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Oregon Senator Merkley Announces New Suicide Hotline for Veterans

Due to Dan Davis’ advocacy on the issue, the White City VA will have the new system in place by this Friday, June 3, 2016.

(MEDFORD, Ore.) - veteran suicides Senator Merkley was joined at today’s event by Dan Davis, a local constituent who has been working for years to change the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) suicide hotline to something easier for veterans to use.

The Oregon Public Health department released a report in 2014 that showed that suicide is the leading cause of death among veterans under 45 years of age.

Read Full Article (Feb-16-2016 12:54)

Give the Vietnam Blue Water Navy Veterans Their Presumptive Rights

U.S. House of Representatives, hear our cry!

(SALEM, Ore.) - Navy medals The Dept. of Veterans Affairs once again betrayed the Vietnam Blue Water Veterans on February 5, 2016, by declaring all bays and harbors offshore waters. That means that those ports which previously were considered inland waters will no longer be presumptive.

In essence they have decided to kill off another possibly 10,000 Vietnam Veterans.

Read Full Article (Mar-31-2015 13:03)

Vietnam Veterans of America Joins in Lawsuit Against VA Secretary for Violating Rights of Disabled Vets

The new rules to file claims directly impact Disabled Veterans

(WASHINGTON, DC) - Vietnam Veterans memorial The new rule eradicates the decades-old right of a veteran to write a letter to the VA, seeking a specific VA benefit and having the VA consider that letter as an informal claim.

The new rule changes require claims to be submitted on the VA’s standardized forms, which will impose barriers for all those without access to those forms, as well as those without the medical and legal knowledge needed to fill them out correctly.

Read Full Article (Feb-03-2015 18:20)

Wyden Praises Senate Passage of Bill Helping Veterans At Risk of Suicide

Caring for the needs of our American Veterans is a must

(WASHINGTON D.C.) - Ron Wyden Sen. Ron Wyden, D-Ore., today released the following statement after the Senate unanimously approved the Clay Hunt Suicide Prevention for American Veterans Act:

“I was proud to cosponsor and to vote for this bipartisan bill, which I’m convinced will save lives in Oregon and across the country,” Wyden said.

Read Full Article (Sep-03-2014 15:13)

Military Terror Hits US Cities As Veterans Banned From Owning Guns?

VA doctor asked disabled veteran if he owned any guns.

(PHILADELPHIA, PA) - Robert O'Dowd 2012 I was asked by a VA doctor last week if I owned any guns. I said, “No, but I know how to use them.” He was typing into a government database when he asked the question. I don’t know if my flip response was typed into the database.

The middle age male doctor reminded me of a Nazi scientist (not kidding): Just firing off questions like “is there any mental illness in my family? Was I sexually abused as a child? Do I own any guns? Have I had suicide ideation? Did I ever attempt to kill myself?” Where is all this coming from? I recalled an article I'd read with the above headline.

Read Full Article (Jul-02-2014 18:54)

ODV Seeking Donations to Help Oregon Veterans Programs

In Oregon, between 2008 and 2012, suicide rates among veterans were significantly higher compared to non-veterans.

(SALEM, Ore. ) - State of Oregon Veterans The Oregon Department of Veterans' Affairs is now accepting online donations to support four funds aimed at improving programs and supporting efforts that benefit Oregon veterans.

One of the funds, the Veteran Suicide Awareness and Prevention Fund, was established in 2013 when the Oregon Legislature passed SB 762 creating a public information campaign to raise awareness and prevent suicide by veterans in Oregon.

Read Full Article (Jun-25-2014 23:05)

Police Shoot 95-Year-Old WWII Vet to Death for Refusing to Go to Hospital

Lawsuit says victim was shot by beanbag rounds at close range.

(CHICAGO) - John Wrana Jr. Suburban Chicago police shot a 95-year-old WWII veteran to death with bean bag rounds at short range because he refused to go to the hospital, his stepdaughter claims in court.

Victory Center employees tried to get Wrana into an ambulance, but he allegedly refused to leave his room. The defendant officers responded to employees' 911 call, and also were unable to persuade Wrana to go to the hospital. The officers conferred and decided to seize Wrana by force,

Read Full Article (Jun-09-2014 17:26)

50,000 Veterans Contacted to Get Off Waiting Lists and Into Clinics

“It is our duty and our privilege to provide Veterans the care they have earned through their service and sacrifice,” said Acting Secretary Gibson. Contacted to Get Off Waiting Lists, Into Clinics

(WASHINGTON, D.C.) - The Department of Veterans Affairs on Monday, released the results from its Nationwide Access Audit, along with facility level patient access data, medical center quality and efficiency data, and mental health provider survey data, for all Veterans health facilities.

Read Full Article (Jun-06-2014 11:43)

Congress Overlooked?

The U.S. Congress’s Oath of Office conflicts with the veteran’s betrayal by the DOD.

(SALEM, Ore.) - US Congress As of 2014, the U.S. Congress has yet to make a "Rule" preventing the "Degrading" rape of and injurious, non-consensual experiments on U.S. Military Personnel, i.e., by a Law of the Land NOT by a Dept. of Defense (DOD) disobeyed Sec. of Defense Rule.

"To make Rules for the Government and Regulation of the land and naval Forces" is the U.S. Congress’s responsibility under the U.S. Constitution, Art. I, Sect. 8, Clause 14 and under the Bill of Rights, Amendment VIII.

Read Full Article (May-26-2014 01:20)

Memorial Day, Do At Least One Thing

Memorial Day is a day for giving thanks, and respect...

(NEWBURGH, Indiana) - memorial day Memorial Day is a time to remember the men and women who have died serving our country. This special day is not the only time we should remember them but the holiday underscores the importance of having a time to revere and respect people who are sacred to our country. They are our heroes who are buried across America. They left home to go to hostile places and laid down their lives for us.

Take a moment and visit the grave of someone who died representing us. When you go take just a few moments and give thanks for that person who will be one of many, many thousands who have made what we have in America possible.

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The NAACP of the Willamette Valley


Tribute to Palestine and to the incredible courage, determination and struggle of the Palestinian People. ~Dom Martin