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Dispatches From Afghanistan Tim King, Reporting (Jan-05-2007 23:31)

Camp Joyce: Remote Fire Base Near Afghanistan-Pakistan Border (VIDEO)

It is not unusual for Taliban forces to use mortars and rockets to attack this remote outpost. This story was originally published January 5th, 2007.

(KUNAR PROVINCE, Afghanistan) - Tim King reporting near the Pakistan border. The War in Iraq may dominate the headlines but as Tim King tells us in this next report, soldiers at remote outposts in Afghanistan are seeing plenty of action. Soldiers there say Taliban forces are afforded plenty of vantage points near the Pakistan border.

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Images of Afghanistan by Tim King (Jan-05-2007 19:25)

Jalalabad: Center for Taliban Abuse & Terror in Afghanistan (VIDEO)

Jalalabad, like many bases in Afghanistan, was also a former stronghold of Soviet forces before the Taliban took over.

(KABUL, Afghanistan) - Jalalabad base in Afghanistan Afghanistan has been at war for more than 30 years. After the Russian invasion of 1979 that lasted for more than a decade, the country was locked into years of combat with the Taliban. Tim King visited a base that is used by the Afghan National Army, but as he tells us in this next report, signs of the Taliban's cruelty are far from gone.

Read Full Article (Jan-03-2007 09:10)

Soviet Tank Graveyard in Afghanistan A Haunting Reminder (VIDEO)

The Soviets left in a hurry when they finally did, their ranks in disarray, flanked by desertion and disease, and pursued by angry Afghans who know how to fight if they know anything at all.

(KABUL, Afghanistan) - Tim King reporting in Afghanistan Twisted and charred battle vehicles laden with armor are a close reminder of a massive eastern bloc military occupation that attempted to over take Afghanistan in the 1970's and 1980's.

Read Full Article (Dec-30-2006 01:21)

Afghanistan National Police: An Exercise in Survival (VIDEO)

Afghanistan National Police officers will tell you that the wage they earn isn't enough to keep food on their family's table. But that’s just one of the challenges in being part of the Police Force in Afghanistan.

(KABUL, Afghanistan) - night patrol in Kabul The National Police of Afghanistan have their hands full, working with coalition forces and trying to get a grip on crime in a nation that has almost no laws or legal system. Oregon soldiers are doing regular patrols with the Afghan Police and as Tim King shows us in this next report, the challenges for these low paid law enforcement officers are many.

Read Full Article (Dec-29-2006 10:18)

Americans Bring Medical Help to Afghanistan Families (VIDEO)

People in the war torn city of Kabul Afghanistan have few resources to turn to for medical care, and even simple pain relievers like headache medicine is very difficult for people to locate. This story was originally published December 29th, 2006.

(KABUL, Afghanistan) - Afghanistan medical mission As Tim King shows us in this next report, a Salem soldier's role in civilian medical assistance missions provided by U.S. and British forces are making a big difference in the lives of many.

Read Full Article (Dec-28-2006 23:26)

Intervention From Pakistan Paramount in Reigning in Terrorism in Afghanistan

Mindless tactics of Taliban are reminiscent of the acts of other far flung religious fanatics that loom much closer to home.

(GARDEZ, Afghanistan) - Afghanistan photos by Tim King The news that Pakistan is stepping up to the plate in the fight against terrorism in Afghanistan is a mark of progress in the effort to bring peace to this war ravaged country. If Pakistan follows through with this recent pledge, it will also mean a great deal in terms of safety for Americans and other Coalition forces presently stationed here.

Read Full Article (Dec-26-2006 10:05)

A Cold Journey Through the Afghanistan High Country to a Castle for Christmas

Nobody asked Santa for a castle for Christmas, but the tire tracks in the snow on the road leading there were a gift in themselves.

(KHYAR KHOT, Afghanistan) - Col. Dan Hokanson, Tim King and Major Arnold Strong, all of Oregon I thought I knew what cold weather was, but Afghanistan has been teaching me a few lessons about what a white winter really is, and for the past three days my boots have been soaked completely through. That's what happens when you have to put tire chains on a military vehicle in fourteen inches of fresh powder.

Read Full Article (Dec-22-2006 00:43)

Snow Days Heighten Spirits in Afghanistan War Zone (VIDEO)

As Tim King shows us in this next report, fresh snow can also go a long way toward lightening the spirits of troops at war.

(KABUL, Afghanistan) - afghanistan snow A different kind of battle raged inside the gates of the American military base in Kabul, Afghanistan, it's one is bringing winter cheer, and no casualties.

"It's like a big playground, it's a winter wonderland in Afghanistan," said Janette Arencibia, of the US Navy.

The troops say they needed this; a break from the seriousness of war, where a soldier was graded by the size and accuracy of their snowball, suddenly they were all like a bunch of kids.

Read Full Article (Dec-18-2006 22:44)

Oregon Soldiers Give Aid to Remote Afghanistan Village (VIDEO)

Because of this mission, people here now stand a much better chance of surviving the frigid Afghan winter.

(KATEHKHIL, Afghanistan) - KatehKhil, Afghanistan Oregon National Guard soldiers aided by members of other U.S. services banded together and traveled to a snow-covered mountain village to provide clothing, shoes, toys and other essentials to people that have very little. As Tim King reports, this is a place where items sent from the United States find their way directly into the hands of the people who need them more than words can describe.

Read Full Article (Dec-18-2006 10:22)

Just Like Mom Used to Make? Chow at Camp Phoenix, Afghanistan (VIDEO)

These are the staples of U.S. troops in Afghanistan. Three times a day, civilian employees from a company called KBR prepares meals and feeds hundreds of soldiers, sailors, airmen and Marines. That's not to mention the soldiers from other coalition countries.

(KABUL, Afghanistan) - chow hall It's a big job, and most of the American reviews are favorable. The choices are many, and everything is served in a cafeteria-style setting.

Col. Michael Petrucci- of the 41st Brigade, says, “It's difficult always to get the right kind of food for the troops forward, they do a good job."

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