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Aug-10-2006 12:06 ![]() ![]() U.S. Raises Airline Threat Level After British Break-Up Terror PlotSalem-News.comTravelers should anticipate additional security measures within the airport and at screening checkpoints. All hair gels, lotions, and liquids have been banned from carry-on luggage.
(WASHINGTON D.C.) - The Department of Homeland Security is taking immediate steps to increase security measures in the aviation sector in coordination with heightened security precautions in the United Kingdom. Over the last few hours, British authorities have arrested 21 extremists engaged in a substantial plot to destroy multiple passenger aircraft flying from the United Kingdom to the United States. The airlines targeted included United Airlines, American Airlines and Continental Airlines Inc., two counterterrorism officials said Thursday, speaking on condition of anonymity because of the sensitivity of the situation. The plot involved hiding masked liquid explosives and detonators in carry-on luggage. Currently, there is no indication, however, of plotting within the United States. "We believe that these arrests have significantly disrupted the threat, but we cannot be sure that the threat has been entirely eliminated or the plot completely thwarted," U.S. Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff said Thursday. For that reason, the United States Government has raised the nation’s threat level to Severe, or Red, for commercial flights originating in the United Kingdom bound for the United States. "This adjustment reflects the Critical, or highest, alert level that has been implemented in the United Kingdom. To defend further against any remaining threat from this plot, we will also raise the threat level to High, or Orange, for all commercial aviation operating in or destined for the United States," Chertoff said. "Consistent with these higher threat levels, the Transportation Security Administration is coordinating with federal partners, airport authorities and commercial airlines on expanding the intensity of existing security requirements. Due to the nature of the threat revealed by this investigation, we are prohibiting any liquids, including beverages, hair gels, and lotions from being carried on the airplane." This determination will be constantly evaluated and updated when circumstances warrant. The measures will assure that the United States' aviation system remains safe and secure. Travelers are encouraged to go about their plans confidently, while maintaining vigilance in their surroundings and exercising patience with screening and security officials. The United States and the United Kingdom are fully united and resolute in this effort and in our ongoing efforts to secure our respective homelands. Articles for August 9, 2006 | Articles for August 10, 2006 | Articles for August 11, 2006 | ![]() Support ![]() googlec507860f6901db00.html ![]() ![]() | |
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AM in the AM August 11, 2006 11:57 pm (Pacific time)
Dear D. Johnson, President Bush has already done harm in many areas, one of the most appalling things is that he desecrated our supposed democracy further by the cheating in the election count, especially in Broward County, Horida. Read "The Best Democracy Money Can Buy," by Greg Palast. Bush and his allies should be sent to Iraq with one suitcase each. Iraq did not attack us. If there are terrorists then they are terrorists; not Iraqi's! I do not like being lumped together if I meet people from other countries and they assume that the polices of the government are in line with my values. The day before we went into Iraq, I refused to stand to sing, "God Bless America," because I knew the whole thing was about control of oil fields and 9/11 was a manufactured crock of crap...just like the attempted Operation Northwood in the early 60's. By the way I love the song and the way Kate Smith sung it. My refusal to stand and sing along happened to be in Broward County, Horida.
D. Johnson August 11, 2006 5:33 am (Pacific time)
Does it matter what skin color someone is. If there out to do harm, then we should eleminate the threat. Any one who doesnt see it this way should get a one way ticket to Irag
A.M in the P.M. August 10, 2006 10:20 pm (Pacific time)
Brandon, I never said that people are not out to get us. Don't always assume that they are the Middle-Eastern-Boogie-Man. How do you know that this was not all orchestrated because the elections are coming and the Republicans want to look like the protectors. Gas prices will ease before the election. The bigger the lie, the more people believe it. This has been used since the beginning of time. Flight 800 off of Long Island was taken down by friendly fire. In other words the U.S. Navy F-d-up. Hundreds of people saw a heat guided missle go up to the plane. The government could have been sued for a countless amount of money and time, and look like the bungling idiots that they sometimes are. They actually put the pieces of the plane together in a hanger to make it look like they were being so perfectly scientific. Their lie or conclusion was that a gas vapor build up was ignited by electrical wires. Everyone that I have talked to in aerospace and defense laughs at this. The people on the south shore of Long Island that saw this know the truth but the cover-up was a masterpiece in effort but a real dud in conclusion.
Brandon M August 10, 2006 8:01 pm (Pacific time)
"Conspiracy conspiracy!" Come on this isnt the JFK assasination, this is life. Its not fake, its real, there really ARE people out there that are out to get others. If the govt wanted to scare us trust me it would be bigger than this.
Al M. Again August 10, 2006 4:05 pm (Pacific time)
Postscipt, Did all of my lovely children notice that there was much fear and paranoia today even in little ole Salem area, bomb threats? This is just what the government and special interest wants and you all fell for it. The timing of the release of this fairy tale is all too telling. I will teach you things they never taught in college. I love it. To defrock groups that deceive and manipulate the emotions of the average person so that these people and groups can maintain and increase their positions of power. Do not forget to look up William Casey on the internet. He was a good man, yeah right, give me a break! And never forget
Albert Marnell August 10, 2006 3:54 pm (Pacific time)
I believe that this is another "Loose Change" as support for the war in Iraq is decreasing. If they will kill tens of thousands of innocent civilians, it is no skin of the backs of intelligence with their allegiance to everyone but the citizens of the U.S. and the U.K. to sacrifce the lives of a few Arab men. We do not even know if these supposed terrorist were paid to play along with the game. I know the intelligence business very well and they will say and do ANYTHING to achieve their agenda and the agenda of the people that they serve. If you think that international intelligence is in the service of the average person, boy are you still in first grade. George Soros, the multi-billionare swung the elections in Ukraine to the West. I am happy for this but it shows the reality of big powerful people and groups. They can hire people to play along with their propaganda, political demonstrations, paid selective media control, people do I have to be your parent? Use the part of your brain that has been brainwashed to think inside the box on certain topics. This is all coming at a very suspicious time and do not tell me the chairman of the Federal Reserve...Mr. Ben Bernanke was not tipped off about this way before his announcement to keep interest rates steady. If he had raised rates to defend the currency which is his job and then you add this newly created intelligence fiction, the stock market would have crashed. By the way the Fed's job is to fight inflation, not to prop-up housing, the stock market or anything else. Already I see that Bernanke is not an inflation fighter and plays ball with the others that want to keep fear instilled in the Western World so that they can get support at a crucial time. Remember also, it is before the elections, the Republicans want gas prices down for a while so that people are not so angry. Again, international intelligence, M16, C.I.A., Mussad will say or do anything to get what they are told to do for the global elite, one of whom are big oil and other specail interest groups like munitions manufacturers that benefit from this. At age 15 (1970) I was actually in the home of the C.I.A. Director, William Casey, in Roslyn Harbor, New York. I met him and went snow mobiling on his families compound. I knew a woman that had influenced me to do political things (small time stuff but important) for a certain political party. That gave me the stamp of approval with the C.I.A. Director. He was not worried about me due to my age and the connection with the woman who was connected to him. Let me tell you, I have lived it. Intelligence will say and do anything to get what they want including media shows manufactured and polished to a T. Look up William Casey on the internet. You will see that he was quite an evil man and was beholden to the very wealthy and powerful.
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