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Aug-24-2009 12:52printcomments

Worst Case Scenario / Best Case Scenario ...One and the Same?

I believe that we will be handed back our country once the profit margin is out of the picture.

(SALEM, Ore.) - Regarding economics, most people can agree that a "worst case scenario" would be the total collapse of the monetary system, and for us Americans, the fall of the dollar into Weimar Republic style inflation to the point of worthlessness.

With increasing moves toward the removal of the dollar as the world's reserve currency, and increasing trepidation on the part of foreign investors, who have not failed to notice the watering down of the dollar, this could be a real possibility.

I have read different opinions on what may transpire if such an event takes place...rioting, chaos, loss of social services and a total breakdown of the system ...some writers speak of a return to the Dark Ages, with armed gangs pillaging and looting.

While I agree that these kinds of acts would most likely take place to a degree, there is another factor which I believe would/will surprise most people, and that is the inherent goodness of the American people. We are a soft, timid and spoiled people, to be sure.

We live in luxury compared to the rest of the world ...most of us think nothing about driving to a restaurant for a meal, but only the richest 6% of the world's population can do that.

What would happen if our money became worthless? Would we resort to base instinct, killing and fighting for scraps of food ? I think we would surprise ourselves. After a tornado, or other disaster, we see the human spirit flourish and the sense of community for a while, inspire people to selflessly work to rebuild the community.

We used to throw an annual rock concert/party called Thrills in the Hills. The first two, I hired five of my biggest friends at $100 each to do security..break up fights mainly, and keep things running smoothly.

What I eventually realized was that the people at the party would naturally break up fights and do everythng that I was paying $500 a night for. The remaining Thrills in the Hills had no paid security, but things went along just as smoothly.

I believe that Americans would step to the plate and eventally find that we are indeed capable of running our towns and our country without the incredibly priced juggernaut of government/police/military that is costing us every last penny and then some.

I am a proponent of anarchy, which many people interpret to mean chaos, burning buildings, etc.. Actually the word comes from the Greek word anarchia, which means without rulers or overlords.

I believe that we Americans are capable of starting over, helping each other get through the hard times and hopefully create a different system that is not so vulnerable to manipulation and fraud.

So what would happen if the dollar crashed ? Would we starve and die in our own waste waiting for someone else to help us, or would we rediscover the American spirit of ingenuity, invention, and cooperation that made this country great? I think so.

I have been accused of being a self-hating American, but what I hate is this system that seems to be designed to transfer wealth from the people who actually go out and earn it, to the 1% who need it the least.

One immediate effect of a dollar crash would be the disappearance of politicians, Pentagon types and others who are in it for the money.

Being a politician would not be a lucrative career anymore... we might actually get leaders who are there because they want to help Americans, not just themselves. If the dollar crashed, we would no longer be able to bribe foreign governments to allow our military bases on their soil..maybe we would return to defending our borders, which like the Thrills in the Hills security detail, any of us would gladly do...without pay.

Without the dollar, we could no longer prop up dictatorships that prey on their people, or apartheid regimes like Israel, who may just have to learn to get along with their neighbors. Wihout the dollar,I bet we would see a lot of selfless acts of civic responsibility... road repair, garbage collection and maintenance of utilty systems.

One of my friends told me recently that a system with no overlords would never work here, as people are too lazy to do anything without pay, so who would keep society running?....I think that person underestimates the American people. I think we have been numbed down and misled. Our rulers want to keep us comfortable enough to stay quiet, while squeezing the last few drops of blood from us.

They know that once our comfort level crashes, we are a formidable force. We are trained to see monetary wealth as a sign of intelligence, wisdom and value...even if the wealth has been obtained through dubious means. On the other hand, poor people are seen as lazy and worthless, even if their poverty was not the result of their choices, and many times beyond their circumstances.

We have been trained to sacrifice our time with our children to make money, even if it means both parents working and the day care worker raising the kids. Maybe a return to basics would be just what we need.

In San Blas, Mexico where we lived last year, by American standards, everyone was poor. Houses were modest and wages were small. But....everyone appeared to be much happier than the average Americans. Families spent time together, the poor people were taken care of by the community.

At noon when the fishing boats came in, the poor would be at the docks and help unload the boats for a few fish. I was working at the docks painting boats most every day..(illegal worker), and I never ever saw anyone walk away empty-handed.

I believe our "worst case scenario" would also be the best. We are capable of ruling ourselves, and I think our capabilities would surprise us. We would find that we do not need the biggest and newest things, our kids do not need five hundred dollar cell phones and we would rediscover our local economies and buy/barter local items from local people.

And the real plus is that we would be free from the parasitic system that sends over half of every dollar to the weapons manufacturers and the military while families and vets sleep in the streets. The system has failed us...miserably.

I used to think that the only answer was probably some kind of armed revolution, but I believe that we will be handed back our country once the profit margin is out of the picture.

Then we will realize what tremendous potential we have and we will also see how that potential has been squandered and stolen by those who claim to represent us while they work tirelessly to loot the treasury for themselves.

Sometimes it takes a crisis for the best of human nature to kick in.. that is what I believe we will see here.

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Daniel Johnson August 25, 2009 10:24 am (Pacific time)

Hobbes, said Rousseau, showed "us the human race divided into herds of cattle, each with a master who preserves it only in order to devour its members.”

Henry Ruark August 24, 2009 7:50 pm (Pacific time)

Vic et al: Thank you for your clearly insightful, well-stated confidence in the wit, wisdom and will of our American people. We may disagree (only a bit) on how it may happen but the main impacts are right on the money --no pun intended. Many recent events and most trends surely presage much of what you see here. But no matter how it works out in detail, the absolute essential for anything good is precisely as you state it.

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