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Aug-25-2006 16:27printcomments

Fairgoers Encouraged to Sign-Up For Renewable Energy Program

Currently, just over 2,500 Salem residential and small business customers are signed up for renewable energy from PGE

Photo by: Tim King

(SALEM) - Beginning Friday. and running through September 4th, Salem residents and other PGE customers can sign up at the PGE Renewables Booth at the Oregon State Fair for renewable power for their homes or businesses.

The booth is in the "Green Ideas Forum" section of the fair, and will be staffed every day 4:30 PM to 10:00 PM weekdays, 11:00 AM to 10:00 PM weekends.

The booth is focusing on enrolling Salem residents as part of the Green Power Challenge issued by the Salem City Council in July.

The mayor and council challenged residents to sign up for renewable energy for their homes and businesses between now and the end of November.

The Green Power Month designation and five-month challenge is the first of its kind in Salem, and is designed to promote environmental stewardship.

The city’s goal is to increase reliance on renewable energy, including PGE’s renewable power programs for residential and small business customers.

The goal is to increase Salem’s green power participation rate to 3,000 total customers, a 20 percent increase.

You can also sign up for renewable power online at

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