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President Vladimir Putin`s Letter to Leaders of European Countries

President Vladimir Putin is obviously not giving into the World Order that Washington wants. He talks big… he talks tough… he talks sense!

(DUBAI) - President Putin and Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov are proving to be rational leaders and true statesmen compared to their pathetic counterparts in the US, France, Germany and Britain.

The US Foreign Policy is irrational.They want countries to be subservient to them and they don’t want Israel’s actions or ambitions questioned in the Middle East.

Read Full Article (Apr-12-2014 21:02)

How the NYT Defangs Ukraine`s neo-Nazis

One of the main Ukrainian Insurgent Army battalions was organized by the Nazis who called it the Bataillon Ukrainische Gruppe Nachtigall (Nightingale Battalion).

(PORTLAND) - Nazi Orpo troops with local Ukrainian collaborationist Schutzmannschaft. I posted a more recent example of what Parry calls "unwritten rule of the MSM’s coverage of the Ukraine crisis," to pretend that the neo-Nazi militias were simply one of Vladimir Putin’s “delusions” or a figment of Russian propaganda or at most a minor and insignificant factor in ousting Yanukovych.

In the article link below on the killing of a notoriously violent Right Sector activist, NYT reporter Andrew Higgins describes a comrade of the deceased as "Yuriy Shukhevych"...

Read Full Article (Apr-02-2014 11:55)

The Most Profitable Gas in the World

The smart investor will realize that there is no better time to invest in Ukraine's energy sector. Once it is transformed, the best opportunities will have been seized.

(LONDON - Ukraine oil There is only one certainty in Ukraine: The energy sector must and will be transformed, and how long this takes will depend on who ends up in the driver's seat and how serious they are about becoming a part of Europe and reducing dependence on Russia.

But by then, investors will have missed the boat.

Read Full Article (Mar-27-2014 16:17)

Why Ukraine`s Next President Doesn`t Matter

Regardless of who wins the presidential vote, the Maidan will be disappointed.

(LONDON - Ukraine flags Having ridden roughshod over Ukraine, Russia's annexation of the Crimea is now over and a new chapter in Ukrainian politics is about to begin—but it won't be much different than the last chapter, with the same old faces surfacing for May presidential elections.

In the aftermath of the Maidan protests that overthrew president Viktor Yanukovych in February and Russia's retaliatory annexation of the Crimea in March, Ukraine has moved presidential elections forward a year to 25 May.

Read Full Article (Mar-27-2014 16:07)

Here Comes Ukrainian Hemp

Isn't the precedent of connecting U.S. foreign policy in any way to a substance that benefits, rather than destroys, the environment of potentially great value?

(WASHINGTON DC) - Paul Bobbee in a field of tall Ukrainian variety of industrial hemp So the United States wants to buy hemp from the Ukraine. I suppose we should be happy. Anytime the U.S. government gives a country money that is not earmarked for weapons, we probably shouldn't too closely examine the unelected neo-liberals and neo-Nazis handling the cash.

Nobody pays attention to the Saudi government or the oil, wars, and terrorism it provides in exchange for U.S. largesse.

Read Full Article (Mar-24-2014 12:01)

Russia Looks East as Relations with Europe Deteriorate

Several market analysts had already predicted before the Crimean crisis that a deal would be finalized this year.

(LONDON - The standoff between the U.S. and the EU on one hand, and Russia on the other, intensified pretty quickly late last week. The U.S. quickly slapped heavier sanctions on Russia after its annexation of Crimea, leading to a mutual escalation of retaliatory measures.

However, it appears that the West gained a bit of leverage at the moment, as the Russian economy has shown some cracks amid uncertainty over how bad this is going to get.

Read Full Article (Mar-24-2014 10:51)

Crimea is the First Bite in Russia`s Political Appetite Who is Next After Crimea?

"… only the full inclusion of the territory of Russian regions in Ukraine - namely Crimea, Lugansk, Donetsk, Zaporizhzhiya, Dnipropetrovsk, Chernigiv, Sumy, Kharkiv, Kiev, Kherson, Mykolaiv and Odesa regions - to the Russian Federation can guarantee peace, security and prosperity for its population..."

(WASHINGTON DC) - Who is next after Crimea? Russia’s annexation of Crimea, calls for the federalization of Ukraine - these are not the last declarations made by the Russian President and his officials recently.

Defying Ukrainian protests and Western sanctions, Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a treaty in Moscow on Tuesday, March 18, making Crimea part of Russia.

Read Full Article (Mar-20-2014 15:47)

What the Loss of Crimea Means for Ukrainian Energy: Interview with Robert Bensh

Birth of a New Ukrainian Nation? Interview with Robert Bensh

(LONDON - Ukraine flags Ukraine's Crimean Peninsula is now Russia's. It was done with an impressively organized non-violent military operation, and supported by the foregone conclusion of a referendum on independence from Ukraine.

One Ukrainian soldier was reportedly killed on 18 March, after Russian President Vladimir Putin signed the treaty to annex the Crimea and troops moved to take over a Ukrainian military facility in Simferopol.

Read Full Article (Mar-17-2014 14:05)

Russia Eyes Crimea`s Oil and Gas Reserves

Exxon’s plans for Skifska may not have a future if Russia simply takes Ukraine’s assets.

(LONDON - Oil in Crimea According to Reuters , Crimea may nationalize oil and gas assets within its borders belonging to Ukraine, and sell them off to Russia. Crimea’s Deputy Prime Minister hinted at the possibility that it would take control of Chornomorneftegaz, a Ukrainian state-owned enterprise, and then “privatize” it by selling it to Gazprom.

“After nationalisation of the company we would openly take a decision - if a large investor, like Gazprom or others emerges - to carry out (privatisation),” Deputy Prime Minister Rustam Temirgaliev said.

Read Full Article (Mar-08-2014 13:28)

Liz Wahl is a Wet Dream for Corporate American Mainstream News

Russian Television allows national dissent on the air, American TV doesn't... what gives?

(SALEM) - Liz Wahl It takes all of 90 seconds watching Russia Television (RT) to know that this Russian government funded news agency is pro-Putin. There is no question, no revelation to be had, yet their former anchor, Liz Wahl, made a spectacle out of herself this week by resigning on the air, stating that this news outlet "whitewashes" the actions of Russian President Vladimir Putin.

Liz Wahl is wrong, not about the station's leanings toward Putin; that is a no brainer, but for taking advantage of her position and putting on a show that must have made the US mainstream news outlets salivate.

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