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Page one |Previous Page| Next Page (Jan-22-2013 00:44)

Sri Lanka`s Continued Attempt to Murder a Minority Culture

Is culture eradication a spoil of war?

(SACRAMENTO, CA) - State Sponsored Destruction and Desecration of Hindu Temples in northern Sri Lanka. It isn't enough that Sri Lanka's military forces committed Genocide against the minority Tamil population.

Now Sri Lanka is setting out to literally erase every sign of the historic Tamil culture they can get their hands on.

Read Full Article (Jan-19-2013 17:45)

Investigative Journalism In Mainstream Media: From Flaccid to MIA to DOA

Those who wish to be informed need vehicles like Salem-News!

(LAGUNA BEACH) - For better or for worse, here is my editor, Tim King, the face of investigative journalism at Gee, what took them so long? Mainstream Media (MM) are now openly admitting that investigative journalism, theirs in particular, whether in print or on the web, has been dwindling for quite some time.

Unlike the first stages of an intervention, getting someone beyond denial and to admit they have a problem, MM have totally capitulated and abandoned altogether the turf of engagement that formerly gave unique insights

Read Full Article (Jan-18-2013 14:59)

Last Picture of Tragic Internet Guru: Reddit Founder`s Girlfriend Tells of Their Last Hours

Aaron Swartz's girlfriend Taren Stinebrickner-Kauffman tells of the moment she found him hanging at their Brooklyn apartment in first interview.

(LONDON The Daily Mail) - Aaron Swartz and girlfriend Taren Stinebrickner-Kauffman Taren insists Swartz killed himself because he was 'tired' of facing up to a merciless justice system.

Swartz was suspected of breaking into academic files from MIT.

Read Full Article (Jan-16-2013 18:59)

Medical Marijuana, Drs. Oz and Gupta: Misinformed Doctors

Legal drugs kill more people than marijuana ever did, which is zero.

(PORTLAND, OR) - Doctor Sanjay Gupta and Doctor Mehmet Oz Doctor Oz and Doctor Gupta, both come from countries in which marijuana has been used as medicine for at least one thousand years.

As such, it is surprising, at least to me, why they do not know more about its medical uses and its alleged dangerous misuses.

Read Full Article (Jan-16-2013 18:09)

Academy Members Shouldn`t Shun Zero Dark Thirty

These are secret abductions and transfers of prisoners to overseas black sites like those shown in the film where torture is used.

(SAN FRANCISCO) - Academy awards Actor David Clennon, a member of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences, claims that the movie Zero Dark Thirty "promotes the acceptance of the crime of torture, as a legitimate weapon in America's so-called War on Terror."

Mr. Clennon, along with actors Ed Asner and Michael Sheen, state they will not vote for the film in any category.

Read Full Article (Jan-16-2013 16:12)

Oman: Arbitrary Detention of Human Rights Defender Mr Said Jaddad

William Nicholas Gomes requests that Oman set this brave human rights activist free immediately and unconditionally.

(YORK, UK) - Mr Said Jaddad It is hard for western people to imagine perhaps, the idea of literally being banned from conducting human rights work.

Yet that is exactly what happened in Oman, to blogger and activist Mr Said Jaddad. He was arbitrarily arrested by a special division of police in Muscat and detained in a holding facility at the Muscat Police station.

Read Full Article (Jan-15-2013 23:58)

Frederica Jansz Interview Reveals Shocking Danger Facing Sri Lankan Journalists

"Post war Sri Lanka remains trapped in a bubble of intolerance..." - Frederica Jansz

(SACRAMENTO, CA) - Frederica Jansz was the editor for <i>The Sunday Leader</i> in Colombo, Sri Lanka. The new Al Jazeera video interview, Listening Post - Feature: Frederica Jansz: Sri Lanka's media crackdown, offers a direct line of sight into Sri Lanka's deadly, ongoing campaign against the media.

Frederica was the editor for The Sunday Leader in Colombo and after years of remaining determined to stay and make a difference, she was forced to flee Sri Lanka in recent months and appeal for asylum. She is now living in an undisclosed location.

Read Full Article (Jan-15-2013 21:17)

Stateless: When Nothing has Changed

Scott Erlinder documentary explains the challenges many refugees will face.

(WASHINGTON DC) - Rwandan President Paul Kagame In June 2013 the UNHCR has determined that the Cessation clause for Rwanda shall be invoked.

It affects all refugees living outside of Rwanda.

Read Full Article (Jan-14-2013 01:18)

Gun Violence Isn`t a 21st Century Phenomenon

People get amnesia and forget that gun violence is in the very fabric of the existence of this country.

(OKINAWA) - US of Guns The spokesman for the NRA tried desperately to make the case.

He says the nation's gun problems can be solved by more people arming themselves.

Read Full Article (Jan-13-2013 13:42)

Bil`in Protesters Oppose a `Horrible, Horrible Wrong` - Michael Moore

Moore reveals a deeper connection to the film '5 Broken Cameras' than suggested by those lonesome tweets.

(TRAVERSE CITY, MI) - Arnon Goldfinger with Michael Moore Courtesy: Michael Moore tweeted his followers to watch the film about Palestine that launched earlier in the departed year called 5 Broken Cameras. Twice.

The chieftain of cinematic guerrilla activism sings it up as “one of the best films of the year” and ”that rare documentary that has the power to move many. Please watch!”

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The NAACP of the Willamette Valley

Tribute to Palestine and to the incredible courage, determination and struggle of the Palestinian People. ~Dom Martin
