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Apr-14-2007 08:00printcomments

Representative Nelson Introduces Ban on Human Cloning in Oregon

Thirteen states currently have laws that ban human cloning.

donna nelson photo
Donna Nelson is a Republican State representative from McMinnville

(SALEM) - Oregon State Representative Donna Nelson (R-McMinnville) proposes a state ban on human cloning.

House Bill 2662 would make it a felony for a person in Oregon to clone, or attempt to clone, a human being.

It would also create a new crime of trafficking in human clones. The new law would apply to embryos as well as fetuses.

“Cloning human life under any circumstances crosses an ethical line from which science can never turn back,” said Representative Nelson. “If we don’t take a stand now, if we don’t draw that ethical line clearly, we risk a future where new human beings are created for the sole purpose of harvesting organs or medical experimentation. This is an affront to the dignity of human life.”

Thirteen states currently have laws that ban human cloning. Two additional states, Arizona and Missouri, have prohibitions against spending public monies on cloning. House Bill 2662 comes at a time when the Oregon Legislative Assembly is also considering House Bill 2801, a bill to spend taxpayer dollars on controversial embryonic stem cell research—including so-called therapeutic cloning.

Gayle Atteberry, the Executive Director of Oregon Right to Life, sees an important nexus between the two bills. According to Atteberry, “House Bill 2801, the Democrats’ bill which promotes state funding of human cloning, points to the urgent necessity of passing Representative Nelson’s bill.”

House Bill 2662 has been referred to the House Committee on Health Care.

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N/A October 8, 2007 12:36 pm (Pacific time)

In my opionion you all are idiots and have no clue what your talking about

An Enema for Your Brains April 21, 2007 8:20 pm (Pacific time)

Go to If that does not work try Matt and Andrej Koymasky-Famous GLTB-Dave Kopay This would be a start to raise your consciousness, which you probably do not want. Not the best site but better than nothing.

Marx April 21, 2007 9:22 am (Pacific time)

Women and blacks in the military have a rich history of participation going back to at least pre-Revolutionary War. Do some research, prove that that GED you have has been earned.

Marx April 21, 2007 7:54 am (Pacific time)

Enema no doubt your vocational zenith is as a towel boy at a San Francisco bathhouse. Stay in your own league little one. It's always the non-military that want to dictate military policy, morons!

An Enema for the Brains April 21, 2007 1:12 am (Pacific time)

The military is a place for social experimentation as in previously excluded groups (women and blacks) now included. I just hope that you are not in any service except maybe the men's room attendant at the White House. The military lost most of its best Arabic translators under "Don't Ask, Don't Tell". That is one major reason why we are loosing the occupation.....deservedly so.

Marx April 18, 2007 9:18 am (Pacific time)

"DON'T ASK, DON'T TELL" Works! Maybe when President Cheney and VP Rick Santorum get sworn in, in 2009, they will simply revise the above to be replaced by zero tolerence. The military is not a democracy, I repeat, not a democracy, nor a place for social experimentation. It is about protecting the United States of America. Our country was created and has continued because of our military. Not by negotiating from a weak position, but from a strong one. It's hardball!

An Enema for the Brains April 16, 2007 11:55 pm (Pacific time)

Marx, It comes very natural for you to imitate "queeniness" which is just another term for effeminacy in a male. Your stereotyping of behavior in the "gay male" is so retrograde and outdated and if that is all you go by, how are you able to differentiate or know the ones that are in the middle of the spectrum or to the end of overly masculine? Your comment is sophomoric and shows your lack of sophistication and exposure to the larger society. By the way, there is nothing wrong with masculine women or feminine men. I could care less about what other people are in their desires or mannerisms. I have two female cousins, one is "butch" as you might call it, the other is feminine. People are always surprised that the feminine one is "Lesbian". You can apply the same concept to gay men. It does not matter and some of the people in the highest places in the military have been historically gay or in the closet presently. Unless you are 25 years old you should have been exposed to the reality of the commonness of people that are all over the "Kinsey Scale" and not care. I used to work out at a gym where an Air Force Captain with a wife and 4 kids came out of the closet to his family and anyone he got to know. I think you meant to say that there are few advocates for the disabled in general and even less for disabled veterans. If that is true, then it really disgraces the military on another count that they would treat their own so cavalierly. Personally, I do not feel that that there was one war even considering fighting since WWII and in that war we were as history proves, fighting the people that were fighting our future enemy. For our real motives of involvement in WWll look at the behavior of Prescott "Grandad" Bush who supplied and made money with the German Military. I do not know anyone who would not want to give health and financial support to disabled veterans. That is a real shock in the "greatest country in the world" and makes the term invalid. I am not sure if your statement about them getting less attention is true. I do not know where you get your facts from. It may be true, but I would have to get it from a credible source. I see disabled people homeless and dying from neglect all over the country.....I would imagine some of them might be vets and certainly deserved attention decades ago. To finish what I wrote at the start, "homophobia" is listed as a "defense mechanism" by anyone in the psychiatric field as fear of what might be in ones self. You are not secure in your sense of your masculinity otherwise you would not be threatened. So much for the tough guy you try to portray and are obviously very self- conscious of your own "mannerisms". You are frightened of the man in the mirror, not this gardner that you fantasize about. I question if he really exists. This topic is burned out as are the concepts of the article.

Marx April 16, 2007 5:54 pm (Pacific time)

Well it's certainly my hope that Rep. Nelson would be against gays in the military. I have no problems with gays, one of my gardners is gay, and on occasion I have to direct him more closely when he gets real queenie with the equipment, but my goodness, in the military, heavens no. Now there are very few advocates for disabled veterans, but even more for disabled non-veterans. My priority is the veteran comes first, if they did not put it on the line, then we would not have what we have. I frankly doubt bi-polar people could grasp that dynamic.

An Enema for the Brain April 16, 2007 12:32 pm (Pacific time)

Marx, I do not believe that veterans should have special privelage over other people that are disabled from everything to being raped 1000 times by their fathers to people who lose limbs in car accidents. I do not like the attitude of some veterans that all they care about is themselves and do not care about other disabled people who may in fact have it harder then them. So I am not anti-them but am anti-the attitude of many of them... us, us, us! Representative Nelson is out for endearing herself to a very sad special interest group and it makes her look concerned and full of compassion. Has she been an advocate for homeless mentally ill people or had the courage to make a stand on civil rights for gays or immigrants? To stand up for veterans will only make you look good unless you can see the dark side of the motive. The fact that she has not mentioned all disabled tells me alot. The fact that you do not get it by know and I am being extra polite, blows my mind. She's a politician. She has to keep winning the popularity contest that all politicians do to keep in office. I want disabled vets to be taken care of. I want disabled citizens to be taken care of. I do not want people without degrees in science talking about cloning. If I did hate veterans, that would be my right, and I do count because I vote and am vocal.

Marx April 16, 2007 7:12 am (Pacific time)

You are anti-veteran. So what, your opinion about veterans or Rep. Nelson mean nothing to those in the "real" world. I simply responded because of an hypothesis I have, you support that hypothesis.

An Enema for Your Brain April 15, 2007 9:55 pm (Pacific time)

Marx It still makes no sense...anti-heterosexual...if that is what I meant that is what I would have said. I do not beat around the bush...or is that anti-heterosexual too? I am not anti-veteran and will admit to some insensitivity, there is some truth to the remarks. Some guys want to go into the military to kill and do not think about the fact that if you bully anyone, people fight back and the vet may get bullied and may be the person injured or killed. There have been a number of things this time around like the prison abuse. My focus is really on the anti-cloning nonsense. All someone has to do is paint negative scenarios and so many people get on the bandwagon. Especially people with limited knowledge of the real outcome or they have a religious agenda. I show respect to religious people but have no respect for religion and do not want my life ruled by people who believe in spirits, angels, devils, gods and the like. For some reason this woman irritates me. I have read about her multiple times in the past and it is always about something that she should stay out of because she knows nothing of the subject. We have had people that actually enlisted where I live with the fantasy they they will never be called yet have vet benefits. When they have to go overseas you should see how stupid they sound on the tube. And really, all disabled people should be taken care of equally. The word abberrants set me off too. I want people to be different not cut out of a cookie cutter.

Marx April 15, 2007 6:29 pm (Pacific time)

To: 2:46p.m. (April 15) posting/ it was the 7:28 p.m. (April 14) posting, that's how I came to that conclusion. Hopefully that clears things up for you.

An Enema for Your Brain April 15, 2007 2:46 pm (Pacific time)

Karl Marx, How do you interpret what was stated here as anti-heterosexual and anti-veteran? You too need An Enema for Your Brain!

Marx April 15, 2007 12:19 pm (Pacific time)

Go Donna, and it sure is fun to see the loons post. Is it true that a lot of abberrants are also anti-heterosexual and anti-veteran?

An Enema for Your Brain April 15, 2007 8:22 am (Pacific time)

Donna, Donna, Oh PreMadonna Traffiking, harvesting organs, sci-fi experiments... Are these people stupid or just fill there heads with extreme negatives that exist in all realities including putting an in shell egg in your microwave? Everyone should do that once in their lives and you will see that anything can go haywire. This constant regulation of things out of horror, fantasy senarios is digusting and pathological. It must also capture the imagination of people with double digit I.Q.'s.

To:Marx April 14, 2007 7:28 pm (Pacific time)

Why is she a great lady, because she panders to the needs of a special interest group that you may be one of? There is more to greatness than winning a popularity contest by giving most people what they want and then these same people stand in the way of progress. No disrespect intended. I have met many people that have been described to as "Great Ladies", trust me they are all self-maximizers that have one interest which in not what is ethical or true but rather elevating themselves. They are all full of it. I speak from experience. Do not put anyone, including her on a pedestal just because she may be satisfying your needs or someone that you know that has needs. That is just baby kissing. In many ways, unknowingly, this woman is evil because of her ignorance and caving in to the ignorance of a large majority of people in this country. If I counted all of the women that were called "Great Ladies" it would make the term quite common and meaningless. She is out for herself otherwise she would not get involved in these borderline mingling Church vs. State issues. One last thing that disabled vets only focus on is themselves. I have known many people that are disabled and are passed over. Why should vets get any extra benefit when they had a chance to start out healthy and blew it because they believed in some sort of propaganda called patriotism. The disabled are generally born that way or did not look for trouble....vets look for trouble and when the food hits the fan they want special treatment above what other disabled people have needed perhaps since childbirth. I will uncross my fingers and throw my middle finger up in the air if she advances. We do not need anti-scientific people in places of influence. I do not need her or anyone else telling me how to run my life. All of this free country nonsense is a crock, even the fact that disabilty issues of any sort, vet or non-vet are still an issue.

Marx April 14, 2007 5:52 pm (Pacific time)

Rep. Donna Nelson has been a first class act for Oregon veterans. She is one terrific lady. My hope is that when Fred Thompson and Duncan Hunter are sworn in as President and Vice President in 2009, after Fred makes Tom Tancredo the Attorney General, he make Donna Nelson Sec. of Veterans Affairs. Keep your fingers crossed people.

To: Lenardo April 14, 2007 4:52 pm (Pacific time)

At least she can read something....that is a head-start, which she needs.

To: Bob April 14, 2007 4:42 pm (Pacific time)

Great Comment! You gave me a good belly laugh!

Lenardo April 14, 2007 4:41 pm (Pacific time)

She wants to ban human clothing? Good for her. She's read my last three Nota Bene comics.

Resign Now April 14, 2007 3:55 pm (Pacific time)

Why don't you worry about the bill related to Medicare Part D, H.R. 3151 and get behind it? Instead you waste time on this crap and want more felony laws? By the way because even on the internet there is confusion. The bill I am refering to is to include the class of drugs, the Benzodiazepines which have been previously excluded from Medicare Part D. The Epilepsy Foundation has run itself ragged to get this category of drugs included and you are running around like a damn fool worried about cloning? You really have a fiery imagination and a very badly educated constituency. Did you watch too many science fiction movies as a kid? I do not know where your brain is except that it must be getting oxgen loss from that black rats nest on your head.

Bob April 14, 2007 3:53 pm (Pacific time)

MY goodness.......I see it all so clearly...she IS a clone of Ms. Taylor..and wants to remain..the only one. Politics is all about special interests. Tsk.

Albert Marnell April 14, 2007 2:57 pm (Pacific time)

Why doesn't Elizabeth Taylor stick to acting? She is always involved in fringe issues which scientifically she knows nothing about. I got news Liz, To Clone or Not To Clone....we all wind up dead and the worms eat us...the end.

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