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Salem-News.com (Jul-28-2013 20:24)

Netanyahu and Abbas on Negotiations

This is the same Netanyahu who also explained (when he thought no cameras were around) how he prevented implementation of the very minor withdrawal required under Oslo.

(BETHLEHEM) - Netanyahu and Abbas From a letter in Hebrew by the Israeli Prime minister Netanyahu to the Israeli Jewish public explaining things:

“From time to time, prime ministers are called on to make decisions that go against public opinion – when the matter is important for the country..."

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Salem-News.com (Jul-27-2013 00:05)

Remembering Sri Lanka`s Black July

"There was a first mob of about 80-odd young guys with iron rods and things. They were in a frenzy, obviously under the influence of alcohol - they smashed up and then came the next lot to loot." - elderly woman

(COLOMBO, Sri Lanka) - The mob violence that erupted after an attack on 13 soldiers triggered a 26-year civil war Thirty years ago, Tamil separatists stepping up militant attacks in northern Sri Lanka and killed 13 soldiers. Over the next few days, mobs of the Sinhalese majority took revenge, killing between 400 and 3,000 Tamils around the country and triggering a civil war that lasted 26 years and sent hundreds of thousands of Tamils into exile.

The BBC's Charles Haviland reports on the legacy of what came to be known as Black July.

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Salem-News.com (Jul-24-2013 08:34)

30 Years Since Sri Lanka Race Attacks

The 1983 Black July pogroms were the beginning of a history of persecution and racist violence for Sri Lanka's Tamils. Liam Brown reminds our politicians why there are so many Tamil refugees.

(COLOMBO, Sri Lanka) - SL Tamils in 1983 Today marks marks the 30th anniversary of a watershed moment in Sri Lankan history: the Black July pogrom against members of the Tamil ethnic group.

The pogrom claimed the lives of perhaps thousands of people, displaced thousands more and marked a start to the civil war that would consume the country for nearly 30 years.

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Salem-News.com (Jul-23-2013 10:38)

Cold Blooded Murder in Maximum Security Jails - 1

Part I – Murder in Welikade Prison, Sri Lanka.

(MELBOURNE) - STF soldiers getting ready to storm Wellikade Prison after the massacre You may have thought that Mullivaaikkal of May 2009 was the only massacre the Sinhalese inflicted on the Tamils. They had several anti-Tamil riots to their credit, the worst of which was in July 23 and 24 1983 and two massacres in Welikade Maximum Security Prison.

As a result these riots and massacres are referred to as Black July. The following is an account of the two massacres.

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Salem-News.com (Jul-22-2013 12:35)

Obama Supporters Petition to Grant Him Immunity for All Crimes He Commits While in Office

Mark frequently stirs up controversy from his commentaries, protests, and boycotts, and has repeatedly been featured in major media outlets around the world.

(SAN DIEGO) - Mark Dice in San Diego Obama supporters in San Diego, California petition to grant the President immunity for any crimes he has committed or will commit while in office.

Media analyst and author Mark Dice simply asks random people if they'll sign a petition to support Obama by granting him immunity for his crimes, and one person right after the other signs it to show support for dear leader.

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Salem-News.com (Jul-21-2013 18:27)

`Whoever Speaks of 1967 Borders Speaks of Auschwitz`: Israel`s Cabinet not Serious about Negotiations for a Palestinian State

Palestinians had been reluctant to give predatory Israeli policy toward them any legitimacy by negotiating at a time when Israelis were actively pouring more Israeli settlers into the Palestinian West Bank.

(WASHINGTON DC) - US Secretary of State John Kerry very tentatively announced Friday that he has hopes that Israeli and Palestinian negotiations will start back up with a visit of both sides to Washington in the coming week.

Oddly, he made the announcement alone, not flanked by either Palestinians or Israelis, prompting questions of whether he really had a breakthrough or firm commitments.

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Salem-News.com (Jul-17-2013 12:56)

`Matter for humanity that justice is done`- Interview with Callum Macrae

This is about human rights, and this is about the rule of international law. And I know that whenever I've shown this film to people who didn't know about the situation - it changes minds.

(TORONTO Tamil Guardian) - Callum Macrae Tamil Guardian's correspondent based in Toronto, Canada, caught up with the director of the documentaries 'Sri Lanka's Killing Fields' and 'No Fire Zone - the killing fields of Sri Lanka', Callum Macrae, at the sidelines of FETNA 2013.

He discusses how he viewed Sri Lanka's reaction to the documentaries, himself and others who are speaking out against the massacre of tens of thousands of Tamils.

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Salem-News.com (Jul-17-2013 10:26)

Livni Warns Israel It Faces A Worldwide Boycott

This is not what we expect to hear from an Israeli minister.

(CHICAGO) - Tzipe Livni Justice Minister Tzipi Livni is the Israeli cabinet minister with the task of finding a way back to peace talks. At the moment, she is one more frustrated negotiator.

Livni was so frustrated that she kicked off the month of July with a speech in which she said that if negotiations with the Palestinians don’t start up again soon, Israel will face a worldwide economic boycott.

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Salem-News.com (Jul-15-2013 19:07)

Housing Crisis for Sri Lanka`s Tamils

Donor fatigue, construction costs, other issues delay building.

(JAFFNA, Srl Lanka) - Sri Lanka war damaged homes Four years after Sri Lanka's bitter, 26-year civil war ended in 2009, thousands of permanent homes needed for returnees to northern Sri Lanka are not being built because of a lack of donor funding.

"Although the remaining gap in the housing sector in the north keeps changing due to new returnees, there is a serious funding gap for at least another 30,000 houses immediately," said Laxman Perera, program manager for the UN Human Settlements Program (UN-Habitat).

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Salem-News.com (Jul-12-2013 14:22)

And Now They Want The Temple Rebuilt

Jewish secularism is a bizarre concept. It is a racially driven tribal affiliation motivated by supremacist inclinations.

(LONDON) - Temple Mount Haaretz reported today that one third of Israeli Jews want the Temple rebuilt in Jerusalem.

Apparently dozens of movements in Israel are attempting to change the status quo at Haram Ash-Sharif, widely considered the third holiest site in Islam. They aim towards a resurrection of the Jewish Temple at the site.

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