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Apr-16-2008 14:04printcommentsVideo

Big Change Could be in the Air for North American Politics (VIDEO)

Will the 'Amero' Replace the U.S. Dollar?

Union of North America (UNA) Amero Pattern Coin
While nothing is apparently written in stone, it appears secret negotiations are underway that could lead to the implementation of new currency and coins for the American Continents. This is an image of the Union of North America (UNA) Amero Pattern Coins that is not at this point, recognized or authorized by the federal government.

(SALEM, Ore.) - Ignorance is a silent killer, and it appears that the U.S. government along with Mexico and Canada, may be as stealthy as Jack the Ripper when it comes to the proposed North American Union Free Trade Agreement. That may be a severe assessment, but when it comes to the end of the American dream, people get a little punchy.

Lou Dobbs of CNN calls it, "A proposal for an expanded so-called free trade zone from Alaska to the tip of South America." He says it is not a government program, instead it is formed by international corporations who according to some sources, have seen a 45% increase in profits overall in the last five years, while the American workforce has seen a 3% increase overall.

"Its a plan from the business elites, the political elites that will cost more American jobs, cost American sovereignty, but it would fulfill the President's father's vision."

Dobbs is referring to a period of time in the late 80's and early 90's when George H.W. Bush was in office, and a single world government was touted frequently.

While in office, President Bush described plans for his futuristic notion by saying, "It is a big idea; a new world order, where diverse nations are drawn together in common cause."

The plan involves many things, but the overall idea is to loosen trade regulations between the Canada, the U.S., Mexico and apparently some other countries as well.

The replacement for the dollar would be called "the Amero" according to reports, and the pact between the nations could resemble the borderless European Union.

I can tell you that several points of this article have been confirmed and while I know some may dismiss it, the idea seems like something we should be paying close attention to.

Parties involved include the Council on Foreign Relations, a number of politicians and national governments and several big players in international business.

I.D. chip implants?

A reporter with, Scott Ganneman, reported in June 2003 that Applied Digital Solutions had designed an RFID tag - called the VeriChip - for people.

"Only 11 mm long, it is designed to go under the skin, where it can be read from four feet away. They sell it as a great way to keep track of children, Alzheimer's patients in danger of wandering, and anyone else with a medical disability, but it gives me the creeps. The possibilities are scary."

He cited an event that year when delegates to the Chinese Communist Party Congress were required to wear an RFID-equipped badge at all times so their movements could be tracked and recorded. Is there any doubt that, in a few years, those badges will be replaced by VeriChip-like devices?

Apparently the prices for the chips have dropped since 2003, when they reportedly cost fifty cents each to produce. It is predicted that when the price drops to a nickel they will start showing up in all kinds of products.

Reality check

Back in Oregon, coin and currency expert Monte Mensing of Monte's Coins in Stayton, says he does not see the George H.W. Bush plan making any immediate progress in the current political climate. He recognizes that the current President would certainly play ball with the issue, but doubts the reality of the plan taking hold.

"The United States has never demonetized its currency since the beginning. The Mexican government devalued the peso in 1992, that is the only thing making their economy work today. The Canadian politicians probably doesn't want to get tangled up with U.S. policy, so I don't see it happening," Mensing said.

Bush would do it but both Clinton and Obama are backing off NATFA right now and citing several criticisms.

It is noteworthy to recognize that Lou Dobbs is one of if not the only mainstream journalist in the United States to deliver this information. The video of Dobbs below, courtesy of MySpace and CNN, delves into some of the details surrounding this "zeitgeist" that seems to be off the radar of far too many individuals and reporting entities.

CNN Lou Dobbs Announces The New World Order

This next video from YouTube has an even more sinister take on this so-called "one world government", the "RFID Chip" and also specifically talks about the "Amero" which would be the new replacement for the dollar and peso. We were unable to define the originating source of this piece:


For more information check these articles:

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Bill March 4, 2009 1:38 pm (Pacific time)

Check out the new amero banknotes shown at

jay NY wash hieghtz December 17, 2008 9:48 pm (Pacific time)

People need to realize and open there eyes. The new world order is in effect there is no way of stopping it not eveb Obama can save this country. He is just a puppet he gets out of line he will be terminated. Free Mason rule the world and only they know the fate of the planet..

hellix November 21, 2008 11:35 am (Pacific time)

How do we confirm that anything we read are from a reliable source,and whose is looking from the other side?

incognito canadian May 27, 2008 3:19 pm (Pacific time)

The source for the second movie is off a movie called "Zeitgeist" and it is a very relevant and serious movie, it really should be watched by thousands, it should be madatory, google zeitgeist then click play on the 1st result but it is 2.5 hours so it'd be best to have time and watch it at once, but warneing watch at own risk, many things may enrage some viewers but non-the-less it needs to be seen.

Wally April 21, 2008 11:53 am (Pacific time)

Being realistic is not exactly a trait us humans share equally. Frankly the biggest danger we have right now is not an invasion (actually it may have already begun), but food shortages. Currently outfits like Costco (in California) are limiting individual sales of rice to their customers. Cooking oils are being gobbled up by retail bakeries who are seeing their prices going up and up. Asian rice buyers are here now buying as much wheat as they can and are putting in bids for future harvests. Some stock market future buyers are trying to get word to Bush to stop or severly limit the sales of our grains to foreign buyers (this is not a way for them to make a profit, but for patriotic reasons). My suggestion to indivduals and families is to keep several months supply of dried goods. Food riots in Haiti and in other parts of the world are picking up. What is the reason for these shortages? Well it sure isn't "global warming", but here in the states we are seeing what has happened to the price of corn (as animal feed) as it has been directed to ethanol production. For those of you who remember the early 70's when we had a toilet paper shortage and people began to hoard, well food shortages (real or "imagined) will be one heckuva a mess. Hopefully cool heads will prevail, but since this is an election year, I think you can count on some bad actors who may try to manipulate this food shortage potential. Who are the people who want to see America hurting, even have our way of life revamped? If you know who, you know who would be behind some type of manipulation.


Wally: thanks for adding this very important piece of information

Tim King 

Charlie April 20, 2008 11:55 am (Pacific time)

Vic your view of the world is pretty impractical. Have you ever picked up a history book? By the way are you trained to take on professional soldiers who have more firepower than you could possibly imagine? No Vic, you have some people out there who intend to do whatever they can to destroy us, and it has nothing to do with where we have troops or business interests. The latter is pretty much everywhere by the way. Were you not the one who called our soldiers racist? If we're invaded militarily, I can imagine them putting their life on the line to help you, though they probably would. You might like to take some time and see what has happened to people all over the world who took the live and let live attitude that you profess. Sounds great, but it simply does not exist in macro terms. Not a time in recorded history where that happened for very long, people have not changed, the technology has, but not people. I'm afraid we are left with a "balance of terror" scenario. It's far better to be on the side with the best weapons, believe me this is something I know something about.

Vic April 19, 2008 3:38 pm (Pacific time)

Charlie, regarding your last sentence..dont you think it is possible that if we were not interfering militarily in other countries we could "have it all"? I dont know about you, but if America was invaded and occupied, you can bet my friends, relatives and I would be fighting them with whatever means we had available. I think you would too. You brought up other interesting points that I want to check out ...thank you !

SHOCK April 19, 2008 11:01 am (Pacific time)

Could the below be because of "Bittergate" and the recent debate where no doubt Obama did not do well. Off script? PRINCETON, NJ (April 19/2008) -- Gallup Poll Daily tracking shows that Hillary Clinton now receives 46% of the support of Democrats nationally, compared to 45% for Barack Obama, marking the first time Obama has not led in Gallup's daily tracking since March 18-20.

Charlie April 19, 2008 8:05 am (Pacific time)

Vic do you know what America's GNP was for 2006? Now compare that with the deficit and it's interest rate. Maybe you should provide a correction? If our healthcare is so bad, then how come Canadian's, European's and people from all over the world come here for medical treatment? Regarding China's defense expenditures, do you have any idea what their long term world [domination] plans are (public record)? As far as all the military bases we have around the world, then should we drop out of the UN and simply isolate ourselves? Our volunteer military should what, just close up and we can just cancel all military existence? Have you ever talked th WWII veterans that were going to be involved in the ground attack on the Japanese mainland re: their view on ending the war when we did? How many lives do you think were saved on both sides? (millions! They were not going to surrender!) Do you know how many millions of Chinese and Koreans that Japan killed? Millions! Currently, do you know that there our several million "Japanese nationalists" whose main ambition is to kill every non-Asian on the planet...making the Chinese their slaves and use the Koreans to fill brothels (by the way they did the latter two during the 1930's and 40's). As far as our drug use legal and illegal, well where do the majority of illegal drugs come from? Which border are they coming across? As far as our spending on education and infrastructure, then compare the amount spent prior to 1970 as a % of GNP and what is spent now (far more!). So what kind of shape were our students and infrastrucure like pre-1970 compared to now? We are wasting our hard-earned tax dollars on programs and in other areas that have been abject failures. Just compare educational achievements (average) in urban area's (highest spending) with suburbs and rural area's (lowest spending). Should urban area's spend money on art or say some special project...or on infrastructure? Waste is the hallmark of our current political leadership, especially on the state and local levels. But what the heck, we stop all defense spending, we can have it all, at least for a while, that is until we are attacked by those who intend on wiping us out!

Vic April 18, 2008 7:56 am (Pacific time)

I might add, our national debt is #1 too .....we owe more money than the rest of the world combined. As of August 2006, our total GNP does not even cover the interest. Yet we spend 42 cents of every tax dollar on the military. Our military spending is 25 times that of the #2 military spender, China....25 times ! We can fund war and empire, but our schools and educators, highway departments and citizens can just buck up and fend for themselves. (and keep working, paying taxes and signing up their kids for the 100 year wars)

Vic April 18, 2008 7:44 am (Pacific time)

Got news for you, anonymous...we already have diseases (37th in the world in quality of health care), uneducated people (we are among the most uneducated people in the world) , criminals (we have more people in prison per capita than any other country in the world, and drugs (we are the largest drug consuming nation in the and illegal) So go ahead and "promise that this will not happen" ..but you are wayyyy too late. Cant blame the Mexicans for this is our own damn fault...we are spending our resources and our best and brightest for WAR. We are #1 when it comes to proliferation of weapons,number of worldwide  military bases, and we are the only country to use nukes on another.(twice)

Charlie April 17, 2008 12:09 pm (Pacific time)

I like most of what Lou Dobbs puts on his program. He received a degree in Economics from Yale. From my viewing of his show his biggest priority is border enforcement and then seeing that all employers are held responsible for verifying that their employees have legal documentation to be employed by them. Bush Sr. is gone and Bush Jr. is a lame duck who has no chance of implementing a program like that discussed above. It should be pointed out that many businesses along the border allow their customers to pay them in pesos. U.S dollars are exchanged throughout the world. As far as some type of electronic device to track us, unfortunately it's something that is slowly creeping up on us. We need politicans to go on record regarding these issues. Will the MSM ask them to? Did they in Europe? We know the answer to the last question! Some of you may recall a number of years ago when the powers that be tried to get the metric system to replace what we have, did not happen. As long as we stay vigilant and have people do articles like this we can prevent this (above article) from happening here. What I worry about is that if certain people come into power, they are the type of elites who simply do not care what the voting public want, they will steamroll their (ideology) right over us.

Anonymous April 16, 2008 4:31 pm (Pacific time)

great, our country is going to turn in to a third world country, with diseases, uneducated people, criminals and drugs. thanks a lot. but i promise that millions of people will do anything they can that this will not happen. discusting!

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