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Aug-11-2011 13:25printcomments

Romney Hecklers are Missing the Point

"If you don't like my answer, you can vote for someone else" - Romney countering critics at a state fair in Iowa.

Mitt Romney
Romney photon courtesy:

(MALIBU) - Mitt Romney is the personification of the goals and aspirations of the Republican party in today's America, and if you search his name, you find that he is connected to the most virtuous and profitable businesses in this country as well.

Under a Google search for 'Romney' - right below the three entries that come under his name, is an ad for 'Cialis Without Prescription' and this snapshot is indeed worth a thousand words.

It's because without Romney and men of his caliber, there would be no pharmaceutical industry, and then what would American television do for support?

Consider how corporate shareholders would be impacted, really.

Those folks put in a lot of time to fortify their bank accounts and they didn't do it only to turn around and be forced to drive an economy car or God forbid, one of those 'pre owned' models.

Without the efforts of men like Romney, much of this would not be taking place, and think of all of the FOX adult cartoons and their associated classy jokes that would disappear, that is not acceptable!

Ethical advertising hit the garbage can long ago, we all know that, today those waste-of-time 'morals' TV used to convey are a thing of the past, very yesterday, and perhaps that is why they hit the round receptacle of American ingenuity, about the same time we got some real broadcasters like Rush Limbaugh up to the mic.


And now, Democrats are slinging mud all over Romney's clean white coat and it is unfair. Romney's Campaign Manager Matt Rhoades, said, "It is disgraceful that President Obama's campaign has launched his re-election with the stated goal to 'kill' his opponent with an onslaught of negative and personal attacks".

Google results for Romney

Who does Obama think he is?

Why does he think democrats have a right to do this?

That is a question likely on the mind of Rhoades who added, "President Obama will say and do desperate things to hold onto power because he knows he has failed. Neither despicable threats, nor President Obama's billion dollar negative campaign, will put Americans back to work, save their homes, or restore their hopes. On November 6, 2012, this will change."

Others have the audacity to suggest Obama was 'handed' his problems by the former administration.

This week in Des Moines, Iowa, hecklers at a state fair chanted, "Wall Street greed" and interrupted Romney's answers about the Social Security U.S. retirement program.

Some even suggested that the wealthy should pay more into social security. Many contend that they have already overpaid.

Romney shut his critics down. Quick on his feet, he coined the memorable phrase that will likely go down in history, "If you don't like my answer, you can vote for someone else."

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Hank Ruark August 15, 2011 3:21 pm (Pacific time)

To all: Most "anons" are-so for personal psychological or ideological reasons, sometimes confused and captured by blend of two often-opposing forces involved. This one seems to fall into latter classification --if indeed even that much class can be attributed to anyone afraid of ID for what is passed on as if cognitive process has been permitted to operate

Anonymous August 14, 2011 6:45 pm (Pacific time)

In Wisconsin, Michigan, Ohio, Indiana, and spreading across the country, voters have been voting overwhelmingly to say enough is enough regarding public unions. The governor of Wisconsin has saved jobs, created jobs, balanced the budget, all without raising taxes. Meanwhile in other states like California and New York, they are bleeding tens of thousands of jobs while raising taxes. Goodbye unions, you did the job that was at one time needed, now it's time to leave. Turn out the lights when you close the door. Thanks.

Hank Ruark August 14, 2011 4:36 pm (Pacific time)

Rich et al: Few quick-pickings from first ref. I sought after last note. This is from IN THESE TIMES June isue Editorial, p.4 by Editor Susan Douglas: ",,,,I am recovering from what was the most ghastly and embarrassing speech --by Michigan Gov. Rick Snyder,,, Snyderis one of the pack of Republican governors determined to screw working families and the poor while further enriching corporations and the wealthy. Snyder sold himself as a "non-parisan" problemsolver and "nerd" but now intends to cut education funding by 15 percent -including $200 million from higher education. He also wants to tax pensions and impose on municipalities "emergency managers" who could then terminate collective bargaining agreements, all while cutting corporate taxes by about 80 percent, or $1.8 billion." If THAT doesn't motivate you to seek out the rest of the Edit, and any other pertinent information re what your union leaders are already finding out in detail about this GOPster-gang concerted attack, there's simply nothing to be done for YOU --even by your union leaders. In best American free speech tradition, find out for yourself and make up your own mind...Internet and multiple other sources now bless us with new technology for precisely that kind of serious-citizen responsible exploration. (Remind me to detail for all here sometime my early introduction(s) to what corporate greed really seeks and has sought for 50 years and more...)

Hank Ruark August 14, 2011 3:32 pm (Pacific time)

Rich et al: Your union leaders in position to see most clearly what's coming over horizon re multiple-governor GOPster-attack on ALL unions, with allout drive to kill off union influence, esp. by work to distort and pervert interior feelings by union members as well as vs these outside attacks. Give leaders full opportunity to tell you in detail, via personal contact if so needed, and you will very soon learn and appreciate the absolute necessity to confront and defeat Walker et al, wherever and whenever they appear , to fight via any weapon they can get for death of union movement since that has long been GOPster goal. For detailed 20-yr. compilation of background and documentation, try me at

John August 14, 2011 9:50 am (Pacific time)

This guy is J.A.R.S. just another rich scumbag

Anonymous August 14, 2011 9:26 am (Pacific time)

To August. Romney will fade, but whoever becomes the final candidate you will see a sharp contrast between that individual and Obama. The voter can then decide: More of the same, or something else? The recent votes in Wisconsin, a very blue state in 2008, shows what will happen in 2012. I strongly believe we will be getting back to the needs of people. We do not want to be governed from the right, left, or center, we want to govern ourselves. There is a new conservative leadership rising to power, and it is what we need, and what we must have, in my opinion.

Hank Ruark August 13, 2011 4:20 pm (Pacific time)

To all: Rich, August overlook decades of brain/tissue affect prior to recent time --from 30 years or so -- starting with that non/starter "Government IS the Problem " when nothing but gov't action can suffice. Re real cognitive research it doth show what I reported; but informed will understand results vary with how one defines terms and how applied. We commoners have only history to guide us, and the very obvious results experienced by millions prior to New Deal and War II, which shaped current catastrophe when lessons learned "hard way"-then were radically ignored. Just returning to dialogs after meds time-out; moretocome and welcome responses from any brain=tissue still unaffected...!!!

August 12, 2011 10:53 pm (Pacific time)

I must say that at first I was taken aback by the article. I thought, could the writer be serious? But then I thought NAH this is Salem-News! So I kept on reading and I thought, just for a moment, what would happen if there were no Mitt Romney to run for President, what if, Heaven forbid, the Republicans actually cared for the poor folks? What would happen next? The country is going down a possible death spiral and we have these idiots running to make it a reality. Sometimes I wonder, will it be possible to reverse this? I mean we could simply ignore these guys, I mean IGNORE them, tell them to shut the heck up, make them walk the plank and choose some real grassroots types who care about the needs (not the wants) of the people. What do you think would happen? Part of me thinks that the Mitt Romney types would then make a fierce attack and force themselves into power, like a palace coupe or there would be  MOSSAD style assassinations against such grassroots types. Thoughts?

Rich August 12, 2011 10:49 am (Pacific time)

Good one Hank Ruark about the [brain tissue]. As a union member I sometimes wonder about those union bosses that take my union dues and waste it on lost causes, a brain tisue problem? For example the recent recall elections in Wisconsin, where the democrats won two of six races in districts that Obama won in 2008, but still lost two in districts that Obama also won. Now my union heads on a national level want to spend millions more in an attempt to recall the governor. Now this concerns me from a pragmatic perspective both in spending my dues and a most likely a loosing scenario. Not to mention that the governor not only has saved jobs, but also created thousands of new jobs, getting the deficit under control. The AP reported that approximately 350,000 votes were cast last Tuesday in six specific districts, four heavily democratic. Per AP, out of that total, 54% voted republican and 46% voted democrat. A brain tissue problem? How about social security, a program that is paid by the workers and these funds should be held in a seperate account. Remember Gore's promise to keep it in a lockbox? Well which party has been raiding our social security funds? Is there a brain tissue problem with these thieves? How about when they always use fear tactics when funding becomes an issue and they say we won't get our SS checks? So who has the brain tissue problem? Who is it that upsets the most vulnerable people with their fear tactics? I'm pretty sure that I know who has the real problem when it comes to their thinking and empathy for our citizens, and no doubt it is more than a brain tissue malfunction. By the way since Obama has been in office, there has been no COLAS for SS or Veterans benefits. Though he sure has some swell vactions does he not? Going to a Marthas Vineyard for the third time shortly, glad he's getting so relaxed, maybe he can come up with some ideas instead of pointing fingers?

Hank RUARK August 11, 2011 9:13 pm (Pacific time)

To all:
May I suggest that Matt is here not so gently tugging on our collective leg ?
Satire and second-level stuff is always hard to write and even harder to read...and for some demands subtle capacities which are not always present.

SO just in case "he means it !" here is mine under a different thread, which you are encouraged also to seek out --just to see what the hell is really going on here ! :
Never expect any kind, level, sort or other compromising actions of change from those who now masquerade as Republicans and "conservatives: These now are a special breed with specific and deadly-for-democracy turns and twists in what passes for brain tissue, ordinarily affected by the basic principles of both reason and ethics. "They" lack the well-known and demanded capacities in both areas of fundamental mental processes, as much solidly-based and reported cognitive research have shown over the past thirty years. What we now encounter is a special off-shooting breed of random- action reactionaries first formed and then further distorted by the definitive most-damaging mental-myth given its early impetus via that "Government IS the Problem !" line --denying the most basic concept of any control for the massively mischievious and often malign worst works found in human nature, starting with selfish (read: "libertarian") sentiment such as those of Ayn Rand. Comments appreciated for further demonstration of precisely the points just made...
For the record, what Romney clearly uttered re corporations being people should make entirely obvious to all concerned where he really stands. Corporate format is a legal myth created and developed simply, only AND legally to bind the company so shaped to the single, sole, selfish and silly objective of "profit", measured ONLY and ALWAYS in dollars alone. People come into the picture only as they are part of the operating mechanism demanded and without any possible remediation of that legal definition of purpose and public intent.

Editor: Thank you sir!

COLLI August 11, 2011 8:55 pm (Pacific time)

David: You seem to have missed my point. Both parties have their own agendas; however, neither party's agenda includes being merciful to the citizens or families of the United States or for that matter, of the world. How many young U.S. citizens have died? How many completely innocent indigenous people have died? This is about control of energy resources and political gain. It was under Bush and it is under Obama. It does not matter one bit who voted and what political games were played. What does matter is that innocent people (including children) are being murdered every day so we can control energy resources and gain a political upper hand. We could have been out of these wars under Bush and we could be out of these wars under Obama. The problem is that neither Bush nor Obama have control. International banking and Wall Street do! When can the children of the world go to sleep unafraid? The death of innocents is a hell of a price to pay for political gain David . . . I do not care which party’s lies you choose to believe!

David August 11, 2011 6:34 pm (Pacific time)

Colli you may have overlooked some critical acts by some specific members of congress. It is true that quite a bit of money beyond available revenue was spent while Bush was president. Please note that we were at war and all money bills by congress were bi-partisan. Except in 2006 literally every senate democrat (including Obama voted against raising the debt ceiling). Obama asserted that it was robbing our grandchildren's future. Ironic, no? Now with Obama serving (at the time) less than 1/4 as long as Bush, he has spent over four times what Bush did in 8 years. Also it has not been bi-partisan for the Republicans, who voted unanimously against the Stimulus and Obamacare saying that it would fail and be nothing more than political payback to unions, public and private. That Obamacare would have tremendous cost overruns, and that it will bankrupt us if it is allowed to proceed. So Colli, it appears that the TEA PARTY's pressure to stop the overspending has worked on the Republicans (and the 96 House democrats who voted against raising the debt ceiling) at least since Obama has been in office. Thus the trillions more we have in debt with nothing to show for it, and things are getting worse for millions, it's all on the democrats.

Anonymous August 11, 2011 3:41 pm (Pacific time)

Romney owns clear channel tv that supports Glen Beck who is an israel supporter, and believes that 19 cavemen made three buildings fall freefall in their own footprint. WTF salem-news? Romney is total israel and the palestinians..ah, screw it..this website has lost it..I am outta here.

Editor: Well we failed, this was a Steven Colbert  type of approach, follow me?

Anonymous August 11, 2011 3:24 pm (Pacific time)

Romney is not the contender..As I spoke of months ago. It a distraction. Rick Perry went to the bilderberg group meeting, and since then I TOLD YOU, he would run for president. Well, it was announced today, just as I said Same as Bill Clinton who came out of nowhere who also attended the bilderberg group meeting.. They will CRUSH Ron Paul in the media, and they will promote Rick Perry, and people will fall for it, and here we are again..In slavery, police state, wars in the middle east, more prisons etc. wake up

COLLI August 11, 2011 2:45 pm (Pacific time)

Matt: I respectfully submit that you may believe what you will but everything about the mudslinging done by both of the major political parties in the United States has as its goal to get the voters to focus on anything but the facts. The facts are these: the Republican Party under George W. Bush drove our national debt to limits never before seen and did so without regard to the future of this country. The Democratic Party under the so-called leadership of the Obama Administration more than doubled down on the spending insanity initiated by the Bush administration even after President Obama chastised President Bush for his insane levels of spending. The bottom line here is that neither the Democrats nor the Republicans give a rat's hind-end about Joe and Jane taxpayer, their children, or their grandchildren. Neither party cares one bit about the parents who stand to receive their child’s remains sent home from the multiple wars for oil and political gain we are currently involved in. Rather than hide their heads in shame these pompous egomaniacs parade themselves and their lies on national TV while they continue to cons the taxpaying citizens, mothers, and fathers of the United States into giving more of their hard-earned dollars and the young lives that represent the future of our country. Having seen the truth of the matter long ago, it makes me sick to hear anyone praise the good qualities of either political party. Both political parties and the world banks that own them will continue to initiate this "Rah-Rah" team smokescreen and shift your focus from the real facts and underhanded maneuvers they live by. Do we really want to continue to send our children and grandchildren to be maimed and/or killed in wars planned and orchestrated by the world banks, Wall Street, and the politicians owned by both? Does it really matter to you which political party sent your child or grandchild to die for oil and/or political gain? It should not because they will not be there to mourn your loss as they party on “K” street or in the Whitehouse. Does it really matter to you which political party picks your pocket? It should not; because the end-result is the same . . . either party will leave you with only pocket lint. You worry about respect for the candidates . . . I worry about respect for the "Country that was" and it's citizens who seem to live in a drug-induced stupor!

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