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Aug-25-2010 09:19printcommentsVideo

Whistleblower Blues: Man in the Hole

Some are dead, some are alive, and one is unaccounted for; this article is part of our ongoing series on racism and corruption in Oregon's prisons.

Prison bars

(SALEM, Ore.) - An inmate named Terrence Kimble in SRCI (Oregon's Snake River Corrections Facility), says he was offered a bribe to testify for the prosecution, when the state set out to frame a former Oregon corrections officer named William Coleman.

Terrence Kimble

Instead, this inmate, who was convicted under more than shady circumstances, testified for Coleman, a victim of government whistleblower retaliation, and helped the former guard beat a rigged case. Oregon wasted massive amounts of law enforcement time and taxpayer resources, unsuccessfully trying to prosecute this man, in order to silence him, again without success.

Today William Coleman is concerned for Terrence Kimble's life. Oregon prison officials have blocked Coleman's mail to Kimble for several weeks, and each time the two discuss the racial crimes and Civil Rights violations taking place in the prison on the telephone, "Kimble ends up in the hole. That is where he is right now," Coleman said.

It all appears to be a clear effort to monitor and block Kimble, who has strong allegations about problems in the Oregon DOC (Department of Corrections), from communicating with Coleman, who is a known whistleblower.

Oregon's Corrections Department may be little more than an overt, tangled mass of corruption, relying on prejudice for guidance and a passive public for allowance. Crimes have taken place in Oregon's prisons that can't quite be accounted for with words like 'revolting', 'evil' and 'dirty'- it is even bigger, more dangerous and sinister, than that.

As a corrections officer joining the staff of Oregon's old state prison in 2005, Georgia native William Coleman began undergoing a series of very difficult lessons that made him feel increasingly hopeless and discouraged.

Racism, corruption, drug dealing, prostitution; it all greeted him in what became an impossible workplace, and the reaction from his superiors when he reported and documented more than 21 particular incidents, ranged from, "You will never prove it Coleman", to even more outrageous statements.

Like.. "Yeah we know there's bad blood between those two", a response given to this former guard by a Captain, after Coleman reported that a known killer/lifer inmate with a history of in-prison attacks, revealed plans to kill another inmate.

The prisoner making the threat, William 'Dollar Bill' Thomas, claimed he had permission from prison officials for the hit. Coleman's report to officials was dismissed, and the prisoners were left in the main prison population together.

Within days the known killer made his move. Fortunately the victim, Clayton Howard, survived the violent stabbing. Also to Clayton Howard's fortune, a nurse learned of his injury and overruled a prison official decision to simply leave him in his cell bleeding from the 'shanking' by 'Dollar Bill' Thomas.

The most bizarre part, is the fact that 'Dollar Bill' Thomas has disappeared from the Oregon Corrections system.

We assume he does not have family members available to force the state to reveal his actual physical location, if he is still alive at all. He sure would be an interesting guy to talk to. Our understanding is that he was bitterly angry with prison officials for not honoring their endorsement of his crime. To underscore the racism issue in the Oregon State Prison, Coleman says he learned that 'Dollar Bill' had stabbed or shanked four inmates prior to Clayton Howard. All were black, as is William 'Dollar Bill' Thomas.

The situation gives Coleman the distinct impression that the prison left this murderous inmate in the main population because he only attacked fellow African-Americans.

To boot, Coleman says "'Dollar Bill' is a bone crusher: "It's a technique, I've seen the prison photos of his previous shankings, he liked to stab inmates on top of the head with a great deal of force. That's why they call him a bonecrusher, he does a lot more than just cutting and slicing when he does his work,"

Coleman says 'Dollar Bill' was sometimes friendly, always respectful to him on a personal level, but sometimes he simply fell into a murderous rage. Even then Coleman was one of the few that could approach and even console him. He says 'Dollar Bill' looked like a deadly cat, "I've gotta kill someone Coleman, I need to do it", Coleman recalls him saying one day.

There are many men who will testify about coercion and bribes made by Oregon prison officials, but William 'Dollar Bill' Thomas, a California gang member who is African-American, would testify over being bribed to Murder, and it is obvious that Oregon's DOC had to stash him somewhere.

What in the Hell has Oregon done with William 'Dollar Bill' Thomas?

Regardless, it is the knowledge of this Oregon DOC sanctioned attack against Howard, a 'jail house lawyer' who has helped nine inmates win claims against the state, that concerns us for the sake of Terrence Kimble.

Along with Clayton Howard, and another inmate named John Smith, Terrence Kimble said he was offered a bribe to testify for the prosecution, when the state set out to frame Coleman.

They all wanted nothing to do with a railroad job on Coleman, and instead agreed to testify on Coleman's behalf. Coleman's public defender, obviously in collusion with the prosecution, refused to call two of Coleman's three witnesses, which they were in agreement over for months.

Even though all three of Coleman's witnesses were subpoenaed and transported to the courthouse, he only was able to have Kimble called to the stand.

That was still enough though, to get Coleman a unanimous not guilty verdict on a 15 count indictment for smuggling cigarettes.

Coleman says though that if the others had been called up, his case would have been much stronger. In fact the real case is the ridiculous amount of time the state spends trying to cover its tracks.

No Checks, No Balances: a system out of Control

Oregon's Corrections Department may be little more than an overt, tangled mass of corruption. Relying on prejudice for guidance and a passive public for allowance, crimes have taken place in Oregon's prisons that can't quite be accounted for with words like 'revolting', 'evil' and 'dirty'- it is even bigger, more dangerous and sinister, than that.

Michael Francke: the sacrificial hero who was brought to Oregon 21 years ago; is the Vietnam Veteran prison corrections chief who straightened out New Mexico Corrections after corruption that led to dozens of deaths during a terrible period of unrest earlier in the 1980's.

Francke was hired by former Oregon Governor Neil Goldschmidt in 1988 to raise the bar and rid Oregon of its dirty problems. In addition to drug dealing and prostitution, prison officials offered free weekend passes for murderers and cattle rustling was a serious issue, in the 1980's, in Oregon, seriously.

He lasted a little over a year. Francke was preparing to expose a great deal of corruption to state legislators during scheduled hearings; exactly what he was brought here to do, according to sources like his brother Kevin Francke, when he was savagely stabbed to death, and his body was left on the porch of Oregon's 'Dome Building' which is the Dept. of Corrections headquarters.

Oregon's Dirty Secret

The late Michael Francke

An underage drug addict's testimony was used to convict another drug dealer for the Murder. Frank Gable has been locked up for two decades. Oregon Lottery Director Dale Penn was the Marion County, Oregon District Attorney at the time of the Francke Murder. He oversaw the case.

The governor who hired Francke, Neil Goldschmit, as it turns out, was having an affair with his underage babysitter during this timeframe. He, along with many others, ultimately went along with Penn's quest to convict Gable. Goldschmidt's affair with the minor came to light in more recent years.

Sadly, Michael Francke's death ultimately issued a broader license for corruption in Oregon's prisons.

The state's top officials learned a big lesson through Francke's role and death here; that is to never toy with high integrity out of state officials, keep them at arms length and out of Oregon. That is, unless they are willing to 'play the game' and avoid the state's corruption as though it doesn't exist. People like the state's current Attorney General, John Kroger.

The layers are deep, and sadly it endangers the lives of people like Coleman, Kimble and Howard. For all we know state officials killed Thomas, and until they produce him, it seems a valid possibility, based on the agency's track record. And for the record, as I revealed in a previous story, I have had interesting conversations with various officials about William 'Dollar Bill' Thomas. He really truly is missing from the system. He comes up in a computer search and there is a vague sign of his existence in the DOC system if you enter his assigned number, but no reference to his location. I think he is the only inmate in Oregon listed under these conditions. On the phone, a law enforcement clerk told me, "I have never seen this, somebody doesn't want us to know where he is".

So, law enforcement officials who are reading this, and not part of the corruption, do us all a favor and run his name in your system and see it for yourself, and then do the right thing and help launch an inquiry.

Terrence Kimble's continual punishment, being placed "in the hole' at SRCI- where this wrongly convicted man can not use a telephone to communicate with his elderly, ailing mother, is an abomination of a crime; especially when considering that a second grader could examine the court documents and see that his trial is reminiscent of something that might have happened in Mississippi in 1955, but not Oregon in 2001, or so we would like to believe.

On a final note, the last contact between Coleman and Kimble that led to Kimble's punishment in 'the hole', involved Coleman playing the audio from the series of video reports we have produced at on his plight, so that Kimble could know and hear with his own ears, the fact that somebody in this world beyond his family and friends, is pulling for him setting the record straight. Truth and justice are lacking commodities in Oregon's Corrections Department and also in the Department of Justice.

This article is part of our ongoing series on racism and corruption in Oregon's prisons. To see the previous installments, visit this link: Series on Racism and Corruption in Oregon's Prisons

Tim King: Editor and Writer

Tim King is a former U.S. Marine with twenty years of experience on the west coast as a television news producer, photojournalist, reporter and assignment editor. In addition to his role as a war correspondent, this Los Angeles native serves as's Executive News Editor. Tim spent the winter of 2006/07 covering the war in Afghanistan, and he was in Iraq over the summer of 2008, reporting from the war while embedded with both the U.S. Army and the Marines.

Tim holds numerous awards for reporting, photography, writing and editing, including the Oregon AP Award for Spot News Photographer of the Year (2004), first place Electronic Media Award in Spot News, Las Vegas, (1998), Oregon AP Cooperation Award (1991); and several others including the 2005 Red Cross Good Neighborhood Award for reporting. Tim has several years of experience in network affiliate news TV stations, having worked as a reporter and photographer at NBC, ABC and FOX stations in Arizona, Nevada and Oregon. Serving the community in very real terms, is the nation's only truly independent high traffic news Website. As News Editor, Tim among other things, is responsible for publishing the original content of 65 writers. He reminds viewers that emails are easily missed and reminds those trying to reach him to send a second email if the first goes unanswered. You can send Tim an email at this address:

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William Coleman August 31, 2010 11:28 am (Pacific time)

question and answers for ROB "believe it or not"

Rob I believe some of officials are calling the shots in my case or part of Frankie's case, these people are still around insisting these rookies of what to do? How to discredit a whistle Blower by sending him to prison if they have to. These officials in Frankie's case is older and will talk if pressure, now we have crediable witness. My story is not a repeat story. Rob, state officials are continuing and repeating their corrupted behavior everyday and that's a fact. Rob you believe what my superiors stated to me is hearsay, because i never proved it. 

Rob I have proof they said it, for example ROB in Howard's case, my superiors stated to me "Howard got what coming to him, who don't want to get him," this was weeks before the assault took place. I have documents of the dates and times these meetings took place and names of people I talked to about Howard's possible assault. "Dollar Bill"stated to me personally they gave him the green light, if this not true why will they send "Dollar Bill to the state of New Jersey?  Now those officials want to list his name in the system why? This is a fact. Frankie was a whistle Blower with power to make changes, but the closest people to him in corrections sold him out, to the good ol' Boys. Frankie was a fighter with intergrity, and his close partners knew that, but they were already in too deep. Frankie's murder was planned. Rob, my superiors actions prove what you call "hearsay", is possibly more true than false, Rob if my superiors have nothing to hide, explain why I'm not allowed to visited inmates?

Why they made up bogus charges against me and use white supremacy people to point me out in court of doing these things? Rob, Michael Frankie case is over 20yrs old he should have a support group, if not we should create one you think?  Rob the power is in the people. DOC is going to do what ever they can to not let me prove my true allegations, i was told I would never prove corruption here, and I have. I'm very close and will find the people with integrity to force the state to re open cases that has merit such treatment, like the Frankie case, but it take the people to make this happen.  A 20 yr case, it should be people that want to see Frankie's killers brought to justice I will. Rob you stated it's a waste of time, i don't believe when you're doing what's right and staying active believing and hoping and praying that justice prevails, is a waste of time. Rob the impossible will happen I believe. I haven't accepted the fact "Dollar Bill" can't be found. 

I knew what state he was in through private inside source, I wanted the people to hear the truth and see state corruptions at its best.  Rob, we have to go through every prison in person to find out which prison "Dollar Bill" is in. That's with the fed's help. I will find him eventually, but but we should be able to call and ask for him, when you call they tell you he doesn't exist or "we cant tell you his location", which is unheard of it public records and he's a lifer. Rob do you believe Frankie case will be solved? Rob you answer that question by agreeing with the state saying they got the killer case closed.  Rob, to me Frankie's case is a repeated case, we're talking over 20 yrs and no one is putting pressure on the state to reopen this case.  Im sure it's an cold case now.

Lets force the state to reopen this case, Rob do you have a passion to see Frankie's Killer brought to justice or do we continue talking about this case like it just existed? I say put words to actions and get this case solved, Rob- remember the power is in the people. I'm thankful for for giving me the opportunity to share truth!!! Rob thanks again for you imput keep in touch and keep the fight!!!

Rob August 31, 2010 7:12 pm (Pacific time)

Following up on my last comment...

"Therefore, the questions that remain to be summarily answered once and for all are : 1) was Francke already involved with, or asking for intervention from a Federal agency/agencies to deal with ongoing corruption in the department of Oregon state government he oversaw? 2) How involved were the US Department of Justice and/or the FBI with Francke before his death, and why did the Department of Justice (with possible knowledge of those seated on Federal District Court Bench in Oregon, as they work in tandem on secret federal investigations and to obtain any federal subpoena), call down the FBI in the Francke case?"

In response to "Journal of a Murder" written by Steven Jackson for the Statesman Journal on 4/28/91, Ann Francke shares the following with me...

Dear Rob,
The Steve Jackson piece, "Journal of a Murder," is great, although I have no recollection of any "high ranking FBI official" contacting me.

From Journal of a Murder May 18, 1989 - "A high-ranking FBI official in Washington, D.C., writes to Francke's sister, Ann, and tells her that the bureau is looking into possible corruption within the Oregon prison system and any link to her brother's death. Portland FBI officials later deny any such investigation took place."

I would have thought that would have played a prominent part in forwarding the investigation, and would have triggered further follow-up contact, which doesn't seem to be the case. Can Steve Jackson help out on this? I did write my Kansas senators, Bob Dole, and Nancy Landon-Kassebaum. My recollection is that Dole was sympathetic but indifferent, and that Senator Kassebaum was more interested. Was the FBI letter in response to contact from Senator Kassebaum? She very well might have forwarded my letter to the FBI but I cannot recollect any FBI letter in response.

At the reception after Mike's funeral, which was, as I recall, at Mike's former brother-in-law Austen Basham's home (wife Judy is sister to Mike's ex-, Cassandra "Sandi" Encinias Francke), Governor Goldschmidt was treated most graciously and was probably feeling like he was among friends. I had already contacted Roy Master's office in Grant's Pass, Oregon, having heard Masters recount corruption stories from Oregon in his radio show, and had been informed by office staff that their opinion was it was an inside job as there was systemic corruption in high places. They told me about one case involving "Mountain Man" and some biker gang and the DEA running drugs. I consequently wasn't feeling amicable towards Goldschmidt, and was in a pretty grim frame of mind. Anyway, as Goldschmidt was preparing to leave, I approached him alone and respectfully asked him to initiate an FBI investigation into Mike's murder as there were a lot of allegations of state and interstate corruption. That relaxed look left his face and he seemed nervous but composed himself, and said he would not call in the FBI as he was confident the state had the investigation under control.

Some time later, I called the FBI in Oregon, probably the Salem office, and spoke with an FBI agent. I told the agent I was Mike Francke's sister, and was requesting that the FBI look into, not Mike's murder, but all the attendant allegations of corruption. I believed there were too many impediments to getting Mike's case investigated, including Goldschmidt's refusal. The agent was terse, emphatic and almost robotic, in saying, "There is no FBI investigation into the Michael Francke murder." I again stated I wished them to ignore Mike's murder for the time being, and just concentrate on corruption charges. He again repeated himself. I was a little vexed and explained I was not asking that Mike's murder be investigated, I only wanted them to look into the drugs and graft and other allegations. The agent repeated himself again, and we concluded the conversation as civilly as possible.

I was really annoyed and then some time later realized this agent may have been trying to do me a favor in dismissing my concerns as he did, given the potential for danger as his boss, Charles Turner, chained these watchdogs, apparently acting in collusion with the cabal of crooks. A short time after this phone contact with the FBI agent, I got a call from Kevin Francke, who chided me for interfering with the FBI investigation. Later I found out that Assistant U.S. Attorney Charles Turner quashed the FBI investigation after their 30-day probe was over, and rejected the FBI request for permission to continue. There was no FBI investigation into Mike Francke's murder beyond the 30-day look-see, and I would hope that Kevin Francke could explain under what circumstances the FBI contacted him, as I was led to believe, to have him tell me to back away from my request, and what cooperation or consideration they gave in return.

This is my recollection and I hope you can clarify this with Steve Jackson, who did a great job. Blessings.
Ann Gerard Francke

Rob August 29, 2010 6:04 pm (Pacific time)

Mr. Coleman,

I agree with most of what you say, and I am not disputing any of the documentation you claim you have. I trust it will all be useful in your civil case, but seriously doubt it can be effective in solving Francke's murder. No need to repeat your story either as Tim did an excellent job of explaining it in his previous articles. My accusation of hearsay was specifically directed at the comments Tim published of your superiors saying things like "you'll never be able to prove it." Can you prove those comments were made by your superiors? If not, than leave it out of the article. It diminishes the factual and documented portion of your story. Maybe I am being super critical, but I think it's important to move this story forward with only facts and what can be documented. Just my opinion. Sorry if it rubbed anyone the wrong way.

"It's a fact that William 'Dollar Bill' Thomas was given the "green light" from managment."

It's only factual if you can prove it. Where's your proof? Is it a statement from Dollar Bill who you can't find? And frankly, if I was on trial for my life and was attempting to subpoena someone who is an inmate, I wouldn't proceed until that inmate was located and brought to the courthouse. I'm having trouble understanding why you apparently accepted the fact that he couldn't be found. Doesn't make sense. You have the right to subpoena witnesses, and if they're incarcerated they should be easy to locate. DOC not producing him should be unacceptable.

"My opinion in Frankie case is that now, today, this case is an easy case to solve if Frankie's support group continues putting pressure on the state of Oregon to investigate with integrity!!!

What Francke support group might that be? You say "continues putting pressure." If there is a support group that I'm unaware of and they've been putting pressure on the state to investigate with integrity, that would be a waste of time. Why would the state investigate a murder case that is closed due to the conviction of Frank Gable? They wouldn't. The case is closed. According to the state, the convicted murderer is behind bars for the rest of his life with no chance for parole.

On the other hand, if there was a support group pushing for an investigation citing a particular statutory federal law, that might be different. Awhile back an individual posted two interesting comments to the Greg Johnson article at the Willamette Week website. That individual has been lurking around here lately as well. Matter of fact I'd bet large that this individual posted an exceptional Francke related poem in one of Tim's previous articles, and I'd guess this same individual is posting anonymously as "Silence Dogood." Just an observation I felt like sharing. Anonymous or not, this individual is well versed in the Francke case and other related cases and has proven at times to be an asset. The two comments posted by this person were entitled "Untimely Deaths" and "Time is of the Essence." Both of which I've shared with Tim and explained the author posted them as a way to "put them up for adoption," and suggested adopt them.

In "Time is of the Essence," the author states the following...

Was Francke going with the Feds to investigate corrupt goings-on in Corrections at the time of his murder? If credible evidence can be substantiated that Francke was in fact doing so at the time of his murder, Federal jurisdiction to initiate (even years later) a separate federal investigation into his murder may still have legal viability.

There are some credible historic sources that indicate a need to further consider and research any Federal agency engagements or interventions Francke may have sought out, prior to his murder. The problematic circumstance of investigating others in Oregon State government or within the Oregon State Attorney General's office would have forced Francke to go to the Fed's for assistance, as he simply could not have gone “to his own” people.

There are many of the opinion there are enough questionable events and circumstances to cause a reasonable person to consider with some weight, there may indeed have been a conspiracy to murder Michael Francke. The totality of information regarding the circumstances and the intrigues surrounding Michael Francke's position as Director of Corrections, including the accumulated information gathered over the ensuing years, simply cannot be ignored by intelligent observers of this case.

Capital offenses, under some circumstances, the tolling of the 5 year federal statute of limitations is excepted, and this allows a murder investigation to be initiated, and indictments rendered, after 5 years.
The statutory federal law that may apply in this case is:
TITLE 18; PART 1; Chapter 51; Section 1121
(a) Whoever intentionally kills— §1121
(1) a State or local official, law enforcement officer, or other officer or employee while working with Federal law enforcement officials in furtherance of a Federal criminal investigation—
(A) while the victim is engaged in the performance of official duties;
(B) because of the performance of the victim’s official duties; or
(C) because of the victim’s status as a public servant; or
(2) any person assisting a Federal criminal investigation, while that assistance is being rendered and because of it, shall be sentenced according to the terms of section 1111, including by sentence of death or by imprisonment for life.

There are some credible references, according to “untimely deaths”, that indicate Federal involvement and/or at least some FBI interest in looking at different issues surrounding the Oregon Department of Corrections and other Oregon state matters around the time before and after Francke's murder. Sources have even indicated that Francke was engaging, or in the process of engaging with Federal agencies prior to his death for assistance in dealing with an illegal drug trafficking issue.

Therefore, the questions that remain to be summarily answered once and for all are : 1) was Francke already involved with, or asking for intervention from a Federal agency/agencies to deal with ongoing corruption in the department of Oregon state government he oversaw? 2) How involved were the US Department of Justice and/or the FBI with Francke before his death, and why did the Department of Justice (with possible knowledge of those seated on Federal District Court Bench in Oregon, as they work in tandem on secret federal investigations and to obtain any federal subpoena), call down the FBI in the Francke case?

August 26, 2010 5:37 pm (Pacific time)

Report: 90,000 inmates sexually victimized -- The problem of rape is 'even worse than we thought' WASHINGTON — The government reported Thursday that 4.4 percent of inmates in prison and 3.1 percent of inmates in jail report being victimized sexually by another inmate or staff member in the past year. Those percentages translate to the sexual victimization of 88,500 inmates behind bars nationwide from October 2008 to December 2009, according to a study by the Justice Department's Bureau of Justice Statistics. The study found that: Female inmates were more than twice as likely as male inmates to report experiencing sexual victimization by another inmate. Among inmates who reported victimization by another inmate, 13 percent of male prison inmates and 19 percent of male jail inmates said they were victimized within the first 24 hours after being admitted to a corrections facility. In contrast, the figure for women was 4 percent for prison and jail.

William Coleman August 29, 2010 4:24 am (Pacific time)

Answers for Rob Taylor: I appreciate your comments because you do not understand some things. Rob what I give the people is not hearsay, it's a fact- the matter of record. For example you say i never proved my true allegations, I will ROB and also Frankie's case will be solved also Rob.  When fighting against the state you must sacrifice yourself to see effective change, if you not willing to sacrifice something, we be talking about these cases in another 20yrs. 

My opinion in Frankie case is that now, today, this case is an easy case to solve if  Frankie's support group continues putting pressure on the state of Oregon to investigate with integrity!!! Rob the power is "the people",   I worked for DOC and resigned due to hate crimes and corruptions,  I was rehired at the state Hospital a year later. Rob, i was seen at work by a detective that investigated me and he is friends with my then-boss at the hospital.  I was fired on allegations from a convicted drug users, child molester, who was about to attack me,  or so it seemed, until I ran him off.  He called police and stated that my partner and I were  having sex in a state vehicle which is a bogus" lie. I'm no "homosexual".

I was never told by police or HR what the convict's statement was; I found out 10 days later from people in the community. Rob, allegations about me were years before I filed a lawsuit against the hospital.   The day I filed the lawsuit was the same day as a "matter of record" that the state filed a secret indictment for my arrest.

ROB this not "hearsay" it a fact. ROB it's a fact that 8/5/05 the prison played the Hitler movie, "Downfall" I was able to talk about it in my criminal court case,  DOC never denied the movie played that's a fact.  Now inmates family members who lost inmates due to sucides and assualts after the movie played need to raised some issues!!

It's a fact that William 'Dollar Bill' Thomas was given the "green light" from managment, I tried to subpoena "Dollar Bill" for trial but no one seemed to know his location.  My other two witness, Smith and Howard, were involved in several investigations I was conducting on my own in the prison.  The way I was fighting on the outside is the way I was fighting in the inside   I confronted managment with boldness.  Howard, Smith , and Dollar Bill would have given people the facts about corruption by managment, over a several year period.

My PD knew my agenda was to exposed the corruptions. ROB you are right that I won with one witness, but I was not told that these witness were not going to testify,  i was "furious" my life was on the line here, Rob i could have taken serveral plea deals, i refused. I had to make the sacrifice to see effective changes in the system..

I just found out about Kimble's case, the fact that he is "innocent", a month ago.  I 'm going to do my part to see him set free soon. You said Frankie's case is personal to you; Kimble's case and helping sloving Frankie's Murder is personal to me too Rob.  Regarding the letters you saw me mailing on the video, the inmates did not recieve those letters. They got the certified letters, weeks later, the mail was held up inside the prison.  Sometimes it take weeks for me to recieve mail from them, because officials open the letters and read them.  It's fact I recieved letters from Howard cut into pieces. Kimble was put in the hole for having tolet bowl fresher which the out come of the case it was no evidence to prove the officers case and Kimble was put in the hole anyway.  Kimble was found not gulity on that charge and when he got out the hole he was put on Loss of privileges for 14 days without phone calls.  Kimble was not charged or fined.  When Kimble got out the hole the second time, officers moved him to part of prison where people who dont like n "rapist".  Being branded as that is the biggest tragedy in Kimble's case, he didn't committ the crime.

Kimble is 1000% innocent just like Gable.  Prison officials were hoping Kimble would have lived there in that unit, if he would defended himself  he would spend up to a year in the hole and we will lose phone contact.  Tim "only' prints the facts about this case, what you see is 1000%  facts, a matter of record,.  I have the copy of Kimble's in-house reports on both "hole" incidents, so what Tim reporting is factual.  Rob you must understand that every day Kimble and Howard are going through some kind of harrassment, I strongly believe in documents with signatures. Tim is doing a greak job exposing the truth.  If other news teams in Oregon exposed the truth about DOC the way Salem-news. com does,  I believe the Frankie's case will be solved.  . Rob thank you for your interest in this matter, have a great life and keep the fight!!!

Rob August 28, 2010 10:35 am (Pacific time)

I realize the toilet thing was the previous time. I can read. Keep up with me Tim. Like I said...this article was born out of your insinuation that prison officials put Kimble in the hole because he was talking to Coleman. Of course when I check you on it we get the real truth. That he broke the rules having a toilet deodorizer previously and most recently he PC'ed himself up due to fear of being placed in a cellblock with white racists. So why not report the truth instead of insinuating something else?

Tim King: Why can't you simply understand that I didn't know the day the article was written? 

Funny how you justify your bias by claiming we're all biased, and not only do you accuse me of being biased you claim I head the list. You'll havta give me an example cuz I considered it and am having difficulty seeing it. You may be right and I welcome you or anyone else to help me recognize my faults, but I do recall a post I made in one of your other biased articles which contained quite an unbiased account of someone on the receiving end of a taser. So by all means Tim, enlighten me. It's the least amount of respect you can afford someone who posts here using their real name.

Tim King: You keep insinuating that I am holding something back. Having spent the number of years with this that you have, I would think you already know things simply take time. 

"I've been a journalist for over 20 years" and blah, blah, many times have we all seen this when someone is critical of your work? Try reporting, researching and writing like one then. This article is not reflective of such. Errors and improprieties of which I've already cited.

 Tim King: Well if I was here to impress you I'd be in the doghouse, oh well.  All I see is a simple ongoing critical evaluation.  You can devalue my past if you want.  I can delete these comments if I want to just the same.  I don't operate in negativity the way you do Rob, this is foreign to me, I feel like I am in high school in a way doing this non productive word dance here.

Yeah Tim, talk to me about someone who came out of nowhere and put a lot on the line to do this. Matter of fact, talk to my wife and step-daughter about it while you're at it, and the rest of my family. If you only had a clue. I've given positive observations since you jumped in, but you'll only get them if what I observe is worthy. To the contrary if not. Not like I didn't warn you.

Tim King Right: Well, it seems like you find yourself a real authority here.  I am simply trying to move a huge story forward and the others I am working with are just more positive about the whole affair.  Since you devalue my position, you tell me that you are totally failing to understand our power.  In the end we are doing what we are doing and we are exclusively in control of it.  I have been respectful to you over your work in this, I have not spent a second here trying to take it apart, or trying to do a little number on your character.    

The Francke case and anything closely related is very personal to me. What we have here is a failure to communicate. Whose fault is that? I've spent six years now sifting through the BS and you're on the verge of repeating some of the BS all over again because your knowledge and research of the case is seriously lacking by your own admission. Hell, you haven't even stepped off the yellow footprints yet to get your haircut. Again, whose fault is that?

Tim King: Right, I just learned that hair grows back Rob.  You claim to know far more about this than you do.  I am not saying you didn't spend six years running a Website about Frank Gable, but you claim to have knowledge about us that you simply don't have, or are completely mistaken over.  I am not doing what I am doing to meet your approval.  I am happy to recognize what you have done, not short selling anything, but my skin is thck enough already.  I just don't equate this neceassarily to being helpful.  

Rob August 27, 2010 9:02 am (Pacific time)

Tim, So you publish an article alleging that Kimble was placed in the hole due to his phone conversations with Coleman and now you say he PC'ed himself. The toilet deodorizer? It's against the rules. I'm only suggesting you refrain from publishing allegations that you can't prove. Otherwise you appear biased. Now what about the mail thing? You didn't respond to that. Did Kimble get those letters you videotaped Coleman mailing? If not, stop being repetitive by whining about it and do something about it. Then report about that.

Tim King: No Rob, that was the previous time that he was thrown in the hole.  This time they were going to place him in a cellblock of white racists who were a threat to his life.  His objection to that led to the hole.  We are all biased Rob, you head the list, have you considered that?  Also, the comment about 'whining' - just remember we hate most in others what we despise primarily in ourselves.  I've been a journalist for over twenty years Rob, tried and proven in every possible type of news situation in existence, some really tragic sh*t, here in the states and in the wars overseas.  I guess you feel like being super critical of what I am doing rather than just simply trying to help, is your way.  I can accept that, but I'm pretty sure that our group is the one that came out of nowhere and is putting a lot on the line to do this.  Take the time once in a while to just make a positive observation.     

@silence dogood..."Should Oregonians, through an Initiative process amend the State Constitution, thereby creating a new stand-alone “Bureau of Post-Conviction Supervision and Parole, Prisons, and Prison Industries” where an elected “Board” (non-partisan) oversees the newly formed bureau?"

Yes, Oregonians should.

"Would such a Bureau create better accountability to the “People” than we now have?"

Yes, I think it would. It's an excellent proposal and I like the issues you cite. So what can be done to jumpstart this initiative process? How can we enlighten the public to the proposal and hopefully get support from a significant number of citizens?

You talk the talk well. You or anyone else out there willing to walk the walk on this?

Tim King: Rob, we have only been involved in this for a short time.  If you were here you would more clearly understand all of the things taking place in context with this multi-faceted investigation.  We are working on both ends of this at once with a 21 year gap in the middle and a million points in between. 

Rob August 26, 2010 12:52 pm (Pacific time)

LOL! From the Seattle PI link... "And he (Vaughan) told me, he says, 'If you want to call an expert on blood-spatter evidence going forward, you call Jim Pex. And if you want to call an expert on it going backwards, you call me.' To my mind that just sounded like heebie-jeebie nonsense," Kosygar told the plaintiffs' attorneys.  According to Vaughan, I guess they called the right expert in the Francke case, huh? 

Silence Dogood August 26, 2010 11:59 am (Pacific time)

Should Oregonians, through an Initiative process amend the State Constitution, thereby creating a new stand-alone “Bureau of Post-Conviction Supervision and Parole, Prisons, and Prison Industries” where an elected “Board” (non-partisan) oversees the newly formed bureau? Would such a Bureau create better accountability to the “People” than we now have?

 The Issues:
Issue 1) Separation of Powers: Oregon Governor currently has exclusive control over administrative appointments to 1) The Board of Post Supervision and Parole, 2) Corrections Division, 3) State Police, and 4) has the sole authority to grant Pardons/Commute sentences. Q: Is it appropriate and wise to vest so much power in only one person, the Governor?

 Issue 2) Lobbyists, Legislators, and PAC’s and State Initiative Measures: regarding Crime, Incarceration and Prison expansions Q: Is it time to review, and better understand what we (voters) and they do, and have done, to address Crime, punishment and rehabilitation within broader contexts (historically)?

Issue 3) Corrections Budget: Prisons, Parole Supervision, and Department of Justice Q: How much does a ‘rush’ to convict (think wrongful convictions), incarcerate and keep incarcerated (even the wrongfully convicted) cost us? Are there better answers?

 Issue 4) Corrections Corruption, State Police Investigations, Prison Industries Audits and weaknesses Q: Who is truly watching the efficacy and ethics of their operations?

 Issue 5) The cost of Wrongful Convictions, Post –Conviction Appeals, Habeas Corpus Petitions, and Oregon Department of Justice Q: How much are wrongful convictions costing, state, county, and local governments? Should qualified immunity protect government agent wrongdoing?

 Issue 6) Wrongful Convictions: Prosecutor - Police - Judicial Complicity and Release of the convicted pending Appeal Q: Why is there little mainstream media coverage of these 'foul-ups', and virtually no consequence to government officials, who have been clearly shown to have harmed an innocent person with malicious prosecution, police perjury, witness intimidation, or abuse of judicial discretion? What is the media’s involvement in exposing bad government actors, or does the mainstream media protect them in some way? How political is the Oregon justice system?

 Issue 7) Gubernatorial Commutations and Pardons Q: How are these powers being used in Oregon? referencing Ersun’s article...

Rob August 26, 2010 9:44 am (Pacific time)

This article is repetitive, biased, assuming and largely unfactual. To wit:

"Today William Coleman is concerned for Terrence Kimble's life. Oregon prison officials have blocked Coleman's mail to Kimble for several weeks, and each time the two discuss the racial crimes and Civil Rights violations taking place in the prison on the telephone, "Kimble ends up in the hole. That is where he is right now," Coleman said. It all appears to be a clear effort to monitor and block Kimble, who has strong allegations about problems in the Oregon DOC (Department of Corrections), from communicating with Coleman, who is a known whistleblower."

It appears that way because you are the one "casting the appearance." Prove it! Prove Kimble is in the hole for the reasons you cite. There are numerous reasons Kimble could be in the hole. Did you inquire with DOC as to a reason using your media credentials? If you do inquire and they give you a reason...prove they're wrong, otherwise you're blowing smoke. How do you know they're still blocking Coleman's mail to Kimble? Did Kimble tell Coleman in a phone call that he hasn't received any of the letters that you videotaped Coleman mailing? What was the purpose of the videotape if you're not going to submit it to the proper authorities and have the problem addressed?

Tim King: Rob, I can only imagine that you know there are reasons for the way things are processed and handled.  As it turns out, we do now know that Kimble was put in the hole; he did it do avoid being placed (intentionally placed) in a cell block where he would likely see an attempt on his life.  The previous time he was placed in the hole, it was for having a toilet bowl deodorizer in his toilet, heavy sh*t eh?

"Racism, corruption, drug dealing, prostitution; it all greeted him in what became an impossible workplace, and the reaction from his superiors when he reported and documented more than 21 particular incidents, ranged from, "You will never prove it Coleman", to even more outrageous statements."

Hearsay, and it comes from someone with a multi-million dollar civil suit against the state for racism.

Tim King: Not hearsay Rob, it is all completely documented.  Don't be fooled by the way the SJ treated it; they knew what was going on and wanted nothing to do with reporting news when it came to DOC.  

"The most bizarre part, is the fact that 'Dollar Bill' Thomas has disappeared from the Oregon Corrections system. We assume he does not have family members available to force the state to reveal his actual physical location, if he is still alive at all.

You don't need family members to force the state to reveal his location or obtain info on him, although it is an uphill battle. You just have to jump through the necessary hoops. Get out from behind the computer. DOC wouldn't tell me the location of Frank Gable either when I inquired over six years ago. Put those media credentials to work and get busy finding him.

Tim King: Rob, I'm sure you know that there is a safety element in making events pertaining to individuals public.  There may be redundancies but I am going to let the public know each step in things like this.  There are specific reasons for the way we are proceeding.  Many things to consider and take care of.  

"Along with Clayton Howard, and another inmate named John Smith, Terrence Kimble said he was offered a bribe to testify for the prosecution, when the state set out to frame Coleman. They all wanted nothing to do with a railroad job on Coleman, and instead agreed to testify on Coleman's behalf. Coleman's public defender, obviously in collusion with the prosecution, refused to call two of Coleman's three witnesses, which they were in agreement over for months. Even though all three of Coleman's witnesses were subpoenaed and transported to the courthouse, he only was able to have Kimble called to the stand. That was still enough though, to get Coleman a unanimous not guilty verdict on a 15 count indictment for smuggling cigarettes."

You say Coleman's PD was "obviously" in collusion with the prosecutor because they decided to use only one of the three witnesses. Apparently the PD knew what they were doing. Not guilty on all counts. "Obviously" the other two witnesses weren't needed, so who cares if Coleman's case would've been stronger. "Obviously" it was strong enough with one witness.

"Francke was hired by former Oregon Governor Neil Goldschmidt in 1988 to raise the bar and rid Oregon of its dirty problems."

No he wasn't. He was hired to assist Goldscmidt in his prison expansion agenda, which frankly made no more sense than a corrupt politician hiring a straight-shooter to clean up his own corruption because Francke didn't agree with prison expansion programs. His ideas were to put those funds into programs that would prevent people from going to prison thereby eventually eliminating the need for prison expansion, and he butted heads with Goldschmidt on this repeatedly. Furthermore, Francke is not known for eliminating corruption in New Mexico's prison, but rather for returning order to a prison system in chaos after the deadly early 80's riot that resulted in over 30 murders of "snitch inmates" that had been placed in administrative segregation for their protection.

Tim King: OK

"An underage drug addict's testimony was used to convict another drug dealer for the Murder. Frank Gable has been locked up for two decades. Oregon Lottery Director Dale Penn was the Marion County, Oregon District Attorney at the time of the Francke Murder. He oversaw the case.

The "underage drug addict's testimony was Grand Jury testimony which was used to indict Gable, not convict him. That witness would later recant and become a hostile witness for the prosecution. The jury was simply left with the decision to decide which version was the truth and to compile it with other testimony presented in making their decision. It was Shorty Harden's alleged "eyewitness" testimony that was primarily used in securing a conviction on Gable. And Dale Penn is no longer the lottery director. He's a Marion County judge.

Tim King: Thanks.

"The governor who hired Francke, Neil Goldschmit, as it turns out, was having an affair with his underage babysitter during this timeframe. He, along with many others, ultimately went along with Penn's quest to convict Gable. Goldschmidt's affair with the minor came to light in more recent years."

It was bad enough the Oregonian labeled it "an affair", and now you're going to do the same thing? Shame on you! Besides, Goldschmidt's sexual abuse of his underage babysitter occured many years prior to the timeframe you suggest. It was during the timeframe you suggest that the babysitter had grown up and was seeking financial assistance from Goldschmidt or she would tell all.

Tim King: Affair is a bad word to use, I agree.

Silence Dogood August 26, 2010 5:41 am (Pacific time) explains much more about the malicious prosecution of Botts and Proctor (in Lane County) and the likely 'criminal' acts of Vaughan, who was immune from being arrested for his shoddy 'criminal' forensic lab work at the Eugene State Police division. Quite an article (series), and it makes one wonder, HOW MANY wrongfully convicted are in Oregon prisons, their locations "hidden" by Corrections sending them out-of-state, or inside the Oregon Prison system, so that the public (or media) cannot locate and communicate (via mail) with the convicted.

Silence Dogood August 26, 2010 5:16 am (Pacific time)

As an example of how Lane County prosecutors procure wrongful convictions: In the case of Lane County's prosecution of Terrance Kimble, it may be interesting to note another interesting Lane County case (Eklof). ...."Among the exhibits introduced (at Eklof's post-conviction trial) was the deposition testimony of Lane County Circuit Court Judge James Hargreaves. His deposition had been given in the civil rights case of Boots and Proctor v. Bond, U.S. Dist. Ct. Case No. 95-6408-HO. In the deposition, Judge Hargreaves expressed his belief that Detective Jerry Smith, the lead detective in Eklof’s case, was not a truthful person. (Resp. Ex. 117 at 13). Referring to Smith and another detective, Bond, Judge Hargreaves stated: “That they would slant their testimony, certainly had to have slanted their testimony at sometimes in favor of the state to get a conviction.” (Id. at 14). He even notified the Lane County District Attorney’s office that he would no longer try cases in which Smith and Bond were involved. (Id.). " The 'questionable' Jerry D. Smith has moved up the police career ladder, and is now the Police Chief of Springfield, Oregon in Lane County.

Silence Dogood August 26, 2010 4:54 am (Pacific time)

ORS192.502(5) exempts from disclosure under the Public Records Law: Information or records of the Department of Corrections (sic), to the extent that disclosure thereof would interfere with the rehabilitation of a person in custody of the department or substantially prejudice or prevent the carrying out of the functions of the department, if the public interest in confidentiality clearly outweighs the public interest in disclosure. This ORS Statute is the blanket legal basis which gives Oregon Corrections unilateral authority to exempt themselves from (their Administrative Rules, 37, 38, 39), specifically regarding disclosure of the prison location of ALL out-of-state Oregon inmates (whose location they will not reveal), and certain in-state inmates whom they choose to "hide" for purported security or safety reasons (also won't reveal their location). Karen Potts, of the Corrections division known as the "Inmate Based Records Office' (I.B.R.O.) manages this directive. She has a phone number, which is available.

Hank Ruark August 25, 2010 8:23 pm (Pacific time)

This entire series proves up precisely the potent role a truly independent daily can play for its community.

No matter how this-all does finally play-out, as it most definitely must do in due time somehow, the content has given us all reason to think about what has and is still now happening in our home city and state.

Kudos to Editor/Writer Tim and team for work well done and continued support for moretocome...

Tim King: Thank you Hank!

J+ August 25, 2010 6:29 pm (Pacific time)

correction: " Frank Gable has been locked up for two decades. Oregon Lottery Director Dale Penn was the Marion County, Oregon District Attorney at the time of the Francke Murder." Approx. 6 months ago, Mr. Penn was appointed by Governor Kulongoski to the position of Judge for Marion County Circuit Court, to fill a position vacated by the Honorable Judge Lynn Ashcroft, who was forced to resign under similarly scandalous circumstances.

Silence Dogood August 25, 2010 1:18 pm (Pacific time)

Administrative Rules of Oregon Corrections on Public Disclosure do not require "family members available to force the state to reveal his actual physical location," Read SECTIONS: Division 37, 38, and 39 of the link.

Editor: Sure, I am not surprised that the laws are crafted and designed to allow this type of behavior and tratment. It isn't like anybody expects transparency from Oregon's government, though they should be able to! But it is still crooked and questionable as anything. Thanks for your comment.

Douglas Benson August 25, 2010 11:56 am (Pacific time)

ODOC SOP make waves ,file a lawsuit ,look like you might win an appeal that could harm them .Off to the hole with you ,diesel treatment [move you from one place to another over and over],pay off the gangs or an inmate to "take care " of you ,move you to another state ect.ect.

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