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Aug-07-2008 22:07 ![]() ![]() Values and NormsCommentary by Kenneth G. Ramey Salem-News.comIt is not imagery but specifics and inherent values and norms that should decide who will be the next President of the United States of America, not political expediency.
(PASO ROBLES, Calif.) - We’re talking values and norms here, not false accusations or rumors that get tossed about during political campaigns, such as John McCain and his committee are throwing at Barack Obama’s wall to see what will stick. Hillary acted as warm-up for McCain’s .performance when she referred to Barack Obama as an “elitist” [which of course he is not]. According to a web-headline [8/4/08] Obama leads McCain in a poll of white working class voters by a significant margin. A Republican tactic intended to show Obama’s Foreign Policy in a bad light backfired when, as McCain suggested, Obama went to Iraq. It is politically dangerous to respond to the advice of the opposition, but in this case Obama wisely expanded his tour to include Afghanistan, Jordan, Israel, Germany, France and England where in Germany he was warmly received, by 200,000. So great was his reception that, looking for anything to diminish his appeal, McCain’s committee branded Barack a superstar sans credentials. Paris Hilton was used, but very nice as she criticized John McCain‘s tactic. Next. Obama was accused of having a Messiah complex because of his audacity for believing himself capable of being president. Compared to Geo. W. Bush, however, Obama is a piker as a Godhead, At least he shows a willingness to compromise rather than dictate.
Barack Obama’s apparent changes of heart indicate his willingness to compromise to satisfy the interests of all Americans that both Parties represent. It is an admirable intent consistent with Obama’s desire to change the system to better serve everybody, unlike extreme partisanship that has existed too long and for all the wrong reasons. The United States must be free from foreign and Big Oil if it is to retain its position as the leader of the Free World. Passive energy seems on the verge of taking off, and should become the most viable source in the long run. There is no quick fix, it will years happen, but it will create jobs where they are needed. In the meantime coal, natural gas, oil and existing nuclear energy will be essential residual-supplements to a successful transition, but as passive energy sources increase, energy dangerous to the environment and to life can be reduced incrementally for the good of all. Obama is not only the most reasonable, but also the best qualified. candidate to be President. His mind is sharper than McCain’s, his knowledge greater, and his heart bigger, which will lead to peace and prosperity, none of which has anything to do with McCain s’ comic criticisms. If Hillary was President, she would look as unlike all Presidents depicted on our national currency as will Barack Obama, but for a different reason. It is not imagery but specifics and inherent values and norms that should decide who will be the next President of the United States of America, not political expediency. ------------------------------------------------
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Real Democrat August 24, 2008 12:08 pm (Pacific time)
Clarice Feldman lays out the reasons why the William Ayers/Annenberg Challenge story will seriously damage the candidacy of Senator Obama ...the story was that Ayers (former bomber of Pentagon and other government facilities) was an old professor in Mr. Obama’s neighborhood who just happened to host a fundraiser for him in 1995 which launched his political career.
Once the public learns more of the CAC, will the voters decide that the manner in which Obama exercised his sole opportunity at executive authority was so good that he deserves the keys to the Oval Office?
Sourced August 22, 2008 7:30 am (Pacific time)
The author of this article is quite right that rumors get tossed around on politicans, so then when we discuss values we must strive to be accurate. A good way to do this is to review voting records. In 2002 congress passed the "Born Alive" bill and it passed unanimously, even NARAL Pro-Choice did not oppose it. In short this bill stated that if a baby was born alive, even during a botched abortion, then that baby was to be protected. Recall the saying in the Declaration of Independence: "...the pursut od Life, Liberty and Happiness...?" In Illinois when the exact wording (and it was exact!) came in a legislative bill there, Obama voted against it. Maybe he was right when he said last weekend that determining life was "above my paygrade", but this "Bill" was about the living. Last weekend during a televised interview via Dave Brody of the Christian Broadcasting Network, Obama stated he was fully for the above federal bill and it's "neutrality clause" and people were lying about his voting record about it. The Illinois voting record says otherwise. Now is this a value/character issue, or is this a pattern of behavior? Giving teleprompter speeches are a lot different than providing answers about issues, especially when they are unrehearsed. People are what they do, not what they say.
Sinbad August 21, 2008 2:09 pm (Pacific time)
Some supporters of Barack Obama are in paroxysms over Jerome R. Corsi's best-seller "The Obama Nation," attacking the book and its author on minor details contained within its pages, while deliberately ignoring and obfuscating the larger points Corsi makes about Obama's questionable alliances, practices and qualifications for president, because they dare not address the questions raised, they then attack the one asking the questions. In addition the publisher of this book has been around for decades and publishes books from all parts of the political spectrum, including books by Hillary and Bill Clinton.
Free Reader August 20, 2008 4:58 pm (Pacific time)
People buy what they want to buy, a good thing. Regardless of who is anyone's favorite candidate I'd rather have the freedom to be able to look at other's viewpoints. This is a well written book and it allows the reader to check out it's validity with literally hundreds of footnotes. I believe those individuals who are going to fork over their $$ to buy a book are smart enough to make a decision on just what they want to read. Can you imagine if we did not have that option and instead our choices were relegated to those who felt we were incapable of making our own decisions, and they decided what we would and should read?
Henry Ruark August 19, 2008 12:48 pm (Pacific time)
To all: EMac misbehaving here, left off link for new book by Kuttner just-sent, so here it is:
Henry Ruark August 19, 2008 12:34 pm (Pacific time)
To all: Robert Kuttner is by far more capable and reliable than Corsi. Here's "see with own eyes" on his new book titled Obama's Challenge: Chelsea Green, the independent, opportunistic Vermont book publisher, is crashing a new Obama book -- Obama's Challenge: America's Economic Crisis and the Power of a Transformative Presidency by Bob Kuttner, co-founder and editor of the American Prospect -- to launch at the DNC next week in Denver. The new book has the goal of encouraging Obama, should he get elected, to rise to the challenge of the multiple crises the country faces, particularly with the economy in deep trouble and the poor and middle class increasingly in crisis. But the book also has the potential to serve as an antidote to The Obama Nation: Leftist Politics and the Cult of Personality by Jerome Corsi, a book that has been thoroughly discredited for its numerous falsehoods as well as its author's track record, which includes a slew of bigoted posts on the conservative website Free Republic and co-authorship of a discredited book attacking Sen. John Kerry during the 2004 presidential campaign. Nevertheless, despite a critical examination by portions of the media, the Corsi book has received tons of publicity, and because of right wing bulk buying and heavy promotion on right wing talk shows, it debuted at the top of the New York Times best-seller list." ---------- Give me Far Right billionaire funding and a week to work and I'll guarantee to put ANY book, no matter the reviews, at the top of the NYT list, built solely on numbers-sold, which is easy to manipulate given enough dollars and a bit of time. That is cold hard fact; go check with anyone in the field who knows from experience (as it so happens I do !) and you will get same answer. Ask your book-seller how NYT list works and you'll hear it is BY SALES ALONE, even if b-seller also mentions reviews...which if so applied to Corsi's compendium of lies would kill off even paltry number first printed. Donlt be sucked in by heavy dollar-usage AGAIN to further Far Right/Neocon plot.
Sinbad August 18, 2008 3:21 pm (Pacific time)
I have read Corsi's books on Kerry and the recent one on Obama. The footnotes and sources are easy to check out and make your own evaluations. The book is number one while Pelosi's book has barely sold over 5,ooo copies. It appears that Corsi has found an audience. That's the American way I guess.
Henry Ruark August 18, 2008 12:10 pm (Pacific time)
Mike, LH et al: Corsi is known as "paid assassin", produced book noted for its untrue attack on Kerry. His publishers notorious for this approach, which sells to the unwary and uninformed. Reviews unanimous on that point, NOT based on attack on author from Obama or anyone else but on skilled reading by trained reviewers whose whole reputation depends on their continuing integrity to truth. Seek out excerpts available at Amazon and elsewhere to "see with own eyes", read reviews from readers like us. Given his completely obvious dollar-grubbing malign intent, do you propose they UN-reply ? Re "speeches written by others", that's standard political progression...I know having written a few myself. Been common for decades. To attack that is to display appalling ignorance; either UNinformed, MISinformed --or malign attempt to distort for political-assassination drive, similar to Corsi book. Re "actor", how about Reagan as notorious example ? IF he so hot, why not some other ? For you,is it just "cool", or is it "color ? Be NOT "put off" by such private-interest distortion, go "see with own eyes" via access to reliable sources on I-Net, and evaluate with own mind. Let nobody tell you what to think OR decide--including me. YOUR vote is YOURS alone, an unforgiving responsibility now and for the future of your children, arrived or yet to come !!. Be careful --the way all is going, come your old-age, you may NEED them, when S/Security has vanished...!!!
Mike Lords August 15, 2008 2:11 pm (Pacific time)
Most of the world's leaders are doing whatever they can to quell the Russian-Georgia conflict but today we have
Barack Obama's campaign slamming Republican rival John McCain for not disavowing a new anti-Obama book.
Obama and Democrats have launched an aggressive counteroffensive against Jerome Corsi's "Obama Nation," saying the book that will be atop the new New York Times hardcover nonfiction bestseller list on Sunday is full of lies and innuendos.
LH August 15, 2008 11:16 am (Pacific time)
From my observations it appears that all of our elected representatives at one time or another missed casting a vote, and some more than others. Since this is an election year we see that those on opposing sides bring out the microscope and augment as per what creates an advantage. Since McCain has been around for a while he has a record that can be both villified or praised. Obama has such a limited record that to be responsible we need to cull information from a time period before he entered into national life. This is fair, and it is the responsible thing to do. Otherwise all we really have to go on regarding Obama is to listen to his speeches, which are written by \"other people.\" When you consider that aspect, then that\'s what actors do, they just puppet the screen writers and do what the director says. This world we live in is getting more dangerous as recent events have clearly demonstrated. Do we want someone who gives inspiring speeches that no doubt rally a significant percentage of the population ( below 50% of the voters by the way), or do we want someone who has a track record, warts and all, who may keep us safe? Well we have several months before the election, here\'s hoping more \"objective\" info is made avilable to assist our choice this November.
Henry Ruark August 14, 2008 7:05 pm (Pacific time)
LH et al: Re "duty to vote", surely that is an essential. McCain has missed eight in Senate on alternative energy, one when he was present in office but did NOT vote ! Obama has missed several but I understand voted on that one and several more, too. Neither has perfect record; so we must judge on what we perceive as their full list of qualifications, starting with age and life experience, as well as political. We know what we'll get with McCain" more of same only deeper and further budget-extended. With Obama there might just be possibility of change. Too early yet to make a rational, reasonable choice, and wish you well as you make yours.
LH August 14, 2008 1:22 pm (Pacific time)
I am always deeply disappointed when we have our elected representatives fail to cast a vote on any bill, regardless of its level of perceived importance. McCain with over 20 years as a U.S. Senator most certainly has demonstrated an excellent record of being actively involved in countless pieces of legislation that he initiated. What is Sen. Obama's record in the senate? I do know that when in the Illinois legislature he did not cast a vote in well over 120 roll calls on legislative bills, so what's that indicate? If one cannot answer that question, then I fear that I cannot find away to clarify an answer for you. Lociento mucho.
Henry Ruark August 14, 2008 12:22 pm (Pacific time)
To all: Common wisdom is to judge all by what they DO --not what they SAY they do. Works for even the most canny politicians, too, as this "see with own eyes" news excerpt shows: Eight Strikes and You’re Out By THOMAS L. FRIEDMAN August 13, 2008 "John McCain recently tried to underscore his seriousness about pushing through a new energy policy, with a strong focus on more drilling for oil, by telling a motorcycle convention that Congress needed to come back from vacation immediately and do something about America’s energy crisis. “Tell them to come back and get to work!” McCain bellowed. "Sorry, but I can’t let that one go by. McCain knows why. "It was only five days earlier, on July 30, that the Senate was voting for the eighth time in the past year on a broad, vitally important bill — S. 3335 — that would have extended the investment tax credits for installing solar energy and the production tax credits for building wind turbines and other energy-efficiency systems. "Both the wind and solar industries depend on these credits — which expire in December — to scale their businesses and become competitive with coal, oil and natural gas. Unlike offshore drilling, these credits could have an immediate impact on America’s energy profile. "Senator McCain did not show up for the crucial vote on July 30, and the renewable energy bill was defeated for the eighth time. "In fact, John McCain has a perfect record on this renewable energy legislation. He has missed all eight votes over the last year — which effectively counts as a no vote each time. "Once, he was even in the Senate and wouldn’t leave his office to vote. “McCain did not show up on any votes,” said Scott Sklar, president of The Stella Group, which tracks clean-technology legislation. "Despite that, McCain’s campaign commercial running during the Olympics shows a bunch of spinning wind turbines — the very wind turbines that he would not cast a vote to subsidize, even though he supports big subsidies for nuclear power. "Barack Obama did not vote on July 30 either — which is equally inexcusable in my book — but he did vote on three previous occasions in favor of the solar and wind credits. ----------- SO if anyone has comment re this, address it to famed columnist Friedman, not me ! He's telling "truth to power", plainly on public record. If you believe in real freedom of the press, listen and learn, via sharing process here on open, honest and for sure democratic S-N channel.
Henry Ruark August 13, 2008 6:28 pm (Pacific time)
LH: Thank you for stopping short of declaring we should simply drop The Big One on allathose stupidothers and same time, money, attention and ourselves from further sure disaster. Re UN-power, if it is now less than it should surely be for 21st Century, seek out for yourself reasons for that sttus and especially whodoneit too. IF you can read English (see "test" in TIME-reference given earlier !), the facts are easy to find and problem is only to understand what they mean, for which I am powerless to help you any further --sorry!
LH August 12, 2008 10:35 am (Pacific time)
Take stock of how the major candidates acknowleged the Russian-Georgian conflict. McCain instinctively supported an American ally against a Russian aggressor and rallied to its defense. Obama instinctively palmed off the problem to an international talkshop (United Nations) guaranteed to do nothing but sit on its hands while Russia brought a pro-Western nation to heel. A real life example backing up the premise of the campaign against the Dem nominee. Barak is a citizen of the world. McCain is a leader of the United States. This is the big leagues people, and stirring rhetoric (Via Axlerod and others) will not sway agressive countries like Russia or China.
Henry Ruark August 11, 2008 8:09 am (Pacific time)
Len et al: David Broder column in R/G (8/11) "Put some trust in campaign" excellent example of how same-words mean essentially different actions to far too many persons. Contrasts two-incidents for Obama/McCain from their dual work in Senate. Will send link if can get it from R/G, unavailable on WPost site. This demonstrates precisely new findings via cognitive scientists, undoubtedly at the root of much civil disagreement, about which we must learn or else, at our peril, especially with current distortion/perversion in our vaunted "free press", now so clearly under corporate owner control.
Henry Ruark August 10, 2008 11:23 am (Pacific time)
LH et al: Yours illuminates and emphasizes the complicity of our media in concealing from the nation what is obviously not simply "defense", but a strong threat to Iran. A "third front", ostensibly caused by Iran's actions, but in fact triggered by some of our historic clandestinary by the CIA or others, will be the rumored "October Surprise" by the desperate Bush-cabal, if indeed it does occur. The only possible remedy is clearly that of impeachment, as the Grand Inquiry from our Congress to precisely such continuing offenses clearly now on the record from known initiation preceding their official arrival. A President impeached or in process for it can hardly be allowed to "press the trigger" AGAIN, for a SECOND preemptive attack surely then seen only as desperate defense.
Henry Ruark August 10, 2008 11:15 am (Pacific time)
Len H. et al: You may find it helpful, at least very interesting and illuminating, to see the "In Their Words' weekly feature in TIME. It contrasts McC. statement vs Obama-likewise, revealing much, with attitude and character unconcealed thereby. I keep a weekly file, from which I continue to learn not only about these two, but much about the wise, honest use of language, even under strong campaign stress. It's a great tool for "see with own eyes, use OWN MIND" for evaluation.
LH August 10, 2008 8:10 am (Pacific time)
It appears that things are about to get hot in Iran. With the Georgia-Russian conflict occupying the Russian military, and the huge armada(below article) heading towards Iran. My guess is unless Iran immediately capitualtes and allows inspectors full access to their nuclear facilities, Israel will attack. Iraq's main enemy is Iran, so I expect that Iran will capitulate and roll over. Peace just may come to this part of the world. Keep your fingers crossed. I would point out that on the political front here at home, it will become clear that we need a strong and proven leader running things. Has anyone noticed that so far the Russia-Georgia conflict has not been front page news. Heck they each are nuclear powers! What is the press really trying to suppress? "Massive US Naval Armada Heads For Iran Live Leak ^ | August 8, 2008 | Timothy Alexander Operation Brimstone ended only one week ago. This was the joint US/UK/French naval war games in the Atlantic Ocean preparing for a naval blockade of Iran and the likely resulting war in the Persian Gulf area. The massive war games included a US Navy supercarrier battle group, an US Navy expeditionary carrier battle group, a Royal Navy carrier battle group, a French nuclear hunter-killer submarine plus a large number of US Navy cruisers, destroyers and frigates playing the "enemy force". The lead American ship in these war games, the USS Theodore Roosevelt (CVN71) and its Carrier Strike Group Two (CCSG-2) are now headed towards Iran along with the USS Ronald Reagon (CVN76) and its Carrier Strike Group Seven (CCSG-7) coming from Japan. They are joining two existing USN battle groups in the Gulf area: the USS Abraham Lincoln (CVN72) with its Carrier Strike Group Nine (CCSG-9); and the USS Peleliu (LHA-5) with its expeditionary strike group. Likely also under way towards the Persian Gulf is the USS Iwo Jima (LHD-7) and its expeditionary strike group, the UK Royal Navy HMS Ark Royal (R07) carrier battle group, assorted French naval assets including the nuclear hunter-killer submarine Amethyste and French Naval Rafale fighter jets on-board the USS Theodore Roosevelt. These ships took part in the just completed Operation Brimstone..."
Henry Ruark August 9, 2008 11:48 am (Pacific time)
Tel et al: Coming to appreciate your interest in values and judgments --for both "choices" we now have facing us. SO suggest you see Naomk Klein's "Chicago Boys"; NATION (6/30/08);summarizing honest, wise approach to realities of economic disasters from the Chicago School/Friedman impact on whole/world "free trade". Here's her key quote from Obama: "Our current economic crisis did not come from nowhere. It is the logical conclusion of a tired and misguided philosophy that has dominated Washington for far too long." OR one you might find fully enlightening re McC.:"Voodoo Reformism"; NATION (7/14/08). It details his long-recorded and very public reliance on gaming the whole concept of close ties to lobbyists while playing an obvious two-faced role as reformer. IF you find either of these "disagreeable", unfortunately your quarrel is with editors of NATION, highly respected national journal, not with me, as mere reporter bringing you et al "see with own eyes" data for your own cogitation. Your role is simple: Produce and share here similar public statements from also-honored national sources to support your views. That's what dialog is meant to do: Bring to whole group checkable, testable statements from fully-informed reliable sources, to guide and assist personal cogitation on major key issues. HOW they add-up should and MUST remain a function of our own personal predilections, as assisted by whatever brain-poer we can summon, as responsible, accountable and reasonable/rational American citizens. I agree the full gamut of "values and judgments" for each of these two men is fair game and demanded now. SO where's yours, re McCain --except, of course, for those many lobbyists, provocateurs and lush-funding/providers who have already been forced to depart his staff. What we undoubtedly need to begin our rescue of a tattered democracy, under attack for three decades, is truly a new set of "choices". The first one such choice is achieving easy clarity right before our very eyes...perhaps assisted by "see-and-think" processes here, further motivated by precisely the kind of report to which this is appended.
Len Hannaford August 9, 2008 10:16 am (Pacific time)
Placed side by side, two quotes give an example of the difference between the two presidential candidates. The issue is the Soviet attack into Georgia: Here is John McCain's statement:
“Today, news reports indicate that Russian military forces crossed an internationally-recognized border into the sovereign territory of Georgia. Russia should immediately and unconditionally cease its military operations and withdraw all forces from sovereign Georgian territory. What is most critical now is to avoid further confrontation between Russian and Georgian military forces. The consequences for Euro-Atlantic stability and security are grave.
“The government of Georgia has called for a cease-fire and for a resumption of direct talks on South Ossetia with international mediators. The U.S. should immediately convene an emergency session of the United Nations Security Council to call on Russia to reverse course. The U.S. should immediately work with the EU and the OSCE to put diplomatic pressure on Russia to reverse this perilous course it has chosen. We should immediately call a meeting of the North Atlantic Council to assess Georgia’s security and review measures NATO can take to contribute to stabilizing this very dangerous situation. Finally, the international community needs to establish a truly independent and neutral peacekeeping force in South Ossetia.”
And here is Obama's:
“I strongly condemn the outbreak of violence in Georgia, and urge an immediate end to armed conflict. Now is the time for Georgia and Russia to show restraint, and to avoid an escalation to full scale war. Georgia’s territorial integrity must be respected. All sides should enter into direct talks on behalf of stability in Georgia, and the United States, the United Nations Security Council, and the international community should fully support a peaceful resolution to this crisis.”
Gee, Barack, thanks for the detail. Forget all the ads, the videos, the talking points, and the accusations. Here’s what it comes down to: In a geopolitical crisis, you have one candidate with a handle on the specific players and their intentions, and ideas on specific ways to move forward: then you have another candidate who says parties should try to help bring about "a peaceful resolution.” There’s your choice. Indeed it is. And the safety of this country may well depend on that choice.
Anonymous August 9, 2008 7:51 am (Pacific time)
My friend Henry I shall anxiously wait for your Obama update and shall be quite interested in your sources. You know what some critics say about Media Matters and the Kos? The latter should have a warning for young children re: poster's language arts. As far as former senator Gramm, yes as a former politican he should have realized his statements would be augmented. But Henry you and I have been around long enough to realize that prices/costs are subjective, which by the way is a state of mind. The below news article shows just how quick thinks change in the financial world. This is good news for the American people, bad news for those who want bad news. So let's hope things continue to improve. Oh, I would also suggest, since we are not yet on gas rationing, the price of oil is subjective, thus with the current infra-strucure off the coast of California, some experts say we can get oil into the market in a matter of months not years. Ditto for an existing infrastructure in Alaska, I have read where in a couple of years new oil could be in the pipeline up there. This I see as a plus for national security as well as positively impacting the subjective state of mind as per the below article's good news. When did your grandson go thru Ranger school? Bloomberg: "US stocks soared on Friday as the dollar saw its biggest one-day jump against the euro in eight years and oil prices plunged. The moves marked a key reversal of a trend that many investors had followed profitably for months – betting that high commodity prices would keep the dollar weak. The dollar reached its highest in five months against a trade-weighted basket of currencies, while oil fell more than $5 to $114.87, 22 per cent below its record high of $147.27 last month. The SandP 500 closed 2.4 per cent higher in New York. The shift in sentiment was triggered by Jean-Claude Trichet, president of the European Central Bank, who warned on Thursday that third-quarter eurozone growth would be “particularly weak”. This sparked talk that the ECB would be forced to abandon its hawkish policy stance and start cutting interest rates, thereby weakening the euro. “This is the watershed week for the US dollar,” said Marc Chandler, currency strategist at Brown Brothers Harriman. “The magnitude of the dollar’s moves and the breaking of key technical levels suggest that a major shift in the outlook towards the dollar is occurring as massive positions are adjusted.” The dollar hit a five-month high of $1.5055 against the euro and climbed 1.3 per cent to $1.9189 against the pound – its strongest since November 2006." What happened after November 2006?
Henry Ruark August 8, 2008 5:00 pm (Pacific time)
To all: Ol' fumblefingers wrecked that last Comment, and it is gone into cyberspace... BUT here's easy "see with own eyes" with potent detail on McCain's values and judgment, just what friend Tel is seeking from Obama: Cover report in MOTHER JONES July/Aug. "...this was no accident - who wrecked the economy -and why they work for John McCain". Six-pp. report carries deep detail WHO did WHAT to set up DE-regulation of finance and credit industries, including "Foreclosure Phil" report on Gramm debacle/involvement as one original cause. You'll recall Phil G., just fired as McCain chief economic consultant. He told us the entire trauma is mere mental myth we can shake off if we have a mind to do so !! FYI, M/J Mag. just won the coveted National Magazine Award for General Excellence from the American Society of Magazine Editors; available on any news-stand. Will pursue same detail on Obama for sharing here soon, but cannot assure friend Tel it will make him feel any better --OR relieve him of the same responsibilities for any rational American, as clearly stated in Ken's report.
Henry Ruark August 8, 2008 3:03 pm (Pacific time)
(Sorry for inadvertent Send-here's link-intended) ...for "Phoenix Reporter Details McCain's Sordid Past", by Amy Silverman, summarizing her professional contacts with his continued story over 15 years, at OR for anyone wishing it in PDF, ID self to Editor Tim and I'll share directly --now that friend Tel seeks whole story on Obama, which I will also share soon, in somewhat same format, already in print-file but must scan into PDF. THEN YOU can make up your own mind, without Tel's help OR mine, per previous Comment and in full relation to fine report by Ken.
Telford August 8, 2008 11:28 am (Pacific time)
As far as Obama's values, just what are they? Could someone provide an analysis of those values and his mores' in conjuction with his behaviors and interactions with others, say over the last 20 years? Because if we don't have some documented history of these values, then all we have is rhetoric and campaign spin. Thanks much. Oh as far as the 200,000 non-voters in Germany, how many were there to see him, or the free music concert and those overflowing steins of beer that proceeded his chat? Then for cause and effect, was the 9 point drop (Rassmussen,etc.) Obama had in the polls immediately following his trek because the voters were not particularly impressed with that trip where he blew off our wounded at a military hospital, or possibly a reflection in current polls where nearly 50% of the voters express Obama fatigue, i.e. , they are tired of seeing him all the time? As an American citizen, my vote has not been cast, obviously, but I need more info on Obama. I know who and what McCain is, and so far Obama has shown that he is consistently inconsistent. That's the reason behind my inquiry re: this man's core values.
Henry Ruark August 8, 2008 8:42 am (Pacific time)
To all: No matter whether or not you agree with this admirably written statement re recent political palimony paid by "conservatives" to a highly questionable candidate, well seasoned with malign mischief directed at the other choice, you cannot, as an American citizen with deeply-felt real responsibilities, disagree with that final conclusion. Thanks again, Ken, for clear insights solidly stated. NOW every time we look at a dollar bill (the ONLY one most of us in middle-class now get to see !, all others swiftly departing...)the face there-on can ONLY remind us of that immutable fact; which should, surely in these early years of the 21st Century, immunize us against an irresponsible and highly irrational "choice".
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