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Page one |Previous Page| Next Page (Apr-01-2012 21:40)

Response to Editorial: `RTDNA Chairman Defends Racist Cartoon`

RTDNA Chairman objects to several points in Tim King's Political Perspective published this weekend.

(AUSTIN, TX) - Thank you for your impassioned refute to my commentary...

It is exactly this kind of discourse that encourages greater thought and helps enlighten our citizens, and it is exactly that kind of discourse Ms. Eisner was trying to stimulate with her editorial cartoon.

Read Full Article (Mar-31-2012 16:42)

RTDNA Chairman Defends Racist Cartoon

American media lives in a helpless, trap of racism, depending on where you live...

(SALEM) - RTDNA racism RTDNA Chairman, Kevin Benz, became an apologist for racist media antics when he wrote, 'Trayvon Martin Coverage: Racism & Bad Reporting Put Media Under Fire '.

Benz represents MSM; the fourth estate, you know, the folks in Amerika who make the news that panders to the needs of advertisers. Yeah, that one.

Read Full Article (Mar-22-2012 21:45)

Is Ciudad Juarez Turning Around?

“The perceived risk is smaller than before, probably because less violent acts are happening than before."
- Miguel Gomez of business organization 'La Red'.

(LAS CRUCES, NM) - Nightlife in Ciudad Juarez More than four years after a so-called narco war exploded and then devastated Ciudad Juarez, a different atmosphere is perceptible on the streets of the border city.

While still very high by historic standards, the rate of murders is way down from the height of the killing two years ago.

Read Full Article (Mar-15-2012 16:19)

Mexico Mourns a Generation

Victims have been tortured, shot to death, decapitated and hanged from overpasses.

(LAS CRUCES, NM) - Mexico death As Mexico plunges into the crucial election season of 2012, the ongoing slaughter of young people continues to spark outrage, spill tears, destroy families and raise fundamental questions about the country’s future.

This month, the murders of two young men in Ciudad Juarez and Monterrey were protested by friends and loved ones with emotional postings on Facebook and other social media networks.

Read Full Article (Mar-10-2012 19:45)

Texas and Mexico Spar over Spring Break

“The situation in Mexico today is significantly different than it was just a decade ago,” - TDPS Director Steven C. McCraw

(LAS CRUCES, NM) - Texas Mexico The latest Mexico travel warning from Texas has set off a wave of criticism south of the border.

Government officials and tourism industry lashed out against a Texas Department of Public Safety advisory that urged young springbreakers not to visit Mexico this vacation season.

Read Full Article (Feb-18-2012 20:50)

U.S. and Mexico Military Play Increasing Role in Border Operations

Our team at Salem-News, and also Narco News, were the first to report on the activities of this joint task force.

(SALEM) - US Mexican joint military task force Robert Plumlee and I enjoy watching the national media play catch-up with our reports from years ago. The game is on again as information about the U.S./Mexican military Joint Task Force continues to emerge.

A new article in the El Paso Times illustrates the reason that officials from both countries have been hesitant to confirm the existence of this military border group; the 1997 shooting death of a young Mexican national by a U.S. Marine.

Read Full Article (Feb-14-2012 15:22)

White Man Arrested for Having a Black Granddaughter

Mr. Henson is a retired political consultant and journalist who runs a blog about the Texas criminal justice system.

(DALLAS YBW) - Scott Henson and his granddaughter, Ty. A man who is a self-described “Texas Redneck” says that he has been harassed repeatedly by Texas police because his granddaughter is black.

Scott Henson often volunteers to babysit his granddaughter and claims that he is the victim of “babysitting while white.”

Read Full Article (Feb-05-2012 12:33)

Fishy Border Contamination

"The possession of contaminated fish taken from the reservoir is prohibited by the TDSHS" - EPA

(LAS CRUCES, N.M.) - Fishing at Donna Reservoir In the latest chapter of a long-running border environmental mystery, U.S. federal and state officials plan a visit to south Texas this coming week.

Read Full Article (Dec-18-2011 12:58)

Border Crossers Encounter New Delays

“The principal mission of US Customs and Border Protection (CBP) is anti-terrorism” - agency statement

(LAS CRUCES, N.M.) - U.S. border crossing with Mexico In an e-mail to constituents this month, El Paso Congressman Silvestre Reyes lauded the November opening of a new, high-tech pedestrian crossing system at the Paso del Norte (Santa Fe) Bridge between Ciudad Juarez and El Paso.

With assistance from the Unisys Corporation, the maze-like system uses a combination of revolving doors, hand-held mobile devices and radio frequency identification (RFID) to process US passports; ten fingerprint biometric capture devices were also installed for inclusion in the system, according to Unisys.

Read Full Article (Dec-06-2011 20:57)

Wounded Vietnamese-American Soldier Receives Segway

Vietnamese-American United States Army Captain James Van Thach, who was among thirty-seven severely wounded warriors that were presented Segway personal transporters by Segs4Vets.

(NEW YORK) - Vietnamese-American United States Army Captain James Van Thach at Camp Shocker, in Iraq. "As the holidays approach here in the United States, let us reflect for a moment how fortunate we are to live with freedoms in a country that is protected by our brave military men and women," says Tommy Nero Sullivan of V.I.P. Promotions.

"Since the United States’ War on Terrorism, many of our military men and women have sacrificed to protect our nation and many more return home to us with severe wounds..."

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