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Apr-24-2008 12:34printcomments

Hillary Clinton Wants to Debate Barack Obama in Oregon

The Northwest has yet to see a Presidential debate.
Oregon Governor Ted Kulongoski, shown here in Afghanistan where he visited Oregon National Guard soldiers in November '06, was the first to sign the petition. Photo by Tim King

(SALEM, Ore.) - Oregon for Hillary launched an online petition today at, urging Senator Obama to participate in two Oregon debates proposed by Hillary Clinton.

"Hillary Clinton is committed to listening to Oregonians, and with the launch of her new Oregon Compact policy plan, she is pledging to work closely with our state," said Oregon for Hillary Communications Director and Oregon native, Julie Edwards.

"Oregon voters should have the same chance to hear from the candidates as the voters of Iowa, South Carolina and New Hampshire – all of which hosted debates. We encourage everyone to go to to send the clear message that Oregon issues deserve to be heard."

Oregon Governor Ted Kulongoski became the first to sign the petition and announced a multi-city trip tomorrow to discuss Hillary’s Oregon Compact and advocate for a candidates’ debate.

Yesterday, Clinton challenged Senator Obama to participate in two Oregon debates:

"Since the Pacific Northwest hasn't had a single presidential debate, I am proposing today that Oregon host two Democratic debates, including one specific debate on the challenges facing rural Oregonians. I encourage Oregonians to pay attention in the weeks ahead; to see how Senator Obama and I address the issues that people in Oregon care about. Debates about real issues -- Oregon issues -- are good for the state and healthy for our democracy."

To see the entire statement, you can visit:

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KH April 30, 2008 9:56 am (Pacific time)

I think a Lincoln-Douglass style debate would be great. States in the west get ignored. Native Americans should also get a chance to ask questions of the candidates.

Sigismond April 29, 2008 9:08 am (Pacific time)

Vote Clinton: Vote Circumcision - Vote Intact: Vote Obama Sigismond

goldenstate April 27, 2008 1:02 pm (Pacific time)

Obama is afraid to debate Hillary because she is more knowledgeable about the economy and foreign policy than he is. If Obama is the nominee, I'll write in Hillary's name in November. I trust her on the economy, health care, and national security.

Sandy April 26, 2008 8:08 am (Pacific time)

I listened and read Obama's speech on race several times. It was a politican's response to dealing with a bad situation that he was part of. I am a believer in action not just talk. Can you name some legislation that Obama initiated, and crossed party lines with for that legislation? So his claim about unifying has no real historical substance. Sue you are right as per our different interpretations of what's going on in Florida, even Michigan. The party is pretty divided, and I'm starting to see some racial acrimony start up, which was evidenced in the Pennsylvania primary, where it was reported that 97% of black males voted for Obama. No matter how you cut it Sue, it will be the white male that decides the general election, and Obama, at this time, will not be able to get enough of that vote. I would not look forward to McCain winning, and only Clinton, in my view, can beat him. I also am no fan of Clinton, but unless the party can provide another candidate to replace her this August, Obama just cannot win. Racial idenity politics is simply not the way to fill the position for President of the United States. Did not Gore ask the U.S. Supreme Court to review the Florida Supreme Court and that the court ruled 7 to 2 against him? Florida at the very least should have a new election, and they have the time to do it. If not Florida will always remain in republican hands and I fear that Pennsylvania and Michigan will also. Wishing and hoping cannot replace pragmatic action to get desired results.

RJ April 26, 2008 7:45 am (Pacific time)

Instead of a DEBATE between the candidates...Let's have a question and answer period. I want to hear well defined answers-not this political bull that is wasting my time. We are all aware that both candidates have skeletons in their closet. And I am sick of the back stabbing politics. Let's get to the real deal of the election. I want to know to can turn my country around and make it a better for EVERY AMERICAN!!

Henry Ruark April 25, 2008 9:31 pm (Pacific time)

Sandy: Repeat: Did you read the entire text of Obama response re pastor ? If not, you cannot but know you are missing critical information impossible to get from MSM coverage. You owe it to yourself to seek out this statement and carefully consider what it clearly shows, simply to make completely certain you are not falling victim to distorted image created purposely by those who do so for their own malign purposes.

Sue April 25, 2008 3:42 pm (Pacific time)

Sandy: Clinton agreed to the terms of the election BEFORE it happened. Yes, it is horrible for those voters, but how do you count them when a lot of voters stayed home and didn't vote cause they knew it would not count. You can't go back. In Oregon, we didn't move our election in violation of the party rules even though we knew our votes wouldn't count. It is always decided before our vote is placed. As far as the other point, I think you are wrong, you think I am wrong and there is no changing either of our minds. So, we must agree to disagree. Hilary has so much to offer our country. She needs to focus on that and forget the presidency for now. She has lost the election. I hope she doesn't destroy the goodwill and respect that she has earned with her past work and I hope future work in the Senate.

Sandy April 25, 2008 2:43 pm (Pacific time)

I'm just bummed out that literally millions of votes have been thrown away. As some of you know, Florida set a record for registering new voters. What's that say to them that just a handful of people can decide that their vote does not count? Clinton did fire Penn, but Obama still has failed to repudiate "his mentor" (Obama's words), and this guy now is saying everything is being taken out of context. Does he think we're all rubes? I cannot overlook this relationship, it just will end up being an ongoing issue. Obama was closing up in Pennsylvania, then all this negative stuff came out and Clinton easily won, even though Obama outspent her by about 3 to 1, plus he was running negative adds himself. The 2nd Amendment people (I am one) need more info on Obama's policy in this matter, so far his history and recent comments make me concerned that he's just another typical politican. You can imagine that the Clinton supporters are quite upset. We live in a divided nation, now we have a divided democratic party, and now this clown McCain may get elected. As far as the 2000 election, well I got over it years ago, but if you remember that is when many wanted to do away with the Electoral College and to let majority rule. The slogan "count every vote" appears to mean nothing, unless your candidate is ahead. What I see developing is a lot of discontent, no matter who wins, but it was the party that designed the super-delegates to vote their own mind and not according to how their state voted. So far I've seen many of the supers ignore just how their state did vote. So I imagine a significant percentage of voters are not going to support the eventual candidate. I have to admit I have heard my pastor say some things I did not agree with, but if he engaged in anti-American hate or racist hate sermons, I would be gone immediately. Obama has been with this guy for 20 years. Growing up it was taught my my parent that people will often form opinions about you based on the company you keep.

Henry Ruark April 25, 2008 12:26 pm (Pacific time)

Sue, Sandy et al: Sue, appreciate your insghtful clarification re Penn AND your comparison to Rove, pointing up sure close continuance of far too much. Sandy's concern for solid answers commendable and one more on-record proof of poor communication by ongoing press coverage. Let's see how well Oregon media respond to this real demonstration of demand for probing confrontation for ALL candidates seeking our support via vote, reflecting wit, wisdom and WILL "of the people" in what's left of our democracy.

Henry Ruark April 25, 2008 11:31 am (Pacific time)

Sandy et al: Obama's classic speech, now hailed by both knowledgable citizens and critics as one of strongest,truest statements on race relations, was entirely adequate for those willing to acknowledge past history. Others may need to closely examine their past prejudices now open to serious question and demanding reexamination, with every level and kind of scientific, cultural, social research supporting just that. Have you read that speech ? Penn's advisory continuance is unavoidably highly relevant and dangerously consequential since it reflects the worst of both corrupted influence and the elitist approach, while echoing the Bush I and II old stuff obeisance to corporate and controversial business impacts on national policy. Simple words "He's gone !" all that is needed from H/B. Further dialog on these points open to all via ID to Editor for direct contact, to preserve space here for other points of view much more meaningful now, such as full impacts of undermined economy on our heavily-threatened working and middle classes now under desperate stress due to thirty years of GOP and neocon distortion/perversion of both democratic principles and commonsense management of our economy. Reagan failures long ago proved you cannot have huge military empire lavishment and slashed tax rates at home without unavoidable damages. Race question is the last strong neocon diversion for all of us from real issues and really desperate status quo...we need change for cooperation and conciliation and concentrated concern on American democracy after desperate damage already inflicted.

Sue April 25, 2008 11:00 am (Pacific time)

Sandy: The rules are set before the voting. They should not count when the rules are not followed. There is no way to make them count after the fact. What Hilary is talking about is ridiculous! She thinks the dems should count all of Michigan votes for her, but Obama wasn't on the ballot as agreed by the other candidates including Hilary. As far as your comparing Mark Penn to Rev Wright. They are far different. Mark Penn was HIRED by her campaign while he was pushing for the Columbian free trade agreement that she was telling us she was against. I can't control what anyone at my church says. I don't even hate people that say things that I find disgusting. Two different situations dear. The bottom line, again, she can't win unless she changes the rules. We didn't like that in 2000 when the supreme court appointed our current president. We won't like it anything similar in 2008 either. I am not a Clinton basher. I actually used to like her, but I cannot remember why right now. Her and her husband have starting acting a bit like Karl Rove. I am very disappointed by that.

Sandy April 25, 2008 9:12 am (Pacific time)

Should someone ask Sen. Obama if he will completely repudiate his mentor Rev. Wright as a purveyor of hate? This seems more relevant to a potential president than some previous advisor of Clinton. Also should we ask Sen. Obama if he believes every vote that was cast in this primary season should count? These questions may make some of you uncomfortable, but they should present no problem to provide an answer to, right? If they do, then could someone enlighten me why they would be unfair?

Tim McFarland April 24, 2008 5:59 pm (Pacific time)

Forget about debating. How about mud wrestling? This would be a much more honest contest. And more interesting

Sue April 24, 2008 5:46 pm (Pacific time)

And I do not understand why our governor is pushing for Hilary at this stage in the game. She cannot win. It is only going to hurt our country. I understand someone's desire to support her, but seriously, it is over.

Cathi April 24, 2008 3:40 pm (Pacific time)

All she wants is free airtime since she's broke. Too bad she can't manage her campaign. She certainly cannot run this country. 21 debates is more than enough for people to get a sense of who they are, how honest they are, and what their intentions are if elected. SO, I guess you know what I think she can do with the idea of another debate :-)

Sue April 24, 2008 3:05 pm (Pacific time)

Haven't we seen enough? There isn't anything new they could talk about. And, I wish we would quit calling it a debate. It is a question and answer forum. Stop the negativity, and let us vote!

Dulce April 24, 2008 2:55 pm (Pacific time)

With all due respect for Senator Clinton, if she was sincerely interested in "real issues," I think ample opportunity has been offered her and the MSM, to raise and address "real issues." What the latest ABC debate has revealed instead are that the Senator and the MSM, and Stephanopoulos and co, have been thriving on besmearing the Senator’s political opponent through innuendo. Both by her unwillingness to make a stand for what’s right to that regard, and her opportunistic partaking in the innuendo, the senator has proven herself less than honorable. Furthermore, I have yet to hear her say anything she has not already said, ten or twenty times already in one of the many previous debates. I sincerely believe that those debates have been reflecting poorly on her character and done her more harm than good, overall. So why would Senator Clinton want to subject herself to more of the same is unclear to me. I think people have some fairly good idea of who she is by now. Her reputation has been dealt some serious blow (I neither like nor trust what she has become – and it breaks my heart) and I don’t believe that any more debates is going to change any of that at this point. Just my 2 cents.

Scuba1Z April 24, 2008 2:39 pm (Pacific time)

Enough of debates. Just replay anyone of the last 22. It's gotten so repetitive that we can all recite each candidate's lines. Let's just vote!

Henry Ruark April 24, 2008 2:11 pm (Pacific time)

To all: Sounds great ! SO let's make sure someone asks at once that key question re whether Mark Penn still heads her advisors. Her's head of famed PR group Burson/Marsteller, recently gaining $370,000 fee to help Colombian government obtain approval for deal underway to which Hillary had filed strong objection. B.M notorious for unit set up to combat unions at leading corporations, denying, if possible, American right to organize. Proponents hear dead right: we have right to hear from candidate on any such crucial question,and they themselves should make sure this one gets full, complete, open --and honest-- answer, now.

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