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Aug-19-2012 01:53printcommentsVideo

U.S. Marine Arrested for Facebook Posts

Feds retaliate against another critic of the U.S. government.

Brandon Raub
Brandon Raub is a decorated Iraq and Afghanistan War Vet. Photo courtesy: United Truth Seekers

(SALEM / RICHMOND) - A decorated U.S. Marine who served his nation in two wars, Brandon Raub, of Richmond Virginia, was arrested for airing his critical views of the U.S. government on Facebook this weekend. We just reported yesterday that a Human Rights activist in Bahrain is being prosecuted for six Twitter messages. Politically, this country is increasingly resembling Bahrain and other nations that arrest those who speak out critically over federal policy.

His mother, Kathleen Thomas, says it is another case of the word 'terrorist' being applied to arrest and detain a citizen. You can hear the pride she feels for her son when she explains what he has been through, and by all counts Ms. Thomas makes her points loud and clear.

The law enforcement officials rolled up to the man's home around 7:00 last night. "He was there, the FBI, Secret Service and Chesterfield Police showed up in a storm," she said.

Thomas says her son was questioned about why he was writing certain comments, "He basically said 'I have some disagreements with the government and share this', and they said, 'You have to go with us'".

"He was handcuffed, not read his rights, put into a Chesterfield Police Department vehicle and taken to John Randolph Psychiatric Hospital in Hopewell, Virginia," Thomas said.

Agent Sherry Grainger with the Federal Bureau of Investigation called Kathleen Thomas, who described the conversation.

She said, "I am with the FBI" and "We have taken your son. He has been arrested by the Chesterfield County Police Dept because he assaulted an officer and resisted arrest. He has been arrested and taken to the Chesterfield Police Department."

The agent asked about whether her son was violent, Thomas explained that he was not, but that he loves his country. She asked the FBI agent if freedom of speech still exists in the United States.

"Yes we still have freedom of speech", Grainger reportedly said.

The FBI agent reportedly added, "The threats that he was making were terrorist in nature," telling Thomas roughly the extent of information that has been released so far, which is not much. Thomas was able to talk to her son on the phone.

As to what he is being charged with, she said, "He does not know, he has no idea why he is being held, he is told he will see a judge on Monday."

As referenced, the FBI agent, Grainger, reportedly told the woman that her son Brandon Raub was arrested for assault and resisting arrest… It was later when Grainger stated that the threat made by Raub was "terrorist in nature".

We do not have a track yet on what the comments on the Facebook page were, or if this arrest and failure to charge and administer Miranda Right, is an aspect or development of the new U.S. federal government's National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) which has Americans bewildered, frightened and angry.

Thomas said in regard to the political view she and her son share, "We're not violent but we're very serious about what we believe. He is a patriot, He basically said that they, the government, are lying."

Facebook Terrorism

Perhaps what is most ironic about this 'facebook terrorism' stuff, is the series of stories I wrote a couple of years ago about a Palestinian man who owned Azzad's restaurant in Haifa, Israel.

Azzad's in Haifa

The man was an Israeli citizen. He had a well-established restaurant that always maintained a 'no uniform policy'. This applied with no exceptions. Then one day a young Israeli soldier and his girlfriend come to the restaurant and upon being informed that uniforms aren't allowed, the young Israeli was incensed that they would not make an exception for him, and it quickly turned into an international incident.

Israelis turned against the restaurant in large numbers and a Facebook page was created where the Israelis began calling for the murder of the restaurant owner and his family to be murdered, and for the building to be burned. I personally went to turn this page in for inciting deadly violence and the button used to report the site was disabled. I mention this because the U.S. supports Israel while that government does nothing but use state terrorism toward its enemies, just like the U.S. There are things called international laws that are supposed to protect us, but the U.S. keeps the UN compromised and unable to function. Terrorism is the most misused word in this century. (see: Palestinian Cafe Owner Faces Closure and Death Threats for 'No Uniform' Policy - Tim King Salem-News.com)

Our friend and fellow writer in Occupied Palestine, Siraj Davis, knows well that 'terrorism' is a label applied to those who resist fascist rule and decree. With regard to the arrest of this Marine, he said:

    I checked his profile out. This guy doesn't belong in jail :) The guy has a picture with his own personal firearm on his fb profile. Yeah okay, so do millions of people on Facebook, some I know personally. Some of the "seditious" things he said were 9-11 was done by the government (even going to such length, and an interestingly detailed thesis, of providing evidence to augment this), the War on Terror is a lie, Americans are killing innocent people in the ME, the current federal banking system is corrupt and unfeasible to Americans, and that the George Bush's family rapes little children :) I think there is circumstantial evidence to prove all of the above and none of what he says offends ME as an American. In fact if any American has publicly stated any of the above, you may be next.

    Personally, I think our tax money was just wasted toward arresting, detaining, and charging an innocent man who became victim to a witch hunt. This case is indicative of what I have been stating two years ago, I am sadly crying on the inside as I watch my own government terrorize some of its own people for thinking and living differently from the others. What separates the US government from World War II Germany and Japan!?

    I hope the best for this gentleman and that God protects and blesses him. This man only wanted to express his disapproval of everything happening in America and sought to provoke the minds to consider that if change does not occur, Americans all over the US will consider making the change themselves. Why should we punish a voice from one of our own who is stating what many are inured, scared, or too apathetic to state publicly?

    Oh!! Another thing, this guy liked playing rap music on his Facebook such as John Cena's WWE entrance theme. So I advise everyone to stay clear of that song.

The video shows that the arrest was non-violent. Marines know when to employ self-defense and when to comply with an impossible situation.

Brandon Raub is a Marine with serious background, but it is extremely noteworthy that he was a Sergeant of Marines and a fairly young one it appears. This is a sign of a tremendous individual capable of beating amazing odds.

I personally think it makes the rambunctious agents in the federal government squirm when they consider the power and pull that current and former U.S. Marines have in regard to community leadership. They don't seem to find a great deal of comfort in the existence of Occupy Marines which we are proudly part of.

People trust and respect the word of Marines far more than their overpaid cousins in law enforcement who lap from the public trough while working as the guard dogs of a government descending into non-existence due to its ridiculous policies that favor war over the poor.

Brandon Raub, you're on point Brother, but we have your six- your Brothers and Sisters will see you are out of there soon enough...

Facebook page for Brandon J Raub

The President of the United States: Free Brandon Raub

His arrest based on his patriotic Facebook posts is against the Freedom of Speech. He is in no way a terrorist and only wants to see this country turn around. Petition for his release and for everyone's freedom of speech. The government does not have our permission to monitor our Facebook posts and they do not have persmission to arrest someone for non-violent patriotic posts. Here is the link with all the information we have: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YaE5zChbC5w Sign now!! 



Tim King: Salem-News.com Editor and Writer

Al Franken and Tim King in Afghanistan

Tim King has more than twenty years of experience on the west coast as a television news producer, photojournalist, reporter and assignment editor. Tim is Salem-News.com's Executive News Editor. His background includes covering the war in Afghanistan in 2006 and 2007, and reporting from the Iraq war in 2008. Tim is a former U.S. Marine who follows stories of Marines and Marine Veterans; he's covered British Royal Marines and in Iraq, Tim embedded with the same unit he served with in the 1980's.

He holds awards for reporting, photography, writing and editing from traditional mainstream news agencies like The Associated Press and Electronic Media Association; he also holds awards from the National Coalition of Motorcyclists, the Oregon Confederation of Motorcycle Clubs; and was presented with a 'Good Neighbor Award' for his reporting, by the The Red Cross.

Tim's years as a Human Rights reporter have taken on many dimensions; he has rallied for a long list of cultures and populations and continues to every day, with a strong and direct concentration on the 2009 Genocide of Tamil Hindus and Christians in Sri Lanka. As a result of his long list of reports exposing war crimes against Tamil people, Tim was invited to be the keynote speaker at the FeTNA (Federation of Tamil Sangams of North America) Conference in Baltimore, in July 2012. This is the largest annual gathering of North American Tamils; Tim addressed more than 3000 people and was presented with a traditional Sri Lanka ‘blessed garland’ and a shawl as per the tradition and custom of Tamil Nadu, India.

The notorious list comprising Tim's ancestors includes Pedro de Alvarado, the lieutenant of Hernando Cortez of Spain; King Phillip IV, Eleanor of Aquitaine and William the Conqueror. Perhaps most interestingly, King John; the dark force in the story Robin Hood, and also the last Spanish governor of California, a real person fictionalized as the arch rival of the character in Zorro, are in reality both Tim's multiple-great grandfathers.

Tim at his family ranch in Chino, California.

Others include a Confederate officer in the U.S. Civil War and a decorated 'hero' of the Mexican-American War and the so-called 'Indian Wars'. In fact on the east coast, Tim's lineage with the Slaughter and King families, pre-dates the Mayflower and several members of his family were soldiers in the Revolutionary War. He says his family's past; some of which is very dark; some quite chivalrous, presents a certain responsibility, and that in part drives his desire to see that people in today's world are not exploited or allowed to suffer in silence as victims of Human Rights violations, as people of previous times were.

In a personal capacity, Tim has written 2,026 articles as of March 2012 for Salem-News.com since the new format designed by Matt Lintz was launched in December, 2005. Serving readers with news from all over the globe, Tim's life is literally encircled by the endless news flow published by Salem-News.com, where more than 100 writers contribute stories from 23+ countries and regions.

Tim specializes in writing about political and military developments worldwide; and maintains that the label 'terrorist' is ill placed in many cases; specifically with the LTTE Tamil Tigers in Sri Lanka, where it was used as an excuse to slaughter people by the tens of thousands; and in Gaza, where a trapped population lives at the mercy of Israel's destructive military war crime grinder. At the center of all of this, Tim pays extremely close attention to the safety and welfare of journalists worldwide. You can write to Tim at this address: tim@salem-news.com. Visit Tim's Facebook page (facebook.com/TimKing.Reporter)


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bmwmarine.net August 14, 2020 12:40 am (Pacific time)

A former US marine who was taken from his home and involuntarily detained for psychiatric evaluation for posting controversial song lyrics and conspiracy theories on Facebook is to file a civil lawsuit against the FBI and police.

Michaelpolo December 10, 2013 6:18 pm (Pacific time)

I really like your website! Its really cool. Semper fi!

Muhammad Saad Ahmed October 9, 2012 2:25 am (Pacific time)

Dear Obama, When a drone kills a child in Pakistan, the father goes to war with you. There is nothing to do with Al-Qaida or Taliban. From the people of Pakistan!

garbo August 24, 2012 7:00 pm (Pacific time)

OK? I realize now what is going on... I think, and this is only my opinion. lately there have been a rash of public killings going on. Police FBI everyone with a badge has been taking serious heat regarding preventing this from happening! These shootings have been all we've witnessed day and night on the news ever since the theatre shooting. Another thing I wish to point out... He is white! When white guys decide to act they go all the way and get serious. While the other's, stand around and yell and scream in crowds, hoping for even larger numbers for support, then before long they lose their minds, erruting into riot status. But yes. One must be cautious these days as certain speech can be considered an arrestable offense. Especially recent active shooter incidents. Again, only my opinion. I may possibly be full of hog-wash as well...

Garbo August 24, 2012 6:37 pm (Pacific time)

Still don't know what he said on Facebook? When Mom said she was going to bring it up and read it for us, she NEVER did! Evidence anyone?

Anonymous August 23, 2012 10:51 am (Pacific time)

According to his brother, he has been freed!

Jesse Cash August 23, 2012 7:46 am (Pacific time)

My name is Jesse Cash, I have known Brandon for nearly a decade. We served together in Iraq, and Afghanistan. I am a college student, majoring in history(possibly changing to military intelligence). I have spoken with Brandon atleast on a weekly basis for the last year, many times daily. In fact I spoke with him the day before his detainment, and the day of the hospital “hearing” I was in the hospital with his family and lawyers. just a little pertinent background reference, both my parents are in the medical field and have a combined 30 years in mental health. Brandon Raub does not suffer from any mental illnesses. He is not experiencing psychosis. I have extensive knowledge with PTSD; my father was a navy corpsman in Vietnam and has been diagnosed with PTSD. I grew up around my fathers marines and know what the signs and symptoms are. I have been evaluated by 2 psychologists and medically cleared. (I wanted to have my sanity documented for situations such as these). Brandon is not suffering from post traumatic stress disorder, in fact he has no symptoms of the disorder at all. He is easily the most clear minded individual I know. He has a strong moral compass and the heart of a boy. He is well read on the history of modern politics, and philosophy, I would say he has probably read 60 books this year. He is logical, he is resonable and some suggest this situation was specifically manipulated by him to make amercians aware of the level of survielance we are currently under, to that regard I will not comment. As to his nature, is he capable of violence? Let me tell you a story that sums up his character. While in Afghanistan Brandon was involved in an operation in which two Afghani soldiers were catastrophically wounded(they had lost multiple limbs) but they were trapped in a IED(booby trap) laden compound, Brandon disregarded his personal safety and crawled into the compound to drag each of them out, the other marines present refused to help him, Because they were afghanis. Brandon saw them as Humans in distress. After bringing the first out, he turned around and went back in a second time to retrieve the other. Once he drug them to safety he tended to their wounds and successfully saved their lives. Brandon is one of my personal heros. He is easily the best man I know. Both he and I are decorated for combat valor, and are men of integrity. This man not only saved the lives of his friends, but also his enemies. He is not capable of evil, for his heart belongs to good. He is a man of Jesus, and stands up for the weak. His displeasure with the goverment is because of the evil, deciet, and corruption that is oppresing us and he is not afraid to take a stand to make it stop. "I stand against a great evil I will do it by myself if I must" -Brandon Raub He has been singled out because of his heart, and his spirit, not his words. Millions say and have said worse. Rap songs speak of murder rape insest and sometimes worse, yet they are not arrested because tbey are in the public eye. Brandon is not a timothy mckvey outsider from the woods. He is a war hero, with a host of friends and comrades at his back. This man believes in freedom for all, and has asked for non violent protest. ” I love the American people with all my heart” Brandon Raub (Source: http://www.businessinsider.com/former-marine-brandon-raub-is-being-held-in-a-psychiatric-ward-over-facebook-posts-about-911-2012-8)

REVOLUTION August 22, 2012 9:10 am (Pacific time)

Government has once again gone to far....this is a man who fought for the very freedom he was arrested for FREEDOM of SPEACH! I am outraged... the american people need to give congress their walking papers........

Anonymous August 22, 2012 7:49 am (Pacific time)

kidnapped marine speaks: http://www.kidnapped marine speaks: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sX1EvM6XksMandfeature=player_embedded

Anonymous August 21, 2012 5:39 pm (Pacific time)

Big update on Brandon Raub. He is being transferred to Va hospital in Salem. Close to Roanoke. Their Agenda is to hide him from the people. Away from his attorneys and family. Source: http://twitter.com/raubbrent

Anonymous Poses August 20, 2012 4:17 pm (Pacific time)

@ msfreeh: You my friend , are an absolute STAR! :D . More Law firms are crying out for someone like you, to give the FEDS a hard time ;) . Great little dig of treasure you found there .

Anonymous August 20, 2012 2:04 pm (Pacific time)

Now that he will be in a mental hospital, he will lose the right to bear arms... Ironic way for the government to control him?

Anonymous August 20, 2012 1:38 pm (Pacific time)

What his mother wrote:

Cathleen Thomas

Wowie Cowie

I want to share this with everyone . It was a response to the post about the news paper story and thought you all might want to read it..............................................Pam Forrest writes:...........
So, according to this story, "no abc agency, nor any police dept." arrested this guy on any charges or suspicion of any crime; just "questioned him", and then "transported him" to a psychiatric hospital AGAINST HIS WILL; and have kept him there, AGAINST HIS WILL, AND CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS AS A FREE-BORN AMERICAN CITIZEN!!

When these "agencies" take such power, we are all in danger; every one of us, for what we may say, or write, or think, as our First Amendment Rights, bought with the Blood of our Founders, guarantees. The elected, unelected, and agency hirelings are to PROTECT our Constitutional Free Speech, and our nation, as is THEIR DUTY, but they now think However because these agencies appear to have "unlimited power" these days, and intimidate us, most Americans FEAR these agencies, because of the corruption of their OATH!! Will "I disappear" for using MY Rights of Free Speech, and by speaking my opinion, and stating what's on my mind, as this soldier did??

This guy served to Protect our Freedoms, and now he's been hijacked by unknown agencies or police. We don't even know what crime or act of insanity has been committed by this guy! They arrogantly "deemed" his guilt, and had him taken, without being charged with a crime! These "agents", and "officers" SUPPOSEDLY take an OATH to GOD and man, to Uphold, Protect, and DEFEND our Constitution, which INCLUDES our Bill of RIGHTS!! In my opinion, they have been abusing our RIGHTS, Freedom of Speech, and freedom of due process for too long; and now again in this case!! Wonder how many others have been done this way!

So, a patriotic ex-soldier/citizen doesn't have "the RIGHT" to express his opinion that so-called, "govt. officials", who are in reality, elected, unelected, or hired BUREAUCRATS, ie: Public Servants, whose JOBS are to make sure OUR FREEDOMS ARE SAFE! That is bullcrap. These buresucrats would do better to follow their Oaths, and our Laws. If they are given, or the one to give, an illegal order, it is their duty to report this crime--not do it!!

If a citizen witnesses bureaucratic wrong-doing, violating their Oath's, or our Laws, he doesn't have the RIGHT to call for their arrest? You know, there are quite a few that should have been arrested for their actions. Do I not have the "right" to demand Justice and Accountability from these "high and mighty agents, and their leaders??"

How about let's talk about REAL CRIMES against America: Witness the "Fast and Furious CRIMES" committed by the batf and the so-called "justice dept.!!" Aren't there some congressional hearings, and lawsuits brought to court against these agencies and their criminal leaders?? What about the "hot tub and heavy partying scandals" that were going on?? Didn't THESE STINKING BUREAUCRATS also take an OATH to Uphold our Constitution, and therefore our LAW OF THE LAND?? Okay, if that ain't bad enough...let's consider the "secret service scandal", where our taxpayer dollars were paying for the BUREAUCRATS WHORES, AND SEX PARTIES...Didn't THEY also "Swear an OATH to America??" Yeah, these are all bureaucrats, and all have been wasting, and abusing our Freedoms and our Taxpayer Dollars since the damned inception of these bloated, corrupt, "abc agencies!"

For one thing, these corrupt agencies, czars, wanna-be dictators, and little minions who steal from the taxpaying citizens, are NOT "the government." We the People are. Period. Read our Declaration, our Constitution, and our Bill of RIGHTS, as well as the writings of our Founders. NOWHERE do they call for, nor even imply the NEED, OR LEGALITY OF ANY of these assorted, corrupt, "abc agencies!!" Nowhere do they state that America was created, has been, or ever should be, a FILTHY "democracy", as they held "democracies" in CONTEMPT, as I do. Democracies always destroy the Freedoms of the People, and literally destroy their nations, as we are witnessing today. How many abc agencies do we have now?? How many "czars??" HOW MUCH TAXPAYER MONEY HAS BEEN STOLEN OR WASTED BY THESE DAMNEDABLE BUREAUCRATS?

What the HELL would our Founders think of the bloated abomination of a coming-fast POLICE STATE?? Would they REGRET giving their lives, losing their families, and being imprisoned, for what the nation they, with the help of THE LORD GOD ALMIGHTY created?? Yes, this is HIS NATION,, that the corrupters are busily corrupting, and having a good ole' time, while abusing their OATH'S of Office!! I too say that those who violate their Oath, should be arrested and brought to Justice!! Should "I also" be dragged from my home, and imprisoned in a mental ward, for "daring" to use my Free Speech?

The farce of claiming that our soldiers are crazy, so they can't have guns, is just one more attack on our Bill of Rights. All UnConstitutional agencies should be disbanded, and defunded. The worst two are both of the "NEA'S!" They have, and are, ruining our youth.

Charge him with a TRUE charge, or let him go!!!!

Anonymous August 20, 2012 1:23 pm (Pacific time)

What he wrote on Facebook:

The Truth

America has lost itself. We have lost who we truly are. This is the land of the free and the home of the brave. This is the land of Thomas Jefferson. This is the land of Benjamin Franklin. This is the land of Fredrick Douglas. This is the land of Smedley Butler. This is the land John F. Kennedy. This is the land of Martin Luther King. This is the land where the cowboy wins. This is the land where you can start from the bottom and get to the top. This is the land where regardless of you race and ethnicity you can suceed and build a better life for you and your family. This is the land where every race coexists peacefully. This is the land where justice wins. This is the land where liberty dwells. This is the land where freedom reigns. This is the land where we help the poor, and people help eachother. This is land where people beat racism.

The federal reserve is wrong. They have designed a system based off of gread and fear. They designed a system to crush the middle class between taxes and inflation. This is wrong, and it is unjust. It is wrong.

We have allowed ourselves to be devieced and seduced by the powers of the printing press. It is not a good system. It discourages saving: the foundation for all stable economic activity. The federal reserve is artificially manipulating interests rates and creating phony economic data. This thing has decieved our entire nation.

They created it 1913. They also created the income tax in 1913. They encouraged the growth of debt so they can tax you on it. There is interest on the debt. Your government is in bed with these people. They want to enslave you to the government so that they can control every aspect of your lives. It is an empire based on lies. They operate of greed and fear.

There is a better way. It’s called freedom. Freedom is called a lot of things. But there is a true meaning. It means very simply that you have the right to do whatever you want as long as you are not infringing on the feedoms of other people.

I firmly believe that God set America apart from the other nations of the world. He saved a place where people could come to to escape bad systems of goverment. This system we have created works. It really works.

There is evil going on all around the world. The United States was meant to lead the charge against injustice, but through our example not our force. People do not respond to having liberty and freedom forced on them.

Men and Women follow courage. They follow leadership, and courage. Our example has paved the way for people all around the world to change their forms of goverment.

Force is not the way because liberty is a powerful concept. The idea that men can govern themselves is the basis for every just form of government.

We can govern ourselves. We do not need to be governed by men who want to install a one world banking system. These men have machine hearts. Machine and unnatural hearts. They have blocked out the possibility of a better world. They fear human progress. They have monopolies on everything.

This life can be free and beautiful. There are enough resources on this earth to support the world’s population. There are enough resources on this earth to feed everyone. There is enough land for everyone to own their own land and farm, and produce their own energy.

These people have been hiding technology. There are ways to create power easily. There is technology that can provide free cheap power for everyone. There are farming techniques that can feed the entire world.

They are controlling your media. They have dumbed you down through your school systems. They have systematically dismantled the constitution. It is in rags.

The bill of rights is being systematically dismantled. Men have spilled their blood for those rights.

Your sons and daughters, your brothers and sisters, and Americas best young men and women are loosing their limbs. They are loosing their lives. They are loosing the hearts. They do not know why they are fighting. They are killing. And they do not know why.

They have done some extroadinary acts. Their deeds go before them. But these wars are lies. They are lies. They decieved our entire nation with terrorism. They have gotten us to hand them our rights. Our Rights! Men died for those rights!

September Eleventh was an inside job. They blew up a third building in broad daylight. Building 7.

Your leaders betrayed you.

You elected an aristocracy. They are beholden to special interests. They were brainwashed through the Council on Foreign Relations. Your leaders are planning to merge the United States into a one world banking system. They want to put computer chips in you.

These men have evil hearts. They have tricked you into supporting corporate facism. We gave them the keys to our country. We were not vigilant with our republic.


EricX August 19, 2012 7:36 pm (Pacific time)

Tim, this "forum" is a horrible format to have an intelligent debate in, LOL!

Hey, so we disagree on the Israeli thing but everything else we're pretty much together on.
Say we focus our efforts and activism on the REAL terrorism that stands before us... my former employer the US Gov't and this instance it's illegal and unjust detainment of Marine Brandon Raub for speaking his mind at what he saw as an unjust government run amok!
This, my friend, I believe we have as common ground and will attract more support than tainting the pot with bitter unrelated topics. can agree on wholly

Tim King: No question about the support for our Marine Brother, glad we were able to walk through this, my DI's taught us that there were only light green and dark green Marines anyway, Semper fi.

EricX August 19, 2012 7:06 pm (Pacific time)

Yea, and there have NEVER been any Jews living there before 1948... nope, never. Bwhahhahhaaa!!!

Tim King: Eric, I did not say that, would not say that.  The Jews are oldest of the monotheistic faiths.  Jesus came along two thousand years ago and Muhammad six hundred years after that.  Anyone who thinks Jews weren't there from early on, is wrong. The difference is that there was balance for a long time that is vanished in many ways and that is tragic..  The thing is, until Hitler and the terrible Genocide of Europe, people all lived in the Holy Land together.  I really want to stress that the only thing for us all to keep our eye on is Human Rights.  People have no right to take the rights of others.  This whole mad religious issue manifests hardcore in the Arab countries that the U.S. and Israel both do business with; the Salafists and the Wahhabi extremists would have us all strung up.  The craziest thing of all is that Iran, eternally targeted by Israel even though Israel has at least 200 illegal armed nuclear warheads pointed at its perceived enemies, all undeclared, is one of the countries in that region that has laws protecting Jewish people.  Sadly I think the biggest enemy the Israelis have is themselves.  The good people there don't deserve that fate.

Tim King, you are beyond hope.  You're a pretty good writer and I know your heart is in the right place but there are ALWAYS two sides to any story and adding obvious bias and unrealated quotations do your cause no good.

 Tim King: You can see it as you will Eric, but I write about all of this constantly and I am not anti-American, however I decry the acts of this nation like the war in Iraq.  I have been there, I have seen the results of that 'bad intelligence' and it is all so wrong.  I want my country and every country to use extreme fairness in its judgements.  

I know of the Raub incident and am actively working to bring him justice (which is how I found your article) but once you went on the anti-Israeli and anti-American crap, you lost me.  Stick to the subject and we have the common ground to work on a common cause.

Tim King: OK but I know you did not read that and gather that I or the Palestinian restaurant owner did something bad.  I was specifically asked to write that story by another journalist who could not cover it because the paper this contact works for would never have been able to carry it.  Now just consider that for a moment.  If I didn't think the endless support of Israel was the biggest example of U.S. political problems in the Middle east; and directly tied to the whole overuse of the term 'terrorist' - then I would not have brought it in.  People need to appreciate the absurdity, I have a feeling you agree, so lets move forward, thanks.  

EricX August 19, 2012 6:57 pm (Pacific time)

"...and that the George Bush's family rapes little children"

Tim King: Do you know about the White House sex scandal that went all the way back to Reagan that centered around a politician named Larry King?  The words you question are from Siraj; he is welcome to add more but I suggest you begin with Larry King and 'Boys town' and be ready to be sick to your stomach.

EricX August 19, 2012 5:55 pm (Pacific time)

"...and that the George Bush's family rapes little children"
"...and in Gaza, where a trapped population lives at the mercy of Israel's destructive military war crime grinder"
This isn't JOURNALISM, it's an anti-Israeli, anti-American propaganda hit piece.
Shameful you can't report on an injustice without throwing out your own unrelated biases.
Bet you don't allow this or my previous post to go up.

Tim King: Hey Eric, do you get paid well for your Internet troll job?  I'm sorry you don't realize that truth is journalism.    

EricX August 19, 2012 5:47 pm (Pacific time)

I was right with you up until you used the term "Occupied Palestine"
There is and has never been a nation of "Palestine"!!!

 Tim King: Dang Eric, sorry to his this juncture.  I suggest you search 'Palestine Mandate' and that will help you to understand more about this.  The land that Israel now claims; illegally in so many cases, has always been Palestine, and that does not imply any religious connotation.  The land has historically been inhabited by Jewish people, Muslim people and Christians.  Today of course that takes on a much bigger role, in so many ways, but the land is historically Palestine.  Israel is a very new concept, as is Zionism, which was conceived by Theodor Herzl in the late 1800's.  He was inspired to create Israel and portray God as the great real estate agent in the sky who said, "this land, that people already live on... is yours because you are Jewish."  Well that is outwardly unfair and if you would like me to give you a list of the hundreds and hundreds of historic Palestinian villages that have been eradicated by Israel I will give it to you.  The bottom line is that the Mandate mentioned above did represent Palestine in the eyes of the colonial British.  The document that created the groundwork for Israel is the Balfour Declaration and that document undermined the words of TE Lawrence 'Lawrence of Arabia' who promised the Arabs that their world would be left in peace if they helped defeat the Turks in Jerusalem in WWI which they did.  The Balfour Declaration reversed the promise and it was only two years later.  When Israel was being formed in '47, one Palestinian village after another was eradicated by the different Israeli terror groups.  Some Israelis bolted from the ranks and instead helped the Palestinians.  Just remember there is good and bad in every culture Eric, I don't know what kind of conditioning you have been going through but it has not served you well..   

When was it founded?

Tim King: Think 'Philistine' - the word represents the place historically.  This is not an inference that it belongs to only Muslims or Christians or Jews.  Sadly that is what Israel says and that government is an apartheid state with one set of laws for Jews and another for Muslims and Christians.  They even have 'Jewish only' roads and to this American, that rings sharply of vast oppression.  The Palestinian kids can be arrested when they are very young and they are treated horribly in custody.  Jewish kids can't even be arrested.

What currency does it use?
Where is its constitution?
Who was it's founding father? That Egyptian-born terrorist Yassir Arafat? Pfffttt!!!

 Tim King: PLO Chairman Arafat ha flaws without question but he was representing an oppressed people,  Israel used to represent David, today David has become Goliath.  Nobody wants war, or oppression, or anything negative, but Israel is bent on its Zionist philosophy to steal every piece of land.  I know from your comments that you have not read the history, please do so and get up to speed.  If you are a good person, you would not agree with Israeli policy and there is nothing wrong with learning and facing uncomfortable truths.

What is "Palestine's" major industry (besides terrorism)?

Tim King: Hamas 'rocket attacks' are so constantly discussed in western media that people here think there are thousands every day being fired, not true.  It is true that rocket attacks have killed Israeli people and that is terrible.  The number since the rockets were first fired from Gaza is 28, some say 29.  Sometimes that many people are murdered in a single day where  I grew up in gangland LA.  But in response to those 'rocket attacks' (Al Qassam rockets are unguided- they are often called 'glorified fireworks')  Israel launched an operation three years ago called obnoxiously 'Cast Lead' and they killed more than 1400 people and among them, were 400 children.  Anyone who does nor mourn this loss and the tens of thousands of injured is a son of a bitch.  56 hospitals, more than 200 schools, were all attacked and Israel was charged with war crimes but the US blocked the charges with 'super veto' power in the UN.  Israeli is just like Sri Lanka; it believes it can carry out a Genocide of a population and get away with it by using the word 'terrorist' in every paragraph at least once and at this point pal, you are just like the people persecuting this Marine.   

What is its main export (besides rockets fired daily aimed at civilians)?

Tim King: 28 that's twenty-eight t-w-e-n-t-y- e-i-g-h-t. Israeli people in all time.  I am specifically not being rude friend, but wow, you are shocking.

What is their contribution to the world besides terrorism, hatred and atisemetism?

 Tim King: You actually think people following Israeli war crimes care about the religion?  I hate this crap, just like the Sri Lanka terrorists; and by that I mean the government, just like Israel, all they can do is accuse me of being against Buddhists, what a crock of shit, seriously.  Try getting over yourself, that might help.  All people are the same by design, only flawed by bad culture, religion and parenting.  Antisemitism for the record, means being against people who originate from the Arab region; who speak Arab based languages.  I suppose of some place like Israel killed your family you would do what... invite them over for dinner?

Hey, what about the "Occupied Palestine" in Jordan?

 Tim King: The occupation is very real, you should appreciate not having to be constantly demeaned and held up, forced through endless checkpoints that the Israeli people never even see.  The sad part is that so many Israeli people from the right wing do seek blood.  the hatred is real, you could cut it with a knife, too bad that piece of shit Hitler had so much luck at murdering people while the British and French and Americans slept and waited and the Russians, those assholes even tried to work with him, what a terrible legacy it all is.  So the Jewish people came in the late 40's and the whole things went badly.  People need to step back from it and Human Rights need to be administered equally.  I mean you Eric, you sound like you are condemning all Palestinians and that includes kids and that really disturbs me.  Try to imagine yourself in the shoes of one of the Palestinian dads who hears Israeli F-16's and drones over his home every day.  It is sickening that people are so cruel in their hearts and when that is combined with ignorance, it becomes lethal.  No rewards for complacency.  

Meanwhile, in Israel, doctors developing a more effective stroke medicine may have created a cancer vaccine... and they may have found a cure for HIV... what contributions to humanity did the Palestinians produce again?

Tim King: You are so damned superior aren't you?  I am shocked at the hatred and racial bigotry that some people are willing to write.  For the record, we work with friends in Israel every day who are working only for peace, not this baseless hasbara propaganda Eric shares. Shukran  

fyi2day August 19, 2012 3:03 pm (Pacific time)

Thank you for covering this!

Tim King: Thanks for all of the supportive comments, Semper fi!

Josh Akers August 19, 2012 2:10 pm (Pacific time)

One thing comes to mind when I saw this article. The United States is still the home of the brave, But no longer the land of the free. The way I see it, It is also becoming less and less brave as the few control the many.

Vicktorych August 19, 2012 12:39 pm (Pacific time)

Where are human rights organizations?

August 18, 2012 10:40 pm (Pacific time)

This is outrageous!! What the hell?? What happened to constitutional rights!!!!????

M. Osborn August 19, 2012 11:15 am (Pacific time)

Sorry Mrs. Thomas, but police are not required to read people their rights anymore. I don't agree with this at all, but that's why they didn't read him his rights.

Izzydunne August 19, 2012 11:02 am (Pacific time)

Obama is Bush with a tan.

unkn August 19, 2012 10:46 am (Pacific time)

govt lies and corruption never cease. a former us marine arrested by his own govt-shame on the govt. assange being pursued for revealing govt coverups. bin laden dead since Bush 2, and govt takes credit for death? shame.

CDC August 19, 2012 10:20 am (Pacific time)

Keep in mind that service men and women are held to different standards than civilians. There are different laws that govern them and they don't have all the rights that civilians do. The fact that he's a Marine has a lot to do with the whole situation.

Aliel The Heretic August 19, 2012 10:11 am (Pacific time)

I know the difference. I have personally spoken worse things than Brandon Raub on Facebook about the government. I have even made DAMNING videos against war crimes. But there is a connection. There was once a decorated Marine Veteran known as Charles A. Dyer. he spoke out against the government too. But the government didnt bother him. But when he was offered a leadership position as the Oathkeeper Oklahoma chapter president, the feds went after him and charged him with child rape. Even thought DNA evidence proved Mr. Dyer was innocent, the judge would not allow the evidence to enter the court proceedings, and inevitable the jury found Mr. Dyer guilty of child rape based on circumstancial evidence. THE CONNECTION: Brandon Raub and Charles Dyer both OFFERED TO LEAD OTHERS. And the federal government cant have battle hardened, decorated marines running around leading a political resistance against the establishment.

McGavel August 19, 2012 10:10 am (Pacific time)

If this story nor any other story doesn't know what has fully been said on his FaceBook then none of you do either so please stop saying things like, "I've seen way worse posts on FaceBook." Did you see all his messages talking about wanting to kill people? Me either, so how do you know he wasn't getting a little too mad? Logic applied to the fact that they haven't taken down or blocked his facebook page tells me that they are probably about to let him go once they figure out he is not a psycho...if he indeed isn't. If they thought he was indeed a terrorist they would have taken his FB page down because any good hacker can go in and see all his posts and messages and reveal what he said. It's also possible that the government just came in and got him for no reason at all, but that's just being objective and sounds really stupid when you think about it cuz they have the rest of their public image to lose and nothing to gain by coming in and harassing somebody for commments that are normal.

McGavel August 19, 2012 10:06 am (Pacific time)

Be objective. Plenty of people have "voiced their discontent" with the government on FaceBook...So what. Do you people honestly think that this marine said something as harmless as, "I hate our government and it needs to change"? There is simply no reason for them to swoop in like that unless they put 2 and 2 together and realized this guy might pop into another big shooting. So, they tell the media he is resisting arrest to keep him and talk to him. He's a marine. He has skills to kill people. Mix that with enough anger and you have every right to be afraid. I'm just saying that the point is this: he OBVIOUSLY said something along the lines of him wanting to physically do something to change our government or they wouldn't have swooped in on him. Be objective. What purpose would anybody have to come arrest someone just for speaking their mind in a moment of rage? He must have said something pretty alarming and as long as nobody is hurt then I'm glad we are protected from people going psycho before they actually do it. I'm sure the mommy of the PhD student who shot everyone up in the movies didn't expect her little kiddie to do that either. Better safe than sorry and only time will tell what happens. I'm glad you cover this though as we DO need to make sure the government knows that we can watch them and expose them as well when they screw around. We are all just people on the planet subject to our thoughts, emotions, and temptations. Let's get into the new era of technology where info is everywhere and the truth won't hide for long.

msfreeh August 19, 2012 9:55 am (Pacific time)

annotated bibliography

Bari, Judi. TIMBER WARS. Monroe, Maine: Common Courage Press, 1994.
The F.B.I. attempted to stop the political activity of Judi Bari and Daryl Cherney by exploding a
bomb under their car. Daryl Cherney and Judi Bari filed a Civil lawsuit
against the FBI and Oakland police. A jury awarded them $4.4 million
dollars in 2003. see www.judibari.org

Bowen Roger. INNOCENCE IS NOT ENOUGH: The Life and Death of Herbert Norman
New York USA M.E. Sharpe Inc 1988
Looks at FBI assassination of Herbert Norman, Canadian Ambassador to Egypt.

Buitrago, Ann Mari. F.B.I. FILES. Grove Press, 1981.
Covers the procedures for obtaining and interpreting your F.B.I. file.

Burnham, David. ABOVE THE LAW. Scribner, 1996.
Looks at secret deals and fixing of cases by the Justice Department for corporations.
Burnham was the New York Times reporter who broke the story about New York City cop Serpico and Police corruption.
He was the reporter on route to meet Karen Silkwood when she was found murdered. Read his other book A LAW UNTO ITSELF.
It details how FBI agents collaborate with the IRS to target political activists.
see his important website about the FBI
here http://trac.syr.edu/

Burnham, David A LAW UNTO ITSELF Vintage January 30, 1991 ISBN-10: 0679732837
Exposes FBI agents using the IRS to cripple political activists.

Buttino, Frank. A SPECIAL AGENT. William Morrow, 1993.
Investigates F.B.I. attacks on gay FBI agents .
This book is written by a FBI agent who is gay. It details how other FBI
agents tormented him .

Carson, Clayborne. MALCOLM X: THE F.B.I. FILE. Carroll and Graf, 1991.
Looks at the evidence for the F.B.I. assassination of Malcolm X.

Cashill,Jack, Sanders,James. FIRST STRIKE Thomas Nelson Press, 2003
Overwhelming evidence presented by Dr. Cashill on the downing of TWA
Flight 800 by a missle over Long Island and the ensuing cover-up by FBI
agents.One of my favorite books. see their documentary about the same
subject called SILENCED here http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=44uu4zWQEEs

Charns, Alexander. CLOAK AND GAVEL. University of Illinois Press. 1992.
After reviewing thousands of pages of FBI documents the attorney author
exposes the FBI illegal phone tapping of the Supreme Court and how the
FBI fix court cases and work behind the scenes to get "their man"
appointed to the Supreme Court. Written by a lawyer active in Human

Churchill, Ward. AGENTS OF REPRESSION. South End Press, 1988.
Professor Churchill gives first hand accounts of F.B.I. death squad
activities. This book is a classic and is a must read along with THE

Churchill, Ward. THE COINTELPRO PAPERS. South End Press, 1990.
Explores how the F.B.I. disrupts legitimate political activities and engage in Death Squad activities.

Criley, Richard. THE F.B.I. VS. THE FIRST AMENDMENT. First Amendment Foundation, 1990.
Looks at the destruction of the First Amendment by the F.B.I.

KENNEDY. McGraw-Hill, 1989.
A must read book in understanding how the FBI has used the Mafia to carry out the assassination of President Kennedy.

De Camp, John. THE FRANKLIN COVERUP. AWT Publishers, 1992.
A former Republican state senator from Nebraska writes about a
pedophile ring involved in the kidnaping, sexual torture and murder of
children that went all the way to the Bush White House.
Attorney DeCamp discusses the FBI role in the coverup of this case and
the murder of a special prosecutor appointed to investigate the
pedophile ring.This book will keep you awake at night and is an active
barometer for evil indexing how the FBI crime family operates.

Foundation, 1999. Examines FBI campaign of terror to undermine civil
liberties. Attorney Dempsey worked for Congressman Don Edwards who was
a former FBI agent.

Diamond, Sigmund. COMPROMISED CAMPUS. Oxford University Press, 1992.
Professor Diamond attempts to get F.B.I. files showing collaboration
between F.B.I. agents and professors at universities from 1945-1955.
The FBI created the Patriot Act , in part, because of this book.

Donner, Frank. PROTECTORS OF PRIVILEGE. University of California Press, 1990.
Looks at the death squad collaboration between local police and F.B.I. agents to stifle the Bill of Rights.

Dwyer, James. TWO SECONDS UNDER THE WORLD. Diane publishers 1997.
The most important book you will read on understanding FBI agents Floyd
and Anticev creating the 1993 terrorist act at the World Trade Center.
This book lays out in detail how the FBI engineered
the 1993 World Trade Center explosion.

Edmonds, Sibel D Classified Woman-The Sibel Edmonds Story: A Memoir
2012 Sibel D Edmonds publisher
In this startling new memoir, former FBI agent/analyst Sibel Edmonds—the most classified woman in U.S. history—takes us on a surreal journey that begins with the secretive FBI and down the dark halls of a feckless Congress to a stonewalling judiciary and finally, to the national security whistleblowers movement she spearheaded.

Emerson, Steven and Brian Duffy. THE FALL OF PAN AM 103. G.B. Putnam's Sons, 1990.
Oliver Revell was the number 2 man at the F.B.I. until he was demoted
by F.B.I. Director William Sessions to the Dallas Field Office. His son
Chris Revell had tickets for Pan Am 103, but he changed his flight two days before the plane
exploded over Lockerbie, Scotland. See Ross Gelbspan's book, BREAK-INS,
DEATH THREATS AND THE FBI to get a fuller picture of Oliver Revell.

Foerstel, Herbert. SURVEILLANCE IN THE STACKS. Greenwood Press, 1991.
Looks at attempts by the F.B.I. to get librarians to spy on the American public .The FBI created the Library Clauses in the Patriot Act because of this book.

Gallagher, Dorothy. ALL THE RIGHT ENEMIES. Penguin Books, 1988.
The F.B.I. utilized the Mafia to carry out its executions against Presidents and political activists from 1930 through 2000.
Carlos Tresca was one of their victims.

Gelbspan, Ross. BREAK- INS, DEATH THREATS, AND THE F.B.I. South End Press, 1991.
This Pulitzer Prize winning reporter formerly with the Boston Globe,
details the F.B.I. death squad collaboration with the death squads in
El Salvador and their attacks upon American groups opposed to those
death squads.

Glick, Brian. WAR AT HOME. South End Press, 1989.
Attorney Glick details the F.B.I.’s covert war against political activists.

Goulet, Donald Chesuncook Author House 2008
Autobiography of a FBI agent plagued by mental illness.

House, 1998.
Contains detailed evidence about the FBI alliance with the terrorist
underworld, and how FBI agent provocateurs are behind many of the
current bombings that have plagued the United States since the fall of
the Berlin Wall. Some current thinking has FBI agents creating these
acts to fill the void caused by the downfall of communism and replacing
communism with the new boogeyman Islam.

Holland, Max . Leak: Why Mark Felt Became Deep Throat
Deep Throat FBI Supervisor Mark Felt, the number two guy in the FBI during Watergate, was leaking, not out of concern for public good but rather because he was angry he was not getting the top spot in the bureau
University Press Kansas 2012

Hougan, Jim. SPOOKS. William Morrow, 1978.
Important book detailing the life of former F.B.I. agent Robert Maheux
and his relationship with the Mafia. Groundbreaking book in
understanding FBI collaboration with the Mafia, using it to carry out
assassinations on President Kennedy, Martin Luther King and others.
Maheux was the liason between the Mafia and the FBI when the FBI assassinated President Kennedy and Martin Luther King.

Kaiser, Marty . Odyssey of an Eavesdropper( My Life in electronic
countermeasures and my battle against the FBI) W Carroll and Graf 2005
Author exposes wiretapping crimes committed by FBI agents as well as
Business Fraud. He built the wiretapping devices for FBI agents that
were later used in crimes committed against people like Martin Luther
King and public officials.After exposing FBI agents kickback schemes to
Congress the author became a target of retaliation by tax payer funded
FBI agents. see http://www.martykaiser.com/odyssey2.htm

Keith, Jim. OK BOMB. Illuminate, 1996.
Explores FBI coverup in the Oklahoma City bombing investigation.

Kelly, John F. TAINTING EVIDENCE. The Free Press 1998. The book is
based on testimony of FBI lab Whistleblower Dr. Frederick Whitehurst ,
an employee of the FBI for 17 years. Shows how bad the FBI Lab is run.
Dr. Whitehurst was the chemist who analyzed Timothy McVeigh's clothes
for traces of ammonium nitrate and was removed from the case when he
did not find any bomb residue.

Lehr, Dick and O'Neill, Gerard. BLACK MASS. Public Affairs, 2000.
Looks at the FBI's collaboration in Boston with the Mafia and Irish Mob
between 1960 and 2001 in which they collaborated in the murder of 21
women,children and men. Important book showing how the FBI uses the
Mafia to commit political and other assassinations .see

Lindauer, Susan Extreme Prejudice: The Terrifying Story of the Patriot Act and the Cover Ups of 9/11 and Iraq 2010 Susan Lindauer publisher
More evidence showing the FBI, CIA and other government agencies created 911.
What if the government decided to invent a great lie to justify a disastrous war and a questionable anti-terrorism policy? What would happen to the people who know the truth? EXTREME PREJUDICE delivers an explosive, high tension expose of the real facts surrounding the CIA's advance warnings of 9/11 and an insider's look at Pre-War Intelligence, told by one of the very few U.S. Assets covering Iraq before the War.

McGhee , Millie WHAT'S DONE IN THE DARK Allen Morris 2005
The author is a afro american relative of FBI Director J Edgar Hoover
who is successful in presenting evidence that FBI Director Hoover is part African-American
and related to her.
The book details the research conducted by Ms McGhee and how FBI agents tried to stop her from writing the book. Photographs show reunion of white and black relatives united by the research in this book. FBI Director J Edgar Hoover was the descendant of Mississippi slaves.

Melanson, Phillip. THE MURKIN CONSPIRACY. Praeger, 1989.
Professor Melanson looks at the F.B.I.’s role in the assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

Melanson, Phillip. THE ROBERT KENNEDY ASSASSINATION. Shapolsky, 1991.
Professor Melanson was in charge of the Robert Kennedy archives at the University of Massachusetts.
He detailed the F.B.I.’s role as one of the principal architects in the assassination of Robert Kennedy.

Messerschmidt, Jim. THE TRIAL OF LEONARD PELTIER. South End Press, 1983.
Looks at the miscarriage of justice in the F.B.I.’s handling of the Leonard Peltier case.

Morrow, Robert First Hand Knowledge: How I Participated in the CIA-Mafia Murder of President Kennedy (New York: S.P.I. Books, 1992)

Oklahoma City Bombing Investigative Committee. THE FINAL REPORT.2001.
The book providing evidence of FBI involvement in the Oklahoma City
Bombing .

Navasky, Victor. INVESTIGATING THE F.B.I. Doubleday, 1973.
Contains material presented at a major conference at Princeton University in 1971 investigating
crimes committed by the FBI.

Neff, James. MOBBED UP. Dell Publishers 1988.
Important book in understanding FBI collaboration with the Mafia
especially how the Bureau uses the Mafia to carry out its political

Nelson, Jack. THE F.B.I. AND THE BERRIGANS. Coward, McCann and Geoghegan, 1972.
Looks at F.B.I. death squad directed against Nobel Peace Prize nominee Phil Berrigan and his
brother, Jesuit priest Daniel Berrigan.

Doubleday, 2000.
Provides supporting evidence for the idea of the F.B.I. as a death
squad. Examines the F.B.I. acts of genocide against Afro-Americans .
Looks at how FBI agents framed Geronimo Pratt, a Afro American Viet-nam
vet who spent over 25 years in prison before a judge released him
saying he was innocent and framed by FBI agents.
Vermont filmaker has issued a 4 DVD collection of her films
about the Black Panthers. She interviews retired FBI agent
Wesley Swearingen who was part of the FBI Racial Squad in San Fransisco that put Pratt in prison see http://www.newsreel.us/

O’Reilly, Kenneth. RACIAL MATTERS. Free Press, 1989.
Professor O’Reilly looks at a file called Racial Matters that the F.B.I. is keeping on Black America.

Parenti, Michael. DIRTY TRUTHS. City Lights Books, 1996.
Dr. Parenti looks at the evidence for F.B.I. involvement in the
assassination of labor leader Walter Reuther while he was organizing
protests against the Vietnam War. It includes the essay “Why the Left
is Afraid to look at the Assassination of JFK” .

Pepper, William. ORDERS TO KILL. Carroll and Graf, 1995.
Attorney Pepper represented James Earl Ray in his bid for a new trial
and won a landmark case in civil court in December 1999 for the Martin
Luther King Jr. family. The jury in the case concluded hat the F.B.I.
was involved in the assassination of King. His book details our
government’s involvement and provides photographic evidence of the
F.B.I.’s role in this assassination.

The evidence from the 1999 Civil Trial in Memphis brought by the King
family in which the jury concluded FBI agents were principal architects
in the assassination of Martin Luther King. Written by the trial
attorney William Pepper.

Powers, Richard Gid. SECRECY AND POWER. Free Press, 1987.
A biography of FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover and his quest for power.

Powers, Tyrone. EYES TO MY SOUL. Majority Press, 1996.
Professor Powers an afro-american, talks about his 9 years working as
an F.B.I. agent, and the racism in the FBI . Powers discusses the FBI
FRUHMENSCHEN program set up in the 1920's thru 2010 to target black
politicians in sting operations without cause because the FBI feels
blacks are incpable of governing. White agents tried to kill him when
he was writing this book by blowing up his FBI issued car with him in

Ranalli, Ralph. DEADLY ALLIANCE. Harper Torch, 2001
Boston Globe reporter Ralph Rannali exposes FBI collaboration with the
Boston Mafia from 1930-2009 where they ran a Murder Inc. President Bush
asserted Executive Privilege in 2002 preventing
Congress from seeing the Federal Prosecutor’s Investigative files on this case.

Robbins, Natalie. ALIEN INK. William Morrow, 1992.
Ms. Robbins acquired the F.B.I. files on the major writers and artists of the 20th century, and examines F.B.I. agents neutralizing them and their freedom of expression.

Rosenfeld, Seth, The FBI's War on Student Radicals, and Reagan's Rise to (Farrar, Straus and Giroux, Hardcover August 21, 2012

Schultz, Bud and Ruth. IT DID HAPPEN HERE. University of California Press, 1989.
Contains interviews with human rights activists who survived F.B.I. assassination attempts.

Schultz, Bud and Ruth. THE PRICE OF DISSENT. University of California Press , 2001
The sequel to IT DID HAPPEN HERE with more interviews with civil rights activists , union organizers and anti-war protestors who survived FBI assassination attempts and with family members of people who were murdered.

Seymour, Sheri. COMMITTEE OF THE STATES. Self-published, 1989.
The F.B.I. infiltrated the California Militia 10 years before the Oklahoma City bombing. The book illustrates how easy it was for the F.B.I. to infiltrate the group and get it to make bombs.
Shows how easy it was for FBI agent provocteur to get Timothy McVeigh to make bomb and drive the truck. The exact same scenario
occured in the 1993 World Trade Center bombing. google floyd
anticev salem

Sharkey, Joe. ABOVE SUSPICION. Simon and Schuster, 1993.
Looks at the F.B.I. coverup involving one of its own agents Mark Putnam, who murdered his informant after he got her pregnant.
FBI agent Putnam was eventually sentenced to prison for their murder thanks to the dogged work of the Kentucky State Police.
click link and scroll down to obituary of his wife. http://betrayedbylovemovie.blogspot.com/

Sherill, Robert First Amendment Felon Nation Books, 10/2005
The Story of Frank Wilkinson, His 132,000 Page FBI File and His Epic Fight for Civil Rights and Liberties

Suarez, Manuel. REQUIEM ON CERRO MARAVILLA. Waterfront Press, 1987.
Looks at F.B.I. collaboration with local police in the arrest, handcuffing, and death squad execution of two teenagers in Puerto Rico.

Summers, Anthony. OFFICIAL AND CONFIDENTIAL. G.B. Putnam and Sons, 1993.
This is the book on which the PBS Frontline documentary on J. Edgar Hoover and his friendship with the Mafia is based. In my eyes, this PBS program was the turning point in the good fortune the FBI has enjoyed for over 80 years.

Swearingen, Wesley. F.B.I. Secrets: An Agents Expose South End Press 1994
Swearingen is a retired FBI agent currently living in the San Diego area who was a member
of the FBI San Fransisco Office racial Squad.
The FBI has Racial Squads in every major American City. The function of the FBI Racial Squad is to assassinate or neutralize
black politicians and black activists who do not reflect the philosophy of American Corporations. Vermont filmaker Roz Payne has
interviewed Swearingen and he is on her recently released 4 DVD about the Black Panthers see http://www.newsreel.us/

Swearingen,Wesley, To Kill a President: Finally – an Ex-FBI Agent Rips Aside the Veil of Secrecy that Killed JFK 2006
According to Swearingen, Lee Harvey Oswald did not act alone in assassinating Kennedy as was claimed by the FBI, the Warren Commission and other investigating bodies. Instead, he argues that rogue CIA agents acting in concert with the mafia and certain Cuban exiles plotted to kill Kennedy. Swearingen contends that the conspiracy was covered up by the FBI, an effort that continues to this day through the agency's unwillingness to disclose key details about the events surrounding Kennedy's death. see http://www.lewrockwell.com/pr/new-book-fbi-cia-jfk-killing.html

Theoharis, Athan. THE F.B.I. Garland Publishers, 1994.
Professor Theoharis has compiled a comprehensive listing of books and articles about the F.B.I. up to 1994.

Thomas, Kenn. THE OCTOPUS. Feral House, 1996.
Investigates the F.B.I.’s role in the killing of investigative reporter Danny Casolero while he was investigating the October Surprise.

Turner, William. THE ASSASSINATION OF ROBERT KENNEDY. Thunder Mouth Press, 1993.
Written by a former F.B.I. agent, it looks at the F.B.I.’s involvement in the assassination of Robert Kennedy.

Turner, William. REARVIEW MIRROR foreword by Oliver Stone. Penmarin Books CA 2001.
More updated information on FBI involvement in President Kennedy, Robert Kennedy and Martin Luther King Assassination written by a former FBI agent.

U.S. Commission on Civil Rights. WHO IS GUARDING THE GUARDIANS? A Report on Police
Death Squad activities. 1981.

Williams , Kristian
Our Enemies in Blue Police and Power in America (Revised Edition)
South End Press 2007

Wiener, Jon. GIMME SOME TRUTH. University of California Press, 1999.
Professor Wiener looks at the 14 year battle with the F.B.I. to get them to release their files on John Lennon.How many rock stars
has the FBI assassinated?

Wise, David TIGER TRAP America’s Secret Spy War With China
Houghton Mifflin Harcourt.2011
Looks at how FBI agents were manipulated by Chinese spies after FBI agents started having sex with their Chinese informants




Conspiracy of Silence: The Franklin Cover UpConspiracy of Silence, a documentary listed for viewing in TV Guide Magazine was to be aired on the Discovery Channel, on May 3 1994. This documentary exposed a network of religious leaders and Washington politicians who flew children to Washington D.C. for sex orgies. Many children suffered the indignity of wearing nothing but their underwear and a number displayed on a piece of cardboard hanging from their necks when being auctioned off to foreigners in Las Vegas, Nevada, and Toronto, Canada.

Incontrovertible evidence showing FBI coverup of LOCKERBIE TWA Flight 800
explosion coverup.

One of the best documentaries ever made, period.

A NOBLE LIE 2012 Convicts the FBI of creating the
Oklahoma City bombing

SILENCED Jack Cashill
Convicts the FBI of the coverup of TWA downing over Long Island by a missle

Convicts the US Government of creating 911
In 6 parts see all six

TRUTHandLIES 911 Mike Ruppert
best evidence linking US Government to creating 911


WHAT WE WANT WHAT WE BELIEVE a 4 DVD set about the Black Panthers
with an interview with FBI agent
Wesley Swearingen discussing the FBI Racial Squad and
their policy to assassinate black leaders

911 PRESS FOR TRUTH details the evidence for the FBI creating 911

di desauliers August 19, 2012 9:52 am (Pacific time)

To view over 300 pages of crimes committed by FBI agents see http://forum.goupstate.com/viewtopic.php?f=2andt=8673andstart=650 CNN exclusive: FBI misconduct reveals sex, lies and videotape By Scott Zamost and Kyra Phillips, CNN Special Investigations Unit January 27, 2011 Washington (CNN) -- An FBI employee shared confidential information with his girlfriend, who was a news reporter, then later threatened to release a sex tape the two had made. A supervisor watched pornographic videos in his office during work hours while "satisfying himself." And an employee in a "leadership position" misused a government database to check on two friends who were exotic dancers and allowed them into an FBI office after hours. These are among confidential summaries of FBI disciplinary reports obtained by CNN, which describe misconduct by agency supervisors, agents and other employees over the last three years.

Vic August 19, 2012 9:09 am (Pacific time)

As the noose tightens, we will see more of these "examples" for the rest of us. This the part where our overlords try to scare us into keeping our mouths shut....Kudos to Brandon and anyone else who has the integrity and courage to speak out !!

Anonymous August 19, 2012 9:01 am (Pacific time)

Tim I was wondering why you have not been covering the latest barbarism by the Muslim Brotherhood? "Arab Spring run amok: 'Brotherhood' starts crucifixions. Opponents of Egypt's Muslim president executed 'naked on trees.' The Arab Spring takeover of Egypt by the Muslim Brotherhood has run amok, with reports from several different media agencies that the radical Muslims have begun crucifying opponents of newly installed President Mohammed Morsi...snip...“So, the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood haven’t the option to not include crucifixion within their legal code. It’s obligatory to comply with Shariah. And yes, it’s for shock value also to be sure,” Lopez said. Lopez includes a warning for Egypt’s Christians and compares the coming treatment of the Christians to the Jews in Germany. “The Copts must get out of Egypt as soon as possible – for the many millions who will not be able to get out, I expect things will continue to deteriorate – just as they did for Germany’s and Europe’s Jews from the 1930s onward,” Lopez said." http://www.wnd.com/2012/08/arab-spring-run-amok-brotherhood- starts-crucifixions/

jill August 19, 2012 7:14 am (Pacific time)

Everyone in this country has an absolute right to remain silent. Apparently the authorities went to Brandon's home, based on merely a tip, to question him. They did not have a warrant for his arrest. If they did, Brandon would be in Federal custody pending arraignment. Something happened during questioning and the local police arrested him. Brandon made a huge mistake. He should have remained absolutely silent and not answered any questions. Please listen to this lecture by James Duane, a law professor and a former defense attorney... http://www.volokh.com/2011/09/30/prof-duane-dont-talk-to-the-cops/

Anonymous August 19, 2012 3:05 am (Pacific time)

Again evidence that Obama wants to destroy the Military. Freedom of speech does not excist anymore. The whole Government is being taken over by anti American scum. They rape this Country and the American people every day. This is the thank you for our troops who give everything for this Country. And what does our criminal Government do - arrest them and kill them every day in Afghanistan. It's disgusting. And here we have real terrorists running the streets and they are being protected by our criminal Government. God help us if Obama is able to steals the election.

Ananymous August 18, 2012 10:30 pm (Pacific time)

From my own experiece,I know, that freedom of speech and freedom of press, is but a dream of past. I was "convicted" of telling the truth, and an article I did not write, but contibuted to in an interview. I was convicted by a jury who ignored the truth and "suggested" to ignore the documented evidence, hoping to quietly shut me up without much fanfare. I am continuously being harassed and exposed to threats of further action being taken against me, More power to those, who are not afraid to speak out.

Anonymous Poses August 18, 2012 7:08 pm (Pacific time)

All Western countries are regulated! , even agencies Typo: that are far more secretive and professional than the glorified police agency called the FEDS. Agencies like MI6 , CIA , DGSE, BND …the list just goes on and on.

Anonymous Poses August 18, 2012 6:49 pm (Pacific time)

Are you f*cking kidding me!!! . I have seen a lot worse being spoken out on Facebook. But then again a new law has taken effect on twitter, Facebook, MySpace, and Skype?! . Britain and the United States have pushed out new laws recently , taking advantage of the gaping legal loop holes that are already in effect with previous anti (yawn) terrorists laws.

It seems like the United States is becoming more like "Mother Russia" in the good old days of the cold war! . A country (the US) fought hard against, in the name of "freedom “ … now America ends up becoming it’s own worst enemy!

No wonder Russia is giving the "bird" to America when it comes to political demands recently. The sad thing is ...most Westernized countries are now following on Americas footsteps. Soon there will be very little of what we call "freedom" left.

I can just see all of us huddled up in countries that were once the biggest enemies of the Western world... just so we can get a taste of what freedom really felt like before all this crap got out of control.

Tim, stop sticking up for the Feds like you normally do. Expose them on just how out of control they truly are. An unregulated agency that is spiraling out of control. Thriving on coercive bullying, with a little bit of entrapment thrown in there for good measures . All Western countries are regulated! , even agencies that are far more secretive and professional that the glorified police agency called the FEDS . MI6 , CIA , DGSE, BND …the lost just goes on and on.

It’s a known fact all these agencies have a deep hatred of the F.B.I due to the feds robust ( I own your ass ) attitude .

Don’t believe me ? I dare you to ask anyone in those agencies what they think of the FEDS .

Anonymous August 18, 2012 6:15 pm (Pacific time)

"Occupy Marines"...so just how many in comparison to other Marines who rebuke them? Power! What power? Delusional! Let it play out King, for as usual you have no idea...

Words of contempt and jealousy really smell up the place, you know?

Siraj Davis August 18, 2012 5:45 pm (Pacific time)

Love the article Tim!!

Great writing as always and as usual, always taking the courageous stand for justice.

I am looking forward to more articles of quality and interesting topics.

Let's hope we can give Brandon a chance against rough odds in defending his constitutional rights.

Thanks tim

Tim King: Thank you my Brother, I appreciate you letting me know this was going on, the world is so small these days, thank you!

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