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Aug-25-2006 22:43printcomments

Princeton Review Names George Fox to Best in the West List

For the third consecutive year, George Fox University has been honored by The Princeton Review as one of its “Best in the West” schools.

George Fox Best In West
George Fox University is in Newberg, Oregon

(NEWBERG) - George Fox is one of 123 colleges and universities listed from the western states of Alaska, Arizona, California, Colorado, Hawaii, Idaho, Montana, New Mexico, Nevada, Oklahoma, Oregon, Texas, Utah, Washington, and Wyoming as one of the "Best in the West" schools.

Other institutions receiving the designation included: Pepperdine University, Seattle Pacific University, and Stanford University.

The Princeton Review rankings consider academics, quality of life, admissions selectivity, and financial aid. George Fox students were invited to participate in an online survey hosted by the magazine. They were asked to voice their opinions about the university, with questions in each category.

George Fox received a score of 85 out of 99 in admissions selectivity, an 84 out of 99 in academics, and an 85 out of 99 in quality of campus life.

More information on the ratings is available at

George Fox University is a Christian university of the humanities, sciences, and professional studies ranked by U.S. News & World Report as a “Best Buy” and a top-tier regional university. It offers bachelor’s degrees in more than 35 majors, degree-completion programs for working adults, a seminary, and 12 master’s and doctoral degrees. More than 3,200 students attend classes on the university’s campus in Newberg, at its Portland, Salem, and Boise centers, and at other teaching sites in Oregon.

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