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Page one |Previous Page| Next Page (May-05-2013 11:23)

Truth-Tellers and Justice-Seekers, Don`t Give Up!

Many more ‘eminent persons’ need to speak up for justice. Where are they? Why do they still skulk behind the woodwork?

(LONDON) - Truth William Cook in his masterly way tells us not to give up even if "overwhelmed by darkness of the times".

And he reminds us that "sixty-five years ago this May 14, the world body admitted to its membership the state of Israel even as that self-declared state was in the process of invading, destroying and leveling 418 towns and villages owned by the people of Palestine...

Read Full Article (May-02-2013 19:50)

The Truth Tellers Lament in a Time of Darkness

Writers are losing hope, it is not a good sign...

(LAVERNE, CA) - Pro-human writers Debbie Menon and Alan Hart Nine years ago, Jeffrey St. Clair drew a graphic if horrific picture of John Lilburne’s years as a Leveler in mid-17th century England, a strident voice demanding justice and the rights of the people against the ruling forces of King Charles and Cromwell.

That was nine years ago. What has been accomplished by the voices of truth against the darkness that has covered America since that date?

Read Full Article (Apr-27-2013 21:48)

News Team`s `Medicine for the Heart`
One for our Dear Friend Wanda Duncan...

This song and video are for our good friend Wanda, who lost her mother, Annie this week.

(SACRAMENTO, CA) - Annie May Duncan & Wanda Duncan One of our actively involved promoters on Facebook, Twitter and other social media, Wanda Duncan, suffered a tragedy this week.

Her mother, Annie May Duncan, died from a heart attack that was sudden and unexpected.

Read Full Article (Apr-25-2013 15:38)

MY LAST POST: Final Thoughts on Zionism`s Success and Arab Failure

A review of a lifetime dedicated toward raising awareness of the suffering of Palestinians.

(LONDON) - Israeli soldier and Palestinian squared off I am withdrawing from the battlefield of the war for the truth of history as it relates to the making and sustaining of the conflict in and over Palestine.

More than three decades ago when I made my commitment to this war effort, in the full knowledge that it would make me persona non grata in the eyes of the mainstream...

Read Full Article (Apr-25-2013 13:44)

Scanner Rules Apply During Breaking News

Broadcasters risk fines for repeating scanner traffic.

(WASHINGTON DC) - Police scanner Last week, scanner traffic from the Boston Police Department, broadcast over the web and through apps, was publicly available to anyone.

Listeners, gripped as the manhunt for the alleged Marathon bombers continued, relayed information they heard to Twitter or Reddit...

Read Full Article (Apr-21-2013 14:19)

Tyranny of the Minority Sinks Meaningful Gun Control Legislation

Failed gun control legislation has again fallen victim to the tyranny of the minority.

(SAN FRANCISCO) - Given the Sandy Hook school killings, the supermarket shootings near Tucson, the pleas for gun control legislation by the parents of victims, and the testimony by Gabrielle Giffords, you would think that reasonable gun control legislation would likely pass in the U.S. Senate.

Regrettably, it is not to be.

Read Full Article (Apr-21-2013 13:35)

Press TV: Ken O`Keefe Discusses New Film `Rebellion` Directed by Mathieu Kassovitz

A story that is both captivating and relatively unknown in the US.

(TEHRAN Press TV) - Activist/writer Ken O'Keefe and film critic Dave Calhoun In this edition of the show Faiza Ahmed reviews the film; Rebellion, directed by Mathieu Kassovitz. Her guests are Dave Calhoun, film critic with Time Out Magazine, and Ken O'Keefe, activist and writer.

It was April 1988, Ouvea island, New Caledonia, when 30 French policemen were taken hostage by a group of Kanak separatists.

Read Full Article (Apr-20-2013 14:50)

Ragged Sri Lankan Tamil Refugees Spend Weeks in Boat Before Reaching Australia

They were fleeing a oppressive occupation that carries out terrible acts against Hindu and Christian Tamils with no fear of reprisal.

(SACRAMENTO, CA) - Tamil boat refugees Proof of the Tamil's suffering made a showing in recent days in Australia.

66 ragged Sri Lankan Tamils, many of them women and children, sailed into Geraldton port undetected by border authorities.

Read Full Article (Apr-15-2013 11:28)

Ohio Jurist Says US Supreme Court Should Allow Cameras

Originally published as an editorial in the Columbus Dispatch

(ALRON RTDNA) - Supreme Court As the U.S. Supreme Court heard historic oral arguments same-sex marriage last week, a debate outside the courtroom centered on a timeless question facing the top court in the land...

Should the justices respond to public opinion or lag behind as society moves forward?

Read Full Article (Apr-12-2013 23:45)

Ode to One of Our Fathers

Last week I learned from my friend Agron Belica that his father Selamin wasn't well. I decided yesterday to play an Astor Piazzolla's Libertango here in the street of Buenos Aires for Selamin Belica and his three sons. -Gilad Atzmon

(SACRAMENTO, CA) - Selamin, his wife Didar, and their three sons News that the father of one of our team members was diagnosed with a serious illness this week, stirred the family into action.

Selamin Belica, father of Agron Belica, is a well-loved man, but we can never offer too much love, respect and support to one of our own in a time of need.

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The NAACP of the Willamette Valley

Tribute to Palestine and to the incredible courage, determination and struggle of the Palestinian People. ~Dom Martin
