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Aug-23-2008 01:00 ![]() ![]() Op Ed: Force of Facts
Henry Clay Ruark for Salem-News.com
![]() Image: freestudents.blogspot.com |
(EUGENE, Ore.) - Driven by their inscrutable and immovable reliance on what they conceive as “the direct Word of God”, the nation’s “neo-conservative” remnant has amassed the world’s worst record of UN-realistic action on massive problems caused by those very policies.
Far Right-inclined religious partisans, “captured” in recent years, have only added their misplaced influence to that already-determined immutable characteristic for this hard-scrabble radical remnant.
This bedraggled sorry remnant is now identified by continuing faith in force-applied anywhere in the world, for any purpose, in pursuit of their proven-perverted perception of honest and open U.S. “strategic interests.”
Never has that been better displayed, demonstrated and non-”openly discussed” than in the nationally televised “candidate conversations”, purporting to “reveal” both Presidential candidates --so carefully arranged AND ecclesiastic-”supervised”.
What it really reveals is precisely how public information responsibilities at the networks are now “serviced” these days.
You will understand that term easily if you suffered through this perverted offering.
That non-working “Code of silence” that non-surrounded Sen. McCain just prior to the “blessed encounter” sharply reminds one of the Reagan-staff steal of Jimmy Carter’s debate-briefing book.
National perceptions --thus purposely-shaped and intentionally distorted--only add to the continuing and growing confusion of many citizens.
Millions are being misinformed --thus misled-- on the most crucial decisions they must make in this truly crucial/turning-point election.
“WIN by ANY means!” long ago became both the beginning and the end to each and every one of the very large opportunities long offered the then-”conservatively honest” Republican Party.
Until the neo-con takeover, the Grand Old Party had a record for strong dialog and action rationally-compromised via democratic process, for reasonable reliance on “the conversations of democracy.”
But the sorry record-since has written much more malign conviction, intent for action, and overwhelmingly distressing consequences on our historical record.
That has occurred ever since the GOP was first seduced, then sabotaged; to be left writhing in this neo-con/remnant record of economic, social and cultural failures and disasters.
The devastating losses of freedoms in this nation, ever since and still-continuing (Remember FISA!) are the most obvious consequences of actions taken.
They were seen as inevitable to make sure of the impacts demanded from many neo-con distortions, perversions and suppressions now so widely evident.
It was in the radical realities of the ‘60s/70s counter culture that some few “left”-liberals began that insidious slip-to-the-Right that became the neo-consequential “heavy damage to democracy” we are now encountering.
Famously, E.J. Dionne has described that descent as “the notion that liberalism” had failed and “no longer knew what it was talking about.” (See R/N citation.)
Today we must point out that “the most dangerous and damaging neo-con partisans” simply “do not know WHO they WERE, where they came FROM, or WHY they are headed as they have been.”
That relates to millions who, thus really UNknowing, and often against their own evident self-interests, still support this radical remnant revealed for what they truly have been, for the past three or four decades.
That portends even more confusion, given the public record of the past forty-or-so years!
Unless we AGAIN capture the wit, wisdom and will of the informed American public, “made restless and more aware by what they FEEL happening to ‘the American Dream.’”
It also should sound alarms for any of us when now referred, by Internet convenience, to neo-con/remnant sources --as if for reliable, factual information, true and trustworthy for citizen guidance.
The leading once-conservative publications and journals --”now become ‘neo-con’ simply to survive”-- have become less-than-reliable sources for any citizen looking for straight, factual, honest, open and “discussable” information.
What one gets these days --from a sample set just visited “to see with own eyes” -- is a wildly exaggerated balderdash of faith-based declaration and deeply-distorted statement of myth and fancy.
Substituted for checkable fact, these myths and fancies are then laid on so thickly that intent is obvious and demonstrated clearly:
To distort, deceive, defy and defeat any other point of view --AT ANY COST in reasonable dialog --or inevitable consequences to the commonweal.
Publications from their “think-tanks”, often then repeated in their standard publications, now also neo-con/distorted, tend to present highly questionable “scholarship” with confirming reference to academic degree-and-specialty.
Conspicuously missing is the usual societal test of appearance in number and repeated depth in nationally recognized general-interest magazines; OR special-interest and association publications demonstrating real professional credibilities.
Any hint whatsoever of the more-normal peer-review process we’ve come to expect from “the real thing”, not only in the sciences but also in the humanities, is always also completely missing.
Readers will recall our recent publication of a scathing statement from OCPP’s nationally-recognized leader Charles Sheketoff, revealing distortion and then publication of perverted results, from one such source.
Others at national and state level are readily available via the Internet, per sample-cited earlier.
But that’s certainly no surprise --even Far Right billionaires “demand useful ‘product’ for what they continue to pay”, to such eager providers!!
No rational, reasonable person will challenge the right of any individual to choose-to-believe, and in all good faith (no pun !) be guided in political application by ANY religiously-shaped set of values.
That’s encouraged by our fundamental separation of church and-state, as one foundation of our First Amendment --surely still the “root concept” of our Constitution.
But the danger here is unavoidable when sensible human rights choices are diverted, distorted, finally perverted --thus most thoroughly manipulated-- by those who perpetrate-where-possible --but always deny it was done.
They have achieved dismaying, damaging consequence in depth, ever since the early Reagan years --justifying “ANY WIN, ANY WAY!” under any religious color they can manipulate.
Even more highly mischievous tactics and techniques have become political brand-names --as in the Nixon “Southern strategy” --with its coded-language slyly appealing to racism and its economic fears.
Those distorted/perverted values are then put into broad and very damaging “public opinion” use by neo-cons whose intent is not to worship, learn, grow and live the life shaped by those beliefs, but to “WIN by ANY means!”.
Properly-dedicated followers for those values then become nothing more than seduced, manipulated peons, held in mental captivity by the very values worshipped.
That manipulative relationship has been publicly-declared neo-con policy and practice for decades, enunciated by leaders and followed -- so slavishly it is impossible to miss --in political maneuvers at every level, state to national AND Congressional. That’s the realistic WHY of constant repetition and complete dedication to “jamming the threads” on some open channels now under increasingly serious neo-con attack --with Far Right billionaire-supported “think-tank” funding, some strongly contend.
OR could it possibly be further manipulation of taxpayer dollars?
A part of what’s already been discovered and nailed-down via similar Pentagon disclosures recently?
IF General Officers will so stoop to deliberate distortion and disruption, why not expect that easy Internet attack-technique from others also-paid?
Knowing this background --and remembering the deliberate lies that took us, deceived and manipulated, into Iraq --why ever again trust either any neo-con OR their references to “supporting documentation”?
------------ Reader’s Notes:
Neo-conservative impacts on politics and public policies has been a longtime interest, with extensive files starting in the late ‘70s. For this Op Ed, other reliable references included: 1. E.J. Dionne; Why Americans Hate Politics; p.61; ISBN 0-671-77877-3. Chapter 6 summarizes neo-conservative history and early major influences. 2. Wikipedia re “Conservatives”; “Neo-Conservatives; easily available, comprehensive, reliable. 3. “How Anti-Intellectualism Is Destroying America”; T. McNally; www.alternet.org.story/95109 4. “Politics of stupidity makes headway”; Paul Krugman; NY Times; R-G/Eugene/8/11. 5. “Put some trust in campaign”; David Broder;WPost; R-G/Eugene/8/11. 6. “Medicare: Poison Pill”; James Ridgway; Mother Jones, Sept./Oct. ’08; Exit Strategy Report, pp. 38/87.
(4,5 so-cited to show national publication of same concepts via two respected columnists simultaneously. Mother Jones Report includes NINE articles, each dealing with failed neo-con/managed major policies.)
Quotes are from complete verbatim record available with ID to Editor; shortened, excerpted, or summarized for space requirements.
Henry Clay Ruark is the one of, if not the most experienced, working reporter in the state of Oregon, and possibly the entire Northwest. Hank has been at it since the 1930's, working as a newspaper staff writer, reporter and photographer for organizations on the east coast like the Bangor Maine Daily News.
Today he writes Op-Ed's for Salem-News.com with words that deliver his message with much consideration for the youngest, underprivileged and otherwise unrepresented people.
All comments and messages are approved by people and self promotional links or unacceptable comments are denied.
psychic December 28, 2009 8:34 pm (Pacific time)
i am looking on yahoo, came to your post, i read couple of your post very nice. hoping to read more such post in future.
Madame X October 9, 2008 12:48 pm (Pacific time)
I don't recall staff members taking over Ron Eachus' office at the PUC. He was treated with respect. The same respect he didn't show the President of the U of O. Ron Eachus was part of a hysterical movement. Many liberal thinkers did not go the extent Ayers and Eachus went to. Speaking of the grasping of power - at any cost - using any method. And NO TRANSPARENCY in their actions. Ayers should be prosecuted and Eachus is still preaching about harboring - criminal illegals. They never learn.
Percy September 16, 2008 11:00 am (Pacific time)
When the federal government is involved in regulation and bailouts, it eliminates the notion of risk. It's risk that causes responsibility. Today, Senator McCain said we need more regulation. No, Senator, with all due respect, we need accountability for a change. Ditto for Sen. Obama, who really is way out there when it come to knowing anything about the economy. His lack of experiece really come through in this area. Our current financial crisis was caused by too much government regulation, not too little. Banks were forced to give mortgages to deadbeats who couldn't afford them, under the assumption that government would bail them out. This is not a free market anymore, and central planning does not work. Where is the special prosecutor? Why is it we know Ken Lay's name but not the names of all the people involved in this scandal? I'll tell you why. Because the names of people involved in this scandal are names like Chris Dodd, Franklin Raines, Jim Johnson and Henry Waxman. We need a comprehensive review, not a partisan approach, for we need to develop solutions, not cast more dispersions by partisan hacks and shills who have no idea what they are talking about, other than quoting sources that also provide partisan angles that are so absurd.
Henry Ruark September 15, 2008 8:12 pm (Pacific time)
Joe S. et al: Unfortunately time prevents my check on your links, so this simply to make sure those who check 'em also use own mind to evaluate on self-balanced basis. If as you describe they will surely demand precisely that responsible treatment. That's what you pay huge fees to the media producer to build; also why tv-channels love the industry. One small change in Oregon time-available recently ran up toll $500 per shot for one station. Standard source for checkout on campaign claims is FactChecker website, which posts summary/analysis of most ads daily or more frequently.
Joe Shmoe September 15, 2008 7:22 pm (Pacific time)
Here's a link tracking and debunking McCain's and Palin's campaign of lies, one lie at a time. http://www. mccainpedia. org/index. php/Count_the_Lies And McCain and Palin go right on telling the same lies, even after being repeatedly call on it: http://online. wsj. com/article/SB122143893857134389. html Here's a terrific new Obama ad hammering the point home: http://link. brightcove. com/services/link/bcpid1185304443/bctid1786848892
Henry Ruark September 15, 2008 3:13 pm (Pacific time)
To all: For absolutely devastating view of realities re the disaster overtaking real estate in this nation now, "see with own eyes" 16-pp. feature article in Harpers Oct. 08 issue. Titled " Bleak Houses", by Paul Reyes, it visits a series of situations demonstrating the desperate damages already done and those yet to come from the deregulation of the financial system controlling them. That deregulation was created by McCain economic adviser, now still active although demoted publicly, via special deal he set up --for Enron, no less !!--while serving under oath as a U.S. Senator. See previous post here for late details of these impacts on Wall Street today and into the future. Lay aside fun-and-games re political confrontations here, for once, and learn what's on the record for neocon attack, via those now seeking to keep control by remedying what they themselves have caused. Read the article; then allow untrammelled cogitation to occur, as it undoubtedly will.
Henry Ruark September 15, 2008 2:46 pm (Pacific time)
To all: Forgive me: "You read it here first !" --as matter of fact, several times-reported: Published on Monday, September 15, 2008 by Mother Jones McCain Blasts Wall Street Failure, Neglects To Mention His Adviser Helped Cause It by David Corn As the news broke of the Lehman Brothers meltdown [1] and the rest of the latest financial crisis, John McCain, speaking at a campaign rally in Florida on Monday, angrily declared he and his V/P Palin would set things straight in Wall Street. And in a statement released by his campaign, McCain called for greater "transparency and accountability" on Wall Street. If McCain wants to hold someone accountable for the failure in transparency and accountability that led to the current calamity, he should turn to his good friend and adviser, Phil Gramm. As Mother Jones reported [2] in June, eight years ago, Gramm, then a Republican senator chairing the Senate banking committee, slipped a 262-page bill into a gargantuan, must-pass spending measure. Gramm's legislation, written with the help of financial industry lobbyists, essentially removed newfangled financial products called swaps from any regulation. Credit default swaps are basically insurance policies that cover the losses on investments, and they have been at the heart of the subprime meltdown because they have enabled large financial institutions to turn risky loans into risky securities that could be packaged and sold to other institutions. Lehman's collapse threatens the financial markets because of swaps. From Bloomberg [3]: Bond-default risk soared worldwide as the collapse of Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc. sparked concern than the $62 trillion credit-derivatives market will unravel.... Lehman, the fourth-largest securities firm until last week, has been one of the 10 largest counterparties in the market for credit-default swaps, according to a 2007 report by Fitch Ratings. The market, which is unregulated and has no central exchange where prices are disclosed, has been the fastest-growing type of so-called over-the-counter derivative, according to the Bank for International Settlements. "The immediate problem is the derivative default swaps market, in which a plethora of institutional accounts and dealer accounts are at risk,'' Bill Gross, manager of the world's largest bond fund at Pacific Investment Management Co. in Newport Beach, California, said in an interview with Bloomberg Radio yesterday. "It induces a tremendous amount of volatility and uncertainty.'' Barclays Capital analysts have estimated that if a financial institution with $2 trillion in credit-default swap trades were to fail, it might trigger between $36 billion and $47 billion in losses for institutions that traded with the firm. So the Lehman fiasco--caused in part by the use of unregulated swaps--could lead to ruin elsewhere in the economy.
Henry Ruark September 15, 2008 2:25 pm (Pacific time)
Might as well get used to these since more are sure to arrive, for a short time at least. After that we may not need them anyhow: Breaking News Alert The New York Times Sept. 15, 2008 -- 4:08 PM ET News Alert: Dow Closes Down More Than 500 Points The Dow Jones industrial average fell more than 500 points on Monday in the first day of investor reaction to some of the most dramatic developments in the history of high finance. Read More: http://www.nytimes.com/?emc=na
Carlson September 15, 2008 12:43 pm (Pacific time)
Henry et al-- the ongoing attacks, coupled with distortions on Governor Palin end up just illuminating the fact that the demo presidential candidate has absolutly no qualifying domestic executive experience, and other than violating the Logan Act, no foreign experience. Do not forget that Governor Palin went to Kuwait and over the border in Iraq to visit soldiers under "her" command. She later went to visit wounded Americans at a military hospital in Germany.
Carlson September 15, 2008 10:55 am (Pacific time)
Hopefully we as a nation someday will stop using taxpayer funds to bail out these organizations who have failed to act in a wise and deliberate business manner. FYI Lehman Bros., Fannie May, Freddie Mac, and Wall Street personnel in general have made Obama the biggest receiver of their political donation largess as per the FEC. What's up with that?! Also consider who has been controlling the purse strings in congress for the last two years? Who heads up all these financial (Banking, etc.) Senate and House committees? Also how about Senator's Dodd (Banking Com. Chairman!) and Dorgan receiving sweetheart deals on their home mortgages? Where's the oversight? Where's the outrage? The biggest threat we have in all this mismanagement people, is that it allows more and more control by a rapidly expanding government over private enterprise, which is anathema to what our Founding Fathers established and what we must avoid. My guess is when oil costs drop, the economy will rebound quite nicely. There are many safeguards in place to keep our economy from collapsing. Just please be aware that it is election season and with that comes fear-mongering coupled with distortion. If the unemployment rate goes over 15% then I would be concerned, but our unemployment rate is the lowest in the industrialized world, and our economy grew by 3.3% the last quarter. We are a strong people, we will as Americans, overcome any problem.
Henry Ruark September 15, 2008 10:45 am (Pacific time)
To all: Since citing E.E. Dionne numerous times here for years,because he wrote the best book re neocon collapse, must now offer "see with own eyes" from him re Palin: www.wpost.com 8/14/08 Will Palin Get the Same Scrutiny Hillary Got? By E.E. Dionne So now we learn that Sarah Palin did not go to visit troops in Iraq, as the McCain-Palin campaign originally claimed, nor did she visit Ireland, as a spokesman claimed – she went through Ireland only for a refueling stop. Good reporting by the Boston Globe got to the truth of the matter. The McCain- Palin campaign was forced to concede the facts, but only after being pressed. There’s a pattern here, two patterns actually. The first is that the McCain campaign is willing to peddle all sorts of untrue and half-true claims. The second is that the McCain campaign is clearly so uneasy about Palin’s patent lack of engagement with foreign policy that it has felt the need to greatly exaggerate what small bits of engagement she has had. (When ABC News' Charlie Gibson asked her how Alaska's proximity to Russia gave her insight into that country, Palin replied: “They're our next door neighbors and you can actually see Russia from land here in Alaska, from an island in Alaska.” That’s reassuring, isn’t it? The Gibson interview also revealed the thinness Palin's knowledge of domestic policy, particularly on the budget.) There is also a question here for the media. When Hillary Clinton claimed last March that she had to evade sniper fire during a landing in Bosnia in 1996, the media came down on her hard. It was a huge story. But at least Clinton actually visited Bosnia. Will the media focus the same attention on the false and exaggerated claims about Palin? Journalists gave Al Gore endless grief about supposed exaggerations and even suggested he said things (about inventing the Internet) that he actually didn't say. Aren't Palin's claims about opposing earmarks, when she actually tried to get them, and about saying "no thanks" to the bridge to nowhere, when she initially supported it, part of a larger narrative of deception? ------------ Intriguing further detail, so go-see, then use own mind to evaluate factual content delivered by one of nation's top-rated, respected writers.
Henry Ruark September 15, 2008 9:08 am (Pacific time)
To all: Most deadly comment-ever re Palin, even if inadvertent, comes from --Michael Reagan !: "Governor Palin is the next Reagan." That should surely snatch the rag right off the Bush-return.
Henry Ruark September 15, 2008 8:28 am (Pacific time)
To all: Maybe citizen shareholders finally waking up, becoming "non-apathetic" !! : Breaking News Alert The New York Times Monday, September 15, 2008 -- 9:47 AM ET ----- Dow Falls 300 Points Within Minutes of Opening The Dow Jones industrials fell more than 300 points shortly after the open as the markets reacted to turmoil at major Wall Street investment banks. Read More: http://www.nytimes.com/?emc=na --------- Also check preceding Op Ed titled with keyword now proving completely correct: "Unsustainable". Anyone wishing to supply any explanation simply ID self to Editor and send along own Op Ed, with solid-source proof, please !!
Henry Ruark September 15, 2008 8:21 am (Pacific time)
To all: Here's "see with own eyes" solid-source summary re Palin policy per taxpayer dollars when opportunity offered: McCain and Palin Are Trying to Take Political Lying to the Next Dimension By Robert Parry, Consortium September 15, 2008, http://www.alternet.org/story/98764/ Despite all the chatter about how "historic" Campaign 2008 has been, it is the McCain-Palin ticket that it is truly testing the limits, not of race or gender politics, but whether the United States is ready to enter into a new dimension of political lying. Until two weeks ago, it would have been hard to believe that any political figure would have had the audacity to step into the national spotlight by telling the bald-faced lies that Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin has. Yet, many Americans have embraced her enthusiastically and don't want to hear anything negative about her. Palin's most obvious lie is one that she has repeated over and over: "I told Congress, 'thanks but no thanks' about that Bridge to Nowhere." Now, however, anyone who has bothered to fact-check this claim knows that Palin supported the bridge until Congress removed the earmark and then she kept the money to use on other state projects." -------------- Any questions ? Address 'em to Parry, famed reporter.but first check rest of details in this revealing link to truth. My momma done taught me very early right name for those who kept money taken from others. Stock exchange news today is making same case strongly with same answer by those who have broken the system: Steal some more from the taxpayers, they will never notice since so apathetic. So do you really believe we should trust those who broke it to repair massive damages done to once-strong system ?? Public record shows dereg of finance felons accomplished by McCain's longtime pal and his economics adviser, now forced out by own behavior recently. McCain had him set to become Secretary of the Treasury !! Woulda been Right-handy post, don't you agree ?
Henry Ruark September 14, 2008 10:44 am (Pacific time)
To all: Here's "see with own eyes" Flash-Bulletin from NYTimes, proving up solid truth of Op Ed via further event. IF any one of several major players quits game of economic pretense, whole stack of cards will collapse: Breaking News Alert The New York Times Sunday, September 14, 2008 -- 1:05 PM ET ----- Barclays Walks Away From Talks With Lehman Barclays, the British bank that had emerged as the leading suitor for Lehman Brothers, said Sunday afternoon that it had pulled out of discussions to acquire the beleaguered investment bank. Read More: http://www.nytimes.com/?emc=na ----- Nex step might be China's sale of F/May/FMac holdings, or Russ-similar with $50 billions, enough to force the economic collapse either needs for inevitable attack on U.S. interests.
Sinbad September 14, 2008 8:53 am (Pacific time)
It's amusing that so many of the below posters are directing so much energy re: Governor Palin's experience. There is ample evidence that she has far more experience than an Alinsky-type community organizer that according to Hillary Clinton failed to vote on over 120 issues while a state legislator and other than speeches has no national experience, and whose own VP pick Sen. Biden called him too inexperienced to be a president (note Biden got less national votes than Governor Palins' town's population where she was mayor) and that the presidency was no place for "on the job training." Also the governor of Illinois, a democrat, stated the other day that Governor Palin was "well qualified to be vice president, even president"(obviously). So what say some of you about that very high level democratic endorsement from Obama's home state? The election has turned a corner, the voters are now evaluating the candidates on their own, rather then allowing the media (or the Hollywood super-rich, etc.) to dictate who they should vote for. I would be absolutely shocked if Obama gets more than 15 electoral votes. Checkmate.
Henry Ruark September 13, 2008 9:55 am (Pacific time)
To all: Backlash just now beginning as this "see with own eyes" surely demonstrates...see the 42 Comments when you check to evaluate with own mind: (Conclusion-only here to avoid any persuasive impact by me.) Palin Gets the Facts Wrong in ABC Interview Posted by Staff, Think Progress at 9:33 AM on September 12, 2008. Good Morning America 42 COMMENTS "A number of the claims that Palin made were false. She has never issued an order to the Alaska National Guard and every vice president “over the last 30 years had met a foreign head of state before being elected.” In addition to saying that she hasn’t “really focused much on the war in Iraq” in March 2007, Palin also called for “an exit plan” from Iraq. Although she can see Russia from some parts of Alaska, Palin has never actually traveled there." ----------- Check out OpEd and the preceding one, still running above,for which this is surely relevant. Beats b-b/feeling/fallacies some have posted to confuse and misinform and manipulate for malign political purposes. Makes one remember that film-famous line from Harpo: "WHO you gonna believe, me...or your own eyes ?"
Henry Ruark September 13, 2008 9:31 am (Pacific time)
To all: Here's "see with own eyes" excerp from David Broder's WPost column today. He concludes thus about voters: "They will search carefully for clues that can give them a degree of confidence that they are making the right choice. Those clues may come in displays of character, in policy promises, or in the endorsement of trusted sources. Informal conversations among friends and family will be as important as the TV ads or the candidates' speeches. Multiply these factors by the political geography of this 51-part election, with nearly a dozen plausible tossup states, and the uncertainty of the outcome is overwhelming. My hunch is that we may go well into October and still not know who will be succeeding George W. Bush. Some find this unsettling and unacceptable, and they give full license to their emotions of joy or despair. I find it wonderful, even inspiring. This has been — and remains — the election of a lifetime." ------ I.E., he's saying "oven just gtting hot, bread only just begun to bake, will be crusty when done" --don't you agree ? Prematurity, unreliability of polls, naivete in assuming they have any real meaning this early, is body of his prescient, experienced words. S0 see for yourself, and evaluate with OWN MIND, not mine nor anyone else's --that is YOUR freedom AND your voter responsibility, too.
Henry Ruark September 13, 2008 7:34 am (Pacific time)
To all: "WIN By ANY MEANS" is now bringing national kickback against McCain campaign. "See with own eyes" here, evaluate with own mind, lead story today in NY Times: McCain Barbs Stirring Outcry as Distortions By MICHAEL COOPER and JIM RUTENBERG 9/13/06 www.nytimes.com "Harsh advertisements and negative attacks are a staple of presidential campaigns, but Senator John McCain has drawn an avalanche of criticism this week from Democrats, independent groups and even some Republicans for regularly stretching the truth in attacking Senator Barack Obama’s record and positions. "Mr. Obama has also been accused of distortions, but this week Mr. McCain has found himself under particularly heavy fire for a pair of headline-grabbing attacks. "First the McCain campaign twisted Mr. Obama’s words to suggest that he had compared Gov. Sarah Palin, the Republican vice-presidential nominee, to a pig after Mr. Obama said, in questioning Mr. McCain’s claim to be the change agent in the race, “You can put lipstick on a pig; it’s still a pig.” (Mr. McCain once used the same expression to describe Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton’s health plan.) "Then he falsely claimed that Mr. Obama supported “comprehensive sex education” for kindergartners (he supported teaching them to be alert for inappropriate advances from adults). "Those attacks followed weeks in which Mr. McCain repeatedly, and incorrectly, asserted that Mr. Obama would raise taxes on the middle class, even though analysts say he would cut taxes on the middle class more than Mr. McCain would, and misrepresented Mr. Obama’s positions on energy and health care. "A McCain advertisement called “Fact Check” was itself found to be “less than honest” by FactCheck.org, a nonpartisan group. "The group complained that the McCain campaign had cited its work debunking various Internet rumors about Ms. Palin and implied in the advertisement that the rumors had originated with Mr. Obama. "In an interview Friday on the NY1 cable news channel, a McCain supporter, Senator Orrin G. Hatch of Utah, called “ridiculous” the implication that Mr. Obama’s “lipstick on a pig” comment was a reference to Ms. Palin, whom he also defended as coming under unfair attack." ------ Lead-story picture shows McCain being accused of two "lying"ads on national TV interview. Please note both Op Eds in this two-parter ran just prior to this debacle for McCain. We stand by every statement made, and further campaign fury will prove up every point.
Henry Ruark September 12, 2008 3:49 pm (Pacific time)
D. et al: Like bread, polls go stale very rapidly. Those who make them do not trust them for more than 24 hours --basic principle taught in all Polls 101, apparently unknown to you et al. Oven just now gettin' hot for last-bake/shot, and bread sure to be real crusty...wait and see ! If you have spare dollars, know fine place to lay heavy bet. Wanta participate ? If so ID to Editor for direct...you can set up that very-delayed Op Ed same-time !!
Henry Ruark September 12, 2008 3:45 pm (Pacific time)
"Everyone is in favor of free speech. Hardly a day passes without its being extolled, but some people's idea of it is that they are free to say what they like, but if anyone says anything back, that is an outrage." ---Sir Winston Churchill, House of Commons, Oct. 13, 1943.
Henry Ruark September 12, 2008 9:03 am (Pacific time)
Those who profess to favor freedom, and yet deprecate agitation, are men who want rain without thunder and lightning. They want the ocean without the roar of its many waters. --Frederick Douglas
Delaware September 12, 2008 7:33 am (Pacific time)
My guess is Nancy Pelosi and Henry Reid will be unhappy with the recent Gallup analysis. Expect two things: 1(possibly) offshore drilling will be made more practical by congress; and 2(for sure) things are going to get real nasty. "Gallup:Battle for Congress Suddenly Looks Competitive (GOP "could regain control of U.S. House,Senate ...") Gallup ^ | September 12, 2008 | by Lydia Saad PRINCETON, NJ -- A potential shift in fortunes for the Republicans in Congress is seen in the latest USA Today/Gallup survey, with the Democrats now leading the Republicans by just 3 percentage points, 48% to 45%, in voters' "generic ballot" preferences for Congress. This is down from consistent double-digit Democratic leads seen on this measure over the past year. The positive impact of the GOP convention on polling indicators of Republican strength is further seen in the operation of Gallup's "likely voter" model in this survey. Republicans, who are now much more enthused about the 2008 election than they were prior to the convention, show heightened interest in voting, and thus outscore Democrats in apparent likelihood to vote in November. As a result, Republican candidates now lead Democratic candidates among likely voters by 5 percentage points, 50% to 45%. If these numbers are sustained through Election Day -- Republicans could be expected to regain control of the U.S. House of Representatives."
Henry Ruark September 12, 2008 7:13 am (Pacific time)
C-son: Your naiveta surpassed only by yur failure in judgment, sir. If you believe Palin --or anyone in same circumstance-- speaks publicly without prior guidance (read "canned") you might like to invest in a bridge I have for sale, now that Alaska has been forced to cancel it... Re non-glibness, that often indicates thought prior to untested statement --but how would you know ? Yours, for me, reflects lack of self-understanding of real motivation, deeply hidden via denial, and consonant with other statements you've made here. Might add that rapid short-form content analysis shows same symptomatic record.
Carlson September 11, 2008 6:56 pm (Pacific time)
I just finished watching the ABC Palin/Gibson interview, and I liked how she handled the “Bush Doctrine” question. She correctly asked which one. That took Gibson back, probably thinking she had a “canned” answer ready. She’s showing that she can think on her feet and answer any question. Plus there were no ah's, umms, or any other delaying sounds one hears when glibbness has failed for some... If you notice, after her answer, Gibson referred to a “specific” part of the “Bush Doctrine”. It’s like she took Gibson off his script. I expect that in the next interviews she’ll look more presidential. I loved her answers, and the fact that she does not have “canned” statements. She showed me, beyond any doubt, that she has a far superior grasp on world and domestic affairs than her inexperienced challengers. Please note that already misleading headlines are being put out about her advocating war with Russia. She was just describing the NATO protocols.
Henry Ruark September 11, 2008 5:17 pm (Pacific time)
Sorry re incomplete comment on stock-holdings. Point was to alert all to the coming collapse and forced govt. buyout of Lehman Bros., whose stock is commonly held by pension funds serving many Americans, thus of very painful interest to many. See WP or NYT websites for further details. This surely of much stronger import to all than passing strange remarkes re relatively small matter of "earmarks", whose total in U.S. budget runs at miniscule percentage, and is common fault of every working Rep. or Senator, who must face results of "What did you do for US ?" on every return-home. McCain reversed self several times on stand-here, dependent on what political interest demanded. But so far he has not made angry demand to "kill 'em all" which some others have in relation to those we face with troops abroad now.
Henry Ruark September 11, 2008 5:10 pm (Pacific time)
To all: Check out C-son comments elsewhere to see values and his level of sensitive and sober and wise judgment demonstrated all too clearly. Right (no pun !) or wrong, this one merely more minor smear-tactic and distraction, demonstrating neocon tool of turning truth on its head while remonstrating re others doing so.
Carlson September 11, 2008 3:45 pm (Pacific time)
When it comes to reforming and change it appears as per a bi-partisan group, Citizens Against Waste, they have some bad news for Sen.'s Obama and Biden, along with their supporters who are trying to distract voters away from the real facts. In a recent survey of 35 votes on "earmarks", Obama voted to pass them at a 90% clip, Biden at a 100% clip and Sen. McCain voted against all for 0%. Reminds me of the saying: "You shouldn't throw stones when you live in a glass house." To see who the real porkers are go to http://www.cagw.org/site/PageServer I have noticed some of the media is acting more like grief counselors than as reporters of news. Well Hillary Clinton will be the replacement VP pick pretty soon. Will not change the dynamic.
Henry Ruark September 11, 2008 3:27 pm (Pacific time)
To all:
Not every American home account holds stocks or other similar assets --but far too many do count on pensions to come from employers, with the pension accounts far too deep invested in stocks.
Henry Ruark September 11, 2008 2:29 pm (Pacific time)
To all:
Here's "see with own eyes" re who has closer ties to lobbist crowd and owes most to K St. in D.C.:
Published on Thursday, September 11, 2008 by www.Politico.com
McCain Staffers Have Marched To K Street
by Jen DiMascio and Samuel Loewenberg
WASHINGTON - John McCain has pledged that, if elected president, he would end the revolving-door practice of administration officials leaving office for lucrative lobbying jobs.
In an interview with Politico, the Republican senator from Arizona called lobbyists "birds of prey." But, until recently, the revolving door in his Senate office has spun steadily.
At least 16 of McCain's former Senate staffers have gone on to careers in the influence trade, according to an analysis of federal lobbying records. In many cases, they went to work for clients whose issues the staffers dealt with in the Senate.
"Actions speak louder than words," Sheila Krumholz, executive director of the Center for Responsive Politics, said, explaining that the senator has opened himself up to charges of hypocrisy by putting himself out front on ethics issues.
Both McCain and his Democratic rival for the White House, Illinois Sen. Barack Obama, are trying to be "more ethical than thou" on lobbying, Krumholz said.
Obama has also pledged to stop the revolving door if elected. He has also declined to take donations from lobbyists; McCain has not.
An analysis of records did not find any former Obama Senate aides lobbying, though he's still in his first term. McCain is in his fourth, after two terms in the House.
McCain announced his plan to stop the revolving door after the media spotlight fell on some controversial clients - including Saudi Arabia, the Republic of Georgia and Philip Morris USA - that a few of his senior campaign aides had represented as lobbyists. Several of those aides have since left the campaign.
Picture accompanied article with this caption:
[ Randy Scheunemann, right, and Nicolle Wallace, advisers to Republican ... AP Wed Aug 13, 5:51 PM ET Randy Scheunemann, right, and Nicolle Wallace, advisers to Republican presidential candidate, Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., listen as McCain speaks to reporters during a news conference Wednesday, Aug. 13, 2008 in Birmingham, Mich. Scheunemann worked as a lobbyist for the government of Georgia, while advising McCain on foreign policy. For the duration of the campaign, Scheunemann is taking a leave of absence from the firm. (AP Photo/Mary Altaffer)]
Scheunemann signed on to Projectg for the New American Century, original plan for preemptive assault on Iraq; he has also signed on to other materials authorizing assassination as a political weapon for the U.S.
Any moral question involved here for Christians ?
Any one else disturbed by obvious implications of ultra lobby effort for such regimes listed ?
"OK-by-you" for such actions taken in your name, as U.S. citizen ?
Simple questions --but may cause some small and perturbing cogitation, which is why they appear here, now.
Henry Ruark September 11, 2008 2:11 pm (Pacific time)
To all: MUST add this excerpt from NATION editor K. Pollitt, since so very timely and to-the-point on Palin --and also because the NATION was founded to fight racism and slavery. SO "see with own eyes" these very pertinent questions for Palin and her cohorts; or the shills we've been hearing from recently: § Suppose your 14-year-old daughter Willow is brutally raped in her bedroom by an intruder. She becomes pregnant and wants an abortion. Could you tell the parents of America why you think your child and their children should be forced by law to have their rapists' babies? § You say you don't believe global warming is man-made. Could you tell us what scientists you've spoken with or read who have led you to that conclusion? What do you think the 2,500 scientists of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change are getting wrong? § If you didn't try to fire Wasilla librarian Mary Ellen Baker over her refusal to consider censoring books, why did you try to fire her? § What is the European Union, and how does it function? § Forty-seven million Americans lack health insurance. John Goodman, who has advised McCain on healthcare, has proposed redefining them as covered because, he says, anyone can get care at an ER. Do you agree with him? § What is the function of the Federal Reserve? § Cindy and John McCain say you have experience in foreign affairs because Alaska is next to Russia. When did you last speak with Prime Minister Putin, and what did you talk about? § Approximately how old is the earth? Five thousand years? 10,000? 5 billion? § You are a big fan of President Bush, so why didn't you mention him even once in your convention speech? § McCain says cutting earmarks and waste will make up for revenues lost by making the tax cuts permanent. Experts say that won't wash. Balancing the Bush tax cuts plus new ones proposed by McCain would most likely mean cutting Medicare, Medicaid or Social Security. Which would you cut? § You're suing the federal government to have polar bears removed from the endangered species list, even as Alaska's northern coastal ice is melting and falling into the sea. Can you explain the science behind your decision? § You've suggested that God approves of the Iraq War and the Alaska pipeline. How do you know ? ----------- About Katha Pollitt: Pollitt's writing has appeared in many publications, including The New Yorker, Harper's Magazine, Ms. and the New York Times. her most recent collection of Nation columns is "Virginity or Death!." Her volume of personal essays, Learning to Drive and Other Life Stories, has just been published.
Delaware September 11, 2008 9:40 am (Pacific time)
Regarding the "earmark" that was directed towards the so-called bridge to nowhere, that has been explained and put into perspective by many media sources, which establishes it as simply a political distraction; also was voted "aye" to pass by both Obama and Biden. So what's with that? Obviously the political season is starting to heat up, and that's when we get a chance to see how the candidates stand up to a little pressure. I have noticed over many election cycles that the real leaders get stronger under pressure, while the others buckle and start using diversions/distractions and insults, for example look what Obama said the other night on Letterman: Obama: "Palin is just another pretty face, not A Pig." Obama really is pretty clueless. Instead of hinting that Governor Sarah Palin is a pig with lipstick, he goes on Letterman and calls her just another pretty face - insinuating she has no brains, views or any leadership qualities. I expect that there goes another significant percentage of the vote to the McCain/Palin ticket. I can appreciate some trash talking, but the behavior for some is getting over the top. Two weeks ago Rasmussen gave Obama a 62.8% chance of winning, now McCain has a 52.6% chance of winning. The battleground states have been very dynamic, trending away from Obama. Americans do not like the tactics he and his surrogates (paid and unpaid shills) have been using. I imagine it will get worse, and there will be many October surprises, but the trend will not change in my opinion. The issue of energy independence will be very important and I assume the democratic leadership will change their blocking tactics, but they have already been tagged with obstructionist behavior, as well as the fact they have controlled the purse strings for two years and the economy has been aversely impacted during this time. Reform is best done by those who have executive experience and the voters know who has that experience.
Editor: The individual submitting this comment seemed familiar, so I checked the log on his/her IP and discovered that he or she has used a number of different names in recent months in an apparent effort to make it appear that his/her points, generally racist and intolerant in nature, are supported. This is the list of names:
Dylan Duke, JB Stallworth, Deb Myerson, War Veteran, Rich Millison, WV, Percy, Delaware, Del, Carlson, Real Democrat, Retired Military, Sourced, LH, Going Broke, Len Hannoford, Oregon Veteran, Telford, Humos, Eternal Optimist, Scazry Times, Capitalist, Ronan, Brian, Wonder, Steve, Gomer, Casse, Ben Jammin', Jason Burbach, Kevin, JB, Kilroy, Carol Ann, Sgt. Rock, Abdul Farqua, Wally, Change, Micro/Macro, Booker T Washington, Stewart, Kyle, Pragmatic, Teacher Veteran, ex-government employee, Ayers Weatherman, Fido, Real Combat Vet, Mary Stennis, Proud Schwab Investor, Bullfrog, Hopefully, Update, Fed Up
I almost feel like I should apologize for this going on so long, and now those of us who spend time around here know that the number of people who voice extreme positions regarding right wing politics on Salem-News.com are not as strong in number as they appear. This individual who uses male and female names to launch frequently ridiculous attacks on myself, Henry Ruark, Professor Stephen Zunes, Dr. Phillip Leveque, etc., is nothing more than a disturbed poser who writes comments, then writes back to herself or himself, representing several people instead of just one. I would write off anything ever posted here under those names, or by anyone who resembles the ramblings left by this individual.
Tim KingHenry Ruark September 11, 2008 8:51 am (Pacific time)
To all: Myth, fantasy, fraudulent claims and perverted-fact tv-ads now rule McCain-Palin campaign, for sure. Here's "see with own eyes" excerpt from major NYTimes special report re Palin boast she subdued Big Oil. But truth is she must now bow or bow out on pipeline, which is still a promise-only at this point: "The pipeline exists only on paper. The first section has yet to be laid, federal approvals are years away and the pipeline will not be completed for at least a decade. "In fact, although it is the centerpiece of Ms. Palin’s relatively brief record as governor, the pipeline might never be built, and under a worst-case scenario, the state could lose up to $500 million it committed to defray regulatory and other costs. "Contributing to the project’s uncertainty is Ms. Palin’s antagonistic relationship with the major oil companies that control Alaska’s untapped gas reserves. "Ms. Palin won the governor’s office in part by capitalizing on populist distaste for the political establishment’s coziness with Big Oil, and her pipeline strategy was intended to blunt its power over the process. "Her willingness to take on the oil companies has allowed the McCain campaign to portray her as a scourge of special interests. "Now, though, she will need the industry’s cooperation if her plan is to succeed, and just this week, her office said she intended to reach out to the North Slope oil companies." -------- That $500 million was the cost for "subduing" Big Oil, represents state dollars to cover costs of preparation and permits prior to ANY ground- break, with Big Oil free to quit and withdraw entirely if they so choose. Did you really believe any such deal could be perpetrated in any other way than usual ? See "rest of story" at: NYT website for full-depth explanation. Excerpt here only to make point fantasy, myth still used by this bunch to abuse citizen right to know full details, truthfully told. What ELSE, after lying to build preemptive attack on Iraq, now at cost-level well over THREE TRILLION, AND STILL GROWING ! Which is point of both this Op Ed, and preceding one, too. SO pay your nickel, "read all about it" --then check via "see with own eyes" and THEN STILL use own mind to evaluate what WE show or ANYone else claims.
Henry Ruark September 10, 2008 12:44 pm (Pacific time)
To all: Now cometh E.E.Dionne, W.P award-winning columnist: Does the Truth Matter Anymore? E.E. Dionne, Washington Post www.washingtonpost.com 9/10/08 "This is not false naivete: I am genuinely surprised that John McCain and his campaign keep throwing out false charges and making false claims without any qualms. "They keep talking about Sarah Palin’s opposition to the Bridge to Nowhere without any embarrassment over the fact that she once supported it. "They keep saying that Barack Obama will raise taxes, suggesting he’d raise them on everybody, when Obama’s plan, according to the Tax Policy Institute, would cut taxes for “about 80 percent of households” while “only about 10 percent would owe more.” "And as Sebastian Mallaby pointed out in his recent column, Obama would cut taxes for middle-income taxpayers “more aggressively” than McCain would." (Then he details other extremely embarrassing similar situations shaming McCain.) ---------- For more McCain-revealing information, see rest of this column, dealing with elaborate false-front McCain-stand re sex education in schools, in lying ad widely distributed. Dionne is author of classic study "Why Americans Hate Politics" in '90s, even then showing duplicity, distortion and perversion in the ranks of "conservatives" just turning neocon. "It's history, folks !!" ..and undeniable...that D.C. is for sure now "broken". SO simple question MUST be "WHO can fix it right ?" --and answer surely: "NOT those who BROKE IT !!" Did "they" break it ? You've been here allatime; what did you experience ? Start with Reagan and the unions whose strength made our middle class possible --and he killed, immediately. Check out who held up and delayed energy development; McCain nixed it eight times, once when he was in his office at the Senate, and had only to walk across to the Senate floor. Include check on minimum wage, corporate deregulation, privatization of S/Security; you can see who-did-what and when. The list goes on and on; the consequences are spelled out in Op Ed here and first one preceding, still running. "See with own eyes" and evaluate with own mind.
Henry Ruark September 10, 2008 11:16 am (Pacific time)
To all: SO let's get right to the heart of the matter: The ruin now facing our economy, and the middle class so dependent on it for month-to-month and, for some, day-to-day survival, is real, rough, and raging; and bound to get worse, rapidly. More Bushenomics: Why McCain's Plans Would Only Add to Americans' Economic Pain By Nomi Prins, AlterNet Posted on September 9, 2008 http://www.alternet.org/story/98060/ Somewhere between box-office hit and policy wonk mentality is the real world. Here, "Country First" should represent more than military prowess; it should mean economic stability. A country can't be strong if the personal economies of its citizens are weak. Yet, under McCain's economic strategy, individual financial security is under attack. Grandiose notions of combat don't pay for adjustable mortgages, sneaky credit card fees and rate hikes, health care premiums, tuition, gas or food. They don't regulate a banking system gone mad that has already commandeered billions of dollars of bailouts (from Bear Stearns to the cost of "effectively nationalizing" Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac). McCain's main economic promises are cutting taxes, creating jobs and balancing the budget (aka removing pork). All commendable, except when you consider the details. His policies would result in a higher deficit, a lower dollar, more jobs leaving the country, and a reduction in Social Security, Medicare, education and other entitlement programs. ------------------ From that straight-fact start this one then takes on each of McCain's policies and demonstrates clearly why they are WRONG, NOW for the nation. These are key issues; this is factual, demonstrable and entirely checkable via other sources.(On request to Editor with ID, via PDF's held for other writing work.) SO D. and C., let's see how you rebut each and every point here --should be good for at least another fat check-add/on from your political paymaster. IF you are NOT paid shills, the Op Ed invitation, with ID to Editor, still stands, with no response !! Any citizen unafraid of his ID-information could and should respond, given that opportunity. Generalities, smears, name-calling and inconsquentials fall away when Op Ed-detail and documentation becomes demanded for credibility.
Henry Ruark September 10, 2008 9:40 am (Pacific time)
D et al One of your key phrases is:"...the last vestiges of Christian morality and pride in the America that existed before the cultural revolutions of the 1960s." Mumbo-jumbo, but believe you wish to state that such values have disappeared from our current national character. That simply demonstrates your completely out-of-touch and plainly woefully ignorant understandings of changes thus caused, now recognized as leading us strongly into the 21st Century. The mass revolts and even flaming destruction in our major cities then was very strong motivation for both positive change and political over-reaction shaping our national life with massive consequences then-and-now. Obviously, for anyone still able to look around in any community and understand the societal activities plainly visible, that statement is as outmoded as the times you name. You are living with both eyes trained on rear-vision mirror, sir... Any ongoing chronicle of cultural and societal change and development, open to any interested via public channels and the ubiquitours public libraries, will clearly show how wrong --and ignorant--you demonstrate yourself to be for that consequential statement. FYI, it was precisely that over-reaction to long overdue social developments which then brought on the Nixon and Reagan maladministrations, now clearly recognized as the root of the consuming neocon rot now decimating and damaging our democracy. Which, forgive me, is well laid out for all to check and evaluate with own mind in the current Op Ed, and preceding one, too --to which you et al have yet to make any relevant objection. Political palaver is fun and games, per demo here; but time now demands we seek solid common sense to guide us in pivotal elective decision. Inconsequential flyspeck nonentities mean nothing in such essential consideration. So ask key question: Are you and your family now better off than you were 8 years ago ? and then IF our system is broken (AND it surely IS !), do we trust those who broke it to try again to fix ANY PART of it ?
Henry Ruark September 10, 2008 8:35 am (Pacific time)
To all:
Oregon's Rep.DeFazio reports on Palin support for "Bridge to Nowhere":
OR-4: DeFazio sets record straight on Palin’s support of Alaskan bridge
By Britten Chase
The rest of the country can argue over what vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin said about her support for Alaska’s “Bridge to Nowhere,” but U.S. Rep. Peter DeFazio (D-Springfield) set the record straight on Tuesday.
"Sarah Palin seems to have forgotten that she joined U.S. Representative Don Young and U.S. Senator Ted Stevens in advocating for the Bridge to Nowhere project,” DeFazio said in a statement.
“Apparently, what she stood for as a candidate in her state, is different than what she now stands for as a national candidate."
DeFazio, who is chairman of the House Transportation Subcommittee on Highways and Transport, would know. That project ended in September 2007, shortly after he took the reins of that committee.
But since Palin took credit for ending the Bridge to Nowhere in her acceptance speech, and then on the campaign trail, DeFazio says that each time she brings up the project, she is only hurting her credibility as a candidate.
"As we can see from her record as Governor, Sarah Palin is not the reformer that John McCain is trying to present her as," DeFazio continued. "It's not reform to say no, then keep the dough."
That one is NOT by any means inconsequential; most persons will see that public-record report as solid character test extremely consequential to anyone purporting to be ready for V-P responsibilities in our national government.
Anyone wish to call DeFazio a liar ? Anyone wish to defy nd deny Congressional record of the hearing(s) on which he reports, as chair ?
Any further questions ? if any, suggest you re-read the Op Ed and the preceding Op Ed still current on S-N.
Henry Ruark September 10, 2008 8:21 am (Pacific time)
To All: Can't have our two very-busy flyspeck-industrious friends without shill-work to charge-for...so here's "see with own eyes" with EIGHT MORE major points re Palin, to add to the TEN already supplied and UNanswered ! 8 More Stories About Palin the Public Needs to Know By AlterNet Staff, AlterNet Posted on September 10, 2008, http://www.alternet.org/story/98228/ It takes most politicians years to rack up the kinds of scandals, hypocrisies, and inconsistencies that have plagued Sarah Palin's candidacy in the week and a half since she catapulted to national attention. But the disturbing revelations about Palin's record as mayor and governor, and her positions on the issues, inexplicably just keep coming. AlterNet has compiled a list of the 8 most recent revelations about McCain's VP pick that the public needs to know. 1. Palin paid herself to stay at home. ----- Other NINE right out there on public record, open to any suit-for-damages, by national channel highly praised by all media reviewers for public service via honest, open reporting. Surely rational, reasonable honest, open reporting beats non-ID inconsequencials from flyspeck observers with very obvious political manipulation in mind --and NO RELEVANT COMMENT YET re Op Ed itself. THAT, too, should tell you something essential about the Op Ed, second in series, with moretocome. We've offered each of these two access for OWN Op Ed, wih full opportunity for open, honest presentation with open, honest documentation from nonpartisan sources --but that requires ID to Editor which they dare not risk. IF they NOT paid shills, ID to Editor is only cost to show fact to all concerned here. SO ? Why wait ? Why NOT ID and do Op Ed ? Common sense (and content analysis) tells reason to any thinking person.
Henry Ruark September 10, 2008 7:17 am (Pacific time)
To All: You want more-of-same ? It's already on the way: Breaking News Alert The New York Times Wednesday, September 10, 2008 -- 7:55 AM ET ----- Lehman Sees $3.9 Billion Loss and Plans to Shed Assets The struggling investment bank Lehman Brothers said that it would report a $3.9 billion loss for the third quarter and would sell a majority stake in its investment management unit as it struggles to stay afloat. Read More: http://www.nytimes.com/?emc=na --------- For full explanation in real depth re reasons and why we must fix "broken system", see ref. above: "War for Wealth". Meanwhile be amused by fly-speck inconsequentials now cited in desperation by those who dare not face realities.
Delaware September 9, 2008 6:09 pm (Pacific time)
As reported below Obama is on record (video on www) calling Gov. Palin a pig! Now is that not presidential!? Also the tabloid US magazine has been bleeding subscriptions by the thousands because of an insulting article on Palin. In fact that magazine to lure their readers back have offered them the first 5 magazines for free. What this is showing is that as the mud-slinging continues so will the backlash. This Gov. Palin is a real decent leader and highly competent, so the radicals can only handle it one way, and that is essentially a fascist methodology. I am no fan of McCain, but he and Palin offer us something far better than the alternative. This behavior below is so typical of the trash-talking mentality. Real leaders do not behave in this way: September 09, 2008 6:10 PM LEBANON, Va. -- "That's not change," Sen. Barack Obama, D-Ill., said of what Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., is offering. "You know, you can put lipstick on a pig," Obama said, "but it's still a pig." The crowd rose and applauded, some of them no doubt thinking he may have been alluding to Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin's ad lib during her vice presidential nomination acceptance speech last week, "What's the difference between a hockey mom and a pit bull? Lipstick."
Carlson September 9, 2008 1:47 pm (Pacific time)
Henry et al. The poll done on 11/04/08 will be the only poll that means anything. Also I have no problem with congress impeaching Bush, as long as it is for lawful reasons and not for political diversion, which may mean that they will begin the impeachment process when it becomes clear that Obama has fallen too far behind. What I would like to see is a RICCO investigation on a number of people/organizations out of Chicago. One of Obama's buddies, a big time supporter of Black Muslims (going back to Elijah Mohammed), will be sentenced for multiple felony convictions next month. Are you familiar with the voter fraud arrests for employees of ACORN? Did you know that they use the Alinsky model for community organizing? Guess who their legal advisor out of Chicago was? That's right. Will be on 527's next month. There have been some amazing changes going on with the internal measurements of various polls. Checkmate. Note that I will always back up my statements with "primary sources."
Henry Ruark September 9, 2008 11:26 am (Pacific time)
To all: For any reader interested beyond political maladroitism, one ref. just found supports Op Eds in depth, detail and as documentation. Seldom one finds a single book winning high praise from Kissinger, Kuttner, Talbott and Alter; if you are serious you know those names. Here it is: The War for Wealth: The True Story of Globalization, or Why the Flat World is Broken; Gabor Steingart;McGraw/Hill 2008; ISBN 978-0-07-154596-9. Author is longtime Senior Correspondent for Der Spiegel, and is an internationally respected authority on trade, headquartered in Washington. Here you will find solid fact responsibly presented in intelligible, readable terms, and illuminating last two Op Eds in full and honest detail beyond election-year attack.
Henry Ruark September 9, 2008 10:49 am (Pacific time)
C.,D. et al:
Would not want you to lack for more points to distort and pervert...so here's new source via Ten Points from respected national source, for all to see while you compile further distraction from ONLY main point: "WHO can best deal with demanded remedies for broken system ?":
Conservative Failures
The Politics
More than half of Americans currently hold an unfavorable opinion of the Republican Party. [Polling Report] They are angry about conservative politicians’ abuse of power, their mismanagement of the economy, and the impact conservative failures have had on their everyday lives. Progressives can’t allow conservatives to continue downplaying their mistakes and attempting to cover them up with promises of reform. Making Sense has assembled a top ten list of the worst conservative failures of the Bush years; now it’s time to hold them accountable for each and every one.
The Facts: ("See with own eyes" at www.thefuture.org.
(Hey, guys, hope this adds to your check via prolonging assignment...HCR)
Carlson September 9, 2008 9:31 am (Pacific time)
YESTERDAY'S Gallup poll had John McCain ahead of Barack Obama by an astonishing 10 points among likely voters. A Washington Post poll had that lead at only two points, but clearly showed a McCain surge - especially among women. This wasn't what Democrats were expecting when they left Denver - yet they have nobody to blame but themselves. Obama's toughest challenge has always been to connect with working-class swing voters. So attacking the poster child for small-town values, Sarah Palin, was a bad strategy. No, Obama didn't engage in the mass sneering at Palin - but he did fall into the trap of disrespecting her. When McCain chose her, the Obama campaign's first response was to ridicule the size of her town. Then the candidate himself began referring to her as a "former mayor" when she is in fact a sitting governor. When she retaliated (justifiably) by mocking his stint as a organizer, the Obama camp was clearly rattled. Obama himself actually began arguing about the importance of community organizing. His supporters amplified this cry - claiming Palin's attack was a racist slur and passing around e-mails titled "Jesus was a community organizer, Pontius Pilate was a governor." Meanwhile, the rest of the country is probably wondering what being a community organizer has to do with being president.
Henry Ruark September 9, 2008 8:59 am (Pacific time)
C.,D.et al: Thank you both for insighful points. Rapid content analysis shows with high certainty that they did NOT come from whomever wrote the preceding ones. Which, you will recall, has been my main point, re full bore attacks on open channel here, by those specially motivated for that purpose. Despite that, these points DO require deep and thoughtful dialog, and I recommend each reader seek out your links and your sources and then make sure to consider, very carefully, with own mind, without persuasive words from any one of us, what the facts are, and what the consequences are sure to be, if we continue with the policy and programs in place for the past forty years. (Except for Clinton regime, ending with huge U.S. budget surplus, now again all squandered.) THAT is the real and ONLY issue here. We KNOW NOW what we will get via continuance. We ALSO know now what even the GOPicons admit: The system is broken, and MUST be democratically restored, with due regard to further safety for Constitutional areas under deliberate neocon attack --including education. (See next Op Ed, now current, for that one.) WHO can best fix it ? Those who broke it, or others hampered, delayed, defied and too often defeated in last eight years ? NOT ALWAYS by honest, open, commonweal decision, sometimes by fully intentional lie and perversion of data AND "intelligence" ! ALL ELSE falls into the round-can. SO I agree, strong dialog cannot but help Americans use their native wit, wisdom and WILL to make the right choice. I can live with that choice, for whatever time I have left. YOU et al must do so, oprobably for much longer !! Remains to be seen whether you can, or NOT; change later will be that much harder, more costly, more demanding, and far less-possible than NOW. Meantime key question still open with no answer from you: Impeachment NOW, or LATER, or NEVER ? Also must offer you both, again, full Op Ed opportunity here via ID to Editor, to send your complete and DOCUMENTED answer to all of us re the two Op Eds which set off this set of dialog-points --precisely as intended, in this open, honest,democratic S-N channel. Proof is positive on that point by the very fact of your responses, with this two/fer Op Ed series reaching a near record, surely of solid worth to the readership. Thank you both for your good participation, sincerely AND richly appreciated.
C. September 8, 2008 6:25 pm (Pacific time)
Heny et al. To clear rumors please avail yourself to the below: Many falsely "Sliming Palin" (FactCheck.org debunks Palin smears) http://www.factcheck.org/elections-2008/sliming_palin.html ^ | September 8, 2008 Summary: Palin did not cut funding for special needs education in Alaska by 62 percent. She didn’t cut it at all. In fact, she tripled per-pupil funding over just three years. * She did not demand that books be banned from the Wasilla library. Some of the books on a widely circulated list were not even in print at the time. The librarian has said Palin asked a "What if?" question, but the librarian continued in her job through most of Palin's first term. * She was never a member of the Alaskan Independence Party, a group that wants Alaskans to vote on whether they wish to secede from the United States. She’s been registered as a Republican since May 1982. * Palin never endorsed or supported Pat Buchanan for president. She once wore a Buchanan button as a "courtesty" when he visited Wasilla, but shortly afterward she was appointed to co-chair of the campaign of Steve Forbes in the state. (Excerpt) Read more at factcheck.org ...
Henry Ruark September 8, 2008 3:47 pm (Pacific time)
To all: "In moments of crisis, it is possible to speak hard truths with great force and clarity. But when the truth has gone silent, lies, boldly told, work almost as well." ---Naomi Klein That's purpose of Op Ed above and those preceding and following. Does anyone really believe we are NOT in that "crisis pattern" NOW, in this nation ? If you do, I have a fine, new, "bridge to Nowhere" in which you may wish to invest; and it is NOT the Alaska-one causing such unconscionable controversy.
Delaware September 8, 2008 2:20 pm (Pacific time)
The fact that Palin struck a chord with millions is a positive sign. It is healthy that millions of Americans still respond to evocations of small town life and the frontier, rather than evocations of victimization and shame in our past. It is healthy that millions of Americans revel in mockery of a corrupt and effete elite, an elite that wishes to erase the last vestiges of Christian morality and pride in the America that existed before the cultural revolutions of the 1960s. And it is healthy that millions of Americans recoiled from the type of attack launched on Palin by the media and capitalized on by the Obama campaign. Why should she have interviews with those media outlets that have been involved in fraud and fabrication when she can talk directly to the American people. I hope she just does Q and A's in a townhall format, afterall the future VP Palin works for us, not the MSM and their curious agenda. Many have been talking about whether Gov. Palin could take over if President McCain becomes incapacitated. Compare her with not just Obama, but how about Nancy Pelosi (3rd in line), whose baggage includes a 9% approval rating. I am perfectly comfortable with governor Palin compared to those with no experience other than talk, and nothing else but talk to fall back on. Game, set, match.
Carlson September 8, 2008 1:35 pm (Pacific time)
Henry et al. In the interest of full disclosure here is an update re: The bridge to nowhere as per the Democratic Party of Alaska (you just can't make this stuff up): Article by Alaska Democrats crediting Palin with killing Bridge to Nowhere Mysteriously disappears! www.retireted.com The Alaska Democratic Party pulled this page from their site, but luckily Google has it cached - it states "the State of Alaska officially abandoned" the "Bridge to Nowhere, basically crediting Sarah Palin with killing it! Funny how the page just happened to disappear! the actual news was originally reported here, http://senateconservatives.com/2008/09/04/alaska-democrats-credit-palin-with-killing-bridge-to-nowhere/
Carlson September 8, 2008 1:27 pm (Pacific time)
Henry et al. You have been talking about "earmarks" as associated with Gov. Palin (Note: earmarks are created by congress "not" state governors!), well et al, below is a NY Times article regarding Obama and his nearly $one millions dollars a day request for earmarks. What say you? Obama Lists His Earmarks, Asking Clinton for Hers [NYT March, 2008] new york times ^ | March 14, 2008 | CHRISTOPHER DREW and JO BECKER Senator Barack Obama on Thursday released a list of $740 million in earmarked spending requests that he had made over the last three years, and his campaign challenged Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton to do the same. The list included $1 million for a hospital where Mr. Obama’s wife works, money for several projects linked to campaign donors and support for more than 200 towns, civic institutions and universities in Illinois. But as the Senate debated a bill to restrict the controversial method of paying for home-state projects — a measure defeated Thursday evening — Mr. Obama’s presidential campaign also said that only about $220 million worth of his requests had been approved by Congress. And among those that had been killed were his request in 2006 for $1 million for an expansion of the University of Chicago Medical Center, where Mr. Obama’s wife, Michelle, is a vice president.
Carlson September 8, 2008 1:15 pm (Pacific time)
Henry et al. Democrat presidential candidate Barack Obama had a change of heart yesterday about one of his major campaign issues; the Bush Tax Cuts. The Associated Press quotes Obama as now saying that “he would delay rescinding President Bush's tax cuts on wealthy Americans if he becomes the next president and the economy is in a recession (the economy grew 3.3% last qtr. Largest increase in industrialized world, plus we also have lowest unemployment rate!), suggesting such an increase would further hurt the economy.” Two things struck me about this comment. First; he uses the term increase. This is the first time I’ve heard him admit that rescinding the Bush cuts would in reality be a tax increase. Second; he admits that an increase would hurt the economy. For about as long as he has been running for president, which seems like forever, Obama has been preaching the woes of the Bush Tax Cuts. The bloom is off the rose. The American people are too savvy to be fooled for very long. Obama is losing appeal and is getting desperate. Why else would he embrace one of Bush’s ideas?
Henry Ruark September 8, 2008 10:32 am (Pacific time)
To all: This "see with own eyes" contains strong language; be prepared. BUT it cometh from disabled vet, so makes demanded further illumination for Op Ed really relevant. Also puts final hiatus on fly-speckers leaving their usual detritus here for malign political purposes, reflecting precisely the attitude towards reality expressed here by Steinberg. SO here it is ! - Intro only to intrigue you and without further comment from me: OpEdNews Original Content at http://www.opednews.com/articles/COUNTRY-FIRST-MY-ASS-by-Stuart-Steinberg-080906-386.html September 7, 2008 Country First, My Butt By Stuart Steinberg "I was totally revulsed over the last three nights by the main theme of the Republican convention: “Country First.” Tonight, while John McCain gives his acceptance speech, my revulsion continues unabated. The Republicans are the true patriots and the rest of us, apparently, are against our country and what it is supposed to stand for. I told my wife that I should not watch this get-together of hate-spewing, sanctimonious, nattering nabobs of negativism—my, God, I’m quoting Spiro Agnew—because I knew I would want to heave my guts at the screen. Yet, somehow, I have been compelled to watch. It was like having to watch the new “Rambo” movie, arguably the worst movie ever made, because it was so bad you had to keep watching to make sure it was really that bad."
Henry Ruark September 8, 2008 8:54 am (Pacific time)
To all: Time to return to real issues here, substantiating Op Ed or NOT: So here's "see with own eyes" re Palin's demonstrated real beliefs and values, done by Alternet staff, noted for realistic reporting based on checkable fact: Sarah Palin's 9 Most Disturbing Beliefs By AlterNet Staff, AlterNet Posted on September 8, 2008 Let's forget for a moment that Sarah Palin likes to kill moose, has lots of children and was once voted the second-prettiest lady in Alaska; that's all part of the gusher of sensationalist, but not particularly substantive, news that has dominated coverage of the Alaska governor's addition to the Republican ticket. Before the next news cycle brings the shocking information that Palin was actually impregnated by Bigfoot, we need to shift the discussion to what really matters about her in the context of the White House: her dangerous views. AlterNet has compiled a list of Palin's most shocking beliefs, ranging from her positions on the economy to her views on reproductive rights. This list has nothing to do with her personal life, her looks or her gender. It's the stuff that voters need to know: what Sarah Palin really believes. -------- Please note I give you ONLY lead-in, NO comment re content but only link to evaluate with own mind...that's honest, open, democratic dialog vs fly-speck nonentity with no ID to characterize source. Mine is on public view via Staff section. Do you want depth-analyis of values and stands on issues, or more tv/series sensational censoring of key essentials t your citizen-responsibility decisions in this pivotal election ? You pays your nickel, and then takes your choice. Better make it the kind you can support for yourselves in the mirror come malign morning review, later on...
Henry Ruark September 8, 2008 8:42 am (Pacific time)
To all: Theme of GOPcon-St. Paul was "Change NOW !" They had no other choice, after eight-year Bush debacle. SO this "see with own eyes" entirely relevant to OP Ed and offsets attacks seeking to divert attention from truth. Note I have withheld any lead-in comment, to allow you to really evaluate with own mind free of any persuasive words from me: Rather than Vetting Palin, McCain Will Orchestrate a Cover-Up of Her Abuse of Power By Emptywheel, Firedoglake Posted on September 8, 2008, http://www.alternet.org/bloggers/http://www.firedoglake.com//97943/ "I make [decisions] as quickly as I can, quicker than the other fellow, if I can. Often my haste is a mistake, but I live with the consequences without complaint." -- John McCain It's bad enough that a presidential ticket claiming to run on reform is now orchestrating a cover-up of an apparent abuse of power. What's really stunning is that they're conducting this cover-up in lieu of actually vetting Sarah Palin." ----- Check out intriguing full detail for yourselves !! Will add only this: Hell of a way to sit with finger on that Red Button, don't you agree ? Esp. for one whose "towering rages" are matter of public record, and at age 72 is oldest-ever P-candidate, with sure signs of inevitable aging-process loss of powers and possible onset of malignant maladies. Familar with that since wife died after 6 yr. battle with Altheimer's, so this comment factual, NOT solely b/b/based.
Henry Ruark September 8, 2008 7:52 am (Pacific time)
To all: Re cognitive science advances reflecting on D's attitudes towards any understandings of how mind works, was going to send "see with own eyes" ref., but found 15 solid texts on shelf...so will offer, to anyone really interested, complete list with ISBN-ID for each. Request to Editor with ID, and will share. Time we ended this Neanderthal return to pre-Enlightenment emphasis on self-diagnosis of all problems esp. those involving the mind, surely at stake here. Fact is that these advances are essentials for learning methods (and media !) and so reflected for decades in every preparatory process for most teachers and educational administration -where my interest began at OSU (M.Ed.) and Indiana U. (Ed.D/abd). Process is reflected in the upcoming Op Ed re national testing to replace essential local control of education.
Henry Ruark September 8, 2008 7:10 am (Pacific time)
To all: Here's "see with own eyes" re the preemptive attacks on dissenters at GOPicon convention: consortiumnews.com Storm Troopers at the RNC By Ray McGovern September 8, 2008 "Ten days ago, as the nation focused attention on the hurricane nearing the Mississippi delta, another storm was brewing far upstream in St. Paul, Minnesota — a storm far more dangerous, it turned out, but one by and large overlooked by the Fawning Corporate Media (FCM). "When I flew into St. Paul on the evening of Aug. 30, I encountered a din in local media about “preemptive strikes” on those already congregating there to demonstrate against the Iraq war and injustice against the poor in our country. "St. Paul’s Pioneer Press expressed surprise that “despite preemptive police searches” and arrests, a group calling itself “the RNC Welcoming Committee” was still intent on “disrupting the convention.” "A headline screamed, “Preemptive Arrests of Protesters in Twin Cities.” But it was the article’s lead that hit home: “Borrowing from the Bush administration’s ‘preemptive war’ playbook, police agencies in the Twin Cities have made ‘preemptive strikes’ against organizations planning to protest at the Republican National Convention.” "In the following days I was to see, up close and personal, a massive and totally unnecessary display of ruthlessness. "What struck a bell was that this domestic application of the doctrine of “preemption” was totally predictable — indeed, predicted by those courageous enough to speak out before the U.S. “preemptive” attack on Iraq." ------ Please note McGovern was longterm skilled analyston Iraq intel, now working with religious/vet group; here he cited what he found in St.Paul, as reported by the major daily there. SO use own mind to evaluate event-and-report, with solid information on source -beats fly-on-wall no-ID b/b "stuff". UNless, of course, political brainwashing has already had its inevitable consequences.
Henry Ruark September 8, 2008 6:57 am (Pacific time)
D. et al: In politics, since early days of Federalist Papers, one can find anything one wants, stated by one vs t'tother. Recall how one Founder died, in duel ? He had termed the opponent "a dangerous man". SO what's new ? Have we not YET learned to seek out stand on issues, to examine and probe on policies, and to live up to Constitution re equality ? Your approach makes us that much more vulnerable to the vagaries of b/b-feeling, thus denying us all the lessons we've learned over all those decades --and from previous wasting wars-- while we continue to bleed to national death via both real blood and real national treasure, too. OR do you, like others, seek Armgeddon gladly ??!!
Delaware September 7, 2008 6:12 pm (Pacific time)
Just what do we know about Obama? Well the first thing we know is that his VP pick, Sen. Biden, said he was not prepared to be president and that the presidency was not the type of position for an OJT rookie. Those are paraphrased words from Sen. Biden, and on video. Want a link, or are you familiar with the video? Pretty confident more info/insight will be coming down the pike on Sens. Obama and Biden. Also Governor Palin will be doing bukoo media interviews starting later this week. Already there are biographical programs running on her now, along with Obama. The latter bio produces more questions than it answers.
Henry Clay Ruark September 7, 2008 10:17 am (Pacific time)
Here's another "see with own eyes" checkpoint. Why hide lady if she making such a big hit ? Only PR-reason, understood by anyone with experience, is that blownback can only get worse via more exposure: September 7, 2008 It's Sunday - So Where's Sarah? By steve young The Lord of Loud are at the ready. Rush, Sean, BillO, Glenn, et al. They will be front and center to answer all the questions you have about Sarah Palin and they will explain in no uncertain detail (i.e. RNC talking points) how she has all the knowhow necessary to do a wiz-bang job of handling the vice-presidency. And for that, I thank them. Because if they didn't, who would? Certainly not Sarah. The RNC has gone into full Suppress-Sarah mode. No Sunday morning talk shows. No print interview with Time magazine. No talk to anyone who has an opportunity for a credible followup, like, "Governor, I know you're the one wearing lipstick, but that doesn't answer the question I asked." That's right. The woman who would be Cheney-redux; the woman who is should be ready on day one to handle the second most powerful job on the planet and- just in case - prepared to take the over reigns from her boss, is not ready yet to answer questions from Tom Brokaw. The lady has better things to do. Then again, why do we need to ask her anything? She's already told you what Bush's speechwriter wrote she should tell you. And she was able to get it all out in a little over 30 minutes. And from that we now know what we need to know about her readiness. Right?: ------ SO check out rest for rundown on realities of 18 months learning about Obama, and only days re Palin, yet they now hide her from regular press-exposure usually sought by any means possible !!
Henry Clay Ruark September 7, 2008 10:10 am (Pacific time)
To all: Further inescapable proof for Op Ed facts-and-conclusions now provided, very timely, in this "see with own eyes" report: September 8, 2008 U.S. Unveils Takeover of Two Mortgage Giants By EDMUND L. ANDREWS WASHINGTON -- The Treasury Department seized control of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, the nation’s giant quasi-public mortgage finance companies, and announced a four-part rescue plan that includes an open-ended guarantee from the Treasury Department to provide as much capital as they need to stave off insolvency. At a news conference on Sunday morning, Treasury Secretary Henry M. Paulson Jr. also announced that he had dismissed the chief executives of both companies and replaced them with two long-time financial executives. Herbert M. Allison, currently chairman of TIAA-CREF, the huge pension fund for teachers, will take over Fannie Mae and replace the chief executive, Daniel Mudd. David M. Moffett, currently a senior adviser at the Carlyle Group, one of the country’s biggest private equity firms, will replace Richard Syron as chief executive of Freddie Mac. “Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac are so large and so interwoven in our financial system that a failure of either of them would cause great turmoil in our financial markets here at home and around the globe,” Mr. Paulson said. “This turmoil would directly and negatively impact household wealth: from family budgets, to home values, to savings for college and retirement. A failure would affect the ability of Americans to get home loans, auto loans and other consumer credit and business finance. And a failure would be harmful to economic growth and job creation.” Mr. Paulson refused to say how much capital the government might eventually have to provide, or what the ultimate cost to taxpayers might be." ------ For me, that surely beates fly-on-wall nonentity feelings...check it out, evaluate with own mind vs what Op Ed reports.
Henry Ruark September 7, 2008 10:01 am (Pacific time)
C-son: Your key phrase here is: "Note: Strange that these so called polls are not being used by Obama's paid and unpaid staffers." For any thinking person, that should indicate how small this particular point really is in relation to others. Fact is many in service today are there seeking refuge from impossible economic force and reflect what was shown in my still-lost poll-results. EMac has disgorged most of lost 6k-word article, but fear these three PDFs re service response gone into hyperspace. Seeking to retrace via my original source-notes, but those so far turn up note "Page Not Found"...moresoon if I do find what I originally had, and reported honestly. Meamwhile your participation now widely appreciated by our readers. Us starving free-lancers can donate only so much time to back-check for participants.
Henry Ruark September 7, 2008 9:52 am (Pacific time)
To all: Here's another "see with own eyes", use own mind report, right on the money with Op Ed: Published 9/6 by The Nation GOP Mocks Public Service by Peter Dreier and John Atlas "For the first time in American history, a major political party devoted a substantial portion of its national convention to attacking grassroots organizing. "Speaking Wednesday at the Republican National Convention, former New York Governor George Pataki sneered, "[Barack Obama] was a community organizer. What in God's name is a community organizer? I don't even know if that's a job." "Then former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani delivered his own snickering hit job. "He worked as a community organizer. What? Maybe this is the first problem on the résumé," mocked Giuliani." Then he said, "This is not a personal attack. It's a statement of fact. Barack Obama has never led anything. Nothing. Nada." "A few minutes later, in her acceptance speech for the GOP vice presidential nomination, Sarah Palin declared, "I guess a small-town mayor is sort of like a community organizer, except that you have actual responsibilities." "The party of Ronald Reagan was touting government experience over civic engagement. "At a convention whose theme was "service," GOP leaders ridiculed organizing, a vital kind of public service that involves leadership, tough decisions, and taking responsibility for the well-being of people often ignored by government. "But the controversy surrounding these snide remarks may have backfired. Within hours, Obama sent an e-mail to his supporters, challenging the Republicans who "mocked, dismissed, and actually laughed out loud at Americans who engage in community service and organizing" and soliciting funds for his campaign. His campaign manager David Plouffe sent another fundraising e-mail, saying, "Let's clarify something for them right now. Community organizing is how ordinary people respond to out-of-touch politicians and their failed policies." "Palin, Giuliani and Pataki denigrated not only the tens of thousands of community organizers who help everyday citizens to participate in shaping their society and the millions of Americans who volunteer as community activists but also a long American tradition of collective self-help that goes back to the Boston Tea Party." ------- Actually Obama worked with the world-famed Alinski-led group chiefly responsible for multiple fine developments in Chicago, some of which I visited, with kids I helped train working for college funding at Time/Life Books and their families. So this one echoes my own personal experience with what the Obama-led activists were able to accomplish vs the Daley machine. I know, I saw, I experienced personally and professionally, then;which is why I share now. See original for further intriguing details of what was honestly-done/then via his demonstrated leadership.
Carlson September 7, 2008 9:02 am (Pacific time)
Henry et al. You seem to be spending considerable time on a lame duck president. As far as "impeachment", I say let congress go for it if they have the evidence. Fine with me, afterall they have the resources and information that those of us in fly-over country do not have (I cannot stand Bush anyway!). My feeling is that many democratic senators do not want their video-taped speeches from the 1990's (when Clinton was president) opining that Saddam Hussein had WMD's, plus a lot more. Frankly as the McCain/Palin ticket increases their lead over Obama/Biden I believe Pelosi (9% approval rating!) will possibly inniate Impeachment proceedings for diversionary purposes. I also would not be surprised if some issues come up for Biden that causes him to pull out and Obama will select a women for VP, but it will be too late, even if Hillary. As far as the economy goes, there was a 3.3% growth rate during the last quarter. My prayers are that the economy improves and more jobs can be created. The price of oil/energy will have a lot to do with future job creation. As per Dept. of Labor, unemployment rate 12/06 was 4.4%. Pelosi and Reid took over purse strings the next month and oil and unemployment rate started going up. Coincidence? It should be noted that Governor Palin's approval rating (Alaska voters) is in the 80's, so that pulls in democrats, republicans, independents and others. More on her competency will be made available by the media, but remember she is not a single Mom, she has a husband who is part of that family team. They are very capable of multi-tasking as their record clearly shows. I think it's great that we have both an African-American and a women running for national office at the same time. Hopefully the facts about both will be objectively made available to the voters and the election is about issues, not distortion and character assasination. Though you have those radicals out there on both sides who will not stop with the misinformation, they cannot help themselves.
Henry Ruark September 6, 2008 8:11 pm (Pacific time)
C-son et al: From my notes on articles in IN THESE TIMES Sept/08. One article: Feeding the Beast; Christopher Moraff; states "...to weaken the federal agencies, the Bush administration has expanded them to the point of collapse" and is full of documenting statements and critical numbers. Second article: "Class NOT Dismissed";Jean Forst; covers in detail striking changes underway in city education across the nation, relating to damage-done and "teachers' struggles against the Bush administration's No Child Left Behind (NCLB)." Both serve to document upcoming Op Ed re national testing standards, which is first step, intentional with NCLB forcing-failures in many states, towards fascistic educational system, part of neocon cabal intentions for many years. (Bckgrnd to threat usually part of Curric/101 in Ed.D. work). If you cannot find magazine, let me know and I will scan and send pages as PDF...fair enough ? Can you reciprocate with PDF of yours ?? Nothing like working files when needed for any reason, albeit now clearing mine from 50 years... Nothing like "seeing with own eyes",too, as proven here vs some "stuff" we continue to receive vs links we provide.
Carlson September 6, 2008 6:41 pm (Pacific time)
Henry et al you state below that there are 15 million federal employees. That is a real interesting total you provided. Could you give a source for that number? Maybe it's with those polls you have regarding Obama being the preferred candidate by active military and veterans? Note: Strange that these so called polls are not being used by Obama's paid and unpaid staffers. As it is my take on Governor Palin's responsibility and experience is that it dwarfs that of the other candidates, but most certainly Obama's, for he has none. Do you have some source that provides examples that he does? Maybe it's with those poll numbers? To be able to provide links/sources would lend credibility to your below posts. Thanks a bunch. "To all: Then there's poppycock: def. (as in "stuff") n. : senseless talk; "don't give me that stuff" As in "15,000 employees" in Alaska statewide employ. There are 15 MILLION in more than 150 U.S. agencies and sub-agencies."
Henry Ruark September 6, 2008 8:55 am (Pacific time)
This one was so pertinent here had to share it !: Elegy for a Maverick By E. J. Dionne Jr. www.washingtonpost.com Friday, September 5, 2008 ST. PAUL, Minn. -- Once upon a time, John McCain promised to be a different kind of politician and a different kind of Republican. He was about straight talk, reform and nonpartisanship, a resolute foe of the slashing politics of the slaughterhouse. McCain tried to get voters to remember that man in his acceptance speech last night, the one who "worked with members of both parties to fix the problems that need to be fixed." But that man has disappeared. The stage in the middle of the cavernous Xcel Energy Center was rearranged so McCain could conjure the feel of the town hall meetings he loves as he laced into "partisan rancor" and "the Washington crowd." Yet a set change could not disguise the fact that this convention -- including the big speech Wednesday by his running mate, Sarah Palin -- dripped with divisive ridicule as speaker after speaker worked to aggravate the country's cultural schisms and replay worn-out harangues against weak liberals. The Republican crowd here has gleefully played into the worst stereotypes of their party as a privileged class resistant to change. When Rudy Giuliani referred to Barack Obama's past as a "community organizer" Wednesday, the crowd broke into ugly, patronizing laughter. These, presumably, are people who never needed a neighborhood advocate. Imagine if Democrats ever reacted that way to someone who worked as an entrepreneur or a church leader." -------- For complete background on whole neocon era destructing the honest-conservatives, see his classic "Why Americans Hate Politics", used here as basic ref. for many Op Eds. "Informed opinion" makes sense only when done via real authoritative references, with b/b feeling left in the closet, as any professional soon learns, taught by tough, honest editors who risk own reputation every time they publish...
Henry Ruark September 6, 2008 8:26 am (Pacific time)
To all: Here's 3rd "see with own eyes", use own mind, done in less than an hour. Shows how easy it is to be informed for opinion, beats rubbing b/button, relaying feelings resulting... !! NYT September 6, 2008 Running From Reality By BOB HERBERT If there was one pre-eminent characteristic of the Republican convention this week, it was the quality of deception. Words completely lost their meaning. Reality was turned upside down. From the faux populist gibberish mouthed by speaker after speaker, you would never have known that the Republicans have been in power over the past several years and used that titanic power to lead the country to its present sorry state. In his acceptance speech on Thursday night, Senator John McCain did his best Sam Cooke imitation (“A Change is Gonna Come”) and vowed to put the country “back on the road to prosperity and peace.” Mr. McCain spoke at the end of a day in which stock market indexes plunged. The next morning the Labor Department gave us the grim news that another 84,000 jobs had been lost in August, and that the official unemployment rate had climbed to 6.1 percent — the highest in five years." --------- Reality overwhelms fantasy and whimsy any day, when heat and hate is on, and serious decisions leading to dire consequences if wrong must be made. So pay your nickel, take your shot, and look in mirror after-the-vote --which in truth is all that counts !!! It's YOUR VOTE --so do not waste it; might be last time you are permitted to cast it.
Henry Ruark September 6, 2008 8:16 am (Pacific time)
To all: Here's another "see with own eyes", then evaluate with own mind: Is McCain Campaign Interfering In Alaska Troopergate Investigation of Palin? by Rob Kall www.opednews.com "It looks like supporters of John McCain are taking aggressive actions to kill an investigation of his running mate Sarah Palin, to prevent an October Surprise-- adverse findings that would cast a negative light on her character and leadership. "Discussing a Newsweek article, Josh Marshall reports that the McCain camp is moving to shut down the troopergate investigation., "Within days of Palin's selection, at least seven of her aides and associates, who had previously agreed to cooperate with the trooper-gate investigation, informed investigator Steve Branchflower that they were now no longer willing to be deposed. "Note too that this was immediately after the McCain team deployed what George Stephanopoulos reported was a "rapid response team of about ten operatives that includes lawyers" to the state." "Troopergate is a widely reported investigation of Governor Sarah Palin's purported abuse of power-- she involved the office of the governor in a nasty family feud. "She first denied her attempts to get her former brother-in-law fired as a state trooper. Newsweek reported." --------- OpEdNews is now winning national fame for its work, and note here quotes from some famous other journalists, too.
Henry Ruark September 6, 2008 8:07 am (Pacific time)
To all: Some few prefer feeling a la b/b, but we give you "see with own eyes" from solid sources. Here's one now: Only in America Could a Two-Faced Creature Like McCain Attain Such Media Status By Rory O'Connor, AlterNet Posted on September 5, 2008, Printed on September 6, 2008 http://www.alternet.org/story/97766/ Only in America could a man who has been in office for decades run as an "outsider" against the entrenched interests in Washington. Only in America could a man who is a longtime Republican stalwart run against his own party, which has governed while controlling most of the institutional levers of power -- the presidency, the Supreme Court and the Congress -- for much of the past eight years. And only in America could a man who has called the corporatized, in-the-tank, mainstream media his "base" -- the media that made him its darling and hailed him for his supposed "straight talk" -- run against that very same media, bashing it figuratively while "peace officers" were doing so quite literally to journalists in the streets of St. Paul, in a manner unseen since the '60s and the Chicago days of Richard Daley and the subsequent Nixonian "nattering nabobs of negativity" era." --------- Please note timely reference to Chicago/Daley era and Nixon regime, which surely makes my ref. to impeachment directly relevant here !!
Henry Ruark September 6, 2008 8:00 am (Pacific time)
C-son: By your own action re closet storage, you define yourself and motivations. No more needed... D-V: "Community organizer" here UNvague for any who understand situation in Chicago then. It happens connects with both Daley and Alinski, reflecting their head-on struggle for some decades, with Obama one of few able to bring about anything positive, such as public housing finally accomplished. He worked diligently and successfully with families and kids there. I knew some of the kids, helped train 'em for their college-fund/jobs they sought at T/L Books. We led nation in sales and service... SO again question you as UNinformed or MISinformed; or simply Malign Manipulation, still without ID for any real credibilities. Mutual ongoing attack here, always on inconsequentials, still further proof of shill behavior...easily dispelled via ID to Editor and direct for full dialog, with failure to do so best possible proof of reality here: Continuing attempts to trivialize and divert reader attention from major issues such as continuation of neocon policies into TWELVE full years of disastrous policy debacle and entirely "unsustainable" wasting-war economic treason, intended to prove point re government as always-failure once and for all. (Documentation when you ID and come-direct !!) Key question remains: "How do you stand on impeachment ? NOW, Later, OR NEVER ?" Readers--do NOT hold breath waiting. Until that answered, or you ID, you're simply flies on wall, doing with flies always do... and about as meaningful for any thinking reader. Responses here take about as much effort as with any other fly-situation, but must admit kinda fun-and-games, since you play so neatly into situations set up by own behaviors...
Del. September 6, 2008 7:38 am (Pacific time)
Speaking of those killed in Irag (below post), it has been reported that in Chicago (where Sen. Obama did his work as a community organizer), that so far this summer over 150 have been killed/murdered, that is over twice as many who have been killed in the Iraqi war during the same time period. My preliminary conclusion on that data is that Chicago's gun control policy (like Washington DC's) is/our a complete failure. As far as what has been benefical about community organizing in this city? Running a state requires important decisions be made constantly. Alaska is doing pretty good under the current administration. Comparing a community organizer from Chicago with a governor is really unfair for so many reasons, but continue to do so if you like. I see a below poster said Governor Palin never won "more than 600 votes." That math calculus explains a lot. Also I guess all those elected (and non-elected) women out there who have families should just resign your leadership positions. When you compare qualification of the two presidential and two VP candidates, who comes in a very distant 4th place? This is an easy objective measurement to make. Please note we have had many former governors elected to national office, some senators and some military leaders, but no small community organizers that started running almost immediately after entering the senate. Recall what Sen. Biden said earlier about Obama and his experience? It has already been out there in commercials and is available on the net. I imagine it will get plenty of play before 11/4/08. It will be in Biden's own words.
Editor: The individual submitting this comment seemed familiar, so I checked the log on his/her IP and discovered that he or she has used a number of different names in recent months in an apparent effort to make it appear that his/her points, generally racist and intolerant in nature, are supported. This is the list of names:
Dylan Duke, JB Stallworth, Deb Myerson, War Veteran, Rich Millison, WV, Percy, Delaware, Del, Carlson, Real Democrat, Retired Military, Sourced, LH, Going Broke, Len Hannoford, Oregon Veteran, Telford, Humos, Eternal Optimist, Scazry Times, Capitalist, Ronan, Brian, Wonder, Steve, Gomer, Casse, Ben Jammin', Jason Burbach, Kevin, JB, Kilroy, Carol Ann, Sgt. Rock, Abdul Farqua, Wally, Change, Micro/Macro, Booker T Washington, Stewart, Kyle, Pragmatic, Teacher Veteran, ex-government employee, Ayers Weatherman, Fido, Real Combat Vet, Mary Stennis, Proud Schwab Investor, Bullfrog, Hopefully, Update, Fed Up
I almost feel like I should apologize for this going on so long, and now those of us who spend time around here know that the number of people who voice extreme positions regarding right wing politics on Salem-News.com are not as strong in number as they appear. This individual who uses male and female names to launch frequently ridiculous attacks on myself, Henry Ruark, Professor Stephen Zunes, Dr. Phillip Leveque, etc., is nothing more than a disturbed poser who writes comments, then writes back to herself or himself, representing several people instead of just one. I would write off anything ever posted here under those names, or by anyone who resembles the ramblings left by this individual.
Tim KingCarlson September 5, 2008 6:01 pm (Pacific time)
John Kerry received 3 Purple Hearts during his approximate 4 months service in Vietnam, which was 8 months less than the normal 12 month tour for U.S. Navy personnel at that time. None of his very minor wounds required hospitalization and each little scratch was covered by a bandaid. John Kerry had promised that he was going to release his military records on the WWW, he has not. Combat veterans do not expect him to post those records for obvious reasons. Sen. Kerry made false claims against Vietnam veterans and has belittled those serving in Iraq and Afghanistan. The vast majority of veterans have utter contempt for this individual and passing out purple bandaids to mock this individual was a rightous thing to do. I keep three of them framed in a utility closet. HOORAH
Henry Ruark September 5, 2008 5:37 pm (Pacific time)
To all: YOU can use Fact-Checker at anytime to keep straight on what's true and what is still distorted --either side !. Here's sample "see with own eyes" Summary: FactChecking McCain September 5, 2008 He made some flubs in accepting the nomination. Summary We checked the accuracy of McCain’s speech accepting the Republican nomination and noted the following: • McCain claimed that Obama’s health care plan would "force small businesses to cut jobs" and would put "a bureaucrat ... between you and your doctor." In fact, the plan exempts small businesses, and those who have insurance now could keep the coverage they have. • McCain attacked Obama for voting for "corporate welfare" for oil companies. In fact, the bill Obama voted for raised taxes on oil companies by $300 million over 11 years while providing $5.8 billion in subsidies for renewable energy, energy efficiency and alternative fuels. • McCain said oil imports send "$700 billion a year to countries that don't like us very much." But the U.S. is on track to import a total of only $536 billion worth of oil at current prices, and close to a third of that comes from Canada, Mexico and the United Kingdom. • He promised to increase use of "wind, tide [and] solar" energy, though his actual energy plan contains no new money for renewable energy. He has said elsewhere that renewable sources won’t produce as much as people think. • He called for "reducing government spending and getting rid of failed programs," but as in the past failed to cite a single program that he would eliminate or reduce. • He said Obama would "close" markets to trade. In fact, Obama, though he once said he wanted to "renegotiate" the North American Free Trade Agreement, now says he simply wants to try to strengthen environmental and labor provisions in it. Note: This is a summary only. The full article with analysis, images and citations may be viewed on our Web site.
Henry Ruark September 5, 2008 3:39 pm (Pacific time)
To all: Then there's poppycock: def. (as in "stuff") n. : senseless talk; "don't give me that stuff" As in "15,000 employees" in Alaska statewide employ. There are 15 MILLION in more than 150 U.S. agencies and sub-agencies. Even the most qualified CEO of the largest corporation might well blanche at such a multiplication of demands, pressures, and potential for destructive and costly damage via even the smallest misstep. Too much for a "hockey mom" who never won more than 600 votes, has five kids --one with Down Syndrome-- and an "active" husband; and a 17-yr.old daughter, pregnant and in a forced marriage ?? Re D-V: Per previous, there is UNinformed, MISinformed, and Malign...which do you now think is his real role ? Data re U.S. employes and agencies freely accessible for easy check prior to distortio implicit in Alaskan comparison here-- as any professional journalist would have chosen to do rather than mislead. BUT distortion is name of game if you acting as shill, paid or unpaid...
Delaware September 5, 2008 1:43 pm (Pacific time)
Obama spent three years in housing projects in Chicago and — according to his book, Dreams of My Father — even he couldn’t explain what he was doing. “When classmates in college asked me just what it was that a community organizer did, I couldn’t answer them directly,” Obama wrote. Indeed, who could say what a community organizer does? The Obama campaign sent out an e-mail after the fact: “With the nation watching, the Republicans mocked, dismissed, and actually laughed out loud at Americans who engage in community service and organizing.” That misses the point. Palin and Giuliani didn’t mock people who work for the betterment of their communities. They mocked Obama for embracing the vague title of “community organizer,” which might as well be the political equivalent of “I’m working on a screenplay.”
Carlson September 5, 2008 8:42 am (Pacific time)
Henry et al. The link I posted below about arctic ice increasing is not my story, it is what it is from a scientific source. There is more ice now than there was last year at this time. I recall seeing photographs from the 1920's showing area's in Greenland exposed after huge ice melts. Melting and freezing happens, as does those actions by people who try to accentuate either too much freezing (ice age coming) or too much melting (global warming coming). My money is that simply natural climate (both macro/micro) is happening and it has been going on long before we humans were burning fossil fuels, and even far longer than we have been on the planet. As far as one poster doing positive posts on Governor Palin, well she has a pretty impressive record, and certainly more executive experience than the other candidates. Can you name some relevant executive and foreign affairs experience that Sen. Obama has? I have read of none. I appreciate that people have their political faves, but so far the demonizing has been put on Palin, and the backlash is happening. I just read where Oprah (WWW/google) will not have Palin on her show. Maybe that will change, but not a smart move if true. Hopefully we can get back to the issues Americans want to hear about. For the last two years who has been in control of the nation's purse strings in congress?
Henry Ruark September 5, 2008 7:59 am (Pacific time)
To all: This ain't balderdash either since from observer on scene via world's still-leading daily newspaper: The Party in Power, Running as if It Weren’t By PETER BAKER ST. PAUL — The nominee’s friend described him as a “restless reformer who will clean up Washington.” His defeated rival described him going to the capital to “drain that swamp.” His running mate described their mission as “change, the goal we share.” And that was at the incumbent party’s convention. After watching two political conclaves the last two weeks, it would be easy to be confused about which was really the gathering of the opposition. As Senator John McCain accepted the Republican nomination for president, he and his supporters sounded the call of insurgents seeking to topple the establishment, even though their party heads the establishment. This was, of course, part Mr. McCain’s nature and part political calculation. It was also part history. For the first time since 1952, the party holding the White House has nominated someone other than the sitting president or vice president, someone without a vested interest in running on continuity, and at a moment when the party finds it difficult to defend its record from the last eight years." (See at NYT website for more intriguing details, reflecting well on Op Eds... Neocon dare not let US realize-and-act on WHO did WHAT, WHEN and WHY...)
Henry Ruark September 5, 2008 7:48 am (Pacific time)
To all: Here's some non-balderdash for you, via "seeing with own eyes" and checking with own mind, too !: Breaking News Alert The New York Times Friday, September 5, 2008 -- 8:41 AM ET ----- Economy Shed 84,000 Jobs in August; Unemployment Rate Jumped to 6.1% The government said Friday that the American economy lost 84,000 private nonfarm jobs in August, the eighth straight month of job losses. The unemployment rate jumped to 6.1 percent in August, the highest in nearly five years. Both figures were worse than economists had forecast. Read More: http://www.nytimes.com/?emc=na ----- Strikes me as ironic that this is EIGHTH STRAIGHT MONTH of such job-losses, since this whole neocon-destructive mess started in depth via Bush cabal arrival EIGHT YEARS AGO! AGAIN, check this Op Ed and the preceding two, accessed at STAFF section via "Written by.../line: and SIGNED with real name, too.
Henry Ruark September 5, 2008 7:42 am (Pacific time)
To all: This time D-V feeds us balderdash:(def.: n.-"trivial nonsense". One of my Chicago clients was an association with 15,000 INSTITUTIONAL members, whose total worker-count was surely over 150,00, perhaps twice that. (File just discarded...) We did management materials and media for them, the first study bringing on change in name of the association. Another was a crusty old billionare, retired, with FIVE employees counting two for his security. For him we did PR- media for his famed foundation dispensing some of those lush billions. Point: It is always building relationships which is heart of management. You don't learn that in small-town politics, which leans to the side of selfish-interests AND, always, business, too. Check for yourselves. National action demands much more depth, time to learn from painful experience, and over all the ability to understand how to build compromise via democratic "conversation" -known here as dialog-- in the Congress. Confrontation and "WIN by ANY MEANS !" is deadly to that, as you should surely have noticed by now, after 30 years painful, distressing experience, more than 4000 dead, more than 40,000 sure to demand costly after-care, and costs running over THREE TRILLION (STIGLITZ, Nobel Prize economist and others.) Wrking relationships is precisely what we've lacked ever since the Reagan-era start of neocon-attack, as history now clearly shows, resulting in huge deficits every year since (except for Clinton regime return to reality and huge SURPLUS, now long gone.) So balderdash be damned, sir because what we need, first and foremost, is to realize WHO did WHAT to ALL of US, WHY they did it, and WHERE we are now LEFT --holding the bag, and wondering where our lifestyle went, this time... Will we NEVER LEARN ? See Op Ed, to which we should return if any points still at issue.
Del. Voter September 4, 2008 7:07 pm (Pacific time)
To get a flavor of Governor Palins executive experience and responsibility the below link to the state of Alaska's website is listed below. By the way, she also oversees approximately 15,000 employees. http://gov.state.ak.us/
Henry Ruark September 4, 2008 6:15 pm (Pacific time)
To all: Do you believe the AP? Still serves thousands of dailies nation and worldwide, still recognized as premier source of breaking news. Here's "see with own eyes" re distortions, perversion, flatout lies at neocon convention: consortiumnews.com The Anti-Obama Hate-Fest By Robert Parry September 4, 2008 The Republican Party, which has defined modern-day negative politics, was back at it again, bashing Barack Obama and the news media in an ugly display that rivaled the old days of Nixon-Agnew – or George W. Bush’s last convention where GOP operatives passed out “Purple Heart Band-Aids” to mock John Kerry’s war wounds. After a slow start because of Hurricane Gustav, the convention in St. Paul, Minnesota, has turned into an anti-Obama hate-fest with a nearly all-white gathering laughing at and mocking the nation’s first African-American presidential nominee of a major party. However, beyond the pulsating contempt visible on the faces of the GOP delegates, many of the nasty attacks on Obama – as well as the effusive praise for the Republican ticket – were blatantly false, as if testing the depths of American gullibility and bigotry. In speech after speech, Republicans didn’t so much as tell the Big Lie as they deployed Wholesale Lies. The Associated Press, which mostly had been recycling the Republican spin about the supposedly “maverick” ticket of John McCain and Sarah Palin, was so struck by the litany of distortions that the AP produced a special fact-checking article describing how Republicans had “stretched the truth.” ---Remember that old line, in comic strip ? "Vas yu dere, Charlie ?" AP WAS there, and here you have what they reported on national and international channels. Do you still credit D-V with anything other than more-of-same,already shown, distortion-and-perversion ? Re Carson on ice up North, today's papers carry AP-story re ice-break as big as Manhattan, dropped off at Canada's northern border. moresoon on allathis, when can get eMac further unstuck ! Meanwhile use own eyes and own mind, not mine or theirs on anyone else's, esp. if they neocon shill. If NOT, why not ID to Editor and lay it on in own Op Ed, with documenting links ? If incapable, surely some other shill will do job, if you share check !!
Henry Ruark September 4, 2008 5:18 pm (Pacific time)
To all: Here's "see with own eyes" report on Palin political claptrap, from xxxx Scheer, famed investigative reporter whose book "Pornography of Power" documents the realities of broken-Washington: A Sad Night for Conservatism Bill Scheer's picture September 4th, 2008 By Bill Scheer Conservatism is addicted to snidery, and Gov. Sarah Palin looks to be just another pusher. Unwilling to forcefully argue that our government shouldn't do anything to strengthen our economy, guarantee health coverage or generate clean energy, conservative leaders try to keep their movement mobilized by playing off of foils. Caricaturing liberals and the media beyond recognition gives them enemies to unite against, and it's easier to keep up a steady stream of fact-free insults than it is to come up with effective policies that keep America's domestic economy and global standing strong. But a strategy of snark comes up short when it's time to govern. That's the problem conservatism faces today—their policies have governed this nation for eight years, and most Americans think it has gone rather badly. Conservatism has long stressed personal responsibility (at the expense of, instead of alongside with, shared responsibility). Yet there has been no acceptance of responsibility by conservatives at this week's convention. Of note, former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney dedicated his speech to concocting the fantasy that liberals have been in control of Washington for the last eight years." ---Note: If you have quarrel with what Scheer states, go directly to him for answers. But first ask yourself, while facing mirror, "Did I attend there ? Am I skilled reporter-writer, with prizes, books, fame-and-fortune ? Is it possible he might be not only able, but honest, and with reputation on-the-line for objective, professional work ?" THEN deny, defy, defeat what he's telling you...and compare other sources for what you hear or read, including this one and my stuff...!! But do NOT hold-breath while you await Op Ed, documented and with links, for D-V et al.
Henry Ruark September 4, 2008 5:04 pm (Pacific time)
To all: Definition can help; here it is: "claptrap (as in "bombast") n. : pompous or pretentious talk or writing." Content analysis tools rapidly applied show highly questionable use of "all parts of political spectrum"; does that include liberals and libertarians, too ? No possible pretense of sampling who-was-there, or their own political views. Same for diagnostic analysis NOW of key-states. Surveys and int'vs are rapid these days but NO WAY in which D/V can have conducted any overnight ! SO "feeling becomes fact because I say so as suits my own biases !!" That's why reliable, professional, recognized writers document, cite, quote, and supply links, for all to check for themselves and then THINK with OWN MIND !! As persuasive/affective media expert now in 7th million words published, with some 50+ mediated reports at all levels from slide to tv and radio, must confess know a bit about presumption, bombast and other techniques, and can recognize same when seen --and some nearly-smell !!--thus making diagnosis that much easier. Learned much from other editors reacting (wrathfully, sometimes !) to mine own amateur approches, long ago... So read, then check YOUR OWN trusted-reliable national sources (UNlinked by D-V!);and cogitate for yourselves.
Henry Ruark September 4, 2008 4:50 pm (Pacific time)
D-V. et al: If that was "America talking" we are in one he.. ofaheap more trouble than anyone yet admits. Palin digs beautifully, as in gravel-pit small town, or if set up with other neocon despoilers to slice off $26 billion "earmarked" for on small town. IF this is "Change", then somebody rifled the national cash-register, and this is the two-cents left over. Whole theme of neocon driven Convention has been, national sources state. "Washington is broken !" That's absolutely right --but what they don't confess is WHO broke it, WHY, and what they did with the loot ! Contempt is the name of the Palin game, and she shows it in many ways, some already explored, others to show as exploitation demonstrated continues. Will explore in more detail when eMac ends small strike today --just in time with one at Boeing, brought on by the same consequences as what we all payin now --through the nose or even other "painful" apertures--allatime, in every possible way. Do you see now why D-V. has "snuck up" on this open, honest, demo-dialog channel ? Hope check pays for his loss of serious credibilities, as already demonstrated and well illuminated here for you via links of which he includes none (whatsoever here), as preface to what we knew would be coming, from previous and continuing experience. Will repeat one more time invitation for Op Ed with all the links he cares to add, for open, honest, "YOUR OWN MIND" evaluation here rather than his politically-motivated personal/feeling clap-trap.
Carson September 4, 2008 2:27 pm (Pacific time)
Henry et al, below is an update regarding the arctic ice post [story] you made in earlier post. It's interesting that you have some who say the polar bear population is decreasing but then the real experts prove their population is increasing. Same thing pointed out below that the arctic ice is up above average. As far as Governor Palin, this is one sharp lady, and will be a fantastic national leader. I realize it's "different strokes for different folks", but she has the executive experience and success to outshine the others. Heard her approval rating in Alaska is around 85% and that during last nights speech the teleprompter broke and she simply spoke from notes. She is a natural, America is very lucky to have people of this caliber in government service. "Data from the National Snow and Ice Data Center (NSIDC) has indicated a dramatic increase in sea ice extent in the Arctic regions. The growth over the past year covers an area of 700,000 square kilometers: an amount twice the size the nation of Germany. With the Arctic melting season over for 2008, ice cover will continue to increase until melting begins anew next spring. The data is for August 2008 and indicates a total sea ice area of six million square kilometers. Ice extent for the same month in 2007 covered 5.3 million square kilometers, a historic low. Earlier this year, media accounts were rife with predictions that this year would again see a new record. Instead, the Arctic has seen a gain of about thirteen percent." http://www.dailytech.com/Arctic+Sees+Massive+Gain+in+Ice+Coverage/article12851.htm
Del. Voter September 3, 2008 9:50 pm (Pacific time)
After watching the speech by Governor Palin with a group of people that was made up mostly of women and from all parts of the political spectrum. I am 100% sure that the battleground states of Pennsylvania and Michigan have been taken out of contention. Game over. This race is about electoral votes and Palin just gave McCain the win. I am no fan of McCain, but Palin has so energized the conservative base that she is like a reincarnation of Teddy Roosevelt. Those of you who have not heard her speech tonight, you should take the time. This was not rhetorical bluster, this was substance, this was the future of America talking.
Henry Ruark September 3, 2008 1:59 pm (Pacific time)
To all: Palin questions global warming and its impacts on her state. Nothing like "seeing with own eyes", as reported here via Reuters, famed world news agency, from scientist who has spent last ten years doing precisely that observation: Published on Wednesday, September 3, 2008 by Reuters Arctic Melting Shows Global Warming Serious by David Ljunggren OTTAWA - The incredibly rapid rate at which Canada's Arctic ice shelves are disappearing is an early indicator of the "very substantial changes" that global warming will impose on all mankind, a top scientist said on Wednesday. [An undated photo from the Center for Northern Studies shows the Ward Hunt Ice Shelf disintegrating. The incredibly rapid rate at which Canada's Arctic ice shelves are disappearing is an early indicator of the "very substantial changes" that global warming will impose on all mankind, a top scientist said on Wednesday. (REUTERS/Denis Sarrazin/Center for Northern Studies) An undated photo from the Center for Northern Studies shows the Ward Hunt Ice Shelf disintegrating. The incredibly rapid rate at which Canada's Arctic ice shelves are disappearing is an early indicator of the "very substantial changes" that global warming will impose on all mankind, a top scientist said on Wednesday." ---more detail at website CommonDreams.org. Cited here to prove up the distortion/perversion in full practice allatime via neocons seeking to distract attention from pressing issues stealing our democracy NOW...with real choice coming in Nov. vote.
Henry Ruark September 3, 2008 12:05 pm (Pacific time)
Lev. et al: Checked out your link, and from mishmash offered, and weird otherwise, would not use it as source again, if I were you... For any able, check it out for yourselves, and be sure to call up some items to see how handled, which is revealing.
Henry Ruark September 3, 2008 11:54 am (Pacific time)
To all: Now you have worldview emphasis from famed cognitive scientist Lakoff, here is "see with own eyes" view of Palin as mayor, from resident there: All You Need to Know About Palin's Wasilla, Alaska By loyalson, Daily Kos Posted on September 3, 2008 http://www.alternet.org/bloggers/http://www.dailykos.com//97433/ Sarah Palin was my mayor. My family moved to Wasilla when I was eleven years old. The road I lived on was still gravel, and the town then was still on its first of three successive Wal-Marts. It was 1996, and that year Sarah Palin was first elected mayor. Today, under Sarah Palin's leadership, Wasilla has become the picture of exurban sprawl: an explosion in the housing stock, tons of new highway expansion, tons of new big box stores and fast food franchises, and absolutely 0 sustainability. Combined with a lack of zoning, and a predilection for building open-pit gravel mines all over the place, and Wasilla could be the poster-town for bad municipal leadership." ---- It gets into even more distressing, discomfiting detail, too. Re tire-inflation, Internet has several sources showing the Obama-point essentially true, despite distortion from usual sources. Re further perverted points, just more-of-same to further confuse, while ignoring open challenge to provide checkable detailed Op Ed, not about to happen since requires ID to Editor, thus revealing real motivations for continuing attack here.
Levitt September 3, 2008 11:33 am (Pacific time)
I was pointing out below that the media was more interested in smearing a 17 year old that has nothing to do with this election, than finally doing an appropriate vetting of all candidates. I say that if one wants to go after family members plus associations then some may not like that to happen. Are familiar with Sen. Bidens "lobbyist" sons? Big time lobby boys who by the way are a lot older than 17. I find it reprehensible to go after a 17 year old. How about discussing the illigitimate birth rate, then compare and contrast that in different formats? How about discussing Sen. Obama's mother and her out of wedlock history? This will backfire, and my hope is that these innocent family members weather this horrible behavior. My guess is they will, because this is a strong and loving family. Maybe their detractors have no idea what that is? This is energizing people in ways that some will not like, especially in the battleground and swing states. The national polls mean nothing in the electoral college of the above states. Fundraising is increasing rapidly for McCain, and may increase even more as people start evaluating their own lives with Governor Palin. Pregnancy happens!
Levitt September 3, 2008 11:14 am (Pacific time)
Global warming is either real or not real? Qualified scientists are found on both sides. The available data suggests that it is not happening. Please see below rationale: It's political... http://whatreallyhappened.com/WRHARTICLES/globalwarming.html
Levitt September 3, 2008 10:59 am (Pacific time)
It appears that Sen. Obama's stated energy policy is to make sure your tires are properly inflated (his words). The majority of Americans want us to develop more of our own energy resources, which includes more domestic oil and natural gas production. We need to stop that huge money tranfer to OPEC countries ($700 billion and increasing), who are openly hostile to us. Things have changed and responsible leaders have responded by agreeing with the majority of Americans. Now if only Reid and Pelosi stop obstructing the "will of the people." Maybe that's why their approval rating is around 9%? Please notice how oil prices are dropping. This also happened in 1973 (we were on a type of ration process then), so when it appears we are about to increase domestic supplies, OPEC lowers price, then in time they will increase prices again. Next time the price of gas may double, or go even higher, so to avoid this energy blackmail and money transfer, we Americans will do what we need to do. The area to be drilled in Alaska is very tiny, a comparative correlation would be similar to a postage stamp on a football field. So who has more practical energy experience: VP candidate Governor Palin, or community organizer Sen. Obama?
Henry Ruark September 3, 2008 10:44 am (Pacific time)
Levitt et al: Your key phrase is: "The mainstream media has spent more time vetting the skeletons in 17 year-old Bristol Palin's closet than digging in to the history of Senator Barack Obama." MUST be key, since you wrote it FIRST as YOUR lead !!. But must then ask: On what basis, sir, do you write it ?" Did you do survey ? If so, how ? What qualifications do you have for that work ? For the record, several such are under way, from which I can report that you are far from correct. If you ID self to Editor, will share via PDF; otherwise will protect mine own sources. In fact, msmedia have tried to ignore this cataclysmic collapse of McCain Rove-driven choice, but Internet blogs and nonpartisan working sources have provided intriguing and checkable information in large quantiy --some relayed here for S-N reader convenience. SO cite your sources, sir, or show us your own survey work. I'm familiar with that effort, having three ten-year national surveys in technical areas on file, in leading publications when-done. Where's yours, previously, if any ? Cite publication history, as I have here on previous inquiry. IF you cannot so cite and document, then either lay out details in Op Ed, per usual invitation here, or see your credibility vanish, as Palin reputation now surely has for any thinking person.
Henry Ruark September 3, 2008 10:32 am (Pacific time)
To all: For the record, the 45 pp. of factual materials I used for the past few Comments were pulled from Internet, read, analyzed and reported in less than two hours. Why cannot those who wish to refute any/all public record and other reliable reports due so via Op Ed, informed in depth and with documentation. instead of short and always distorted quickie-shots from behind concealment ? Surely the small skills and moderate abilities used are NOT unknown to them, too ? OR are they only able to affirm what their political masters allow them to proclaim ?? Might cost 'em if they did disobey, in any way, as long experience in reporting such affairs will confirm, for any able to check it out. We offer full opportunity for responsible, accountable, checkable dialog here, to all-such; but never do they choose to do so. THAT alone should tell you something about ongoing neocon lush-funded attacks on many open channels, part of same old "Win By ANY Means !" tactics which Op Ed reveals. With 30 years of "noise machine" operation impacting on your conscious --and also UNconscious !--attention, via ads, distorted/perverted ms media, it may take a small effort on your part to break away again. Latest re Ayers is prime example of that long-demonstrated neocon basic technique: Even GOP leaders in Illinois long ago recognized Ayers honest longterm painful rehabilitation, aided by many bipartisan associates. Was able to observe some parts of that, when it first began...in fact, was in work contact with some involved. IF they-in Illinois can accept proven change on his part, we surely should be able to record it for all to know, see, check and evaluate, per this note. Most revealing in this whole thread is absolute non-attack on any part of what Op Eds have stated, including first one just preceding. Will welcome any such honest dialog, if and when it ever appears. Until then, YOU have been informed, warned, and reminded --let that guide any possible cogitation of which you are still capable, and also let your American conscience guide you in that process.
Henry Clay Ruark September 3, 2008 9:35 am (Pacific time)
To all: Finally, cometh some twenty pages re Palin peculiarities, from --naturally !--The Public Record run by Leopold. IF Parry can relay his top materials, so can we, with all due deference to reliability relaxed by Parry endorsement paralleling our own: Here's first part; "see with own eyes" for other detailed records, including actual documents filed in court and otherwise: Palin's Reformer Image Tainted by History of Ethical Lapses Posted: 02 Sep 2008 Gov. Sarah Palin was trotted out by Sen. John McCain's last week as an ethics reformer whose meteoric rise to Alaska's highest political office was the result of speaking out against and cleaning up rampant corruption in the state. But a closer look at Palin's short political career reveals McCain's vice presidential running mate made several serious ethical lapses during her unsuccessful bid for lieutenant governor in 2002. At the time, Palin was still mayor of Wasilla, a city with a population of about 6,700 people. According to documents first obtained in July 2006 by an editor for Voice of the Times newspaper in Anchorage, some of which former Wasilla city officials provided to me on Monday, Palin ran much of her campaign for lieutenant governor out of Wasilla City Hall, on city time, used city computers to manage her campaign, and billed taxpayers for mailings, phone calls, and literature. Palin also had her city secretary, Mary Bixby, print 75 thank you notes for campaign donors. Bixby also booked a campaign related trip Ketchikan in May 2002 while she was working on city time. Former city officials said Palin and her campaign staff worked upwards of 10 hours a day using Wasilla City Hall as her campaign headquarters where campaign faxes were sent and received, and campaign staffers used city phones to solicit donations."
Henry Clay Ruark September 3, 2008 9:01 am (Pacific time)
To all: "Deal" with Big Oil, as Palin "success" ? ANY concern re the environment, by one professing NOT to understand global warming ? SO here's Thomas Friedman, from NYTimes, with "see with own eyes" again, then use own mind. Withholding personal comment to allow full flavor for YOU with no political taste from ME !--just fact from solid reliable sources: And Then There Was One By THOMAS L. FRIEDMAN As we emerge from Labor Day, college students are gathering back on campuses not only to start the fall semester, but also, in some cases, to vote for the first time in a presidential election. There is no bigger issue on campuses these days than environment/energy. Going into this election, I thought that — for the first time — we would have a choice between two “green” candidates. That view is no longer operative — and college students (and everyone else) need to understand that. With his choice of Sarah Palin — the Alaska governor who has advocated drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge and does not believe mankind is playing any role in climate change — for vice president, John McCain has completed his makeover from the greenest Republican to run for president to just another representative of big oil. Given the fact that Senator McCain deliberately avoided voting on all eight attempts to pass a bill extending the vital tax credits and production subsidies to expand our wind and solar industries, and given his support for lowering the gasoline tax in a reckless giveaway that would only promote more gasoline consumption and intensify our addiction to oil, and given his desire to make more oil-drilling, not innovation around renewable energy, the centerpiece of his energy policy — in an effort to mislead voters that support for drilling today would translate into lower prices at the pump today — McCain has forfeited any claim to be a green candidate." (If any queries-caused, go direct to Friedman at NYT, to free channel here for others.)
Levitt September 3, 2008 9:01 am (Pacific time)
The mainstream media has spent more time vetting the skeletons in 17 year-old Bristol Palin's closet than digging in to the history of Senator Barack Obama. But with all the talk about Bristol, Trig, and Sarah Palin these past few days, you might not know about another interesting person whom the mainstream media has largely ignored: Meet William Ayers, founder of the Weather Underground, a radical left-wing organization that bombed the U.S. Capitol building on March 1, 1971, the U.S. Pentagon on May 19, 1972, and the Harry S. Truman building on January 29, 1975, among other acts of terrorism (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Weatherman_(organization)). Ayers founded a group whose members murdered four people while trying to rob an armored car. In September 2001, William Ayers told the New York Times: "I don't regret setting bombs...I feel we didn't do enough." And meet Ayers' friend and political ally, Barack Obama, Democratic candidate for the office of President. Obama kicked off his Illinois state Senate run with a "Meet the candidate" party at William Ayers' home, praised Ayers' views on criminal justice, served on a charity board with Ayers, and called Ayers' "respectable" and "mainstream." (see, for instance, http://www.suntimes.com/news/politics/obama/902213,CST-NWS-ayers18.article) Far from being simply a friend and neighbor, William Ayers has been directly involved in Obama's rise to power, at the same time that Ayers was still proud of the evil he had done. Though Obama claims he doesn't agree with Ayers' violent actions, shouldn't we wonder if he shares the radical politics that motivated Ayers? And when you enter the voting booth on November 4, please remember this: While Senator John McCain was being tortured and starved as a POW in North Vietnam, Obama's friend and political ally William Ayers issued a "declaration of war" against the United States and carried out bombings in our nation's capital.
Henry Ruark September 3, 2008 8:47 am (Pacific time)
To all: Lead-edit in today's NYTimes with ONLY last-2/pgh here: "See with own eyes" and use own mind with rest of scathing statement from leading daily, surely NOT Demo-only with Brooks and Kristol on Edit Page !: "Mr. McCain’s hurdles are substantial. To start, he has to overcome Mr. Bush’s record of failures. (The president addressed the convention Tuesday night and now, McCain strategists fervently hope, will retire quietly to the Rose Garden.) That record includes the disastrous war in Iraq, a ballooning deficit, the mortgage crisis — and the list goes on. (www.nytimes.com) "To address those many problems, this country needs a leader with sound judgment and strong leadership skills. Choosing Ms. Palin raises serious questions about Mr. McCain’s qualifications."
Henry Ruark September 3, 2008 8:03 am (Pacific time)
Carlson, D-V., et al: You still need MORE ??!! So here's latest from Alternet, major news source used throughtout journalistic profession: 8 More Shocking Revelations About Sarah Palin By Isaac Fitzgerald and Tana Ganeva, AlterNet Posted on September 3, 2008, Printed on September 3, 2008 http://www.alternet.org/story/97350/ Since the McCain campaign apparently didn't even bother Googling Sarah Palin before picking her to join the Republican ticket, we've taken it upon ourselves to compile some important -- and terrifying -- revelations about Palin. Yesterday AlterNet ran a piece called "Top Ten Most Disturbing Facts and Impressions of Sarah Palin." And in only 24 hours, almost as many exaggerations, misrepresentations, and outright lies have reared their ugly heads. If you already read yesterday's piece, here's the next installment: (left entirely open of any provocative fact just to help encourage "See with own eyes" and evaluate with own mind !) IF you wish to quarrel with reported-facts, please direct your inquiry to Alternet, thus clearing channel here for any real-issue dialog OR any point re Op Ed. We do respect those who seek to learn, rather than simply to relay canned political opinion, from either side.
Carlson September 2, 2008 9:58 pm (Pacific time)
For your information: Alaska is the first line of defense in our missile interceptor defense system. The 49th Missile Defense Battalion of the Alaska National Guard is the unit that protects the entire nation from ballistic missile attacks. It’s on permanent active duty, unlike other Guard units. As governor of Alaska, Palin is briefed on highly classified military issues, homeland security, and counterterrorism. Her exposure to classified material may rival even Biden's, based on "the need to know" concept used in intelligence protocols. She's also the commander in chief of the Alaska State Defense Force (ASDF), a federally recognized militia incorporated into Homeland Security's counterterrorism plans. Palin is privy to military and intelligence secrets that are vital to the entire country's defense. Given Alaska's proximity to Russia, she may have security clearances we don't even know about. According to the Washington Post, she first met with McCain in February, but nobody ever found out, until recently. This is a woman used to keeping secrets. She can be entrusted with our national security, because she already is. Compare this executive real time experience with all the other candidates. As Sgt. Friday requested" Just the facts..."
Henry Ruark September 2, 2008 7:32 pm (Pacific time)
To all: Perhaps definition will help a bit. Here it is: "naivete (as in "quality") n. : lack of sophistication or worldliness." For me, D-V displays and demonstrates that in his lack of understanding re Leopold attack; then again in same approach to his feeling-tone candidate comparison. Re attck-ref.in jrnlsm,hold file here on one incident, 95 pp., with signed letters from former CJS Editor Gloria Cooper, then-editors of NATION and American Prospect, others involved, documenting personal experience and castigating editor guilty of same. (NOT attack on me) What experience can he cite in this area ? What ID has he offered, when challenged ? We know nothing supporting his claims to any basis for his analysis of candidates, so for me he shares nothing to support his personal feelings re either one. When ANYone so obviously avoids challenge to "put up" on who and what he is, ANYone else is wise to wonder-why, and seek answer from that one. As reported here, open channels like S-N are under attack by paid shills. SO, again, D-V, why not do own Op Ed, with ID to Editor to qualify, and with solid documentation for what is only belly-button feeling now ? That's what honest, open, democratic dialog is all about. Say what you believe, but have solid fact behind it to support where all opinion starts, with honest feeling, which you then "inform" by further experience --yours or that of others even more qualified by expertise and background. That's how Founding Fathers conducted the famed Federalist Papers from which cometh our democratic republic, of which canny Old Ben F. told an inquiring woman: "...A republic, madam...if you can keep it."
Henry Ruark September 2, 2008 6:52 pm (Pacific time)
To all: D-Voter comment comparing Obama and Palin comes on heels of his demonstrated naivete about working reality in any organization. SO why trust him on his purposely distorted analysis re candidates ? "Purposely distorted" is result of content-analysis applied, not mere personal feeling re candidates. Documentation aplenty now fully media-covered re Palin. Demonstration of achievement impossible to miss in Obama rise since first work for and with people in Chicago, in one of toughest areas of top-tough city --as I know from 12 years there, including contact with some of same group he served so well...they worked for college funds at Time-Life Books and I trained 'em... SO from both personal and professional perspective can point out to you underlying, deep, destroying, demonstrated characteristics of his Comment here. Again, when 3 a.m. call comes to WH for Boom or NOT --with 12-min. timeline--do you want trembling finger of distressed mother on that Red Button ? Anyone still believe she's NOT (NOW) "distressed", in now-known circumstances ? With 72-yr.old McC, also fighting skin cancer, there's more than chance, even perhaps probability per her finger, then. Ponder a bit and forego the propaganda to use your own rational, reasonable mind. MIGHT just be saving-grace if or when we face that one.
Henry Ruark September 2, 2008 2:27 pm (Pacific time)
D-V: Your key phrase is: "...(by Leopolds own words no less).... which --forgive me-- displays precisely the naivete which drew you into this situation. Those words, displayed via publication, had to be chosen by SOMEbody for that display. WHO do you s'pose chose 'em for that WPost folo-on ?? How do you know what ELSE L. stated, in what context, or in perhaps even denial later ? You stated his publisher recalled or cancelled book (pardon my old memory !); but fact is, in Comments-mentioned in link, it is stated another publisher accepted and DID publish it. That alone should have told you something, right then, at least requiring further check, which would then have informed you, as it did me. BUT do appreciate your good main-point: Check, check, and check again...and never quote until and unless you know the source and willingly place your trust by your citation --as Parry now doing, daily.
Henry Ruark September 2, 2008 2:20 pm (Pacific time)
D-voter: Easy to see you've never worked in a competitive newsroom, much less one where "success" leads to network shots at multiplied payscale. Nor, perhaps, at many small media-units where cutthroat has become name of game, plus play touch-go with owner if you are right gender. Sorry, but those are the realities. DID you read Comments on the CJR-stuff ? Obviously not, or you would not be returning with this. Re W/Post, yes, they too sometimes let slip stuff of some question, unfortunately; as experience there for media national association plainly demonstrated when we wrote parts of NDEA. Same experience same place when debate on new copyright law put us vs NEA, and we won with law written to our points, protecting media being stolen heavily --NYCity had $500,000 in copied 16mm. films then, years ago... Yep - pays to check up on ANY source, even when you not in-the-biz and your "success" hangs on their truth. Leopold was B/C in L.A. for D/J --you do not make that job without years (usually at least two decades) of proven worth, reliability, skill, and character. SO how, suddenly, is he the character you characterized - "smear" being descriptive, not pejorative here. Most recently know of one seven-yr. vet, undermined in own staff, fired on excuse of downsizing. But you don't start with top, proven man for that; you drop off beginners, second-yr. learners, etc.(Jrnlsm Mngement 101), unless you wish to respond to a back-scratcher; and at same time slice off highest paid in the plant. Jrnlsm not alone in that approach, as anyone working in any office today will rapidly corroborate for you. Truth is where you find it; but first you have to be able to recognize it, before you can appreciate it. Happens in every field, that top-people often become dismayed, scared; and cause jealousy with others, and some harder-worker pays the costs by career disruption. This appears to be case with Leopold, illuminated strongly via Parry continued relay, and see Leopold's re Palin situation today for moresoon, which is sign-off for wire service copy "takes" to show wire/filer more sure to come, as it will be with Leopold. DO appreciate your links, and opportunity thus for what's now become good sharing dialog here. But reality is reality, and where literally millions in payscale hang on reputation, that's most vulnerable spot to attack any achiever... Hope you never experience that disruptive impact, not unknown in corporate life today too, and growing steadily worse in many spots.
Del. Voter September 2, 2008 2:15 pm (Pacific time)
Two things would leap out from Sarah Palin's résumé--a pattern of overachievement and a pattern of actually getting things done. Two things would also leap out from Barack Obama's résumé--an undeniable wealth of talent and an equally undeniable dearth of accomplishments. While it has become almost a cliché on the right to belittle Obama as a talker rather than a doer, his résumé suggests just that. Obama does have the requisite brain power to be president; it's unlikely that the intellectual demands of the job would overwhelm him. But his past work experience is unnerving. Obama had ample talent to excel at all the other positions he has held, and yet he accomplished little at each. So what would he do as president? Would his efforts in the Oval Office be as indifferent and irresolute as they've been at every other stop along his professional path? Could one imagine him making the political sacrifices and showing the fondness for bold action that characterized Harry S. Truman? As for Palin, she lacks Obama's glittering Ivy League credentials. While that fact scandalizes vast portions of the Bos-Wash corridor, the scandalized neglect the most common purpose for an education--to develop one's abilities to such a point that one can actually begin accomplishing things. And there again is where Palin shines--she has gotten a tremendous amount done everyplace she has been. In truth, Governor Sarah Palin is the kind of employee virtually every enterprise seeks--the kind who gets things done. And Barack Obama is the kind of employee a company hires only when it's in the mood for taking a risk and willing to wager that the candidate's past performance isn't predictive of his future efforts.
Henry Clau Ruark September 2, 2008 12:41 pm (Pacific time)
To all: For those of you who do not check out our "see with own eyes" links, like one above for truthout copy by Leopold, let me add this: He was L.A. BureauChief for Dow Jones Newswire; won D/J Journalist of Year Award in 01; and Prject Censored Award in -04; was first to int'vw Skillings, Enron President, after bankruptcy; reported extensively on Enron's classic downfall. See why he became target for the powerful-few up-top of that American Dream via their corporate machinations ?? Hard to believe, but still allasame tragically true, as some of us have good reason to know.
Henry Ruark September 2, 2008 12:24 pm (Pacific time)
To all: Re Leopold as source, you can "see with own eyes" the level, and truthful intensity he demonstrates, in this one from truthout before malign attack on his stuff. "Failure of Jeff Skilling's Deregulation"; By Jason Leopold; truthout/Perspective 21Oct.2006;www.truthout.org/docs_2006printer_1025067.html When you check, you will see why his style-and-probing is too tough for some in power to stand, for long...which may explain attack laid out in detail in Comments on link already supplied. Parry-endorsement by relay of his new blog The Public Record good enough for me... This shared here since just happens to be in file-pile being cleared...8 more boxes to go !, damn it...
Del. Voter September 2, 2008 11:49 am (Pacific time)
Henry R. et al. I certainly did not "smear" Jason Leopold, but his peers (?) did offer their evaluation, as linked below which includes a Wash. Post article that sums things up nicely. Why would anyone call factual assessments (by Leopolds own words no less) as anything else but honest reporting? Don't people deserve to hear and know about the characters of those who claim to be reporting accurate info? Am I wrong here to do that in your opinion?
Henry Ruark September 2, 2008 10:28 am (Pacific time)
D-V: Well ? When do we get to see and evaluate YOUR Op Ed ? That's open-shot invitation to allow you something more than smears and "objective" comment re "non-objective" others. Also then you can explain how woman with such talent as you lay out could not keep track of daughter, at 17. With all that analytical ability, surely she should have known what was going on...OR was she too busy being career woman ? If so, how will it now be different as V.P., with even more problems added to baby with Down Syndrome,demanding care no matter who Mom is. What's this tell us about judgment, from both McCain and Palin ? Do you really want either of them awaiting that 3.a.m call re Big Boomer ?? Oh, by-the-way,where do you stand on impeachment, after the obvious destructive acts of the neocon cabal in 8 years with THREE TRILLION costs for Iraq war ? If you doubt that figure, your quarrel is with famous, Nobel-winning economist, as it was with Parry, award-winning investigative reporter who now endorses The Public Record by relay on his own channel of what attacked-writer puts out. Well ? When do we get to see and evaluate YOUR Op Ed ? OR does judgment tell you to make sure to avoid that very public test-situation ? OR is it the fact that ID is required by Editor, thus revealing WHO you are ? Name-only doth not buy any continuing credibility here, only first few shots until process culls out nonentities and partisan-political propagandists, paid or only volunteer. Truth can set us free, but only if recognized and then appreciated.
Henry Ruark September 2, 2008 8:05 am (Pacific time)
To all: We can hardly be expected to go two, three levels-deep to check AY source; endorsement by noted, known source should surely suffice --given heavy sub-costs here for readers ! So we continue to use The Public Record. Today its feature is bckgrnd on Convention coverage: Down from live-allatime to four hours or less via nets, minutes by some. That's from study by highly qualified academic: Dr. Walter Brasch is an award-winning syndicated columnist, professor of journalism at Bloomsburg University and president of the Pennsylvania Press Club. His most recent book is titled Sinking the Ship of State: The Presidency of George W. Bush. He can be reached at brasch@bloomu.edu or through his website: www.walterbrasch.com. ===== Please note he not only IDs-self completely but gives his website URL. SO D-V, et al, who are YOU and WHY pursue a single writer defamed by others seeking to win advancement ? You've got your open-shot, given freely here, but with no response. Check out Dr. B., see what you can find to smear him TOO!
Del. Voter September 2, 2008 7:24 am (Pacific time)
Re: Ron Eachus(below comment)--On occasion I manage to make it through one of Ron's articles, and as usual I see that he still is quite the creative writer. Maybe he used that same gift as a college student in the 1960's, during the Vietnam War, when deferments were hard to come by for many baby boomers like himself? But for Ron to suggest in his 9/1/08 article that Governor Palin has less experience than Sen. Obama, then he should compare their resumes, and if he did that in an objective way via using a timeline and responsibilities that went with each job position each has held, he would immediately see that he is in error. It should be pointed out that Governor Palin won her first elected office in 1992; what was Sen. Obama doing that year? What is really intriguing about the comparison between Governor Palin and Sen. Obama(approx. 150 working days as a senator), is that one can quickly see that the Obama/Biden ticket is upside down and what we have going on is people on all sides of the political dynamic discussing and "comparing" the inexperience/experience of Palin (VP cand.) and Obama(Pres. Cand.). Do you think this is what Sen. McCain was planning all along? Think about it. Note: Former Sen. Daschele recently said Gov. Palin was too inexperienced, but when Sen. John Edwards first ran for VP with just 17 months in the senate he said he was more than qualified. It all sounds like typical political posturing. The voter's will soon sort it out.
Del. Voter September 1, 2008 2:08 pm (Pacific time)
Below are some links (incl. Wash. Post) as per below request that demonstrates why Jason Leopold should be acknowledged for his reporting methods: CJR: Jason Leopold Caught Sourceless Again http://www.cjr.org/politics/jason_leopold_caught_sourceles.php // Crooks and Liars » Jason Leopold Out at Truthout http://www.crooksandliars.com/2008/02/20/jason-leopold-out-at-truthout/ Subject's Challenge Derails Reporter's Book Project ... Mar 9, 2005 ... A March 9 Style article said that freelance journalist Jason Leopold "served time for grand larceny." http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A18624-2005Mar8.html
Henry Ruark September 1, 2008 11:08 am (Pacific time)
To all:
One of Oregon's strongest dailies, fortunately, is still family-controlled.
Today's Edit presents an admirable summary titled "The shrinking pie", with the added line: The working class is feeling squeezed this Labor Day."
The full-page, two-column statement is so detailed I've PDF'd it for reference.
It lays out precisely what has happened to our American middle-class in the past eight years.
For anyone interested, ID self to Editor for PDF-direct.
Are YOU tuned in, D-Voter? Might help with that Op Ed you owe us...
Henry Ruark September 1, 2008 10:06 am (Pacific time)
To all: Am now informed via one of my reliable sources that Wikipedia account re Palin was invaded by somone trying to alter her history-there, and well informed re family since mentions she sometimes arises at 3 a.m. to go moose-hunting. Why is that relevant here ? Remember that ominous 3 a.m. call always used to emphasize need for calm-hand when it occurs in White House ? She'd be ready-with-gun for that one...according to new Wikipedia/note. For detail, see Ron Eachus column today.
Henry Ruark September 1, 2008 9:00 am (Pacific time)
D-Voter et al:
Au contraire, friend, re Consortium and Leopold.
Fact is Leopold's new blog, The Public Record, cites available and checkable public records; and blog Consortium, relaying his work, is 20-year channel by famed Robert Parry, who broke Iran/Contra for AP and NEWSWEEK, hardly in any way questionable sources.
You want to quarrel with Parry re Iran/Contra ? Have you read his two books ?
If NOT, you are both un- and mis-informed...
Thank you for demonstrating neocon technique:
If you can't refute the facts, then smear the source any way possible.
Also note you did NOT send any link to sources for your charges.
Why not supply whole smear in depth via Op Ed, with documentation in depth, for all to see and evaluate right out here in our honest, open, demo-dialog channel ?
We welcome precisely that approach from ANYone with true materials to share here for evaluation via our thinking readership.
Until and unless you do so, yours is mere-smear, more of sameolds...; and all here in think-mode will easily so recognize.
Give me writer-name and I will rapidly concoct same kind of charges vs his reputation, always filed from those who use that way to kill off what they cannot stomach when shown to be truth.
That's sad part of this business, as I have reason to know, from two legal suits brought to answer similar stuff.
We won both, last one paying for several months of costly Chicago lakeside condo...you wanta try again ?
Feel free, can use the dough...and, given business conditions created by neocon royalty rule for 30 years, so can my attorney...
To all: Will be interesting to see if D-Voter decides to do Op Ed, since that demands full ID to Editor, which he already knows. Sorry to seem combative in this situation, but any truly responsive editor owes the readership precisely that kind of guarantee of integrity and accounability. SO it's simple: When smear is their chosen instrument, simply open pages to written words from them as responsible, accountable source fully ID'd for reader understanding of motive always involved --and publish if and when it ever arrives. We await ID/d, publishable copy with full documentation. But it must also pass legal requirements for truth and checkability, as do all our Op Eds here.
Del. Voter August 31, 2008 12:04 pm (Pacific time)
A below poster provided a link to an article about Gov. Palin by a Jason Leopold (Consortium News). I would suggest that there are far better and more accurate sources to go to as per this individual. I wonder if the folks over at Truthout.org are rethinking their past affiliation with reporter and serial fabulist Jason Leopold. Leopold, some of you may recall, is the freelance reporter who was caught making stuff up in a 2002 Salon.com article, self-admittedly “getting it completely wrong” in pieces for Dow Jones, and had his own memoir cancelled because of concerns over the accuracy of quotations. He has a personal track record that makes for interesting reading.
Anonymous August 31, 2008 6:30 pm (Pacific time)
What is really striking about some current polls is that many are showing that on an historical basis Obama has been going down or staying the same, which generally never happens after a campaign convention. This is not unlike what happened in 1972 to McGovern. Zogby Poll: Equilibrium in the POTUS Race! Brash McCain pick of AK Gov. Palin neutralizes historic Obama speech, stunts the Dems' convention bounce. UTICA, New York - Republican John McCain's surprise announcement Friday of Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin as his running mate - some 16 hours after Democrat Barack Obama's historic speech accepting his party’s presidential nomination - has possibly stunted any Obama convention bump, the latest Zogby Interactive flash poll of the race shows. The latest nationwide survey, begun Friday afternoon after the McCain announcement of Palin as running mate and completed mid-afternoon today, shows McCain/Palin at 47%, compared to 45% support for Obama/Biden.
Henry Ruark August 31, 2008 4:45 pm (Pacific time)
To all: See my Comment re anonymous under Crossed Swords story above. It is highly pertinent to ALL Op Eds, mine and others...
Henry Ruark August 31, 2008 2:11 pm (Pacific time)
To all:
Here is another "see with own eyes" report re Palin, this time from WPost:
Palin's Home Town Expresses Surprise, Shock at Selection.
By Carl Vick --8/31/08
You might prefer second WPost story on Palin, just received: Long-Standing Feud in Alaska Embroils Palin By James Grimaldo, Kimberly Kindy --8/31/08 www.washingtonpost.com =======
For this one will say only "seems like much more of the same". "See with own eyes" and then judge for yourselves.
------- Again offer for your own-mind evaluation with no manipulative comment from ME !.
Added warning-note: ALL polls have built-in defeating error since they CANNOT ever offer offsetting information qualifying delay in impacts for any/all participants, thus offer only snapshot of what's happened, with no information on what subsequently follows.
SO watch "em all change, up down and sideways, in next month.
Reliance on them is very doubtful, even when they tell YOU what YOU want to SEE...as painful experience proves for anyone who has ever worked with them.
Reliance on what they say NOW is not only doubtful but dangerous, since sure to be non-objective and misleading.
Watch what's coming for sure, then make up your own mind to defeat all attempted manipulation, including any you may sense from ME...
Will eventually state my own choice in detail with full source-documentation, if eMac does not prevent with still more tantrum and defiance !!
Finally resurrected partial draft of 6000/worder, and now in work for Dec. publication, as part of survey-issue under Editor's name...which is okay so long as he sends check !!
Henry Ruark August 31, 2008 1:39 pm (Pacific time)
S-Bad et al: One keyphrase you wrote: "She has 5 children, one with special needs, I don't see where that is a liability and would like to hear why some may feel that it would be." My point was from personal experience, also with 5; three have had extremely threatening physical situations through which family has had to fight, including times of heavy work needs for me AND wife, with resulting complications. Nothing so serious as Down Syndrome, though, nor as demanding as V.P for whole nation. Re other points, worth our pondering, and appreciated; but even more meaningful if and when you ID-self. Until then we know ye not from paid agenda-builder -- read "political propagandist". What hampers you ? I repeat no reason to hide-here, we all in this together, seeking open honest demo-dialog. Refusing ID is quick way to kill off open, honest conversation in any context...try it in real life, saying "I want to hide from you who I REALLY AM..!"
Sinbad August 31, 2008 12:28 pm (Pacific time)
Below is today's Rasmussen report. It may prove interesting as to how his analyses develops by next week. This pollster has the most accurate polls as born out by past election results. "There have been significant changes in perception of John McCain in the two days of polling since he named Alaska Governor Sarah Palin as his running mate. Since then, 49% of Republicans voice a Very Favorable opinion of McCain. That’s up six percentage points from 43% just before the announcement. Also, 64% of unaffiliated voters now give positive reviews to McCain, up ten points since naming his running mate. There has been little change in perceptions of Obama since his Thursday night speech and the Palin announcement (see trends and other recent demographic observations). Palin herself made a good first impression and is now viewed favorably by 53% of voters nationwide. Her counterpart, Joe Biden, is viewed favorably by 48%. While Palin has made a good first impression, the more significant numbers will come a week from now after the nation has a chance to learn more about her."
Sinbad August 31, 2008 11:24 am (Pacific time)
I am trying to familiarize myself with Governor Palin, and what I have discovered so far is that this "Governor" (a former mayor, like Jimmy Carter was a former peanut farmer) is a force of nature who has more executive experience than Obama, Biden and even McCain combined. Though McCain was involved in command executive decisions during his military years. Otherwise these above listed senators really have no executive requirements in their senatorial jobs that could compare with what a governor is involved in on a daily level. I read where Governor Palin has truely been a financial conservative, for example returned $1200 to each Alaskan taxpayer for their oil share revenue she got from the oil companies up there after a no-nonsense communication she had with them. She even sold the Alaskan government jet on Ebay, with the revenue going to a rainy day fund she established. How much foreign affairs experience did Clinton have? How about Obama? If traveling overseas is relevant experience, then the Beatles have more experience than most politicans! Time will tell how this VP pick will work out, but when the word gets out about her and people start comparing her with a senator with about 150 days of working experience who has absolutely no experience in executive decision-making (none) and another senator that has a background in the gaffe department that is nearly peerless. It would be great if this election just deals with issues and allow the character sniping to just fade away, but some people will not let that happen. I do note that she is the governor of the largest state and she does deal with Canada, maybe (Russia?, border excursians Bering Strait?), she has been to Iraq as the states commander of the national guard, and no doubt other info will come out. But it just amazes me how so many writers always just call her a small town mayor, not a governor. I wonder why? She has 5 children, one with special needs, I don't see where that is a liability and would like to hear why some may feel that it would be.
Henry Ruark August 30, 2008 12:30 pm (Pacific time)
To all: Here's "see with own eyes" solid source for Palin data: McCain VP Has History of Clashes --By Jason Leopold www.consortiumnews.com/Print2008/083008a.html Leopold edits The Public Record, a very recent blog, at www,publicrecord.org, with all materials drawn from the public record, thus nonpartisan in factual data. I did NOT excerpt or copy to allow you an UNMANIPULATED evaluation via your own mind, when you check this source.
Henry Ruark August 30, 2008 11:29 am (Pacific time)
To all: Much is made of Palin's claim of "successful" negotiation with oil and other unavoidable participants for that massive pipeline deal. But that merely massively underlines precisely what the image of her "new approach" to D.C. is meant to present: NO more dealing of precisely that kind. For anyone familiar with round-the-table work on such deals, her success denies that point absolutely. Pipeline in itself remains controversial in the extreme, faces more massive further challenges and legal actions prior to final completion, if it ever happens. As gamble, those presenting "the deal" know allathis but still distort realities for same old "Win by Whatever Means" which characterizes the weakness and desperation now revealed by this choice and its accompanying refrain of rapid-discussion presenting every possible obfuscation.
Henry Ruark August 30, 2008 11:17 am (Pacific time)
D-V: Nice try, kid, but hardly either rational or reasonable. She's fine woman, but one heart-beat from Presidency with minimum experience and five kids, one with Down's syndrome, and obviously active husband. She has commitments already, impossible to put off, shed, or neglect. Which, inevitably, raises question of why she pursues political office ?? Faith is fine as faith, but when it becomes "governance", as with "creationism in Alaska schools", it is surely and most certainly,at least, "controversial" as well as mirror for major judgment. McCain's choice can "only be seen as gamble", which tells a bit more about judgment, too. Re teleprompter, depends on which type used; some methods "invisible" in use. Re Obama-speech, he "making classic record, so designated by worldwide critics". Where is her past record ? Small-town mayoralty hardly cuts the ice,even in Alaska, surely the most different state in our whole nation. Is she ready for big-time? Gender meaningless here, as is color. What counts in historic choice, this time, must be far beyond usual political points. Those characteristics will become increasingly clear, as you point out, very soon. Thank you for points we need to ponder, and your civil participation, surely aiding our ongoing dialog here. (Quotes designate facts from national sources far better skilled and "informed" than you OR me, I think you must agree...)
Del. Voter August 30, 2008 8:44 am (Pacific time)
Food for thought regarding critics of Governor Palin's experience: Gov. Sarah Palin had to negotiate with the Candadian Govt, US Govt, Connoco Phillips, Exxon, BP, Transcanada and the AK Legislature to get the $40 billion dollar natural gas pipeline deal signed. That sounds pretty international to me. She had to face down the oil companies on new oil royalties. They are by their nature international. Somehow..I don't think a woman who has hunted in the AK Bush for moose and had scrapes with Grizzlies is going to be shy about facing some corrupt third world dictator. She has accomplished more in her short career than most of our previous VP candidates. Plus she can speak without a teleprompter.
Del. Voter August 30, 2008 7:16 am (Pacific time)
I have tried a number of search engines in an attempt to find just one legitimate pollster (or just any pollster) that has Obama up over McCain with military and/or veteran voters. None out there so far. It seems that if they did exist they would also be part of Obama's campaign literature and would be in talking points for his staff, not to mention the media would be all over it. My conclusion is that they do not exist. I would like to offer one observation regarding McCains VP pick, and that is the race was pretty tight before the pick, now it will most likely begin to seperate. As many know McCain had a conservative base that was lukewarm to his candidacy and he could not win unless they were energized. They are now energized, so in one move he may have created "checkmate." Time will tell.
Henry Ruark August 29, 2008 2:37 pm (Pacific time)
To all: Here's "see with own eyes" link which seems to me very pertinent and timely, for both Op Ed and coming "bloody and nasty" campaign: How the Republicans Win By Robert Parry www.consortiumnews.com/Print/2008/082908.html Parry is famed investigative reporter who broke Iran/Contra and other stories for AP and NEWSWEEK. This summarizes from his two recent books, now seen as classic in the field. I leave this strong content non-excerpted, undemonstrated purposely, so you come to this one with NO PREDISPOSITION by what I chose-for-you...use your own mind to evaluate. Dialog re rightful conduct of democratic elections is a demanded essential, if we are to make the changes which so many now understand must begin soon, if they are to survive constant attack from malign forces plainly at work.
Henry Ruark August 29, 2008 2:23 pm (Pacific time)
C-son: Must also confess that mine to yours was shaped in part by your question re PNAC on another thread. IF UN-informed on one, often true on others...easy mistake to make, for which I am sorry. In any case, you probably learned re PBAC..and I'm ready and willing to learn what you have learned from poll-study. Keep firing, friend, and as we share others may also be able learn, not always about factual matters, either...
Henry Ruark August 29, 2008 10:50 am (Pacific time)
C-Son: One key phrase is:"...all polls as being quasi-accurate way of measuring opinion." That's brute-fact of public opinion-life, shown by piles of research over past 50 yrs. ALL such metrics must manage everything from word-choice in questions to how-presented to those queried, with sample size and treatment of results still further essentially damaging components. Then there's the killing component: WHO summarizes the data, from what background, with what unconscious motives, and from what skills-training. Very few achieve high ratio of correct results, measured later by actual-event and by vote. Gallup does as well as anyone, in my limited experience. Others vary very considerably, esp. any with neocon-connection, which is reason for suspicion here when inserted, as has happened. Experienced writers thus not really surprised to find two sets defying each other. If you wish, more on that direct via ID to Editor; if you have other information,I'm glad still to learn more from you --again, part of business.
Henry Ruark August 29, 2008 10:36 am (Pacific time)
C-son: You misunderstand reference to "victim" --was meant for 'Anon", not you. OR are you "Anon", too ? We've had series of such shots, demanding remediation. Re links, must apologize for over-"intensity", always a trap for Op Ed-itors, esp. in my sometimes distorting style. Is that "mea culpa " ? If so not first one, nor probably last...part of this business. Re links, too, eMac still defeating me re memory-bank, but will keep trying. FYI, one loss was complete 6,000-wd. draft for friendly editor,deadline Monday; carefully saved,but that's Mac anomaly sometimes. Fortunately, he's one who published my 10-yr. annual review series on Annual Report photography, still "patient". That's Friday-surprise, now in process... Stick with us...your strong participation appreciated,will check out your link.
Energized Voter August 29, 2008 10:20 am (Pacific time)
I just watched the introduction of McCains VP choice and heard her speak, addressing her background and future vision for America. I have no doubt, none whatsoever, that this Commander of the Alaska National Guard (she has 5 children, also a son in the infantry soon to embark to Iraq) will be the next Vice President and then future President. Her husband is also a member of the Steelworkers Union. This is a very impressive indivdual and will appeal to all as a quality leader. There is a very impressive history on this individual, please avail yourself to learning about this woman commander from a non-political agenda source.
Carlson August 29, 2008 7:45 am (Pacific time)
I certainly do not consider myself a victim for what some poster may allude to as part and parcel of my character, for I know that what I posted below was accurate, and I never have any intention to deceive. Am still waiting for the "I hold 3 reputable national polls which reverse what you claim in full and show, in one case, even heavier margin for Obama." I think it would be interesting to see nationally recognized polls such as Gallup, Rassmussen and others show complete opposite polling data from other national sources. Me thinks that would sure question all polls as being a quasi-accurate way of measuring opinion. Doubt that would happen, but it would be intersting.
Henry Ruark August 28, 2008 7:03 pm (Pacific time)
D-V: You may have missed fact that my response you questioned was to "Anonymous", while second one was to Carlson, who signed his Comment AND both qualified his source ("Gallup") AND then did includ link, for check. That's civil, open, honest usage, welcomed here.
Henry Ruark August 28, 2008 6:55 pm (Pacific time)
D-V et al: I cited title of Op Ed, friend; that's why it was quoted -familar to regulars here. If it fits,good...Did another titled "If Shoe Fits, Hope It Pinches !" for use vs NEA-national re copyright violations for media used in schools. Their magazine picked it up for discussion, so we gained good-sharing by what was pointed-dialog, as meant here, too. LAW as passed then followed our points precisely. Re "flaming", will provide some, for comparison and contrast, at proper time when needed. Re poster, pattern used for that is content-analysis techniques well established for(...), learned hard-way in key group at Indiana U,War II. It is never applied here until third-shot of "feeling" Comment, unsupported by checkable sources and after request for same; sometimes Commentesr tries it in another thread you may not have seen. IF cannot supply those, then it IS "feeling", b/b or other kind: politicized propaganda. We have legal and moral responsibility to keep our channel open and free from persistently damaging comment intended to use space, take time, hamper channel use. There is national pattern for that attack, noted by other channels, too; it seems to be part of wellknown Noise Machine from u-know-who... Your "victim" was asked to supply his sources since they conflicted directly with others of proven value held here. Nothing was supplied. IF you wish detailed further justification based on the heavy legal burden we face in this channel, ID-Editor will bring us into direct contact, which I will welcome with very civil response, I promise !-- since the more persons aware and understanding about this deplorable blog-comment deceit/distortion situation, the more our channel can assist in an effort to kill it off --and shape up all for honest, open, sharing and democratic usage.
Del. Voter August 28, 2008 6:03 pm (Pacific time)
I also went to the links and saw the military poll data, and it was nothing new, have read similar comparisons between presidential candidates for many cycles now. Republicans have always done better with the military/veterans than democrats. This poster below sure was not one that deserved the statement from another poster that "you lie in your teeth." I was glad to see an acknowledgement, but a mea culpa would have been better. That's why some people may not post to this site. Why get flamed for giving an opinion on some issues. I appreciate the need for source links, but asking one to post them should "not" be augmented with insults. A simple request would be just fine.
Henry Ruark August 28, 2008 4:06 pm (Pacific time)
C-son: Thanks for your very straight comment complete with checkable links. Will do just that when I can beat eMac into partial submission again...gets this way every time I do Op Ed ! Will try to retrieve links I have, intheresomewheres, too. Appreciate your thoughtful, civil participation, sharing sources and data;that's what makes dialog work for real demo-solutions. Long-time/yet to vote, as you point out, and still time for many to learn realities.
Carlson August 28, 2008 8:34 am (Pacific time)
A poll (Gallup) released says that John McCain will get the vast majority of votes from members of the military and veterans. According to Gallup, McCain leads Obama 56 percent to 34 percent, with 11 percent expressing no opinion or picking someone else. I am trying to relocate a poll for just "active military" whose margin was quite significant. Note: In 2004 Bush got 57% of the veteran vote to Kerry's 41%; but it was Bush 72% to Kerry's 17% for "active military" during an Oct. 2004 poll (http://www.usatoday.com/news/politicselections/nation/president/2004-10-03-bush-troops_x.htm), and McCain is ahead of Obama at a much larger margin than was Bush over Kerry for this population. Let’s summarize: Gallup says that among registered voters who were veterans, sample size 2238, McCain leads 56-34. Bush’s numbers vs Kerry among registered veterans sampled in Oct of 2004 were 57-41. Bush’s numbers among active duty people in Oct 2004 were 72-17. From this we may conclude that McCain has a stronger lead than Bush did, though 2 mos earlier in the campaign. I would be interested seeing other poll data if one has any that is done professionally.
Henry Ruark August 27, 2008 6:37 pm (Pacific time)
Anon et al: You give no link for your source re claimed 2-to-1 troop preference for McCain. Easy to see why: I hold 3 reputable national polls which reverse what you claim in full and show, in one case, even heavier margin for Obama. When you put up YOUR links, then I will share mine. Until then, sir, "you lie in your teeth" without showing documentation to prove what you claim as "fact". (Quote is title of Op Ed long ago, seems particularly fitting here since it covered distorted story in the S-J. Our story resulted in M.Ed. departure three months later, after two national mags of high repute both wrote to publisher with facts as we had reported. Documentation on request to Editor with ID.) SO ? Where's YOUR links ?
Anonymous August 27, 2008 4:41 pm (Pacific time)
Maybe doing a random survey of those military personnel around you would be of some benefit. For example how many of these troops like FOX compared to other stations like MSNBC and CNN. Maybe get some sampling on talk radio programs, for example Air America and Rush Limbaugh and others. Since most polls show a clear advantage of military personnel prefering McCain over Obama by a nearly 2 to one margin, I imagine the guy in the mess hall was not a representative sample. Of course survey samples can be highly inaccurate, even for people trained in statistical inquiries, it may offer some insight. Iraq is a big country, and my guess is actual personnel with combat specialties will have different responses than non-combatants. My assumption is you will not be able to get very accurate measurements on most anything because of your limited geographical/demographical boundaries.
Henry Ruark August 27, 2008 3:44 pm (Pacific time)
Tim: Any way to capture the virus that causes those open minds, and export it back here ? We sure as hell need it ! Take care...
Tim King August 27, 2008 11:52 am (Pacific time)
Hank: Over here in Iraq, I am finding few people without open minds. Today the guy sitting next to me during evening chow said, "Does FOX report the news... ever?" He pointed out how all they do is speculate about things and there are certainly some factual points that they could work with if they were only so inclined. Thanks for another great article sir. Tim
Anonymous August 27, 2008 9:04 am (Pacific time)
So what did you think of Mrs. Obama's speech?
Henry Ruark August 26, 2008 4:31 pm (Pacific time)
To all: Just to catch your interest. here's definition to put into cogitation-tank, for use very soon: "hegemony (as in "political system") n. : the domination of one state over its allies." It will be in YOUR special interest to watch for good reason spelled-out here NOW.
Henry Ruark August 24, 2008 11:27 am (Pacific time)
To all: For documented depth, detail and deep factual presentation of how neocon leaders for last decade or two have profited lushly dollar-wise via their professed stance on American foreign policy, see: The Pornography of Power: How Defense Hawks Hijacked 9/11 and Weakened America; Robert Scheer,famed investigative reporter,working with 3 sons ! ISBN-10: 0-446-50527-7. NOT in hand when Op Ed was written; builds much stronger case far beyond simple neocon documentations, including detail on the base statement leading to Iraq war: Project for New American Century, in 1997 !!!
Henry Ruark August 24, 2008 11:14 am (Pacific time)
Sinbad et al: FYI, usual jrnlsm ethic is to give detail in any such phrase as:"convicted criminal in europe". Used thus it suggests smear rather than fact; I doubt if you intended it that way, so am informing you of what you may not have known. Re Soros's dual citizenship, that's not unusual for leading financiers et al, sometimes even awarded as honorific. Re "polar opposites", that implies radical-status to his funded groups when judgment should be on true-factual strength of position rather than arbitrary political "status". His funded media-site is recognized as dealing in fact. checkable by link, which is why I use it often, with many others. Top/exec is former conservative who learned the hard way,and published "confession" !! Agree on unhampered dialog with world-listening, but in this political-distortion climate it won't happen since neither party organization will even consider it truly free for purely-personal presentation to U.S. public. You see disastrous impact for both McCain, Obama in the "ecclesiastic"-type, with open questions, poorly conceived, as stumbling block seized upon by both media-sides for whatever can be made of it negatively. Appreciate your thoughtful and provocative participation, and share yours re next few months --but don't fall for ongoing and heavily-funded negativism re Obama, desperate last-shot by those who lose desperately when this imperial regime is finally displaced. See upcoming Op Ed for many detailed "reasons why" and a few strong documenting references.
Del. Voter August 23, 2008 11:05 am (Pacific time)
This political commercial just hit the airwaves today, it's pretty significant and it's so Bidenesque. It will be quite effective: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RDVUPqoowf8andeurl=http://littlegreenfootballs.com/weblog/
Sinbad August 23, 2008 8:21 am (Pacific time)
I saw that Senator Obama voted for FISA? Does anyone know why he did that? Billionaire George Soros (a naturalized citizen [also an Israeli citizen] and convicted criminal in europe) funds many organizations, would any of them be considered polar opposites of far right groups? Regarding the rumor that Sen. McCain was privy to questions last weekend is interesting to note. Maybe to quash any other rumors like that is to have the candidates engage in spontaneous debates in different locations around the country. This should resolve that innuendo and America can see how the candidates respond in an unrehearsed setting. I am also looking forward to the debates between Sen. Biden and who the pubs pick. Next couple of months should provide some highly dynamic politickin'.
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