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Aug-13-2007 14:27printcomments

Op-Ed: Bush's Brain is Leaving the Building

Karl Rove steered the nation into troubled waters, now he is jumping ship.

Carl Rove thumbing his nose in court
Did Rove thumb his nose at the people of the Unites States?
Photo courtesy:

(SALEM, Ore.) - The real "Decider" will exit the building as of August 31st, leaving the United States in the hands of a national leader with a measured I.Q. of 91. Karl Rove announced his departure from a presidential administration entering its darkest hours.

A report issued by the Lovenstein Institute of Scranton, Pennsylvania has been in the news again this week, it details its findings about the President's I.Q. which bears out of a four-month study of the intelligence quotient of George W. Bush. It brings to light the need for Bush to have a "switch hitter" in terms of intelligence.

They report that President Bill Clinton's I.Q. is 182, literally twice that of the standing President. The California Penal Code Section 26 states that an "idiot" is one of six types of people who are not capable of committing crimes.

Well, we know Bush isn't an idiot. He would have to be a full 11 points lower on the I.Q. scale, an 80 by common definition, to meet the criteria for that.

Massachusetts Democratic Senator John Kerry who countless Americans believe actually won the 2004 Presidential election, ceded the race to Bush in a Supreme Court decision. Regarding the two-legged Bush think-tank's departure, Senator Kerry predicted how he would be remembered, "Unanswered questions and political division are Rove's legacy."

Perhaps the biggest indicator of Rove's truly illicit nature came to pass when he sold out American CIA operative Valerie Plame's identity in a scandal directly linked to the Iraq war, but his actions for all intents and purposes didn't earn him the slap of a hand.

Then came the outwardly dastardly firing of nine U.S. attorneys. Prominent Democrats link the firings to attempts to influence probes of Democratic or Republican lawmakers and election fraud investigations. Bush has said they were justified but mishandled.

In the end, presidential brain Karl Rove steered this country into one of the darkest periods in American history. He urged the attack of Iraq and on that level alone has brought about the deaths of well over 3,300 American lives.

And the "Forgotten War" in Afghanistan may have now passed a point of effectiveness because scarcely 20% of the resources have been allocated for the fight there.

Rove's departure marks this presidential staff's latest departure, it may be one of the biggest and it may be one of the best.

But who will tell the president what he should be thinking?

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Henry Ruark August 17, 2007 7:52 pm (Pacific time)

GWC: Pooh to you, too, sir...I give ISBN for convenience of any who wish to check my stuff. You, on other hand, keep mask of "anon" tightly in place. When you ID-self,with full info documented, then you may restore credibility. Until then, you simply demonstrate my point by more-of-same, with resultant waste of space here for anyone seeking to learn via honest, open, authentic dialog.

George Washington Carter August 16, 2007 9:36 pm (Pacific time)

Tim, Resend of the books I mentioned, for your, Henry’s, and anyone else interested: Saddam's Bombmaker: The Daring Escape of the Man Who Built Iraq's Secret Weapon by Khidhir Hamza and Jeff Stein The Bomb in My Garden: The Secrets of Saddam's Nuclear Mastermind by Mahdi Obeidi and Kurt Pitzer Henry, if you want the ISBN number, go look it up. You sound like a librarian. That number is not important to me, but the contents of the books are. If you don’t believe these are real books, cut and paste the titles into and see what you get. Henry, your skepticism is admirable (being a newsman), but, you bore me. You remind me of some ex-Navy types I met in a bar one time, and was trying to explain to them opposing piston engines found in our old diesel subs. They swore up and down I was full of pooh. Their ignorance was deafening. I made no attempt to continue; because I don’t like speaking to blank walls (and brains). Nor, my "friend", would I ever bother to sell you anything... go to someone else's store and buy.

Morgan August 16, 2007 5:08 pm (Pacific time)

I love this whole 'Bush is stupid' assumption, when the last two Democrat nominees were Al Gore and John Kerry. Kerry did worse on the standard military intelligence tests, and Gore did worse in college. I'll stand by my vote any day against those tools. What's the IQ of the 'newsman' that thinks the Lovenstein Institute is real?

Henry Ruark August 16, 2007 2:01 pm (Pacific time)

GWC: Appreciate yr ongoing fairy tales, but miss any solid-fact disclosure along the way. When yr fears re whatever subside enough to allow ID, come around again, with book titles,ISBN, whole schmear...and how about fax of yr wife's many academic documents ? Until then, thank you but no sale...

George Washington Carter August 15, 2007 5:41 pm (Pacific time)

Ooops. Sorry SLM. Forgot to answer your other questions. Heck, I'm not a yuppie cuz I still don't really know what that means. And, because it's just a label. At one time in my life I could have been called a hippie, but Tim's hair is still longer than mine was (shoulder-length, after my military stint). But, I wasn't really a "hip" hippie. Spent too much time studying in college (like 6-8 hrs/night)! My long hair was a knee-jerk reaction from my two years draft status as a short-haired MP. Luckily, I never had to bash in heads but generally escorted people on vacation back to their rooms (and away from the brutal GPs), and told them not to do it again (but to have a nice vacation).

George Washington Carter August 15, 2007 5:21 pm (Pacific time)

Hi SLM! Thanks for responding. From the times shown on your and Henry’s submissions, you like to burn the midnight oil. OK, SLM, I concede that your stats may in fact, be correct. Apparently we are talking apples and oranges. I suspect your stats are based on local currency, Rupee (40:$1), which therefore truly would make a lot more ‘millionaires’ or ‘billionaires’ in the country of origin (using their own currency). I’m relatively sure the info I was using is based in our currency, dollars. So therein lies the difference. Nope, don’t know Rosenberg. Wasn’t he a Russian spy? And no, India (as big as it is) never made it on my list (but was high up on my wish-list, as is Nepal). My brother, on the other hand, is wrapping up a 6.5 year world journey, and he made it there! Hi Henry! No, I have no interest whatsoever in manipulating anything. You asked for some documentation of what I’m basing my opines on. I supply (and will resend to Tim to post) some names of books my wife and I have researched. We both found them interesting, and whether or not they are fairy tales or delusional thinking, is up to you to decide after reading. I found them way too detailed (and rather ingenious into looking at the Iraqi’s mind--they sure aren’t stupid people by any means!) to be “full of hot air”). Everything they present is very plausible, seems scientifically sound, and they sure got farther along in their nuke program than even our govt was originally aware! Saddam wanted to make a name for himself in the Arab world by being first to nuke Israel. SCARY if he’d have succeeded. But now we have another nutcase in Iran with the same intention (leaving us at a disadvantage because our resources will be stuck in Iraq for a long long time in the future—protecting our oil interests). My wife is a very private person. She has been researching current events and turning them into a small church newsletter for her pastor brother. The things she has come up with in her studies (most never makes mainline press) are interesting yet scary/sometimes horrific. I’ve urged her to set up a website and make these available to the general public, but at this time, she’s balking. When and if I can ever convince her to release them publicly, I’ll be sure and let you know FIRST! Until then, I’m GWC, and she’s Ms./Dr(to the 5th) GWC.

Henry Ruark August 15, 2007 6:16 am (Pacific time)

Just curious, too...but if yr wife spent allathose years pursuing allathose advanced degrees, she MUST have written SOMEthing...why not ID self-and-her, with ref. to such publication ? Yr credibility shrinks with each Comment, so put up or shut up. Anonymity is refuge of manipulator, con-man, other scoundrel, when challenged directly as has occurred here.

S.LaMarche; August 15, 2007 1:40 am (Pacific time)

G.W.C., I take it then the reference to 90 countries,(13 Aug.,9:17), was a typo?, and did India receive a visit? Do you by the way know a person who uses the alias "Rosenberg"? It's probably just a coincidence of style.,or maybe you have read some of their stuff?. I'm not being nosy mind you, just curious. The number of Indian billionaires is over twenty five thousand seven hundred and nineteen according to the Hindustan Times article in 97'. I can't vouch for it today but their are more Indians times ten years due to the geometric progression of things.,so I'd presume there are more billionaires as well. And the rest of the question was what did you do as a Vietnam-era veteran?,and last but not insignifigant, are you or would you describe yourelf as a ..,yuppie? I'm only curious, that's all. Thank you very much.

George Washington Carter August 14, 2007 11:39 pm (Pacific time)

Apparently Tim's not going to let me post the two books written by Iraqi's on their WMD (Nuke) program. Hummh. I just might take that as conspiratorial, Tim. But, please allow me to respond to S LaMarche's (in Springfield??) erroneous stats. SLM: You need to do better research. Norway, not India, claims the most (per capita) millionaires. India has only one (though quite wealthy!) billionaire in the top 10. By far, the USA has the highest number of billionaires (376), more than 10x's what India has (36). The US isn't doing too badly, since (various figures out there) either 1 in 7 households (others say only 1 in 13, or 7%) are millionaire households. TO answer your comment about my traveling: I happen to love traveling, and did most in my 20s, then took a profession (engineering) that allowed me to live and work in about 10 countries.

Tim: I didn't disallow anything, if you sent links they are automatically stripped out by our system. FYI- S. Lamarche does not live in Springfield.

George Washington Carter August 14, 2007 9:28 pm (Pacific time)

Tim, et al: Found the name of the Iraqi 4 star AF general: Georges Sada. His book (also on Amazon) is: Saddam’s Secrets: How an Iraqi General Defied and Survived Saddam Hussein by General Georges Sada

From Tim: Thanks for that George

S.LaMarche; August 14, 2007 6:25 pm (Pacific time)

to G.W.C., What did you do while a Vietnam-era veteran? I don't believe a word from the other G.W. either. The wars on "terrorism" have nothing to do with gods or higher powers . It's about Oil and power. This dictator has surrounded himself with bastards willing to steal whatever they want with impunity while the people they "serve" are lied to, spied on and sent to wars engineered by these same lying bastards, the civilian death toll continues to rise and it's ALL a lie, perpetrated by our own government to take over their version of vital natural resources. for their own profit and nothing else. India has the most millionaires in the world according to stats, and you know god well enough to lambast your read out on "false" religions? I've heard it before, what a load of crap. The founding fathers owned slaves, remember that "divine" justification? They mandated their own power base using the god card to do whatever the hell they wanted, just like today! Thank you very much. It's about right and wrong, I.Q. has nothing to do with it. Go re-up yourself if you're so enamored with this administration. And what were you up to in those 90 countries you stayed in?

Anonymous August 14, 2007 6:18 pm (Pacific time)

To all: Amazing the dead silence that follows any direct challenge to anonymities to "put up ordinary ID for credibility or shut up !" Don't hear anything further from GWC, especially about any contact with channels eager for anything even close to what he promised.

Henry Ruark August 14, 2007 7:46 am (Pacific time)

To GWC: IF you have what you claim to have re serious world issues, with documentation from yr own and PHD wife's efforts --why not make all of it available YOURselves to major press and brdcst-media channels ? Must conclude it is NOT at acceptable levels, otherwise would ALREADY have been published. Come out from under that self-serving anonymity and prove up claims...or allow decent silence to prevail from your direction.

Sue August 14, 2007 7:24 am (Pacific time)

Tim: At a time when our constitution is in peril we need your political writings. Please don't "tone down". You have the power of this website. We all need to do what we can to save this country from these neo-cons.

Noel Hawker August 14, 2007 2:04 am (Pacific time)

What a bunch of idiots these guys are! lighten up and accept that your president and his men are disgraceful and so are you for RALLYING TO THEIR CAUSE/. You backed the wrong horse man, I have heard that in reality the figures cited in this story are true, just squashed by good old George W.

Bob August 13, 2007 10:57 pm (Pacific time)

1. IQ=91 is a hoax. And you are a dupe. Look it up. 3. Idiot is below 20. Are you pulling these figures out of your ass? Look it up. 2."John Kerry ceded the race to Bush in a Supreme Court decision." Aside from the fact that this comment makes no sense, it's apparent intended meaning is also false. Look it up. 4. Richard Armitage revealed Valerie Plame's CIA status through careless gossip. No one "sold her out." Look it up. From these ridiculous errors combined with your third grade writing skills ("death of 3000 lives"???) I put your IQ at about 19. Do you know what that means? Look it up.


George Washington Carter August 13, 2007 10:31 pm (Pacific time)

Tim--as Clinton said recently, as humans we're 99.99% the same genetically, and whether white, black, yellow, or red--we should focus on our similarities rather than our 0.01% differences. It's unfortunate certain religions are teaching their children from a very young age hate and bigotry, and it's "God's will" and honorable to blow yourself up in jihad to become a martyr. Sad. Real sad. As far as IQ: mine tested at 142, but still I'm a mental midget in comparison to some friends or family, and a wife who's a 4 Sigma (and 5 PhDs, law degree, MD, all by age 25 and was a HS dropout (went to college at age 13)). Never-the-less: here's a challenge for you to extract some of your own brilliance and seek out the truth: (1) go to Cuba and Venezuela and talk to the doctors who Michael Moore professes he'd rather be treated by. Find out why they are clammering to get out of Venezuela, TO THE USA, and why Castro only pays them 10 bucks a month! Now that would make a heck of a good story and might win you a Pulitzer! (and maybe even prove MM and idiot!?) (2) Interview first-hand the Iraqi's who worked on Saddam's Nuke Program (he had several going simultaneously, smart!!), and find out why the heads of those programs secretly wished they'd never ever come to fruition. Then interview/talk to the 4 star Iraqi AF general who was in the tight circle of Saddam's inner circle, and actually trusted by Saddam (because the 4 star was a CHRISTIAN!!). And see what he knows firsthand about what happened to the WMD (just B4 the war started!) which explains WHY we never found any in Iraq with all our searching. May just put a whole new perspective on your AntiWar (??) feelings about the quagmire we're now in and what Bush did (and maybe his adminstration is not the idiots the press had made them out to be). Heck, I'd love to see us get out of there ASAP, but not a minute less needed...our military is stretched way too thin, and Iran's ruling government (not their public!), right now, is our GREATER evil... (3) Research Global Warming to a greater depth. It's a fact (I totally agree with you on this one) it's happening. Just do some (of your HIGH IQ) critical thinking on the actual reasons causing it, not some hyped Hollywood, political, or "hidden agenda" press beliefs. Delve deep into the scientific data and historical records to see if Al Gore is correct, or scientific and archeological research data is proving we're in another earth warming period. The Truth Is Out There (it just has to be uncovered!)--(my apologies to McCully) So, my friend and fellow ex-military protector of our country--use that keen mind you profess to have and do the needed research...and help drag our press out of their scum-duggling into a higher plane of righteousness and truth(while at the same educating our public as to what's REALLY happening in the world rather than misperceptions, witch-hunts, and dis-information). You've got the brains Tim, you've done quality work (Afghanistan), and you could make a REAL name for yourself and a service to your country by finding out WHICH side the real truth lies on the above. And, I'd support you a hundred ten percent, and feed you some of the info and research my wife and I have already done to make your journey a little easier. Journalism is one of the strengths of this country, but if used incorrectly can be our downfall. By the way, I suggest you bring that pretty wife of yours along because her background and experience and prior interviews would be a definite asset to you and your journeys. If you decide to accept one or more of my challenges, you may find some real rewards coming back to you small publication and world-wide recognition (and hopefully financial gains it might bring you both!) Sooooo....GO FOR IT! (Heaven forbid, you might even do 180 on Bush, WMDs, etc and go back and re-up for Iraq! ;>) ) When / if you decide to take my challenge, I'll call you and discuss some starting points to get you going...!

Tim King August 13, 2007 9:34 pm (Pacific time)

George, thanks and you have my respect right back your way. Thanks for what you did as a Vietnam Vet, I am a serious student of that conflict that you and so many of my friends served honorably in. I appreciate the things you said and in return I'll take your advice and try to tone down the politics a bit. I really do try and as we both agree that problems are everywhere, I appreciate that we are able to find that center ground where we all belong. Thanks, Tim

George Washington Carter August 13, 2007 9:17 pm (Pacific time)

Tim, I LOVED your Afghanistan reporting, videos, and stuff. You REALLY should do more of that. I HIGHLY commend you on your interesting and informative reporting there. Would love to see you do the same in Iraq, maybe next time. Suggest you stay away from the political leanings in your Rove article and do more of the Afghan stuff. You seem to excel in that, and maybe your IQ there is more like 140. For your information, I'm a Vietnam era vet that was a Vietnam-Vet Against the War supporter. And, a former Nuke Engineer (yust like yimmy carter...hence, my pen name!) I've also traveled to over 90 countries and seen the BS our govt does (both Dem's and Repub's) in supporting some pretty bad foreign governments. But, I'm PROUD to be an American because after all those travels I still would rather live here than ANY other country in the world. Where else can you grow up poor and become a multimillionaire?! This land, for all its faults, is STILL the best for opportunity and freedom. And while our political and foreign decisions may not always be right, our land has a heart, and so do our leaders. And right or wrong, your (and my) biased opines are supported by our constitution no matter how diverse, and we don't have to worry about being hung up by the terrorists in control in many other governments like Saddams. Our heritage and founding fathers, backed by our belief in a Heavenly Father, not millions of Hindu or other false gods, have supprisingly guided us along a path we can be proud of in "doing the right thing". Only history will tell if Bush (or Clinton, etc) was or was not a good president when things are put in perspective 50 or 150 years from now. So if you denigrate their accomplishments or failures now, it is way too soon. I certainly don't agree with all that Bush has done, but he's certainly not an ignoramus and the people he's surrounded himself with aren't either. So whichever political party or view you may come from, we're fortunate to have picked our best and brightest who actually do SERVE the American public, and could be making a lot more elsewhere. Look at Clinton, a perfect example. God help us if his wife gets in, but then again, I felt the same when Reagan did-- and time proved me way wrong on that one. So, my "friend" and fellow American, rejoice in who you are whether you like your leaders or not. Believe it or not, they are all trying to do the best they can and hopefully asking for guidance from a Higher Power in their decision making. Maybe it doesn't make sense now, but leave it up to history to tell which of us is right or wrong...

Tim King August 13, 2007 8:35 pm (Pacific time)

Dear George: I do believe in the possibility of Global Warming, I like Michael Moore's courage and ability to stand up to the man and call him out for what things really are. There were no WMD's in Iraq as everyone else in the world already knows. You bet I like John Kerry, a man who actually had the guts to go to war, only to be smeared like almost all Vietnam Vets. I think it is sad that guys like you don't recognize that he didn't just serve honorably; he also helped end the war sooner and at the time people were really happy about that, but everyone forgets.

Here is something else you can try to trash if you want to, I am a former U.S. Marine and I spent two months last winter as an embedded reporter/photojournalist with the U.S. Army's 41st Combat Brigade in Afghanistan. So say what you want, but I put out a new TV report every two days for eight weeks and people here in the Northwest thought it was pretty cool to see some positive reports about our citizen soldiers serving a year in a combat theater.

And for what it is worth, I grew up as a student in the L.A. County School District's "Mentally Gifted Minor" program. As a kid I had a measured I.Q. of 135. Sorry, good try on that one. Guys like you get really brave when your weapon is a keyboard and computer, but try to give people a little credit when you can. If you really knew my work aside from this silly piece on Rove, you would know that I fight hard for racial justice, so bigotry is way out of line and shows your ignorance, not mine.

George Washington Carter August 13, 2007 8:23 pm (Pacific time)

Oh yeah, Tim. I suppose you also believe in global warming, there were no WMDs in Iraq, Michael Moore's "documentaries", and Santa Claus.

George Washington Carter August 13, 2007 8:17 pm (Pacific time)

Dear Tim: You bigotry and stupidity are a shame that you (and likes thereof) put so much ignorance into print. Do some research and pull your IQ up above 91. And by the way, Bush (and Karl Rove, McCain, Kennedy, et al) have made some MAJOR mistakes in underestimating the "power of the people" when it comes to immigration. Major mistakes. It's just a shame you show YOUR ignorance by taking false data (easy to verify or not) and repeat such trash in your trashy articles. I happened across it and you really should become more enlightened and far less political. You obviously must be a Kerry supporter...!

Tim King August 13, 2007 7:37 pm (Pacific time)

George Washington Carter: The information may not be correct to the number as Yawn implies, but I think your propaganda is just as false. In fact, I think a million years will pass before your numbers will be verified by a reliable source. Bush can't even put a sentence together, he was an average student at best and he isn't exactly known for his intellect or his ability to learn or reason. You are entitled to your heroes, but this presidency will be remembered by Americans with embarrassment.

George Washington Carter August 13, 2007 7:23 pm (Pacific time)

It's a shame Tim King doesn't check out his "quoted sources" a little more before putting such disinformation and trash out there. Bush's actual IQ (~124 ) and Clinton's (~148) is just a little bit different than what is being reported in this misleading and inflammatory article. Bush's IQ is actually higher than JFK's !! REF:

Leonardo August 13, 2007 6:59 pm (Pacific time)

Yawn is correct. The IQ test is a hoax. However, the important question to ask is Why Now? Why should Rove leave at this moment? Rove is not a careless thinker. He is shrewd. There has to be a reason.

Anonymous August 13, 2007 6:34 pm (Pacific time)

Rove's worst (or best, depending how you look at it) manipulation was orchestrating fear into the American population.............and it worked. I'm sure that he'll still have the ear of the president and others. He doesn't need an office in Washington to be a force in politics. Anon

Marco Sanchez August 13, 2007 6:15 pm (Pacific time)

That's cool, the Bush presidency is a hoax too as far as most people are concerned. Maybe a real I.Q. test on W. would come out to 80 after all, of course he is an idiot!

Yawn August 13, 2007 5:43 pm (Pacific time)

The "The Presidential IQ Report" from the "Lovenstein Institute" is a hoax. Check it out for yourself...

Henry Ruark August 13, 2007 3:57 pm (Pacific time)

Arrogance and confrontation finally caught up with Rove. Bush, even with minimal IQ, should be able to comprehend the controlling word here: "Resign !"

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