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Dec-13-2011 15:19printcomments

Global March Places Focus on Israeli Violence in Gaza, West Bank

Activists in the Bethlehem area, the birthplace of Jesus, are planning a number of functions including functions that challenge the occupation and others that educate tourists.

Jerusalem photo by Dexter Phoenix

(BETHLEHEM) - With some other activist Palestinian friends, I took two days to go to Amman to attend a conference for the Global March to Jerusalem*. We met great people from around the world including Palestinians in exile. But every time we leave Palestine even for a very short time we feel like a fish out of the water.

We missed the funeral of Mustafa Tamimi, murdered with a tear-gas canister at a demonstration in Nabi Saleh**. We missed the notice given yesterday of the demolition of a home in Beit Jala (near my village) and thus the actual demolition this morning.

We missed the fact that the Israeli army came to my friend's house Saher Alsouse again last night demanding he appear for an investigation [he had been there before and left when he was not called in the room for investigation leaving them his phone number].

And more attacks on Gaza happened killing innocent civilians including a mother and her child and a husband and his wife. It is frustrating sometimes to witness these injustice all around us (either in person or distantly) and yet see so much apathy from so many people.

Politicians including Palestinian and European politicians from the left and the right may talk nice.

Other politicians may talk nonsense as in the case of Mr. Newt Gingrich saying that 11 million Palestinians including me are an "invented people" and "terrorists". Yet actions speak much louder than words. Israeli actions on the ground should not be met by mere words or symbolic protestations.

There are groups in Palestine and abroad working on real activities. It is important in my humble opinion to support these existing activities (e.g. the weekly demonstration in Nabi Saleh) and/or to create other activities that challenge the repression. The most immediate other activities we have are around the Christmas holiday season.

Activists in the Bethlehem area, the birthplace of Jesus, are planning a number of functions including functions that challenge the occupation and others that educate tourists. They need support, there is a meeting Wednesday (tomorrow) at 5:30 PM in Beit Sahour and all those willing to contribute are invited and encouraged to attend by contacting for details.

*Global March to Jerusalem promotional video:

**Video, photos, and links on the murder of Mustafa Tamimi:

The unknown hell of Palestinian Refugees in Lebanon:

Join the Shepherds' night festival: ===================
تنبّهوا واستفيقوا أيّها العرب    فقد طمى السيل حتّى غاصت الرّكَبُ
فيم التّعلّل والآمالُ تخدعكم        وأنتم بين راحات القنا سلبُ
الّله أكبرُ ما هذا المنامُ فقد          شكاكم المهدُ واشتاقكم التّربُ
كمْ تُظلمونَ ولستم تشتكونَ            وكم تُستغضبونَ فلا يبدو لكم غضبُ
إبراهيم اليازجي

مع أصدقاء ونشطاء فلسطينيين من إتجاهات سياسية مختلفة أخذنا يومين لحضور مؤتمر
في عمان للمسيرة العالمية للقدس.* تعرفنا على ناس طيبين ونشيطين من أنحاء
العالم بما في ذلك فلسطينيين من المنفى. لكن في كل مرة نترك فلسطين ولو لوقت
قصير نشعر مثل سمكة خارج الماء. فاتتنا جنازة مصطفى التميمي الذي أستشهد خلال
مظاهرة في النبي صالح **. غاب عنا إشعار بهدم منزل في بيت جالا (بالقرب من
قريتي) وهُدم فعليا صباح هذا اليوم. فاتنا ان الجيش الاسرائيلي جاء الى بيت
صديقنا ساهر الصوص الساعة الرابعة والنصف صباح اليوم  مرة أخرى تطالبه بالحضور
للتحقيق. وأمور أخرى تحصل يوميا في هذه الأرض العزيزة.

هناك مجموعات في فلسطين والخارج تعمل على أنشطة مثلا مسيرة النبي صالح
الأسبوعية ويجب المشاركة فيها وأن نعمل أنشطة أخرى في كافة أنحاء العالم تتحدى
القمع. حول موسم عيد الميلاد يُخطط الناشطون في منطقة بيت لحم، مهد السيد
المسيح لأنشطة مختلفة تشمل تحديا للاحتلال وأخرى تسعى إلى تثقيف السياح***.
هناك اجتماع يوم الاربعاء الساعة 5:30  في بيت ساحور. جميع الراغبين في
المساهمة والقيادة مدعوون للحضور. لمعرفة التفاصيل الرجاء إرسال إيميل ل

* فيديو عن المسيرة العالمية للقدس

** الفيديو والصور والروابط عن اغتيال مصطفى التميمي

*** إحدى النشاطات مسيرة شموع من أجل الحرية كجزء من مهرجان ليالي الرعاة (ولكن
هناك نشاطات قوية سيعلن عنها بعد إجتماع الغد ألأربعاء فالرجاء الحضور) <>

ثلاث محاولات تصفية من "الموساد" لم تنل من عزيمة الباحث الراحل الأكثر
إنجازاً: نتذكّر أنيس صايغ على جبهتي الثقافة والسياسة في الصراع مع الصهيونية


Mazin Qumsiyeh, PhD - Popular Committee to Defend Ush Ghrab (PCDUG) "A Bedouin in Cyberspace, a villager at home. Mazin has been an Associate Professor of Genetics; Director, Cytogenetics Laboratory at Yale University School of Medicine since 1999. He previously held a similar position at Duke University. Professor Qumsiyeh has authored over 110 scientific papers in areas of mammalogy, biology, and medicine including mammalian biology and evolution, clinical genetics, and cancer research. He has published over 100 letters to the editor and 30 op-ed pieces in International, national, regional and local papers on issues ranging from politics to environmental issues. His appearances in national media included the Washington Post, New York Times, Boston Globe, CNBC, C-Span, and ABC, among others. He is the founder and president of the Holy Land Conservation Foundation and ex-President of the Middle East Genetics Association, and Prof. Qumsiyeh won the Jallow activism award from the Arab American Anti-Discrimination Committee in 1998. He is author of “Sharing the Land of Canaan: Human rights and the Israeli/Palestinian Struggle” and just published “Popular Resistance in Palestine: A history of Hope and Empowerment.” Visit Mazin Qumsiyeh's amazing and informative Website to learn more:

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Tribute to Palestine and to the incredible courage, determination and struggle of the Palestinian People. ~Dom Martin

Sean Flynn was a photojournalist in Vietnam, taken captive in 1970 in Cambodia and never seen again.