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Salem-News.com (Jun-12-2014 23:52)

Religious Conversion Law Threatens Religious Freedom in Burma/Myanmar

The new law is based on proposals by a Buddhist organization called the Association for the Protection of Race and Religion.

(SALEM, Ore.) - Shwe Mann Over 81 organizations from civil society worldwide today call on the Government of Burma/Myanmar to scrap proposed legislation that would unlawfully restrict the right to freely choose a religion. If adopted, this law would violate fundamental human rights and could lead to further violence against Muslims and other religious minorities in the country.

The draft “Religious Conversion Law”, published in state-run media on 27 May 2014, sets out a process for applying for official permission to convert from one religion to another.

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Salem-News.com (May-07-2014 09:57)

Talk Nation Radio: Rebecca Gordon on Mainstreaming Torture

Catch Dave Swanson's show on the Pacifica Network

(SAN FRANCISCO) - Mainstream torture A new book called Mainstreaming Torture argues that torture has been with us for a long time and remains with us and has been mainstreamed and increased in acceptability in the years since Bush and Cheney left office.  We speak with the author, Rebecca Gordon. She teaches in the Philosophy department at the University of San Francisco.

Previous publications include Letters From Nicaragua  and Cruel and Usual: How Welfare “Reform” Punishes Poor People. She is an editor of WarTimes/Tiempo de guerras, which seeks to bring a race, class, and gender perspective to issues of war and peace.

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Salem-News.com (May-04-2014 12:51)

Tasering Taxpayers to Death in Salem

The bottom line is that the Salem Police adopted this dangerous, controversial practice knowing how serious of a threat the "taser" is to the people it is used against.

(SALEM) - Salem skateboarder tased by police officer FOX-12 showed video this week of a Salem Police officer confronting a skateboarder at the Salem Transit Mall, then shooting him with a taser in a way that seems extremely unnecessary.

Salem Police know how dangerous the taser can be. In fact they exemplified the dark side of the act once when one of their own senior supervisors was tased during training a number of years ago, falling and receiving a very serious head injury.

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Salem-News.com (May-02-2014 12:59)

#Twitter Diplomacy of William Nicholas Gomes

@wnicholasgomes is a source of news and a global voice of human rights

(WASHINGTON DC) - William Nicholas Gomes As the Human Rights Ambassador for Salem-News.com, William Gomes advocates for people worldwide who are suffering injustice at the hands of their own governments.

Religious intolerance, violations of international human rights law, torture, murder, sex abuse and human trafficking; these are the topics that keep Mr. Gomes active and standing tall for world activists willing to stand for what they believe in.

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Salem-News.com (Apr-28-2014 09:31)

Sri Lanka: Arrest of Tamils Without Warrants Still Continues

Within the last two months, more than 70 people have been detained and interrogated by the SL military, according to its own claims.

(MELBOURNE) - Tamil arrested People are being abducted on a daily basis in North by the Sri Lankan military intelligence operatives clad in civil as ‘Terrorist Investigation Division’ of the Sri Lankan Police. The abductees are taken to interrogations cells operated in each district.

Most of the victims are taken to interrogation camp situated in Vavuniyaa, paramilitary sources in Vavuniyaa said. Many of the families of victims avoid media focus due to the prevailing threat and intimidation by the SL military.

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Salem-News.com (Apr-24-2014 16:38)

A Minor Gang Raped in Pakistan

According to the reports, the incidents of gang rape in the central Punjab have drastically increased, and the law enforcing agencies are acting as silent observers.

(DASKA SIALKOT, Pakistan) - Minor girl raped Sara, a seven year old Christian girl, was reportedly gang raped by 4 Muslims in Mally ki Village of Daska Sialkot Pakistan. The minor was immediately transported to the DHQ (District Head Quarters) Hospital Sialkot in a critical condition. She is in the ICU in an unstable/critical condition.

The locals, with the help of the police, abducted the girl`s father, Iqbal Masih, to pressure the family not to file a case, and to come to an agreement with the culprits and to avoid a religious issue.

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Salem-News.com (Apr-21-2014 00:06)

Human Rights Ambassador for Salem-News.com William Nicholas Gomes, Calls For World Wide Elimination Of Torture

Easter wishes for an end to all torture in the world in 2014.

(WASHINGTON DC) - Human Rights Ambassador for <b>Salem-News.com</b>, William Nicholas Gomes Human Rights Ambassador for Salem-News.com, William Nicholas Gomes, has greeted world leaders on the occasion of Easter Sunday.

The Salem-News.com Human Rights Ambassador is a longtime advocate for the elimination of Torture world wide. He has shared Easter greetings with world leaders including politicians, diplomats, journalists, actors, academics and religious leaders.

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Salem-News.com (Apr-15-2014 15:51)

Heads of Decapitated Children Discovered After Buddhist Attacks in Myanmar

Five Muslim men found the severed heads of at least 10 Rohingya in a water tank and some of those were children. How Does it Feel to be a Rohingya?

(KUALA LAMPUR Burma Times) - Harun Yahya Since 2012, a place called Rohingya in Myanmar has been grabbing international headlines, with reports of people being hunted down and killed, villages being put to the torch, and refugees being stranded at sea after neighboring countries refused to let them in.

So what’s going on in Myanmar?

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Salem-News.com (Apr-12-2014 19:37)

The Arrest, Detention and Torture of Tamils in Post-War Sri Lanka

In the wake of the bloody civil war, the victors have more than taken the spoils of a defeated culture.

(COLOMBO GroundViews) - Torture center There is an alarming trend in the Sri Lankan security forces operation, of arresting the family members of suspects and keeping them as hostages in detention camps.

Irrespective of their age, gender and connection to those suspects, the family members are kept under arrest/ detention most notably in the infamous 4th/ 2nd floors in Fort and in Boosa Detention camp under the control of TID. Presently there are several females in Boosa.

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Salem-News.com (Mar-01-2014 19:11)

Police Brutality, Worse Today in America Than Ever

My biggest question... what programs and organizations exist that teach cops a better way?

(SALEM) - :Police brutality Cowards, bullies... cops who abuse American citizens are out of control and when they are jailed for brutalizing people, man what bad day they are going to have.

I've seen cops on the verge of being locked up and they look like scared, guilty little children.

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