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Salem-News.com (Jun-20-2012 15:46)

The Agent Orange Leak on Okinawa

Buried Stockpile of Toxic Defoliant is Contaminating Futenma Air Base.

(YOKOHAMA) - Okinawa and Agent Orange The U.S. Marine Corps buried a massive stockpile of Agent Orange at the Futenma air station in Okinawa, seriously sickening the base’s former head of maintenance and potentially contaminating nearby residents and the ground beneath the base.

The barrels were abandoned in Okinawa at the end of the Vietnam War...

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Salem-News.com (Jun-18-2012 18:53)

Even in Israel, More and More Parents Choose Not to Circumcise their Sons

Because no systematic record is kept of the number of circumcisions performed in the country ‏(see below‏) there are no exact data.

(TEL AVIV Ha'aretz) - Street art at Rehov Frishman, Tel Aviv When their first child, a son, was born 11 years ago, it was clear to Eran Sadeh, now 42, and his partner, Maya, 40, that he would be circumcised.

“We arranged it with a mohel [ritual circumciser] and then I started to look for information and references about the man on the Internet,” says Eran, a former lawyer-turned-computer instructor in a software company.

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Salem-News.com (Jun-18-2012 18:30)

Inside Mexico`s New Youth Rebellion

Weekend leafleting was just one of many actions carried out by a new youth movement that's shaken up the 2012 Mexican elections.

(LAS CRUCES, NM) - Mexico's 132 Movement In Aguascalientes, Mexico, a group of young people passed out leaflets to passerby in the city's busy downtown.

A young woman wore a homemade poster that protested the murders of women in the state of Mexico, while her companions distributed leaflets that flashed a satiric image of Enrique Pena Nieto.

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Salem-News.com (Jun-16-2012 17:50)

Aging Without Raging: It`s Perseverance Plus!

Human potential is ageless, whatever its source. Never minimize that maxim.

(SALEM) - Age tree All of us age by degrees. It is not an overnight process.

Nevertheless, we seem conditioned to ignore this life reality and indulge in a game called Manana-itis. We tend to be in denial.

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Salem-News.com (Jun-16-2012 12:48)

The Great Indian Gene Bazaar

Kaushik Basu's Useless Suggestions to Prop up the Indian Economy

(NEW DELHI, India ) - Crowd in India It has taken the civil society years of struggle to ensure that the plant genetic resources (PGR), which is essentially the preserve of farmers, are not passed on freely into the hands of multinational corporations/seed companies.

After the 1992 Convention on Biological Diversity, the battle to seek control over PGR had of course intensified.

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Salem-News.com (Jun-16-2012 04:14)

An Apple Sprouts in Manhattan: Mr. John Goes to the United Nations, Unfortunately

Gangsters like Ed John don’t like drawing more attention to bad publicity about themselves – especially when they know it’s all true.

(NANAIMO, Vancouver Island) - I first heard Ed John’s name mentioned when a large and nasty thug shoved his arm into my throat and bellowed in my ear, “Eddie John is pissed off at what you’re doing here, so cut it out now!”

The ruffian was named Dean Wilson, an enforcer with the Carrier-Sekani Tribal Council in Prince George, British Columbia.

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Salem-News.com (Jun-16-2012 02:20)

Heavy Military Presence in Sri Lanka`s North Traumatic for Children

Greater focus is required to ensure that children have not lost everything.

(MELBOURNE ABC Radio) - Tamil boy inside a Tamil refugee camp Courtesy: trendsupdates.com Heavy military presence in the island's former conflict zones continue to traumatise children who've experienced the civil war.

Sri Lanka's military defeated the Tamil Tiger rebels three years ago, and the UN children's agency UNICEF has described as 'remarkable' the progress made in child health and education.

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Salem-News.com (Jun-15-2012 22:30)

Mandatory Circumcision Not Cost Effective for HIV Prevention

The topic has generated controversy in recent years as the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention was said to be considering recommendations promoting routine circumcision for HIV prevention.

(SAN DIEGO) - Dr. Sarah E. Drennan Mandating circumcision in the United States would prevent 24 more cases of HIV than does the traditional optional approach to circumcision.

However it would increase costs by approximately $389 million, making it far less cost effective, an analysis of published data suggests.

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Salem-News.com (Jun-15-2012 20:57)

The Palestinian Kosher Place

Palestine Place, forget about them, it is taken over by the PSC and the BDS gang.

(LONDON) - Ken O'Keefe during last May's protests in Gaza We've learned that one of central London’s abandoned houses has been reclaimed and transformed into a “radical” centre for “discussion, action, and education around the issue of Palestine.”

It didn’t take more than a week for the ‘radical’ place to become yet another crypto-Zionist gathering engaged primarily in gatekeeping and even expulsion of some distinguished activists and thinkers.

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Salem-News.com (Jun-14-2012 15:33)

Most Precious Gifts

A Springtime visit to PALESTINE

(OCCUPIED PALESTINE) - Nahida and a row of boys in Palestine Every now and then, our writers have the most amazing and rewarding experiences and it is to our good fortune, that we receive extraordinary photo pieces like this one from our dear friend Nahida Izzat.

Those who read her work regularly do not need it explained; I would just say that a limited number of human beings have the ability to make us feel the pain and hope the way Nahida does.

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Tribute to Palestine and to the incredible courage, determination and struggle of the Palestinian People. ~Dom Martin

The NAACP of the Willamette Valley