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Naksa to Peace

Occupiers/colonizers are of course always dependent not just on military might but also on propaganda and psychological manipulation to reach their goals.

(BETHLEHEM) - Gaza child It seems like yesterday that we watched Israeli tanks rolling down the hills towards our sleepy town of Beit Sahour 45 years ago today. As a child it was the most frightening sight.

The second stage of the Zionist expansion on the land of Palestine unleashed terror that our generation experienced after my parents' generation experienced the Nakba of 1948.

Read Full Article (Jun-03-2012 16:56)

ANNA News Journalist Marat Musin about Houla Massacre

The town was attacked from the north-east by groups of bandits and mercenaries, numbering up to 700 people.

(ROME / DAMASCUS) - ANNA News Journalist Marat Musin about Houla Massacre In the weekend of May 25, 2012, at about 2 PM, big groups of fighters attacked and captured the town of Al – Hula of the Homs province.

Al-Hula is made up of three regions: the village of Taldou, Kafr Laha and Taldahab, each of which had previously been home for 25-30 thousand people.

Read Full Article (Jun-02-2012 15:56)

Know Your Audience

The important thing to remember is that some audiences are unreachable; and those that can be reached need convincing answers.

(MANAMA, Bahrain) - Three monkeys of ignorance Audiences and readers bring a number of different attitudes to the discussion of any issue. Speakers and writers can expect believers, deniers, doubters and apathetic.

Who do you want as your audience or readers? Believers, who already accept what you have to say?

Read Full Article (Jun-01-2012 04:14)

Steroid Use, Subpoena Refusals, and Dead Federal Agents

Holder's 'Fast and Furious' supplied some of Mexico's deadliest criminals with untraceable firearms.

(SALEM) - Darryl Issa and Eric Holder The top House committee Democrat chides Darryl Issa over the claim that Issa is planning "an election-year witch hunt" against Eric Holder.

Issa is seeking justice for families of federal agents murdered as a result of Holder's botched 'Fast and Furious' gun smuggling operation.

Read Full Article (Jun-01-2012 01:11)

Living Without Your Name

If you are a Palestinian and want to rent a flat, at times, to misquote Arthur Miller, you have to live without your name.

(BEER-SHIVA, Israel) - Palestine flag My friend’s wife was accepted to a PhD program at McGill University in Montreal.

They decided to move to Canada with their two children at about the same time that I was offered a fellowship at Princeton and decided to move with my family to New Jersey for a year.

Read Full Article (May-31-2012 19:47)

Big Media Working with UN to Expel Inner City Press

UN, France and big 5 media trying to expel small agency asking questions about their sponsor's violations.

(UNITED NATIONS) - Herve Ladsous It's David vs Goliath in the gathering of world nations; the folks who enforce media freedom... the UN, are trying to eject a media group because it asks hard questions?

It began four hours after UN Secretary Peacekeeping chief Herve Ladsous refused on camera to answer hard questions about cholera and Haiti; from Inner City Press.

Read Full Article (May-30-2012 21:41)

International Bureau of Double Standards - The CNN/Iran File

Anthony Lawson says he broke a vow to stop making videos for a while so he can put time into other projects, he says this one cried out to be made.

(BANGKOK) - Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejadt in nuclear facility This video looks at a CNN documentary from April, 2012 about the Iran nuclear issue.

It examines the role of the mainstream media in keeping the public uninformed about the real problem-nation in the Middle East: Nuclear-armed, Apartheid Israel.

Read Full Article (May-30-2012 17:55)

BANGLADESH: Immediately Lift Ban on Website of William Gomes and Ask Unconditional Apology

Bangladesh should support human rights activists online, not target them.

(SALEM) - William Nicholas Gomes I am writing to express my concern regarding the Website, which is blocked by Bangladesh government.

I am shocked to hear that a disproportionate amount of force was used to turn off the website after publishing the poem “Anti State”.

Read Full Article (May-29-2012 22:07)

BBC Newsnight: `I deserve an apology`

Allegra Stratton redefines the art of needless, vindictive reporting.

(LONDON) - Allegra Stratton on the offence in her interview of (against) Shanene Thorpe, an employed young woman in London. I was approached by the BBC to be interviewed on Newsnight to talk about what it's like being a working mum struggling to pay rent and housing costs.

Of course I was happy to do it, being a working mum is something I’m proud of. It hasn't always been plain sailing. But I did not expect to be personally scrutinised, have judgements made about my choices...

Read Full Article (May-29-2012 17:57)

Latest Stories from Afghanistan

Roundup of news items from the Afghanistan News Center...

(KABUL ANC) - Afghan flag The news coming our of Afghanistan every day is widespread and varied; from violent bloodshed to unusual, heroic accomplishments.

People struggle to survive amid terrorists, corruption, and a NATO force that is increasingly finding itself unwelcome.

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