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Apr-21-2009 16:26 ![]() ![]() No Chance For Truth About Iran With Western MediaPolitical Perspective by Tim King Salem-News.comLies, lies lies yeah... - The Thompson Twins
(SALEM, Ore.) - If Iran's President was a chicken, the American press would already have him prepared and waiting in a KFC box under a heat lamp. There is at this point, practically no way for western people to learn what is really going on in the world if they don't look beyond traditional media. Absolute and total political bias about imaginary Iranian statements, as well as media-fabricated lies about an Iranian Nuclear Weapons program that by all credible accounts does not exist, dominate the headlines. The stage is the Durban Review Conference, a UN conference on racism, in Geneva, Switzerland. Ahmadinejad spoke Tuesday, 20th April 2009. Israeli influence on U.S. mainstream media or "lamestream" as it is coming to be known, is almost as thick as big corporate America's constant message on the lips of the money grubbing morons at FOX News. Remember that as the press attacks this guy, The United States and Israel are actually boycotting the world's biggest anti-racism conference. Do as I say not as I do? The choice to boycott the event is tied to the fact that the anti-racism conference will focus in part, on the recent Israeli attack on Gaza. Here we go, these are some of today's headlines: Ahmadinejad dropped Holocaust denial from speech More Hatred From Mr. Ahmadinejad Ahmadinejad uses Saberi as puppet to play Obama Israel pledges to protect itself from 'new Holocaust' threat posed by Iran's nuclear programme Do you think they could try to take the tone down a little? Israel just got done killing more than 1,400 Gazans, many of them children, and in turn lost a total of 13 of their own. That includes the highly touted Hamas Rocket attacks and four Israeli friendly fire incidents. Israel clearly and overwhelmingly overreacted to the perceived danger from the Hamas attacks and they used it as a reason to use illegal weapons such as White Phosphorous. Iran's President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad may be no prince, but he is an unrelenting force that will not let the world peacefully ignore the murderous and oppressive politics of Israel. He is also the biggest 'false story magnet' in the world right now, as this report reveals, and the untrue statements about "Holocaust denial" are fabricated. These reports on 'Holocaust denial' also give major credence to the preposterous idea that anyone with two brain cells would believe the Holocaust didn't happen in the first place. My dad's friend Basil Dell was a concentration camp liberator with the U.S. Army during WWII and his photos told a wretched and horrible story about what people are capable of doing to one another. Sort of like Gaza but on a much bigger scale. Of course to the 1,400 plus in Gaza, there is no difference at all. The painful part is that his government spent big bucks on a multi-part series on the Holocaust that was played on national Iranian TV. Think about it, these reporters can write anything they desire and there is no recourse from Iran for libel and slander. They set Bush's crimes to music and create stories about the Iranian President that are exposed with about a minute of Google searching. Among other things, Ahmadinejad's in hot water over an accusation that the West used the Holocaust as a "pretext" for aggression against Palestinians. How is that statement not possibly true? The Jews were abused and mass murdered by the Nazi's. Upon liberation, with the help of U.S. and British forces, the survivors joined by other Jewish people, moved to what is now Israel. The problem is that it was already home to somebody else. In 1947 and 1948, the Palestinians were attacked and killed by the new occupying force and the lucky ones fled, others were killed in many cases and forced to leave homes that their families had occupied, in some cases, for hundreds of years. They have never gotten over it, how could any person? Here is the actual statement from Ahmadinejad that the press lit their torches over. "After the Second World War, by exploiting the holocaust and under the pretext of protecting the Jews they made a nation homeless with military expeditions and invasion. They transferred various groups of people from America, Europe and other countries to this land. They established a completely racist government in the occupied Palestinian territories. And in fact, under the pretext of making up for damages resulting from racism in Europe, they established the most aggressive, racist country in another territory, i.e. Palestine." Smugly, Israel's government insists that the Bible justifies its treatment of the Palestinian people. I never really understood this history until more recent years, and I am horrified by the plight of both the Jewish and Palestinian people. I have written at length about the world events that have led to the horrible mess at hand. Western greed is the main culprit time and time again. Iran was ripped off for years by the British and it led to the Islamic Revolution in 1979. For a long time, using their political influence, they [West] imposed unfair economic laws on international economic transactions. They set up financial and monetary systems without provisions of international supervision and imposed those systems on countries that did not have the smallest role to play in the processes and policies adopted. (see: Warmongers, Chickenhawks, FOX News and Iran (VIDEO)- Tim King Here is a comment from Ahmadinejad, "For a long time, using their political influence, they [West] imposed unfair economic laws on international economic transactions. They set up financial and monetary systems without provisions of international supervision and imposed those systems on countries that did not have the smallest role to play in the processes and policies adopted." The Iranian President is being singled out because the American and Israeli governments are shamefully not present at the racism conference, because neither country actually gives two hoots about racism beyond public perception. There is little more to it I suspect. I am always accused of putting opinion in stories but those are at least usually slugged as "political perspective" pieces. At least one of the headlines I mentioned is an opinion piece, but it is representing the paper either way. These are the largest names in the U.S. and the world for that matter, casting absolute influence in how people see or hear the news. Maybe if the United States and Israel were willing to participate, this would not have happened. -----------------------------------------------------
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Duane Ertle July 21, 2009 12:07 pm (Pacific time)
Science and Antiscience The following has happened over the past thirty years, beginning in 1979 when I self published a short writing “The Bones of Time.” The origin of this work being “The Key Time” another short writing, one that found a field of gravity to be that of physical time. Although it may seem strange to the reader that physical time is capable of exercising physical dimension in the particular fashion it does, it becomes understandable when a person realizes that all forms of mass and energy must be totally and completely composed of physical time in order to exist in our universe.
My interest in the force of gravity began in earnest when I read a short article in the Reader’s Digest entitled “Evolution Is No Longer a Theory”, or some title very similar to this. This was late in 1970. Realizing the theory of evolution to be a false religion, having read what had been published, I was inspired to find a manner by which I could expose the false doctrine it represents. That desire in my thinking, as I left work that day I stopped and watched a large coupling between a motor and pump spin. I put spinning earth in place of the coupling and wondered what form of energy is unaccounted for within our planet. The only form that has not been accounted for is the heat energy within. I accepted that concept as being potential fact for the cause of gravity at the time, because there was nothing left. It requires a form of energy to generate a field of gravity, because it requires an energy source to perform work. If there were no energy source forming a field of gravity then this form of energy, which does so much beneficial work, would have to be being created in all matter all the time. Either there is an energy source or there is continual creation. Some days later, while standing above the warm air register in our living room the thought came, “It’s a field of time”. That was not an answer I had worked out, rather it was one given.
EDITOR: Keep the length reasonable. If you'd like to submit an article, please send to:
Daniel April 24, 2009 9:28 pm (Pacific time)
When we talk about the holocaust besides the 6 millions jews killed there was also another 10 to 15 million others including political prisioners ,gays ,romar russians , pols , and Americans . The Russians under stalin killed up to 30 million . The number of German pows to come out of Russia was zero . The world has seen too many holocausts and continues to see them ! What madness ! Will the world ever learn from history .
Scott (UK) April 24, 2009 1:13 am (Pacific time)
NOTE: THANKS FOR ALLOWING ME TO REPOST IN THIS INTERESTNG NEWS PIECE WITH MY EDITED VERSION- PLEASE DELETE MY PREVIOUS POST. Hi, I read with interest your news piece, and was pleasantly surprised to find an attitude like this in US media - especially one devoid of religious bias, based on historical and personal experience. I share most of your views and recognise their validity. However, I think you are being a little naive on the real truth as to why our western Governments don’t restrain Israels war crimes... Here are 3 reasons why this state of play will not change regardless of media-induced ‘enlightened attitudes’: Perhaps what I am going to say is pessimism and I hope I am wrong, but you have to understand the psychology of western civilisation. Our dominating power, and indeed our culture, is build from the bricks and mortar of the blood and bones of the innocent and always has been. Look at America for example: colonists from Europe annihilate the native Indians taking their land and resources, then turn on the British rule with the help of France (and a crazy British King). Then once independent they go about killing each other in a civil war for supremacy of the newly founded country, next go on building a new empire of military might and suppression to control the world’s resources in almost every part of the globe. (Just as Colonialist Britain did earlier in history.) Force and might, regardless of who the innocent losers in the game are remain the driving force of western society, always have been and are just as crucial a factor today. The public understand the Israel force, funded by the west, is the oppressor and interrogator of war (you would ache to have the IQ of a house plant not to) in this, but they do not care. Western public want to keep their rich life styles, and those life styles are only possibly by the control of markets and resources, via exploiting and oppressing other countries. You go out and ask your average American to give up his expensive gas guzzling cars, cheap fast food and slave-labour made high quality clothes in an effort to make the world a fairer place and you know the answer. Don’t mistake me for having an air of superiority, my country is just as guilty, slovenly and sickenly selfish. Unfortunately we are all fundamentally selfish. Only when we are living comfortably do we then spare a thought to other deprived countries, but if making their lives better and giving them more benefits (such as nuclear power stations in Iran) threatens our supremacy greed and wealth, then the public turn a blind eye to the atrocities of our western governments. That’s the psychological reason, now threes the political one: Ever asked yourself WHY America supports Israel? Religion? That is just a smoke screen. The fact is that Israel in its position surrounded by unfriendly oil-rich Arab countries acts as an outpost for the US in the middle east to extend Americas power and stranglehold on resources. America has poured billions if not trillions of dollars into creating the military might of Israel as it exists today - and they expect a return for that finance. They do this by providing it with overwhelmingly superior military force; Israel becomes America’s tool in repressing the Middle West and maintaining control over the most important world asset: oil. No American Government, therefore, would ever go against Israel as they act in America’s best interest. Sorry to spell it out, but it’s not Israel who are the culprits; it’s western (in particular the US) Governments. The most excellent and brilliant tactic of any government is falling the public into believing they are stupid. Another analogy is the best trick the devil made is making people not believe in him. Don’t underestimate the intelligence and cunning of politicians, Israel is a unique and important tool for the US in maintaining its influence and power in the world. Like every other president, Obama knows this too no matter how friendly and hope-inspiring he may appear to the masses on TV. My third point is that Israel has the support of western financial incentive. I work in a multinational financial company (I wont say the name) and so I have access to knowledge of exactly where the money of our clients is invested and in which lucrative categories. The top, obviously, is oil. When it is said oil is an important crucial resource for the west to control in the east which we are currently going to war over, its not really the physical use of oil to drive vehicles we speak about: it’s the investment share price that really makes the big bucks (I’ve also worked in the oil industry in the North Sea rigs before I entered the financial scene, and know the shockingly massive amount of money made by those at the top, way beyond the realisation of most of us). The second biggest investment resource in the world is armaments – buying and selling. America is the worlds biggest arms dealer, with (ironically) France close behind, China Russia and Britain following. War, in the short term, is a huge business and source of revenue. It has literally driven the US economy on many occasions, it only becomes a financial issue if the war takes longer than forecasted (such as the Iraq and Afghanistan war), but in the short term it’s a massive money maker for financial investors. Sorry to be so cold about it, but those in power see the world as money figures, and see the worth of countries and their resources on the basis of market share prices, that’s the reality. Our investors come from every part of the globe, including the UAEC and Israel. There is a section is every investment booklet called investment restrictions which gives the option of ethically investing by choosing not to invest in things like drugs, tobacco and armaments. Id say about 2% of clients choose to invest ethically, the other 98% know full well that by not crossing the box next to armaments their money will likely be invested in making guns and bombs, and yet they don’t care – money is what matters. Ignorance is not a possible excuse. In the Israeli issue, Israel is one of the worlds biggest buyers (and manufacturers) of armaments, so from a financial point of view keeping that war machine going runs our western financial economies and keeps the fat cats in charge of our government, the vast majority of whom will be investors in armaments oil, tobacco and pharmaceuticals, rich. To illustrate the point further that Israel is a lucrative financial hub for the west which no American Government (or UK) would ever be crazy enough to risk their economy over by turning against them, consider that in the early decades of Israels formation their soldiers were trained, financed and armed by the British SAS and American special forces, and that Israel has the largest arms deal with your government… -Scott
Scott (England) April 23, 2009 10:30 am (Pacific time)
Editor to Scott (E) I did not see it and I checked the spam file, feel free to resend and if it got lost in cyberspace and the problem was at our end I offer my apology. It seems to let most go through but then there can be an occasional hiccup. Thanks.
Scott (England) April 23, 2009 5:33 am (Pacific time)
Hi, I read with interest your news piece, and was pleasantly surprised to find an attitute like this in US media - especially one devoid of religious bias, based on historiacal and personal experience. I share most of your views and regognise their validity. However, I think you are being a little naive on the real truth... Here are 2 reasons why this state of play will not change regardless of enlightened attitudes: Perhaps what I am going to say is pessemism and I hope I am wrong, but you have to understand the psychology of western civilisation. Our dominating power, and indeed our culture, is build from the bricks and mortar of the blood and bones of the innocent and always has been. Look at Amerifa for example: colonists anhialate the native indians kaing their land and resources, then go about killing each other in a civil war for surpemecy of the newly founded country, next go on building a new empire of military might and supression to control the worlds resources in almost every part of the globe. (Just as Britain did earlier in history.) The public undersatand the Israel force, funded by the west, is the opressor and interigator of war (you woudl ajhve to have the IQ of a house plant not to) in this, but they do not care. Western public want to keep their rich life styles, and those life styles are only possibly by the control of markets and resources, via exploiting and opressing other countries. You go out and ask your average American to give up his expensive gas guzzling cars, cheap fast food and slave-labour made high quality clothes in an effort to make the world a farier place and you know the answer. dont mistake me for having an air of superiority, my country is just as guilty, slovenly and sickenly selfish. Unfortauntely we are all fundamentally selfish. Only when we are living comfortably do we then spare a thought to other deprived countries, but if making their lives better and giving them more benefits (such as nucleur power stations in Iran) threatens our supremecy greed and wealth, then the public turn a blind eye to the atrocities of western governments. Thats the psychological reason, now theres the political one: Ever asked yourself WHY America supports Israel? Religion? That is just a smoke screen. The fact is that Israel in its position surrounded by unfreindly oil-ruch Arab countries acts as an outpost for the US in the middle east to wextend Amerfias power and stranglehold on resources. Amercia has poured billions if not trillions of dollars into creating the military might of Isarel as it exists today - and they expect a return for that finance. They do this by providing it with overwhelmingly superior military force, Israel becomes Americas tool in repressing the middle wast and maintaining control over the most important world asset: oil. No American Government, therefore, woudl ever go against Israel as they act in Americas best interest. Sorry to spell it out, but its not Isarel who are the culptirs, its your own Government. He who hires the assassin to do his dirty work is just as guilty as the assassin in other worlds. The most excellent and brilliant tactic of any governmnet is folling the public into beleiving they are stupid. another anaolgy is the best trick the devil made is maing peiople not beleive in him. Dont underestimate the intelligence and cunning of politicians, Israel is a unique and important tool for the US in maintinaing its influence and power in the world. Like every other president, Obama knows this too no matter how friendly and hope-inspiring he may appear to the masses on TV.
Iranian American April 22, 2009 4:50 pm (Pacific time)
This is a joke, right? That Taliban mentality belongs to parts of Afghanistan and let's keep it there.
Editor's note: This jackass was here yesterday spouting off about Holocaust denial. I have seen people who are Taliban, I doubt if this person has. You won't be showing up here anymore, and only the jackals of the earth deny real history like the Holocaust. I also don't believe you are Iranian, for the record
Iranian American April 21, 2009 6:44 pm (Pacific time)
I do not like Ahmadinejad but the reach of zionist in not only US media but all centers of power in USA is just plain disgusting. At this time I'm not proud to say I'm American.. that's too bad. ohh..does that make me a terrorist? I also deny the official version of holocaust. Do I deserve to be locked away? I came to this country just for its personal and freedom of speech but things just don't feel right at this time. What happened to america?
Tim King: What do you mean you deny the Holocaust? Write back fairly soon with some kind of explanation or I'll come back and delete your comment. No person trying to shed light in the inequities of Israeli policy will accomplish anything if they are in a dream state.
scott April 21, 2009 4:37 pm (Pacific time)
Tim, I'm not the sharpest tool in the shed, but is your article about Iran or Israel? You mentioned Iran about 6 times including the title and the Telegraph UK link, and Israel about 10 times.
Tim King: Like the slogan goes Scott, 'you can't have one without the other', that's the point.
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