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Salem-News.com (Oct-16-2010 15:35)

North Korea Bangs War Drum, Prepares for Attack on South Korea

Just when you thought U.S. military action overseas was winding down...

(CHICAGO) - North Korean soldier A possible showdown is coming between the million man army of North Korea and the joint US-South Korean forces. Like a pressure cooker simmering for many months, all the ingredients for war that have been simmering may be about ready to boil over.

The official news agency of the government in Pyongyang is reacting to the joint naval exercises conducted by US, Japanese and South Korean forces.

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Salem-News.com (Oct-16-2010 14:58)

Israel, ADL, ICNC and Human Rights

The ADL did me the honor of writing a report targeting me personally, as well as targeting my employer; Yale University at the time.

(BETHLEHEM) - The reality of Palestine The Arab Defamation League (A.K.A. as Anti-Defamation league of Bnai Brith) is an American Zionist organization which focuses on defending Israeli apartheid policies even when those are harming Jews by attacking Arabs and Muslims and anyone who speaks for human rights.

ADL just named the top ten groups in the US that they say are most organized in their "anti-Israel" stances in the US (see: ADL Identifies Top 10 Anti-Israel Groups In America - ADL; they even included Jewish Voice for Peace).

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Salem-News.com (Oct-16-2010 13:48)

Pentagon Author Exposes Zelikow`s Key Role in 9/11 Cover-Up

(OSAKA, Japan) - Dr. Philip Zelikow In an interview on the Fox Business Network, a retired U.S. intelligence officer accused the official in charge of the 9/11 Commission of a cover-up of intelligence failures leading up to the terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001.

Lt. Col. Anthony Shaffer, a former Defense Intelligence Agency officer and the author of Operation Dark Heart, a much-hyped new book on the war in Afghanistan, spoke about his mid-October 2003 encounter with Dr. Philip Zelikow, then executive director of the National Commission on Terrorist Attacks upon the United States.

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Salem-News.com (Oct-15-2010 21:22)

Egyptian Mummies Prove Cancer is `Man-Made`

The mute mummies have actually communicated a lot: their bodies' lack of cancers and tumors underscore many researcher's suspicions and tends to support their theories.

(CHICAGO) - Egyptian mummy Cancer is the bane of the modern world. It kills millions of people annually. Yet the strange fact is, that there is almost no trace of the insidious killer among the remains of ancient peoples.

This incredible epiphany rocked researchers on their heels. Ancient people simply didn't die from any cancer-related disease.

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Salem-News.com (Oct-15-2010 20:31)

On the Road with Ahmadinejad in Lebanon

"If President Ahmadinejad asks my opinion, I shall tell him: A stone? My dear brother, you are capable of throwing much more than a stone." Hassan Nasrallah (AFP 10/12/10)

(BEIRUT, Lebanon) - Ahmadinejad visit to Lebanon He came, he saw, he conquered.

As he watched the Iranian President blow kisses to cleaning workers at Beirut’s airport during his departure for Iran early this morning, a Lebanese Christian historian commented “This Persian’s glory at the moment is arguably greater than Caesar’s following Rome’s second conquest of Britain”.

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Salem-News.com (Oct-15-2010 18:53)

Anarchy 101: Time to Begin Ignoring Law?

Food for thought on our national military/legal industrial complex...

(SALEM, Ore.) - Anarchy We have tried and failed as a nation. The United States has reduced itself to the point of ridiculous exasperation.

Support for the murderous politics of Israel, two poorly selected wars based on false flag information, stolen presidencies; laws designed to purely favor the insurance and pharmaceutical industries; endless greed- these things take their toll.

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Salem-News.com (Oct-15-2010 00:03)

Ahmadinejad Abandons Nuclear Aspirations, Sets Sights on Israel`s National Water Carrier

(WASHINGTON D.C.) - Bint Jbeil, south Lebanon, site of provocation by Ahmadinejad. (Photo: Amelia Opalinska) Traveling in south Lebanon in the wake of the July War of 2006, I often acquired water bottles with labels depicting the variety of unexploded cluster munitions that one should keep an eye out for when walking in certain areas, such as in one’s yard.

Thanks to the state of Israel, it was thus possible to engage in the fundamental life process of hydration while simultaneously contemplating the sudden termination of all such processes. As for other regional water-related Israeli operations, these have enabled affected populations to not hydrate themselves.

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Salem-News.com (Oct-14-2010 21:12)

Between Islam and Secular Humanism in World Government

Letter to Muslims: Is Islam really the Last Obstruction to World Government and Absolute Scientific Global Dictatorship?

(WASHINGTON D.C.) - Islamic texts The documentaries accompanying this article reveal a concerted effort to subvert Theism, mainly Islam and Christianity respectively. Since this letter is addressed to Muslims, its focus is on Islam.

However, a universal truth which applies to all Theism regardless of religion, and which appears to be a major impediment to the nihilism of the New World Order...

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Salem-News.com (Oct-14-2010 02:57)

An Indigenous Solution for Peace in Afghanistan Part 2

Part two in a special series; Tribal imbalance, violence, corruption and chaos.

(SEATTLE) - Afghanistan billboad The nexus between tribal imbalance and America’s incoherent military and political strategies are the root causes of the dilemma in Afghanistan, and now America’s policies are exacerbating already-deteriorating conditions on the ground.

General David Petraeus’s COIN strategy is designed for failure because of the stratospheric odds against winning Afghan hearts and minds. Not to mention the fact that NATO’s very presence is fueling the insurgency.

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Salem-News.com (Oct-14-2010 02:35)

Restoring the Tribal Balance: an Indigenous Solution for Peace in Afghanistan

Part one in a special series.

(SEATTLE) - Flag over an Afghan military base at Jalalabad We are New World Strategies Coalition, a native Afghan think tank focused on nonmilitary solutions for Afghanistan. "Restoring the Tribal Balance: An Indigenous Solution for Peace in Afghanistan" represents a game-changing exit strategy based on feedback from well-respected tribal elders.

Above all, we truly believe that after 30 years of violence, there is only one solution for peace in Afghanistan - and it is an Afghan solution.

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Tribute to Palestine and to the incredible courage, determination and struggle of the Palestinian People. ~Dom Martin

The NAACP of the Willamette Valley