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Israeli Forces Storm Al Aqsa Plaza in Violent Clashes with Worshippers

Tens of thousands in Palestine and around the world abhor the actions by the extremists.

(JERUSALEM / SALEM) - al-Aqsa Mosque Violent clashes took place Friday between Palestinian worshippers, Jewish settlers and Israeli Occupation Forces (IOF) troops who stormed the ancient al Aqsa Mosque plazas just after the noon prayers.

The ongoing threat by extremist Jewish groups to "take" the al Aqsa Mosque has caused a reverberation around the globe.

Read Full Article (Feb-22-2012 23:15)

UN `Deplores` Israeli Approval of More Settlements in West Bank

Land taken without permission is being seen for what it is: wrong.

(WEST BANK, Occupied Palestine) - illegal Israeli settlements The top United Nations envoy for the Middle East peace process today described as “deplorable” Israel’s announcement that is has given approval to a large number of new settlement units deep inside the occupied Palestinian territory.

“The Secretary-General reiterated the United Nations’ well known position that settlement activity is illegal, contrary to Israel’s obligations under the Road Map [to peace] and will not be recognized by the international community.”

Read Full Article (Feb-10-2012 14:33)

Truth with Transparency Reveals Hidden Agendas

Ken O'Keefe's Trade Not Aid Mission for Palestine was derailed by once-allies in the fight for equality and freedom. Now they are known as the hijackers.

(LONDON) - Ken O'Keefe I picked up most of my stolen property from the police yesterday, 3 months of having nearly all of my hard drives, my phone, my camera, reams of paperwork, what is the result?

Nothing but the disruption of the Trade Not Aid Mission and a bit more fuel to slander me. And that is the point really, to disrupt anything meaningful for Palestine.

Read Full Article (Jan-22-2012 09:07)

Capitalism 1, United States 0

Steve Jobs to Barack Obama: "Those jobs aren't coming back."

(Calgary, Alberta) - Here is an uncomfortable truth: America is great at capitalism when there is no competition or weak competitors.

The fundamental problem with Americans today, is that its middle class has been trained to consume products and eat tons of junk food, while growing up through the decades after the Second World War, when global competition did not exist to any significant degree.

Read Full Article (Nov-13-2011 10:34)

Plutonomy: Buying Luxury, Explaining Global Imbalances

Although they haven’t figured it out yet, this is really what the Occupy movement is protesting. Once they figure this out...

(NEW YORK CITY, LONDON, ENGLAND) - This is a “secret” document; secret in the sense that it was produced by Citigroup analysts and distributed to their wealthiest investors and not meant for general distribution, i.e., the eyes of the rabble. It has leaked out and can probably be found on the internet, although Citigroup lawyers are active in forcing its removal from sites.

As this is a journalistic report, they would probably not be successful. They would also be aware that such an attempt would likely garner even more unwanted publicity.

Read Full Article (Sep-13-2011 13:06)

9/11 Is History Now

“Believe it or not 9/11 belongs to history now and this fact is in itself even scarier than what we know happened on that awful day, or what we did not know for that matter.”

(ALEXANDRIA, Egypt) - 911 history With the world commemorating the tenth anniversary of the mysterious and horrific collapse of the New York twin towers on September 11, 2001 and as I looked back to be swept up by the endless reflections of the tragic day, I suddenly realized that my perspective of 9/11, as well as everybody else’s I guess, has changed.

Ten long years now separate us from this day.

Read Full Article (May-18-2011 19:32)

To Gaza with Love

Teachers, students, retirees, everyone: end a personal letter to the people of Gaza.

(NEW YORK) - To Gaza with Love The U.S. Boat to Gaza Campaign is collecting thousands of personal letters to the people of Gaza from people like you in the U.S., in an act of friendship and solidarity.

These letters will be carried as our cargo on the U.S. Boat to Gaza when it sets sail in June 2011 in the next International Freedom Flotilla Stay Human.

Read Full Article (May-02-2011 17:35)

Bin Laden and his Myth are Dead

However, not many bought Bush administration’s argument that Bin Laden actually conducted history’s most sophisticated terrorist operation on the U.S. soil.


It was thought that Osama bin Laden had died many years ago in the Tora Bora caves and only his legend lived on, but U.S. President Barack Obama announced on Sunday that the Al-Qaeda chief had been killed.

So, now, it would appear both the man and the myth are dead.

Read Full Article (Apr-05-2011 22:32)

Losing Juliano

The best answer to violence is to intensify our work and build on the vision thus never allowing these forces of hate to destroy the future.

(SAN FRANCISCO) - Juliano Mer-Khamis Humanity mourns. We are shocked. Juliano Mer-Khamis, a friend and fellow peace activist, was murdered in Jenin. The masked killer(s), whoever they were, were cowards whose madness will not deter those of us who continue to work for justice and peace for all.

If they thought they could kill coexistence and love in the holy land by killing a symbol and a great activist, they are mistaken.

Read Full Article (Mar-18-2011 18:29)

Gaza`s Youth: Hopes Broken at 15 March End Of Division Demonstration

“The people want an end to the division”

(GAZA CITY) - Gaza Yesterday the Gaza Strip woke up to bright sun, a sign of a new season heading our way.

But by the time evening fell upon us, you could count the broken bones among the Palestinians and this meant a new political season rather than a mere weather forecast.

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The NAACP of the Willamette Valley

Tribute to Palestine and to the incredible courage, determination and struggle of the Palestinian People. ~Dom Martin
