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Dec-11-2007 08:56printcomments

Video Games Anonymous?

A treatment center has now been established to help people cope with their addiction to playing video games.

Video Games art
Image courtesy:

(SALEM, Ore.) - Most people are familiar with the term addiction. More than 100,000 deaths per year are attributed to alcohol addiction. Cigarette smoking causes 87% of all lung cancer deaths. Just what, exactly, are the societal repercussions of video game addiction?

The problems associated with excessive playing have led to the establishment of a treatment program for video game addicts in Europe. As game reality and graphics continue to soar with technology, the attraction to these games has become more irresistible for some players. In some cases it works almost like a magnet, and the problems will likely increase as games become better and better.

For more than thirty years now, video games have been a standard pastime. What started out as simple geometric shapes has evolved into a lifestyle for people the world over. Today's life-encompassing games like World of Warcraft (WoW), the Sims, and Halo satisfy a need to escape. In some cases, that need dominates the lives of individuals.

Men and women have lost their jobs, relationships, and homes because they played games too much.

How does a pastime take over a lifetime?

Video games are much improved upon since the days of Pong. A simple, 2D environment can only stimulate a person for so long. Today, Massive Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Games (MMORPGs) like WoW have been invented to be a never-ending environment in which you are constantly improving your virtual self. This can be electric for individuals who are disconnected, or unhappy with reality.

A video game addiction may not be the same as a substance addiction, but when people find a desirable chemical mix in their brain, they naturally want to hold on to it. A monthly WoW subscription is much cheaper than a drug addiction, and is completely legal. It is possible that un-insured individuals with psychiatric illnesses are 'self-medicating' their disabilities through virtual fantasy.

To help the world cope with this unique problem, The Wild Horses twelve-step program for video game addicts in Amsterdam offers "real" alternatives to virtual life like yoga, body massage, camping, and other fun activities. Although it is the first of it's kind, the future may see this type of facility popping up more close to home. There are no "play responsibly" messages built into the WoW ad campaigns. On the contrary, the individuals profiting would like everyone with arms or hooks to pay the monthly fee to play. They aren't responsible for the life outcome of players the same as Vegas isn't responsible for people gambling all their money away.

The responsibility lies in the individual. Anyone who picks up a controller in their free time should be aware of the effect a game can potentially have on a person. Play responsibly.

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Mesehurse December 18, 2008 5:38 am (Pacific time)

Hay people My name is Ljubisa and i`m from Switzereland My interest`s are all about global warming so i have make this blog So lets make this topic dedicated to global warming problems , is this a fraud or not! How can we make our earth better place for us and for all animals! For the earth !!! Post news about it, post witnessing reports,pictures and videos so we can all make a jugment is this a real or froud ! Best reagrds to all from Switzerland and god save us and our planet .

quiptophiluch December 17, 2008 9:03 pm (Pacific time)

Hey all take a look at this new funny video it`s called Bush VS Shoes hehe is damn funny... Lol i cant stop laughing :)

Eric June 23, 2008 9:44 pm (Pacific time)

I think you're all missing the point. A few gamers have personality traits which allow them to escape into these games and leave the real world behind. WOW for example is the ultimate carrot on a stick game ever. Try doing a search for WOW addicts. You'll see the multitudes of addicts that can't stop. I applaud the Dutch pioneers that realize that this in fact is an addiction.

saeed February 26, 2008 1:42 pm (Pacific time)

We all live only once and this is very uncorrect that what we choose for oue life is what makes our life or our character!!!we are who we are and that's it."fun is fun and done is done".....the games are addictive or not doesn't matter,being 40 yr old loser doesn't matter,everyone should persiut the happyness and should never give up,because it's never late! besides we will die one day so no matter what we will die,from cancer,heartattck,car accident,etc....there is a key question:Am I a happy person?if not then we need to pay attention on what's going on. live good,look good and be good! I apologize if there is any gramatical errors in my comment as english is not my frist language!

Anne December 13, 2007 3:01 pm (Pacific time)

Neal: "If games are so 'diseased' you would see this 'disease' manifest in more than the handful it does out of the hundreds of millions of game players. " The issue isn't that the game is diseased, but that the people who get addicted are. Duh?

Neal Feldman December 13, 2007 12:43 pm (Pacific time)

Anne - if you think only comic strips support my position then you are daft. Common sense and all the facts support my position. And a disease is "an impairment of the normal state of the living animal or plant body or one of its parts that interrupts or modifies the performance of the vital functions and is a response to environmental factors (as malnutrition, industrial hazards, or climate), to specific infective agents (as worms, bacteria, or viruses), to inherent defects of the organism (as genetic anomalies), or to combinations of these factors". Being a weak willed milquetoast is not a disease, it is a character flaw. I do not care what the pinheads in the AMA or APA might say. They make their money convincing folks that it isn't their fault the problem is something else and they are just victims. Look at how the AMA (and until recently the APA) deals with medical marijuana. No money in it for them so they oppose it. If games are so 'diseased' you would see this 'disease' manifest in more than the handful it does out of the hundreds of millions of game players. It is like when they found out the Columbine shooters played Doom.. oh all of a sudden it was Doom that caused it.. even though tens of millions played Doom and only TWO shot up their school. Rather than dismissing the comic strip presented out of hand why don't you actually read AND COMPREHEND it. That might help you understand the concepts a bit more. Malaria is a disease. Cirrhosis of the liver is a disease. Not being able to pry one's loser butt from the chair as they play games to the degree they lose jobs, spouses, etc is not a disease. It is a character flaw. You have yet to show otherwise. And save me the claims of those who claim otherwise so they can make a buck off the poor saps, ok? Ah well...

Anne December 12, 2007 6:15 pm (Pacific time)

Neal: "But 'psychological addiction' can apply to ANYTHING and as duch is just an excuse of those with weak wills or other character flaws." So says Neal, but those insignificant bodies of professionals in the AMA and APA consider addiction a disease, a result of mental and/or physical impairment. So far we have comic strips to support your point, how about some fact and legitimate reference?

Seth December 12, 2007 5:21 pm (Pacific time)

Sorry my sarcasm did not come across as i planned.

Neal Feldman December 12, 2007 5:18 pm (Pacific time)

I know urls are bad but this image sums up Jack Thompson and the rest of the anti-game crusaders so well... tried to input the graphic but it wouldn't take so here is the url anyway (if the editors want to put the image in its place I would not mind): Ah well...

Neal Feldman December 12, 2007 4:27 pm (Pacific time)

Anne - they call it 'addictive' and concoct 12 step programs regarding it and you do not see the writing on the wall? How many like Jack Thompson et al try and use this 'addiction' BS claim to restrict, control or outright ban games? You would apparently love to just limit discussion to only that which is in the text of the article or the comment thread. Well I guess now you can since the actions and antics of anti-gaming crusaders has now (be me) been placed in the comment stream. But if you want to try and claim no one is trying to restrict, control or ban games then I say it is YOU who are the one spouting untruths, not I, Anne. Ah well...

Neal Feldman December 12, 2007 4:22 pm (Pacific time)

Anne - I know what I am talking about. And yes I do not accept the blame game BS of the pop psych crowd. Your claim that psychological dependancy/addiction is addiction and that it should not be categorized as the so-called 'afflicted' being considered weak-willed is erroneous IMHO. If some THING is addictive it will demonstrate such across the sample. That is what physically addictive things do. Some are inherently stronger willed than the norm and can kick those addictions. I' myself, quite a 3.5 pack a day smoking habit (nicotine being one of the most addictive substances ever invented) cold turkey without patches, gums, etc. I also take methodone regularly for pain yet can go many days without dosing if the pain is not as bad without any addiction related effects. But I do not consider my strength of will average or 'normal' as such just because I can kick or avoid addiction to things known to be physically addictive I do not deny that they are, in fact, addictive. What is it? 70and of those who really want to quit smoking and make an attempt fail? That is pretty addictive. Heroin addiction can kill, for example... that is addiction. However simply CHOOSING to not stop playing a game is not an addiction, it is a CHARACTER FLAW. Calling it weak willed may be too kind. But calling it an addiction takes the blame from the person and places it on the object and in cases where there is no evidence pf PHYSICAL addiction/dependency in play that is just letting the loser off the hook with their blame game BS. "Oh, It's not MY fault! I'm ADDICTED!" Same with the land roving whales tipping the scales at 500 because they cannot seem to bring themselves to stop shoving Big Macs and Krispy Kremes down their throats. If you have a legitimate glandular condition fine but if you are just lazy, weak willed or choose to 'eat your disappointments' I have zero sympathy for you. I do you no favor catering to your whiny BS, and neither does anyone else who does. So before you claim I am 'spouting untruths' you might want to make sure what I am saying really IS untrue. But 'psychological addiction' can apply to ANYTHING and as duch is just an excuse of those with weak wills or other character flaws. You do not have to like it but until you can disprove it that is my position. Ah well...

Anne December 12, 2007 3:29 pm (Pacific time)

"...but to limit everyone to the lowest common denominator and restrict anything that someone might possibly get carried away with or offended by is offensive to me." Who's talking about restricting anything here? Certainly not the author or anyone else who commented. Yet another example of Neal's shrilly shrieked histrionics!

Neal Feldman December 12, 2007 2:46 pm (Pacific time)

I agree there are different types in the world but to limit everyone to the lowest common denominator and restrict anything that someone might possibly get carried away with or offended by is offensive to me. And like Joe said every time you enter WoW (or EQ or likely any other game) you are told keep it in perspective and in moderation. If you are too brain damaged do manage this do not try and blame the game, me or anyone else.. look in the freaking mirror for the reason. Sheesh! I've pulled all nighters in EQ or WoW from time to time doing as much as 20 hrs straight once... but that was the exception and if I lost a job or spouse because of it I would blame no one but MYSELF! How unenlightened I must be, huh? I can live with it though. Ah well...

Anne December 12, 2007 2:20 pm (Pacific time)

Neal, perhaps you should check your facts on addiction before you go spouting untruths. The examples you've cited all include a physical dependency, but "addiction" is generally acknowleged as relating to a psychological dependence. It is entirely possible then to be addicted to a game... and any host of other things you may or may not be able to imagine. While I don't condone shifting blame, it's ridiculous to wholly dismiss psychological dependancy/addiction as weak-willed.

Austin December 12, 2007 12:41 pm (Pacific time)

I do not disagree with Neal, but there are all kinds of people in the world, and some of them more susceptible to silly things. We must take care of our brothers as well as our selves.

Jack Barlow December 12, 2007 12:37 pm (Pacific time)

Seth you are a complete retard.

Joe From VA December 12, 2007 12:12 pm (Pacific time)

WoW is my favorite pasttime, but it is that, a pasttime. I admit that I spend too much time in the world of Azeroth, but of my own choosing. I wish that we would quit blaming others for our downfalls. That said, why would Blizzard Entertainment care how many hours a month you put into the game? Infact, all they care about is the number of people that shell out the $15 a month to keep their subscription active. There is another problem here in the article. Contrary to the author, during the loading screens (which pop up every time you log in), there are tool tips that state "Remember. Take everything in moderation--including World of Warcraft" and "Bring your friends to Azeroth, but remember to visit them outside of Azeroth, too". Campy? Yes. But it is the same as a "Please play responsibly" message.

Seth December 12, 2007 12:07 pm (Pacific time)

But won't you think about the children! And your preaching self responsibility! What are you, a commie? Thinking for your self and accountability are unheard of these days! /sarcasm //I totally agree with Neal

Neal Feldman December 12, 2007 9:47 am (Pacific time)

hmmm I got censored! In my co,ment I referred to the 'addictive ' but the got censored out. How come? Ah well...

Tim to Neal, no censoring took place at this end, do you want me to add a word to make it complete?

Neal Feldman December 11, 2007 11:41 pm (Pacific time)

Nicotine is addictive. Alcohol is addictive. Meth is addictive. Games are not addictive. There are just weak willed individuals too immature to make proper choices and do things in moderation... but in our current day and age of "Blame anyone but yourself' the object of the weakness somehow becomes 'the victimizer'. "No, it is not MY fault! It is the addictive (whatever)'! Oh pity me!" Horsefeathers! Grow a pair and take freaking responsibility for your own actions, inactions and choices... stop being the ever more common 40 yr old loser who still lives in his parents' basement. (This is not to the author, in case there is any confusion, but to those who use the statements in the double quotes in my comment here) Ah well...

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