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Aug-05-2008 11:56printcomments

Its What`s Inside that Counts

It is less the imagery than it is their values and norms that should decide who best deserve the honor of being President of the United States of America.

(PASO ROBLES, Calif.) - We’re talking values and norms here, not false accusations or rumors that get tossed about during political campaigns, such as John McCain and his committee are throwing at Barack Obama’s wall to see what will stick.

Hillary acted the part of warm-up for McCain’s performance when she referred to Barack Obama as an “elitist” which of course he is not, if what I read today is correct.

According to a web-headline [8/4/08] Obama leads McCain in a poll of working class voters by a significant margin.

A Republican tactic intended to show Obama’s Foreign Policy in a bad light backfired when, as McCain suggested, Obama go to Iraq. It is politically dangerous to appear to be responding to the advice of the opposition. But in this case Obama wisely expanded his tour to include Afghanistan, Jordan, Israel, Germany, France and England where he was warmly received, by 200,000 in Germany. So great was his reception that, looking for anything to diminish his appeal, McCain’s committee branded Barack a superstar sans credentials.

Next. Obama was accused of having a Messiah complex because of his verbiage and popularity. Compared to Geo. W. Bush, however, Obama would be outclassed as a Godhead. At least he shows a willingness to compromise rather than demand. “Flip-flopper” is a term each candidate can use against the other to some extent, but usually is applied to those whose positions are completely reversed. Anything less is an attempt to give the impression of what is not.

Barack Obama’s apparent changes of heart simply indicate his willingness to work across the aisle to satisfy the best interests of all that both Parties represent. It is an admirable intent consistent with Obama’s desire to change the system to better serve all Americans, unlike the extreme partisanship that has existed for too long and for all the wrong reasons.

Sooner rather than later the United States must be free from foreign oil, and the Big Oil Companies, if it is to retain its position as the leader of the Free World. Passive energy seems on the verge of taking off, and should become the most viable source in the long run and for all the right reasons, but Rome was not built in a day. Coal, natural gas, oil and Nuclear energy will yet be essential supplements to a successful transition. But, as clean energy emerges and increases, energy dangerous to the environment and life will be reduced. There can be no quick fix.

Of the two candidates for president, Obama is not only the most reasonable, but also the best qualified. His mind is sharper than McCain’s, his wisdom greater, and his heart larger, none of which has anything to do with culture and ethnicity. Hillary, had she become president, would be just as unlike all previous presidents depicted on our currency as will Barack Obama, but for a different reason.

It is less the imagery than it is their values and norms that should decide who best deserve the honor of being President of the United States of America.


Kenneth G. Ramey was a 79-year old "writer without a Website" who is generating excellent, provocative articles on the subject of religion and world affairs. We are pleased that Ken's "lone wolf" presence as a writer in the world has been replaced by a spot on our team of writers at Raised in Minnesota and California during the dark years of the Great American Depression, Ken is well suited to talk about the powerful forces in the world that give all of us hope and tragedy and everything in between. You can write to Ken at:

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Henry Ruark August 8, 2008 3:18 pm (Pacific time)

Friend Tel: Miss any further essay by you as media critic, with short summary of your special training, experience, and ongoing work now. Appreciate any fill-in you care to make, if possible to do so. Sample Op Ed welcome here...just ID self to Tim and send copy for our cogitation. Meanwhile you'll be glad to learn Ranger reports OK after encounter and adds "wish you were here !", which may just reflect generalized opinion.

Henry Ruark August 8, 2008 3:10 pm (Pacific time)

Tel: Friendliest comment I can allow myself today is, simply, "For sake of your marriage, I hope NOT !" You might do well to let her coach you back into more complete understandings of what it is NYT does, rather than waste time on those crossword puzzles...if you miss 'em too much, just seek out latest McCain policy statement and you can REALLY enjoy ! If puzzled, not to worry...another mixed/up/one will be along rapidly, the more desperate he and his few remaining "consultants" get.

Telford August 8, 2008 11:39 am (Pacific time)

Henry I do the NY Times crossword puzzle and otherwise I don't really pay much attention to that paper, except when I write the subscription check. A small price to keep the wife pleased, but seriously misinformed, which later pays dididends during our friendly exchanges when she quickly learns that she has been a victim of misinformation. Will she ever learn?

Henry Ruark August 8, 2008 7:18 am (Pacific time)

Tel et al: Delayed memory tells me it was YOU who now distrusts the NTTimes, even though wife still relies on it -right ? Yours re media sources, with Leninist-smear for Soros, now demands I ask: "Do you prefer Sun M.Moon's Washington TIMES, or is it Murdoch's WSJ and Murdoch-ization of NY dailies? Then,too,there's irrefutable fact NYT still family-owned, one of last major dailies so controlled, reduced from 85% to TWO PERCENT in last decade? Allathat sure to shape and even control your own reaction to ANY media-source, I think you must agree. SO, name your own "trusted" source for media criticism, and between us we might just make available here a whole list of competing sources, for the close check and guidance of all list ready, when yours is...for same "see with own eyes" and THEN evaluate with own mind that continues our goal here.

Henry Ruark August 7, 2008 3:42 pm (Pacific time)

S,D, T et al: SO "it's politics" ! Right on, no political direction intended, either. About normal for this part of complex campaign, open to many nuances yet to come, and heavily dependent (save our souls and democracy !) on who piles up most dollars...with only ones profiting the TV owners, who smile with every master Martini these days. ALL other points intriguing and appreciated, but about as realistic as taking pulse when patient is "under influence", shy of skilled professional treatment --but may just coming down with final fatal disease... We won't know what disease until voters do their thing, by which time it'll be either "too late !" or "Here we go !" Ain't democracy hell on wheels ? Who's up to pay revolting gasoline-bill ?? Thank you all for kind participation; if we distress, aggravate, even anger here occasionally, that's what we shoot for...may just cause some probing cogitation. Only future can report on actual outcome, and that new edition is not written yet...

Sallie August 7, 2008 1:24 pm (Pacific time)

Obama, is the better qualified candidate hands down over McCain and will get my vote. He has the moral attributes, intelligence, and calmness that is required to be a good president. However, He is not the candidate I was hoping for. I don't want, nor respect a candidate who panders or tries to appease the political opposition, or special interest groups. I want a candidate who states his position and takes his lumps against those who may disagree. I don't like wavering and middle of the road positions. This says to me that his convictions are superficial and will change depending on the latest political poll. The bottom line is that I want my president to be a strong parent figure with moral and ethical convictions, and stands strong against opposition. I don't want a superficial friend who will tell me what he thinks I want to hear.

Dial In August 7, 2008 12:14 pm (Pacific time)

Obama should be running away with this thing. He’s not though, and its his own fault. His primary appeal is, or was, his image of being above race, beyond race, a uniter, not a divider. The Pastor Wright business combined with his wife’s stridency have soured that for him. Since Wright was recorded cursing America from the pulpit (and no one got up and walked out!!) no one has looked at Obama the same. Combine that with his complete cluelessness on energy questions. He wants a nuanced “comprehensive” plan, with lots of belts and gears and adjustments and moving parts, compared to McCain, who just wants to drill and build nuke power plants. Nuance for most people means lots of government interference with people, whereas “simplistic” is mostly government getting out of the way. Windfall taxes? Most people understand that oil companies don’t really pay taxes; they collect them. People pay the taxes. Combine that with his inability to celebrate what is actually a remarkable victory in Iraq. He and the Dems have politicized the war to such an extent that they can not celebrate victory. They have worked themselves into a politically fatal position such that any victory for the United States is bad for them; a defeat for the United States is good for them. When a major party has maneuvered themselves into having to deny a masterful performance by our troops, because admitting it is politically bad for them, they have just committed suicide. That is how it is. These are the reasons why the guy who could have won this thing in a landslide and is now going to go down to defeat in November. It's already starting to unravel for him, and he knows it. Watch the desperation set in when his convention bounce is short-lived.

Telford August 7, 2008 8:53 am (Pacific time)

Henry people often misspeak, a human condition. People also disagree and have different perspectives. Should that be a reason to insult and belittle people? We are a divided nation, and nothing will change that this November. I recall Obama saying how we need to have more "arab translators" in Afghanistan, and as you know quite well Henry, arabic is not a language native to that area. I could go on and pick out mistakes by all the candidates, but pointing out their policies is more relevant don't you think? We are living in turbulent times, both on foreign and domestic levels. Do you think the majority of voters want to take a chance on putting a novice in as commander in chief? I'm sure most would agree that McCain has run a horrible campaign, but still the two major candidates are statistically tied. What's up with that? I expect that there will be economic and military experts coming out in political commercials that will flesh out the experience of the candidates in terms of their policies. I recall that at one time Obama was on board to have townhall types of debates, but he sure changed his mind about that. Yes that was a great basketball shot Obama made Henry, so do you think we should go check out some NBA players for possible future government leadership positions? There was Bradly! That Latrell Sprewell would probably be great as Sec. of State. What say you Henry? Yeah too bad after Obama's basketball shot he couldn't have gone and visited our wounded military men/women. Possibly the tires on his campain vehicles were improperly inflated? I don't know how many POW's could have made the same basketball shot because of their grievous injuries during their captivity? Among all your research documents, do you have any stats on that? I would suggest that nationally televised debates, regardles of the forum, will probably not have a significant impact on the fencesitters, I believe it will be the cost of gas and if anyone is doing something about it. We are currently importing around 70% of our oil, and since 2006, Reid and Pelosi have stopped legislation to address our energy needs. People may not know a lot about different issues, but they sure know what's happening to their wallets and who is pandering to them. By the way did you know in a previous senate vote Obama voted to provide billions in subsidies to the oil industry and McCain voted against it? Henry there will be many gaffes coming up, that's politics!

Sue August 6, 2008 9:52 am (Pacific time)

Telford:  It is refreshing to have a candidate that is willing to compromise and revisit his opinion when new information is available.  We have already experienced "STEADFAST AND RESOLUTE".  Look where that got us. 

Henry Ruark August 6, 2008 9:35 am (Pacific time)

Tel: Sorry to see you return to same old neocon techniques of "wordsmithing"-charge on what Obama is clearly on record as stating in plain English. His energy plan now on full exposure, winning acclaim from those who understand and can appreciate what he definitely states he will do. ("See with own eyes" link in preparation for record here.) Beats "more of same" offered elsewhere, with confusion of both Iraq-cliques and a border state there by the other guy. He also did not know that Czechoslovakia is definitely long gone...which illuminates the age-level and beginning fade of memory also involved, at 72, as melanoma victim with continuing serious problems. (Link coming on that, too !) Did you see that 3-pt./shot on first try by Obama, when visiting troops ? Doubt if McC. could even get ball up (basketball I mean,of course!) Re "ridiculing", that's demonstration of distortion; check out complete context and actual wording for truth as it stands for anyone to see as realistic appraisal --effects of which we now seeing in coded-wording for further very damaging appeal to racism. Misinformed poor-white level still open to Nixon's "Southern strategy", with complicity of msmedia currently permitting it to be used as ongoing distortion. "Townhall" is simple trap set by McCain since he's far outmatched in outreach to voters by Obama innovative uses of Internet. (Link to come, too.) Questions there far from image you give, since the debate queries are untouched by tough preparers from both sides, surely stronger than anything casual from most citizens. Be hard to deny tough-stuff to either-side in such public preparation for crucial public debate, as my own experience illustrates. Re townmeetings, covered many in New England days, and they are as open to distorting dollar-driven manipulation and power-shaped response as any debate --any very vulnerable to most vocal rather than wisest. I recall when one small Maine town voted to fire ONLY policeman; and then had to reconvene meeting hastily later to reinstate him since state law cut off funds otherwise. Turned out he was pushing the only liquor store in town...!! Owner was"selectman" chairing the meeting. True story... Did you ever do anything like that ? Has indelible impact on what one accepts as probability in similar matters when later encountered...

Telford August 6, 2008 8:14 am (Pacific time)

If changing your mind on different policy positions (and in quick order), plus also taking opposite postions of the same policy at the same time is indicative of a sharp mind and possessing great wisdom, then Obama is a superior candidate. If his "big heart" includes ridiculing those who "...cling to guns and religion...", then I guess he also has a big heart. I would note that when one changes their postion on a policy based on new facts (for example out of control oil prices and diminishing supplies), that's one thing, but when they do it because they are dropping in the polls, that's quite another matter. On July 7, 2008 Obama went on record about not tapping into our national emergency (strategic) oil supply, now he changes his mind with some transparent wordsmithing. So what happens when that tapped supply runs out? What plan does he have to deal with diminishing supplies and future demands? Obama's experience and his associates show how ineffective they would be if in power, maybe that is also why he is running away from having townhall type debates where you actually have to respond to voters questions, not pre-arranged questions that are inferior in extracting the candidates level of knowledge and experience on relevant national issues, etc. .

Henry Ruark August 5, 2008 12:49 pm (Pacific time)

To all: On top of that excellent statement, one need only see that 3-point shot on first try by visit to troops which, ironically, was used in McCain attack-ad. Viewing that, one need not even return to read the Berlin speech, nor that classic re racism, or review the real details of the demanded take-back from rapacious oil-giant plunder at the gas pump. OR ask about melanoma as health risk in 72-year old man, OR wonder about finger on trigger for "leader" who now confesses to temper-spasms. All of those are on public record, and in no way do they constitute other than simple recital-of-fact. But the key statement above is this: "Barack Obama’s apparent changes of heart simply indicate his willingness to work across the aisle to satisfy the best interests of all that both Parties represent. It is an admirable intent consistent with Obama’s desire to change the system to better serve all Americans, unlike the extreme partisanship that has existed for too long and for all the wrong reasons." Thanks for truth told here clearly and well, Ken !--and welcome, again, to S-N as open, honest, demo-dialog channel serving readership by simple cogitation summarizing checkable information.

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