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Cleanup for North Orange County Toxic Plume Could Cost $200 Million

A nation bent on military buildup that does not relent when it can, is truly one of the most dangerous.

(ANAHEIM, CA) - When it comes to environmental contamination in Orange County, California, we typically cover the south county eyesore that was once a Marine fighter base, the old MCAS El Toro.

Now, thanks to an article by Pat Brennan, published yesterday by the Orange County Register, we get the dirty details on another plume, this one in north Orange County.

Read Full Article (May-15-2012 14:36)

Google Following CIA`s Path in Confronting Iran

American web giant Google has recently fueled an anti-Iranian campaign by removing the name of Persian Gulf from its online maps and Google Earth plans.

(TEHRAN) - Persian Gulf To Iranians, Persian Gulf is not simply a name referring to a geographical region on the world map.

To Iranians, the name of Persian Gulf is interwoven with a sense of national dignity and honor which makes them a united and powerful troupe against the relentless attacks of the enemy.

Read Full Article (May-15-2012 03:51)

MCAS El Toro: Southern California`s Environmental Nightmare

Who knows what lurks beneath your drain?

(IRVINE, CA) - Contaminated MCAS El Toro Most Southern Californians are familiar with El Toro, the now-closed Marine Corps air base just an hour south of LA.

Read Full Article (May-14-2012 21:23)

US Envoys: Losing Lebanon - Visit by Visit?

Graphics by Alex

(BEIRUT Al-Manar) - US Envoys: Losing Lebanon - Visit by Visit? It might require a semanticist with Noam Chomsky’s erudition to explain to some of us more obtuse the meanings, context and policy nuances of two similar and repeated phases heard in Lebanon earlier this month by two well listened to guests.

During over-lapping visits of top US and Iranian officials to Lebanon; one warned and threatened Lebanon, while the second praised Lebanon’s “achievements”.

Read Full Article (May-13-2012 17:54)

Mullivaikaal - The Time For Mourning Is Over

What happened three years back at this place called Mullivaikaal?

(LONDON Countercurrents) - Mullivaikal Some called it a climax of a long story. It is a turning point. Some called it a full-stop. It is a comma. Many call it a tragedy. Of Epic proportions in the history of the Tamils.

Tragedies are often best expressed in verse. I found the best description of what happened in Mullivaikaal in the verses of Pablo Neruda.

Read Full Article (May-13-2012 16:36)

Your Hard-Earned US Tax Dollars and Church Pension Funds at Work for Israel

On American Mothers’ Day weekend, Palestinian teenagers and mothers offer support to prisoners on lengthy and dangerous hunger strikes.

(CHICAGO) - Mussa Qawasma Mass demonstrations in support of 2500 Palestinian hunger strikers swept through the West Bank this weekend.

Marchers moved through the streets of Hebron, Kafr Qaddoum, Nablus, Nabi Saleh, Ni’lin, Ramallah, al-Walaja and outside of Ofer prison. The picture at right was taken in Hebron.

Read Full Article (May-13-2012 13:46)

The A to Z Guide to Afghanistan Assistance 2012

Includes an overview of Afghanistan’s system of government.

(KABUL, Afghanistan) - The A to Z Guide to Afghanistan Assistance 2012 Ten editions and still going strong. The 2012 version of AREU’s flagship “A to Z Guide” is now available.

Aiming to enhance understanding of the actors, structures and government processes related to aid and reconstruction efforts in Afghanistan, the new edition offers...

Read Full Article (May-12-2012 22:00)

Kosovo: Uphold Freedom of Expression and of the Media in Criminal Code

Our Human Rights Ambassador, William Nicholas Gomes, Contacts Kosovo's National Assembly with grave concerns over eroding media freedom.

(HONG KONG) - Flag of Kosovo Kosovo's National Assembly should strike articles that stand in direct conflict with existing international standards on media freedom.

Article 28 of the 2003 criminal code would subject journalists to criminal prosecution for defamatory remarks in newspapers, periodicals, radio and TV, is already out of compliance and raises many questions.

Read Full Article (May-12-2012 17:06)

International Bank Considers Ciudad Juarez Redevelopment Loan

While homicide rates have dipped since 2010, the Ciudad Juarez press routinely reports fresh murders, frequently several killings each day.

(LAS CRUCES, NM) - Murder in Ciudad Juarez Representatives of the Washington-based Inter-American Development Bank scouted out downtown Ciudad Juarez last week in anticipation of a possible loan package.

The tour was promoted by the Chihuahua state and Ciudad Juarez municipal governments as part of a $50 million investment drive to revive the Mexican border city’s long decaying downtown core.

Read Full Article (May-12-2012 01:59)

Pot Foe Dwight Leans Right but he`s Not Right

Our medical expert, Dr. Phil Leveque, says Dwight Holton's position on marijuana is a disservice to PTSD Veterans.

(SALEM) - Dwight Holton A new article in US News & World Report explores the Oregon Gubernatorial race and Dwight Holton's hardline position over medical marijuana.

Mr. Holton has stated that he supports the state's voter-endorsed program, but I think that might be a wee stretch of the truth from Dwight.

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