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Page one |Previous Page| Next Page (Apr-04-2012 02:57)

Iran/Israel Locked in Mutual Assured Destruction (MAD) Deterrence Status

…and it’s potentially beneficial for peace in the region.

(BEIRUT Al-Manar) - Hezbollah missiles Mutual Assured Destruction (MAD), the doctrine of military strategy and national security policy in which a full-scale use of high-yield weapons by two opposing sides would effectively result in the potential annihilation of both sides.

Thus is becomes a war that has no victor but only reciprocal destruction; increasingly becoming relevant in Iran/Israel relations.

Read Full Article (Apr-04-2012 01:35)

PAKISTAN: Ahmadi Leader Tortured to Death in Police Custody Eye on the World report.

(HONG KONG) - Chenab Nagar The suspects in the dramatic police custody torture death of a school teacher in Punjab province, are with the Chenab Nagar police station.

The victim, a well respected teacher, was tortured without mercy; hung upside down and crushed; tortured to death over 35 days, several organs failing first.

Read Full Article (Apr-03-2012 23:16)

PTSD Betrayal: Personality Disorder Sequel (Even Major`s & Colonel`s get PTSD)

A sucker punch to the guts...

(MOLALLA, OR) - Officers and PTSD I could not believe that the military, Army, Navy, Marine Corps & Air Force and VA could be more viciously cruel than they have been to our war veterans. The VVA, Vietnam Veterans of America, have finally been able to get into the cesspool of the records of this continuing mind destroying practice against ALL of our PTSD destroyed, battle veterans.

They actually found that the Navy and Air Force were the worst offenders. After the egregious scandal at Fort Lewis, Washington, it’s difficult to believe that things could be worse.

Read Full Article (Apr-03-2012 18:43)

Duff on Press TV - `Americans Ashamed of Troops` Atrocities in Afghanistan

Sunday Night, April Fools Day, 2012 Deadbeat Congressman Joe Walsh Goes Nuts.

(TEHRAN Press TV) - Gordon Duff Since the beginning of 2012, seventeen foreign troops have been shot dead by Afghan personnel in 10 separate attacks.

Tensions have mounted between Afghan and US-led NATO forces this year due to a series of incidents at the hands of US troops.

Read Full Article (Apr-02-2012 12:52)

Veteran Writer Henry Clay Ruark Passes Away in Seaside

At 94, 'Hank' Ruark was America's oldest working journalist.

(SEASIDE, OR) - Hank's photo, taken in December 2009 in front of his son Loren's live truck in Eugene, Oregon, offers a hint of this reporter's connection to a whole generation of younger Ruarks in news today. It is a sad day in our newsroom today, as we regretfully announce the passing of our longtime writer, Henry Clay Ruark. He passed away early this morning in his sleep at the age of 94.

From our humble beginning in 2004, Henry, or 'Hank' as we often called him, has been a dedicated member of our team,'s Op-Ed Writer.

Read Full Article (Apr-01-2012 23:48)

Support USMC K-9 Combat Veteran MWD Sgt Beyco

SUPPORT Sgt Beyco by submitting your VOTE at for BEYCO. Sgt Beyco is listed in the Military Dog Category.

(LOUISVILLE, KY) - Sgt. Beyco USMC Marine Corps MP Explosive Detection Dog and Military Working Dog Sgt Beyco, a K-9 Combat Veteran, has entered the 2012 American Humane Association Hero Dog Awards Contest and needs your support and VOTES.

MWD Beyco worked and gave her whole life to the MARINE CORPS and was honored to be a MWD MARINE. She retired November 10, 2011 at Cherry Point, North Carolina.

Read Full Article (Apr-01-2012 21:40)

Response to Editorial: `RTDNA Chairman Defends Racist Cartoon`

RTDNA Chairman objects to several points in Tim King's Political Perspective published this weekend.

(AUSTIN, TX) - Thank you for your impassioned refute to my commentary...

It is exactly this kind of discourse that encourages greater thought and helps enlighten our citizens, and it is exactly that kind of discourse Ms. Eisner was trying to stimulate with her editorial cartoon.

Read Full Article (Apr-01-2012 20:54)

Continuing the Legacy of Lies at the NYT

This is truly an extinction level event dragged out over time by lies and purposeful mis-information by people like these Psychopaths at the NYT.

(LOS ANGELES) - A view of grating (R) and the inner wall (L) of the containment vessel of the No. 2 reactor of Tokyo Electric Power Co. (TEPCO)’s tsunami-crippled Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant. Hmm, when they lie, they still let info drop.

The Times included this factoid: "was just two feet deep, rather than the 33-foot level estimated by Tepco officials when the government declared the plant stable in December."

Read Full Article (Apr-01-2012 14:33)

First All-Europe Racist/Fascist Gathering Overshadowed in Denmark

“EDL summit in Denmark humiliated by low attendance” - The Guardian

(COPENHAGEN) - anti-fascist rally in Denmark On March 31, some 5000 Danes and a couple hundred like-minded anti-racists from other Scandinavian countries and England marched in Aarhus, to stop the spread of racist/fascist groupings popping up around Europe. Some have ties in the United States.

Their march was a counter-demonstration to the first all-Europe rally against Muslims.

Read Full Article (Mar-31-2012 16:42)

RTDNA Chairman Defends Racist Cartoon

American media lives in a helpless, trap of racism, depending on where you live...

(SALEM) - RTDNA racism RTDNA Chairman, Kevin Benz, became an apologist for racist media antics when he wrote, 'Trayvon Martin Coverage: Racism & Bad Reporting Put Media Under Fire '.

Benz represents MSM; the fourth estate, you know, the folks in Amerika who make the news that panders to the needs of advertisers. Yeah, that one.

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