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Aug-15-2012 17:30printcomments

Chiwar and Gloria Musa in UK Sentenced to Seven Years

Advocates contend couple is totally innocent.

Chiwar and Gloria Musa
Chiwar and Gloria Musa have been victimized by the UK govt., sentenced for a crime for which there was no evidence.

(LONDON) - The Musa parents received 7 years imprisonment today Tuesday 14th August at Wood Green Court, London and are to be deported immediately back to Nigeria on finishing their sentences. They have served already 259 days leading up to today in custody in their respective prisons. Although grief stricken on receiving this sentence they bore the outrage with dignity before being dragged away from the glass-lined witness box to be taken back to their respective prisons to begin their completely unjust sentences. Chiwar called at 7.30 pm on the day and seemed very reasonable in the circumstances.

A great travesty of justice was performed today, and an appeal will be lodged alongside the appeal for the conviction itself already lodged.

There needs to be a thorough honest investigation and enquiry into the entire Musa case of their 7 children being removed by the UK government, where so many irregularities exist, along with contraventions of court orders, and blatant breaches of every family members human rights time and time again.

Such are the injustices these 2 tortured victims have had to endure, one of the most unsettling and saddest of them all is that Chiwar Musa, the childrens father and husband to bishop Gloria has never ever set eyes on his newborn son born on March 10 this year, let alone ever hold him in his arms, and Gloria has only ever had a fleeting glimpse of her new son during his birth only and at no time since. They may never see any of their children ever again, as everything will be done to discourage any knowledge of anything to do with their children ever reaching these victimised and tortured parents once their lengthy prison sentences are completed and they are deported back to Africa. It is truly an outrage what is and has happened and something needs to be done about it immediately lest anything like this ever happens to any innocent victims visiting here ever again.

(http://www.thetruth­­07/22/how-it-al­l-began/) - A devoted supporter writes this is a heartrending account of a friend of the Musas. Read it and hear your heart friends. The truth will come out, we know this. The Musas are strong and they are not counterfeit ministers parading around in sheep's clothing.

They are true born again believers who are spirit-filled and yes they believe in power evangelism and the baptism of the Holy Spirit and the gifts. We know there are fraudsters and there is the counterfeit church. Throughout the bible Jesus warns us to beware of those who call Him Lord but He will say depart from Me I never knew you.

The Musas will look to the Lord through this as they have Christians around the world fasting and praying for them three days every single month and praying daily for the truth to come to the fore. I have faith in the people of this nation, the general public, but sadly my faith in the government and the state church has diminished.

Did you know the man presiding over the Musa criminal trial is an ordained Anglo Catholic minister and a deacon in the Ordinate? Gloria Musas is an Ordained Bishop in the African Evangelical Church and her husband is an Apostle. What a conflict of interest?

Also Judge Glen Brasse said: 'She styles herself as a Bishop!' Gloria Musa does not 'style' herself as a Bishop, she IS a Bishop. She is a Nigerian bishop. When she writes to me from Holloway prison, she signs the letter Bishop Gloria. So many good men and women have been imprisoned for righteousness sake. Dig deep into your hearts readers and ask the question: what is the truth in all of this?

Jesus said: If you seek the truth with all your heart, soul and strength you will find it. Jesus is the truth, the way and the life! There is no other way. The Musas came here to evangelise the UK; they came as missionaries.

Goggle Musas, Haringey and you will get mountains of information, their facebook pages, You Tube Channel, Judge's Judgement's, witness statements, videos of's all available on the world wide web. We don't need to rely on the main stream media who don't investigate and get to the heart of the matter. Check out UL Column Live folks for an alternative news coverage.

Our comments have been deleted which were added  as replies to most questionable and dubious articles put on certain high-flying media sites about the shocking case and its blatant victimisation and torture of a Nigerian God-fearing family. These articles supposedly summing up the case and its beleagured subjects the Musa parents are surprisingly ridiculous fantasy, and products of a lively imagination - definately not what one would suspect from these well-known outlets. Kow-towing to the outrageous government party line  regarding child seizures seems to be the order of the day, and these irresponsible articles should not be given any creedance whatsoever, and if we wanted fairy stories, Hans Christian Anderson does a far better job and we would surely go there!.

Where is justice when we cannot have a voice? the Light...butlincat.
Investigative reporter Christopher Booker's articles for the "Sunday Telegraph" on the shocking Musa case beginning in April 2010 =

"Baby P council falsely accused me of abusing a child, reveals whistleblower who feared she'd lose her daughter"

By Eileen Fairweather - the appalling antics of a London borough council =

Our sincere thanks to John Graham with, for sending this article to

Articles on about the Musa Family




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Hope For All November 25, 2015 10:37 pm (Pacific time)

The Parents involve cannot even hurt a fly, this couple has not seen, touched, or used any illegal drugs since they were born. This is the greatest injustice in the 21 century ,they were stitched Up,Framed Up by Haringey and their agents who continue to run a Smear Campaign against this couple, they also went through the greatest Racial attacked in our generation which they almost kill the couple to cover their crime against the family. send email to to the get the fact,truth and real evidence not the fabricated ones which they concocted and fabricated.

Pst Best Barau Nig October 1, 2012 9:31 am (Pacific time)

What a scenario diff to understand. But we are not afraid because a day shall reveal the corruption planted against our Musas. Is a matter of time, you shall look for them for mercy hope you shall find them. Jesus is watching and we are not ignorant of the fact that such a one time christian nation has been so engulf by satan and cultism and satanism. We remain resolute and looking unto Him who will not fail and will surely carry His judgement on evil men.

Bob August 27, 2012 1:24 pm (Pacific time)

What a load of fruitloops there are. A conspiracy to that degree would be impossible to achieve because it would involves hundreds of people in the conspiracy from social care, school, NHS, police, courts. It just couldn't be achievable. If it sounds unlikely to be fabrication it would be because it isn't. These parents simply were found guilty for their behaviour. They have just managed to whip up a media storm and we all like a conspiracy story. But knowing what I know, and I do know, I would not feel sorry for them one bit. Those poor kids are much happier and safer now!

Editor: According to every  account, that is pure balderdash.  This family did nothing, they are victims of racial bigotry in the UK, simple sad story.

Jackie Holden August 25, 2012 1:19 am (Pacific time)

When I cry unto you, then shall my enemies turn back: this I know; for God is for me. Psalm 56:9

In the day of my trouble I will call upon you: for you will answer me. Psalm 86:7

The grass withers, the flower fades: but the word of our God shall stand forever. Isaiah 40:8

He gives power to the faint; and to them that have no might he increases strength. Isaiah 40:29

But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint. Isaiah 40:31

Behold, I have engraved you upon the palms of my hands; your walls are continually before me. Isaiah 49:16

Abba we who are Your Beloved cry unto You in our prayers for the Musa family. Your word stands forever. You give power to the faint, and to those who have no might, You increase their strength, so they will mount up as eagles, they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint. The Musas names are engraved on the palms of Your hand, each one of them…not one of them will be forgotten. Though they be separated bodily, in the Spirit they are always together, for none can snatch from Your dear hand.

We pray for their Accusers, those who hate them, and we ask for Your intervention, that You will fill hearts with love, forgiveness, understanding and the knowledge of Your salvation. We pray for each one who spoke evil against Chiwar and Gloria…You know each one…wherever they might be now…may their hearts be turned towards You…may they feel a deep sense of a need to seek Your face…may they realise they did wrong…may they see Chiwar and Gloria in a different light, the light You see them in? We pray for all those in the legal profession who have been involved with our brethren…those who have perceived them as being guilty. Father, have mercy upon their souls…turn them away from the road of destruction, the wide path, lead them towards You, to Your own dear heart.

We pray for the Media…may they think carefully about our brethren…may they learn to be discerning and wise…and brave enough to seek the truth…and not just print anything they are given. Abba…we pray the true story will be reported………………..Lord…our blessed Lord…You are our Deliverer…You hear our prayers…You comfort us in times of sorrow and pain…when we weep You dry our tears…when our hearts break…You are there with us…when we don’t understand…You are there to give us understanding. Draw Chiwar and Gloria into Your presence now…draw the children…into Your wonderful love…let each of them see with Your eyes the things You have prepared for them…may faith arise in their hearts…may they hear Your voice…see Your face…feel Your arms around them…fill them with joy inexplicable, peace that transcends all understanding…may Your angels accompany them wherever they go and never leave their side…may each person that has anything to do with our brethren be blessed…

Abba…wrap Your shield around each member of this family…lift up their heads…strengthen their hearts…grant them the ability to think clearly and communicate with all those You would have them speak to…

We pray You will flow through every cell in their body and bring healing…
May they have the strength of an ox…may they minister to others…may those they minister receive salvation…may there be such an anointing to preach the word…may those around Chiwar and Gloria desire salvation.

We pray for the ones watching over the seven little ones…You know their names…Abba, we bring each foster parent to You…and we pray their hearts be drawn towards You…may they do everything under the anointing of Your Holy Spirit. We pray Your angels will set about ministering Your word to their hearts, night and day…every minute of the day and night may they hear Your word…may they realise their need to come to You. Give them no rest until they consecrate themselves to You.

We pray for each child…we pray love will fill their hearts and their memories will be sweet…and all sadness and sorrow will leave them…may they be guided by Your Spirit…may they not forget the things their parents have taught them…bring every word back to their remembrance…

Wrap Your shield around each child…let no one approach any of them with ill intent…cleanse their hearts and minds and renew their spirit…give them a zest…a very strong desire to seek You…may they give praise unto Your name…

We pray for the teachers at school…may each one seek You…may Your angels minister to their hearts and draw them into that place of repentance. Open their ears, eyes and hearts and cause them to speak under the influence of Your Holy Spirit.

We pray we might see everything from Your perspective and all fear will leave us…we pray for a spirit of praise and worship…a spirit of hope…belief…faith…love…victory…endurance…long suffering,. Perseverance…gladness…exultation…joy…

We pray for the staff at the prison…Abba touch their hearts…let them see as You see…soften their hearts and cause them to be tender towards our brethren Chiwar and Gloria…may the staff be saved…may they be receptive to Your Holy Spirit and the words of salvation.

We pray for each person involved in the lives of our brethren…those who have and are seeking to help…draw each one onto Your presence…and guide them by Your Holy Spirit…may each one be born again and consecrate their lives to You, to serve You all the days of their live on Earth. In Jesus name we pray all of these prayers, amen.

Jackie Holden August 24, 2012 1:32 pm (Pacific time)

Just saw this:

Editor: thanks Jackie!

Paul Randle-Jolliffe August 19, 2012 5:04 pm (Pacific time)

I was the Musa's McKenzie friend in the family case.

1. I warned the Musa's ages ago that they were being set up as the classic, African evil spirit exercisors, this was incidentally never in the list of allegations, so how it appeared in the case is most odd.
2. They refused categorically to lie about a minor thing when it would have helped them to do so.
3. Gloria is one of the most natural and attentive mothers I have EVER met.
4. The main social worker lied on the stand at the original finding of fact hearing, there were three witnesses to the lies.
5. I was thrown out of court for raising this strongly and the judge refused to deal with it
6. A police officer  local to the PFRD took a report from me and went to the court to enquire
7. The court manager refused to cooperate
8. The Sgt at the station then squashed the matter
9. The Judge DJ Brasse commented on and approved the court managers decision
10. I made complaint to the IPPC about the polices in action
11. The IPCC referred the matter to the Met Professional Standards
12. I never heard anything again
13. I made formal report to the LSCB
14. The LSCB refused categorically in their duty to look at any evidence
15. When challenged on this by me they said they would deny it
16. The circumstances surrounding the supposed letter of the child and the circumstances described in the letter are impossible.
17. The musa's never owned a wooden handled broom
18. The allegation to do with stairwell  was previously a balcony, but as they never had a balcony it had to be altered
19. The supposed letter which Haringey say they destroyed, was never forensically examined, it was was so obviously not written by the same hand that wrote the child's school work, i have copies
20. Haringey refused consular access to the children, and LJ Wall refused to order what is a requirement at law in that regard
21. The person who "found" the letter could not be traced when ordered to attend court
22. Michele Collins was recorded as saying, "not those f******g children again!"
23. The children were held unlawfully for many months with several judges issuing unlawful order
24. At application for habeas corpus before Justice Hogg, the judge ordered the PFRD to hold a hearing, it never did.
25. The expert that gave evidence stated that the dose of opiates would have killed the child in 30 minutes, but the sample was taken 1 hour after the parents had taken the child to hospital
26. It is on record that one consultant criticised a doctor for over medicating the child during that time
27. At the trial all the children gave evidence against their parents
28. In the original video interviews of all the children the boy stated categorically no one in our family hits anyone
29. The older girl is recorded as stating social workers had coerced her to lie
30. When it was discovered that Gloria was recording she was threatened and assaulated
31. I was introduced to a child of ten and his family who had previously been in care, he stated social workers from Haringey had tried to coerce him to lie
32. I have met other families in Haringey who are petrified of Haringey council
33. Friends and supporters of the musa''s had their children taken
34. These were very well dressed and smartly turned out children

I fail to see any resemblence of evidence for the picture painted, so morally courageous are the Musa's that unlike other they could never as ministers of truth back down, Haringey could not afford that, hence a really big fitup.

There is more but that's enough for the moment

The Musa's will eventually expose Haringey children's social services  for what it is a place of evil. Even local councellors  know things are wrong and the previous prospective tory mp believed it should be put into administration.   

butlincat August 18, 2012 5:45 am (Pacific time)

The Musa Verdict =

Ananymous August 17, 2012 12:55 pm (Pacific time)

When I read so much of "religious ideology" to the point of fanatism, I become suspicious of their believes. Religious fanatisism has been the destructive force for centuries all over the world - I have no doubt, the charges are based on facts, not their religious ideologies.

Editor: Can you try that again?  Feel free to expand.  

matthia sunday August 16, 2012 8:25 am (Pacific time)

Michele Collins made herself a laughing stock as an object of shame and ridicule in her twisted write up of June 8, 2012 on the pages of The People. It is just a matter of time, soon Michele Collins will found out that it was rather Michele Collins who was rather convicted by the court of heaven for leading the path of shame by telling naked lies against innocent missionary couple who only came to the Britain to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ. This base, gutless, spineless, weak, pusillanimous old woman told lies under oath at the “harrowing trial” of these decent, God fearing and loving parents at the Wood Green Crown Court.
The People bought the lies from this evil and satanic unmarried woman with wayward daughter.
Here are some of the base language that Michele Collins used to describe the decent parents of these cute and well bred children she wanted to steal from the beautiful couple.
“Twisted parents”, “sick couple”, “savage couple” “demon dad” “vicious couple”, “crazed pair” “lying parent”, “callous couple” “The devious mother”, “sick abusers”. It takes a tortured and guilty mind to write those things about this godly, God fearing parents who are well known to me. Helping a less fortunate family does not required that you try using clandestine, tricks to steal their cute, well behaved and well groomed children.
I know this couple will be causing that day they met this wicked and evil woman who has unsuccessfully destroyed an ones united, loving family. Michele Collins is going through excruciating pains of loneliness and emptiness and she reasoned that scattering a good loving family is what she need to assuage her promiscuity and wayward life and that of her wild daughter. She has failed woefully and The People who published this slanted write up is equally guilty of irresponsible journalism.
The truth and fact is that these innocent couple never abused their children. It was an orchestrated conspiracy masterminded by Michele Collins and very soon all the packs of lies told by Michele Collins and her conspiracy will be exposed and she will find her way into the hottest part of prison where she will spend the rest of her life.
Matthias Sunday
London, August 14 2012

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