these comments it really takes me back to that terrible December 20,2006. To all of you who left comments thinking you knew him so well, your wrong! None of us really knew Jason. There was only one person that can say they knew him and that was Jason. He kept all of us at arms length because it was safe for him. He guarded his heart and his emotions, it was easier to play the tough guy and keep you at a distance then to break down his wall and let us in. He was such a gifted young man, so talented as you all know, his artistic ability was incredible he just had no idea how much more there was to himself and what he was capable of doing. His life was cut short and he never really got to live his life the way the rest of us have or plan to. He told us what we wanted to hear so that we thought he was on the right track, but the truth is he couldn't live the life styles that we take for granted. He couldn't imagine himself going to work every day punching a time clock and taking orders, how fun was that? He wanted more out of life but he wanted to do it the easy way. Taking short cuts is part of the reason he got into trouble, if he did that he was usually breaking the law. That was a risk he was willing to take. I say he because so many of you think it was his dad that gave him the criminal tendencies, but your wrong. He talked to me about the things he did and he got a strange feeling of excitement just talking about it. He made his own decisions about what he wanted to do with his life, who he wanted to be with and who were his friends. Jason made bad choices and picked a lot of bad friends that encouraged him to stay in that life. It eventually killed him! He thought his bro's would look up to him if he took himself out, you know the tough guy who would rather kill himself then go back to prison!!! What a game, have any of his bro's done the same? I think not! Don't judge Jason because there's only one that can do that and for sure don't judge his father, can you imagine losing your son and the questions you would ask yourself everyday for the rest of your life? I know my brother and what he feels in his heart, he loved that young man from the day he first laid eyes on him and he loved him the day he closed his eyes forever.

Editor: This is Tim King from, I want to commend the family members for being here and speaking frankly and honestly about this very difficult story.  In reading these words, I get the feeling that there is something positive taking place.  If you folks are interested in pursuing this please let me know.  If and when there can be reconciliation everyone gains.  There are other examples.  Maybe together we can generate a powerful story for Oregon readers that can give them some solid ideas they can employ in their own lives.  Please write if you are related to the story and interested in learning what we can from this:  Thanks. 

Samuel Robert Desantis December 18, 2010 10:11 pm (Pacific time)

I happen to be Jason's Father. The one all of you seem to want to blame for my sons death and decisions in life (stephanie) I have news for you all. We all make mistakes, No one is perfect, I,m Not and neither was my son. But he was and still is the best son any one could have I love my son and i would appreciate it if you all could try to have some respect. If any of you knew him,you would not be talking so much shit. To any one else out there who knew jason, Or know of any child he had give me a call 503-884-3240. I would love to talk to you. And as far as widow DeSantis you are full of shit i would already know of you and i don,t so quit acting like your somebody you are NOT, quit blowing smoke up everyones ass. I,m sorry to everyone that jason hurt, one why or another, Like i said Jason did cause some havoc, And i,m sorry. But HE Still lives in my heart, and he always will.

Samuel Robert DeSantis December 18, 2010 10:14 pm (Pacific time)

If you would rather e-mail thank you

BTW November 4, 2010 10:19 am (Pacific time)

Whoever is posting as me on a different article about this event needs to quit posing or fess up. Yeah he was married to this one woman as far as I know, but I'll leave the rest off this. I do apologize for calling this woman out but there's so much missing from this story and I'm leaving it at just that.Remember the good times and I let god take care of the rest.If you see the other article on here with the comments of the same person, it sure as hell isn't me but a sick person playing a cruel game.

Unknown November 4, 2010 2:20 am (Pacific time)

I knew he was married in 03 or 04. I knew the hell he went through with the woman in 03 or 04. I know of the other, and only what my homie told me. It's messed up how he died and how his funeral played out...Only God can judge those leading up to his death, nuff said.

Widow DeSantis May 16, 2010 11:24 pm (Pacific time)

Who ever knew jayson's "wife" she was not even married/engaged to him and was no saint at all. WOMAN I AM CALLING YOU OUT! I am the mother of his son and have kept silent until now. Stephanie I love u lots and will always be there for the family from now on. For the people who commented negativly it's easy to talk about someone when your not in front of them and karma can be a real b***h! Let he who is without sin cast the first stone and I know, and can put money on this none of you are pure. I wish things would have been different but our son and I reflect on Jay the dad. It's so easy for people to spout $2 words out of an $11 mouth piece, right?

August 7, 2008 2:46 am (Pacific time)

i was the driver in the caddy...this was a rude awakening! but he wasnt a bad person and this incident happened the first day i met him. but if anyone of you is talkin crap now after he is dead, you should of said it to his face when he was alive if you had any balls. just let stuff go

Lori January 13, 2008 2:37 am (Pacific time)

You should all take a good hard look in the mirror before blaming others for what happened. It wasnt his fathers fault. He did what he did on his own and made bad choices as we ALL DO! however his choice was the worst at the time and him dying didnt make it easy on his family. So before ripping another heart out think before you speak. He wasnt nearly as bad as some would like to have thought he was. R.I.P. Jason

Lori Stephens April 7, 2007 12:24 am (Pacific time)

I just have a few things I'd like to say to ALL OF YOU judgemental hypocrits, who took it upon yourselves to post such AWFUL things about Jason! WHO THE HELL DO YOU THINK Y-O-U ARE?? Did ANY of you know Jason, his wife, his family, and "YES!!", even his FRIENDS!?!? I doubt ANY of you had a DAMN clue? Am I right?? It makes me sick to my stomache how ANYONE of you can be capable of such cruel, inhumane BULLSHIT!! Do ANY of you have a clue as to "WHY?" Jason was in the "situation" that he was, unfortunately in?! All I know is..."Jason, I'm sure, KNEW he was a "bad" person. I can not speak FOR him, but I feel certain that he lived EVERY day, EVERY minute, EVERY second of his life, FEELING how "bad" he was." The thing that's so VERY scary?? HE KNEW!! Has it ever occured to ANY of you that there REALLY are even worse human beings that we, UNFORTUNATELY!!, have the "privilege" of having to worry about EVERY SINGLE SECOND of our lives! "WHO?" I am talking about EACH AND E-v-E-R-Y ONE OF Y-O-U!!! "WHO THE HELL ARE A-N-Y OF YOU, SORRY BASTARDS!!, TO JUDGE A-N-Y-O-N-E?!" What are you going to do, when one day...IT IS Y-O-U-R KID?! HUH??

It's Funny! January 5, 2007 2:32 pm (Pacific time)

It is extremely funny how a piece of trash found hiding actually in a trash can, can have such love for another piece of trash. I hope the poor dog that got to bite the said trash, has his shots!

Not likely!!! January 5, 2007 2:28 pm (Pacific time)

Everyone in my family has a job and works for a living. They WORK FOR A LIVING! They dont prey on innocent people! Maybe that could have something to with why Good ole Jason suck started his pistol? he was and is garbage. I hope he enjoys his time in hell along side Saddam and Hitler!

Rot January 5, 2007 2:21 pm (Pacific time)

If you cared so much for a piece of trash you could have saved yourself some emotional trauma and adopted a piece of trash at a landfill! Society would be so much better off as it is now with the likes of jason Desantis gone from the earth.

TORY December 30, 2006 11:57 am (Pacific time)


Stephanie December 28, 2006 5:17 pm (Pacific time)

I hope no one in your family makes a mistake. You can take your nasty words about my brother and eat them because what goes around comes around. Please be more considerate of his family. YOU are the scum for not thinking of others who cared for Jason.

Glad you are gone!!! December 27, 2006 11:43 pm (Pacific time)

Did anyone mention Jason was in prison for scalping a guy? Yes what a wonderful person, good riddance to scum!! at least he did the honorable thing and wsted himself!!!

stefani December 25, 2006 11:08 pm (Pacific time)

jay was an exceptional athlete and a skilled fighter but he lost his focus one too many times... r.i.p. jay u arent4gotten.

Anonymous December 22, 2006 3:13 pm (Pacific time)

marco, just made bad choices for his life, but must take responsiblity for his actions.

Anonymous December 21, 2006 1:55 pm (Pacific time)

My heart goes out to the Desantis family at this time. I am truely sorry for their tragic loss. There's no doubt that Jason made bad choices, but I do not believe he was a bad man. He was very special to me.

anonymous December 20, 2006 7:21 pm (Pacific time)

Yes, Jason's dad could easily be to blame, but at what point should he be held reliable for his own actions? Jason has a beautiful wife, nice house, car, etc. Far more than most, especially considering his past. I hope that he is captured soon and safely for everyone's safety including his own.

Stephanie December 20, 2006 6:02 pm (Pacific time)

Yes, Jason has family in Salem and it is no one's fault except for his father's for getting him started in crime when he was young. The rest of his family has nothing to do with it. He should know that he's loved and his family wishes he made better decisions for himself.

Anonymous December 20, 2006 5:16 pm (Pacific time)

Ha ha!!! Bye-bye Jason. When they find you they should throw away the key!

concerned December 20, 2006 4:57 pm (Pacific time)

shame on you for putting the victims address on here, they have been through enough

Amanda December 18, 2006 11:12 pm (Pacific time)

Do they have family in Salem? does anybody know what their problem is? NUTS?

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