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Dec-10-2011 18:47printcommentsVideo

Newt Gingrich was 'Invented' - Israel was 'Invented', but Palestine is Real

Holocaust deniers have a new friend... Time to Moot the Newt - "They've had a chance to go many places..." Well yeah Newt, so do you.

Israeli apartheid by Latuff
Artwork by the amazing Carlos Latuff, friend of located in Rio de Janeiro. Visit: Latuff Gallery

(SALEM) - Newt Gingrich is claiming that the historic Palestinians, who lived under the British Mandate until 1948 as Palestinians, are an 'invented' people. It is amazing that anyone has such audacity. As he kisses Israel's ass for a few votes and of course to gain financial support, he moons the whole world at the same.

He can take a seat next to Holocaust deniers and revisionists; it would be entirely appropriate and equally reprehensible, since he is rallying for Israeli apartheid and the Genocide of Palestinians who live in a place where Jews and non-Jews are arrested and punished under separate laws.

Considered 'separate but equal' in Israel like U.S. Jim Crow laws, and of course exactly like the murderous South African government where Black people were laid to waste; exterminated for resisting, for rising against archaic and evil laws and for protecting their families. Israel is racist to the core and it uses U.S. taxpayer support to carry out its daily regimen of human rights violations.

That's OK with Newt.

Palestinian Knesset members didn't prevent the establishment of 'JEWISH ONLY' roads in Israel that Muslims and Christians and even Hindus and Buddhists are prevented from ever using. Do you agree with that? Let's see, I'm going to steal your land, ban you from it, and then to ensure that you can't have any chance at payback, you are banned from driving on my private road, that is what it amounts to.

Gingrich is great with that too.

This Idiot is Still Here?

Gingrich told The Jewish Channel:

We’ve had an invented Palestinian people who are in fact Arabs and are historically part of the Arab community and they had a chance to go many places. And for a variety of political reasons we have sustained this war against Israel since the 1940s. It’s tragic.

Newt Gingrich photo courtesy:

Those who support Israel's racist apartheid laws like Gingrich, share the same exact mentality of the white South Africans and worse; everything about Israel's extermination of Palestinians, who have their pride if nothing else, is centered around the very notion of government terrorism, Israel defines this role in the world today.

Right-wing dominated Israel is an almost Nazi-like environment that does not represent Jewish morals or principles which are valid and real; instead it is a product of the Zionist movement which was launched by Theodore Herzl who founded and literally 'invented' Zionism.

The idea of course, is that Jews are the 'chosen people' and that they are fulfilling the prophesy of a return to a place called Israel, and the Bible does reference the struggle of the Jews, thousands of years ago, but it does not contain a map. The founder of Israel is Herzl, the people who keep taking land from innocent Palestinian families are his followers, their actions are those of thieves, and their government is their backer and their insurance policy for a successful recipe of racist corruption again, is government terrorism.

It is interesting that for all of his dedication toward telling people, this land is your land when other people already live there, Herzl never really paid any homage to his Jewish ancestry in his early life. He instead preferred an alignment with his 'German' identity, until a particular event in Paris in 1895 that he witnessed as a newspaper reporter, known as the Dreyfus Affair, which was an anti-Semitic incident of large proportion, where people massed in demonstration and called for the "death of the Jews".

Herzl soon began the call to what would become a large movement of Jewish people, who went to Palestine, Gingrich! Anyway, all of the early Jewish settlements were Palestinian and that is how they referred to themselves, and it is as real as it gets, unlike the heart and motives of Gingrich.

Israel, War Crimes this Week

From: Israel's Military Succeeds Again in Killing
Unarmed Civilians

Just this past week, Israel used F-16's and drones to attack and kill a number of people in Gaza and they were successful, once again in getting away with murder. 28-year old Mustafa Tamimi, of Nabi Saleh, in West Bank, was shot in the face with an Israeli tear gas canister has now died from his wounds. reports:

"The impact blew off half of Tamimi's face, and when his friends and family cried out in horror, Israeli soldiers laughed and said, 'So?'. According to B'Tselem, Tamimi is the 20th person to have been killed in demonstrations in the West Bank in the last eight years."

Their blood is on the hands of all Americans indirectly, but Gingrich and his friends are the political force that leads to so much death and destruction.

These indiscriminate, violent, deadly acts against people who did nothing but are 'terrorists' according to Israel, Newt believes in. Hell, he's worse than a Nazi.

Israel portrays their position as 'victim' and yet in all of history, the fabled 'rockets from Gaza' have killed a total of 29 Jewish Israeli people. 29 Palestinians sometimes die in a single week, Israel is purely criminal as a government. It has no right to do what it does.

For those who do not know this, Hamas stopped suicide bombing several years ago, you can look it up, and the rocket attacks are almost always from rogue factions in Gaza, but all told they have killed fewer than 30 and yet still are the centerpiece of the constant media onslaught of information that favors Israel exclusively.

Genocide in Cycles

Gingrich's words which are nothing more than an excuse for Israel's failure to follow international law, could be applied to so many scenarios, starting with the worst Genocide in world history, that is the extermination of the Native Americans in the Americas. This isn't legend or fable, it is hard truth.

Wikipedia states from the time Christopher Columbus landed on what is now U.S. soil in 1492, to the 1890 massacre of Sioux at Wounded Knee by the U.S. military, the indigenous Native American population declined from as many as 100 million people, to just 1.8 million.

Most of the death was a result of disease, but many were killed in military attacks.

In the book American Holocaust, Author David Stannard refers to the astounding reductions in population as a "string of genocide campaigns" carried out by Europeans and their descendants. His research leads to a chilling conclusion: that this was the most massive act of genocide in the history of the world.

"Some scholars believe that the death of 90 to 95% of the native population of the New World was caused by Old World diseases such as smallpox and measles. Some estimates indicate case fatality rates of 80-90% in Native American populations during smallpox epidemics," states Wikipedia.

Criticism of Apartheid Isn't Antisemitic

And trust me, even though I am held in high esteem by many Jewish writers who are my brothers and sisters in fighting their war machine, which includes an Israeli war on their own media, the screams of 'antisemitic' are starting to whine, and they always do.

The idea is that no matter what they do to the people of Palestine, no matter of how many they kill, illegally imprison and torture, rape, molest, humiliate; that any disgust and outcry over those actions against human beings are somehow a mask for a hatred of Jewish people, well bullshit is my reply to that and I am sick of it, all writers are sick of it, if we are Jewish we are 'self-hating Jews' and if we are non Jew we are branded as 'antisemitic' and it is a politically engineered lie.

I grew up in LA and learned a great deal about the Holocaust, and that resulted in the opposite of hate for Jewish people. My dad's best friend was a concentration camp liberator and he was a photographer; I knew the mass murders were sickeningly real and not one of my friends nor I knew enough about anything to hate anyone over their religious affiliation.

Only in my adult life did I discover what really has happened to the world as a result of Israel's perpetually warring presence, which violated an agreement with the Arab world made by a noble British soldier name TE Lawrence; who was better known in history as 'Lawrence of Arabia'.

Lawrence promised the Arabs that they would be left alone to live in autonomy by the British empire if they assisted the allied war effort in Word War One, by helping British forces retake Jerusalem from the Turks, who at that time were on the side of Germany. The Arabs agreed, and Jerusalem was soon retaken.

But almost immediately after this, came a treaty known as the Balfour Declaration that set the groundwork in place for the official establishment of Israel, a direct contradiction of Lawrence's historic agreement.


I always say, be it Israel, Sri Lanka or Afghanistan, there is no such thing as a good, moral or decent religious government. The first and immediate result of any such thinking is the exclusion of people of opposing faiths. In the simplest terms, it goes against the very notion of freedom, since religious practice enslaved people long before any of the current countries or governments existed.

Palestine if absolutely nothing else, pre-dates Israel, which was established in 1948. The truly obvious aspect is Gingrich's drive to schmooze the Zionists who actually are an 'invented' people, Herzl's creation.

Below is the article Newt Gingrich: Palestinians Are An ‘Invented’ People by Eli Clifton, originally published by

Former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich is courting the Republican Jewish vote with a series of statements showing his unwavering support for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and pro-Israel American conservatives. On Wednesday, he declared that he would appoint former U.N. ambassador — and outspoken über-hawk — John Bolton to be Secretary of State if elected president. In an interview released today, he struck out an even more extreme position by declaring Palestinians “an…invented people.”

He told The Jewish Channel:

We’ve had an invented Palestinian people who are in fact Arabs and are historically part of the Arab community and they had a chance to go many places. And for a variety of political reasons we have sustained this war against Israel since the 1940s. It’s tragic.

Watch it:

Gingrich, much like former Senator Rick Santorum, is effectively denying the right of Palestinians to a state, a position that goes against the policy positions of the Bill Clinton, George W. Bush, and Obama administrations.

With this assertion comes questions as to where Gingrich thinks the Palestinian — or “Arabs” as he refers to them — should go. Will residents of the West Bank gain full voting rights in a unified Israeli state? Will Israel allow them to stay as second-class citizens with limited voting and legal rights? Or is he in favor of forced deportation?

Gingrich isn’t the only GOP presidential candidate to stake out political ground which, if actually implemented as U.S. policy, would effectively end U.S. support for a two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Gingrich, Mitt Romney, and Rick Perry have all endorsed moving the U.S. embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem and Michele Bachmann claims to “already have secured a donor who said they will personally pay for the ambassador’s home to be moved from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem.”

Tim King is a former U.S. Marine with twenty years of experience on the west coast as a television news producer, photojournalist, reporter and assignment editor. In addition to his role as a war correspondent, this Los Angeles native serves as's Executive News Editor. Tim spent the winter of 2006/07 covering the war in Afghanistan, and he was in Iraq over the summer of 2008, reporting from the war while embedded with both the U.S. Army and the Marines.

Tim holds numerous awards for reporting, photography, writing and editing, including the Oregon AP Award for Spot News Photographer of the Year (2004), first place Electronic Media Award in Spot News, Las Vegas, (1998), Oregon AP Cooperation Award (1991); and several others including the 2005 Red Cross Good Neighborhood Award for reporting. Serving the community in very real terms, is the nation's only truly independent high traffic news Website. You can send Tim an email at this address:

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gp December 11, 2011 6:47 pm (Pacific time)

Once again my little town in the Andes is full of Israeli youth decompressing after their two or three year stint beating, dehumanizing, torturing and harassingand yes, killing Palestinian women, men and babies. However the crime I find most abhorant is stealing the childhood from the Palestinaian kids who are terrorized and traumatized, malnourished, maimed and taught hatred at the hands of these young Israelis. While we rely on tourist dollars, our community does not welcome furloughed Israeli army killers here to spend their blood money. They should all be planting olive trees and building homes for the Palestinians and seeing whatever health professional will help them to overcome their hatred of their neighbors. Israeli youth go home.

Jay Proctor December 11, 2011 3:26 pm (Pacific time)

The battle between the Palestinians and Israeli's has been going on for a few generations, or at least since 1948 for sure. I have yet to see any polls that are favorable to the Palestinians, and considering that the vast majority of Americans (and Europeans) see that Islamic terrorists want to kill us, I doubt you will ever get any significant support to have Israel give in to the Palestinian demands. You are walking not into a strong headwind, but a hurricane, and you simply cannot change the status quo. It will be up to Israel, plus Obama has insulted them and literally all European leaders, so I guess it will be up to whomever become president in 2013. It will not be Noot, but unlikely it will be anyone who would not be pro-Israeli. Maybe David Duke should run? It will be many more generations before anything changes, but, things appear to be coming to ahead, and I don't hold much hope for a peaceful resolution. Maybe it's time for the Palestinians to return to their homelands?

Anonymous December 11, 2011 3:05 pm (Pacific time)

Tim..I have done my homework, and I agree with you more than the israeli paid schills (israel pays bloggers is now proven), mind if I change the subject kinda? Just to give ya a break from the schills? I am posting a link I thought you might find interesting...Maybe this is why we both wear our hair long? Its an extension of the nervous system? Maybe that is why we see a bit more than most? ok, ok, maybe not, but its interesting, and it was some insight why I chose to wear long hair for most of my life.

Anonymous December 11, 2011 2:55 pm (Pacific time)

Tim I see you have really strong feelings on this topic. Let's be honest, there are thousands of stories coming from both sides of this issue, but no change will be forthcoming from America until congress legislates a bill and the senate and house pass it, along with a final signature by a sitting president. Why not address this issue with elected politicians in your state? Pretty sure Sen. Wyden and Rep. Blumenaur would be receptive to your viewpoint in terms of responding, maybe not honest though. Afterall they are Jews and politicians. Why not write them and inform us of their response? Same for Senators Boxer and Feinstein in California. Otherwise nothing is going to happen except more powerful weapons will be smuggled in to the Palestinians, and more deaths will follow until only one group is left standing. It would be productive to approach politicians, in that you would know pretty much what you would be up against. Of course you would be taking on people who built Las Vegas, and have the most violent criminal organization in America, far worse than the cartels. They may provide a blowback that would possibly allow you to garner significant publicity on this issue.

Reverend Donoghue December 11, 2011 2:43 pm (Pacific time)

The Jewish-supremacists who think that they are owed anything need to remember: Matthew 5:5 - Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth.

unconscious December 11, 2011 1:13 pm (Pacific time)

well that was one sided.what if the isreali's and palestinians are one and the same? i mean like d.n.a. what a thought.confused.yes iam i no longer know what to it all part of the builderberge/Illuminati plan?i need more facts.i do now see the Palestinians side of it more will take a holy judgement to settle this.

Robert December 11, 2011 11:18 am (Pacific time)

This article is complete misinformation.

Editor: No it is not Robert

Robert December 11, 2011 11:15 am (Pacific time)


Lynn December 11, 2011 10:50 am (Pacific time)

It is not just Newt, it is the super majority of voters here, and the super majority of all western powers who share this opinion regarding the "Palestinians." The true “Palestinian” tribe was killed off a couple of thousand years ago.

Editor: That is patently false as a claim, and it does not even make sense.  Most of the Jewish people left the area and migrated to Europe, whereas the remaining indigenous people, the native Palestinians, for the most part never left.  They never left Jerusalem, and have been watching over the holy places for the entire time, same families.  Yes, the people have been routed and subjugated, a forced Diaspora; people were thrown from their homes and killed when they didn't leave.  This however did not eliminate the Palestinians and I can tell from the first part that you do not adhere to facts or even possess a basic understanding of what has taken place.

The current “Palestinians” are largely Arabians that were cast out to establish a neo-Palestinian state. In the past few decades, their goal was to surround
Israel and destroy Israel. A large portion of the people who settled the “Palestine” area were nomadic for some time and roamed from nation to nation, being kicked out of each nation

Editor: So are the nomads of Mongolia not Mongolian?  Of course they are, and nomadic living was based on conditions, like a lack of water and food, do you know anything?  And how would you like it if I placed quotes around Israel each time I wrote it?  Your lack of respect and attempt to remove dignity from a culture is duly noted.  

because they were a nefarious people. Like the Gypsies of Europe. THIS IS DOCUMENTED HISTORY.

Editor: OK so you are anti-Gypsy (Roma) too?  Hitler was into killing Roma the same way he went after the Jewish population, no questions left about your views.

The current “Palestinians” have no more right to call themselves “Palestinians” and to demand land as theirs historically, than if you and I were to claim that we are Nez Perce and to demand a county in Montana. Imagine if we did, and in order to obtain that land, we started killing the residents of surrounding counties. How far do you think that would get us?

 Editor: I had the dubious honor of passing the place on the Snake River in Idaho where Chief Joseph was forced to take his people across, when they needed to wait for the water levels to come down.  But genocidal military commanders don't care about that, and they were forced to cross, losing hundreds of human lives in the mad herding of human beings.  I hope that all people who root for such things end up at the other end of that sword before checking out of this life, it would only be fair and appropriate.  

Newt didn’t back down last night during the debate. He also, made a passing comment to Romney and everyone else last night saying that there needs to be reset in that region, and to say things as they are, and not to be “timid.”  I think we saw in just 20 seconds the “same ole, same ole” from all of them except Newt. Let’s call it like it is. The Palestinians are proxies for the hatred among the Arab states against Israel. They have no more right to home land than I would. End of story...

Editor: The Jewish people who migrated to the land of Herzl did not have a right to steal, people like you are all thieves, you don't have to have your hands on the bulldozer controls to wear the guilt.  You endorse baby killers, end of story.

I seem to recall many many years ago William F. Buckley wrote an article about making Israel the 51st State. Which means that we will never back anyone who supports destroying Israel. As per the apartheid in South Africa, are you familiar with the barbaric crime rates there and what use to be Rhodesia? Now look at Detroit for comparison. Soon coming to all major urban areas, unless some serious changes take place. No matter what fantasy people try to project, it is what it is, and it will be getting real ugly. I live in a gated community, and these types of communities are growing in popularity. We are prepared to deal with mobs or trespassers.

Editor:Well you really bare your soul don't you, we would always assume a person like you lives in a gated community, that you are probably against Black people and really not just prejudice toward Arabs, but all people whose skin is dark.  You should be fearful, but not because of others- because of your own terrible karma that has nothing to do with religion at all, as you and Newt and Israel have nothing to do with religion, but greed, power and control, the drugs of the racist.  

Semper fi and Insha'Allah

Long Live Palestine

Michael December 11, 2011 6:28 am (Pacific time)

Are you serious? Israel gets thousands of bombs or rockets hurled into its country by the palastinians and they are just supposed to roll over and give everything away. Read God's word, Israel is His people.

Editor: No way, all people are created in the image of God, Israel gave up any real claims with murder, and those rockets 'hurled' at Israel have killed 29 people in all time, whereas Gaza killed more than 1400 during Cast Lead alone,  Israel could have made it but it is a religious government intent on wiping out the people of Palestine and the rest of the world isn't having it.  Good GOD what a superiority complex that line in the Bible left you with... Tick tick tick....

notbuyingit December 10, 2011 10:16 pm (Pacific time)

"There is no such country as Palestine. 'Palestine' is a term the Zionists invented. There is no Palestine in the Bible. Our country was for centuries part of Syria. 'Palestine' is alien to us. It is the Zionists who introduced it". - Auni Bey Abdul-Hadi, Syrian Arab leader to British Peel Commission, 1937 -"It is common knowledge that Palestine is nothing but Southern Syria".- Representant of Saudi Arabia at the United Nations, 1956 -"You do not represent Palestine as much as we do. Never forget this one point: There is no such thing as a Palestinian people, there is no Palestinian entity, there is only Syria. You are an integral part of the Syrian people, Palestine is an integral part of Syria. Therefore it is we, the Syrian authorities, who are the true representatives of the Palestinian people". - Syrian dictator Hafez Assad to the PLO leader Yassir Arafat -

Tim King: IF you are right then Israel simply has far less claim to anything, Palestine existed legally and on paper first.

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