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Salem-News.com (Feb-20-2014 11:41)

New Study: `Remarkable` Deterioration in Memory Functions of Seniors Infected by Common Parasite Found in Free-roaming Cats

The connection with cats—the sole, definitive host of this parasite—is unquestionable.

(WASHINGTON, DC) - T. gondii A new study just published in the scientific journal Brain, Behavior, and Immunity documents what scientists describe as “remarkable” working memory performance reductions in seniors 65 and older that test positive for infection by the parasite Toxoplasma gondii.

The parasite is believed to infect about one-third of the world’s population.

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Salem-News.com (Feb-20-2014 10:11)

Europe`s Seas: A Valuable Asset that Must be Used Sustainably

In the last 25 years, sea surface temperatures have increased approximately 10 times faster than in other similar periods during the previous century or beyond.

(COPENHAGEN) - octupus in European sea Many of Europe’s marine species, habitats and ecosystems have been under threat for decades.

As maritime economic activities are predicted to increase in coming years, a new briefing from the European Environment Agency (EEA) argues that the cumulative impact of human activity should be better managed to avoid irreversible damage to ecosystems.

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Salem-News.com (Feb-17-2014 22:22)

Oregon Researchers Say Ancient Herring Catch Nets Fisheries Weakness

"This research by Drs. McKechnie and Moss furthers our understanding of the evolution of coastal ecology and may lead to improved management of forage fisheries in the future." - Kimberly Andrews Espy, UO Graduate School

(EUGENE) - Iain McKechnie and Madonna L. Moss Archaeological data from 171 sites in southeast Alaska, British Columbia and Washington indicate that management efforts along the Pacific Coast need to take a longer view into the past to better protect fisheries for the future.

That is a key conclusion of a multi-institutional study appearing online this week ahead of regular publication in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

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Salem-News.com (Feb-08-2014 15:11)

Electromagnetic Loops & Weather

Satellite photos and data have already proven that I was right in 1978 when I stated electricity and planetary magnetic fields were the same.

(SAN DIEGO) - Electromagnetic loop I am making another attempt to convince the meteorologists that weather patterns are influenced by electromagnetic energy.

In a two hour discussion of my electromagnetic explanation of weather related phenomena with a professional meteorological consultant, I was told that all of the weather related phenomena are satisfactorily explained by currently accepted and proven scientific theory and data.

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Salem-News.com (Feb-07-2014 12:08)

Up to One Billion Birds May Be Killed Annually in Building Collisions, New Study Says

Low-Rise Buildings and Residences Pose Bigger Mortality Threat than Skyscrapers.

(WASHINGTON, DC) - bird The most comprehensive study of its kind has been completed, involving the review and analysis of almost two dozen studies and over 92,000 records involving bird death.

Federal scientists have found that between 365 and 988 million birds are likely killed in the United States each year as a result of collisions with buildings.

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Salem-News.com (Jan-30-2014 18:43)

What the Heck is Going on With Snow Refusing to Melt, is it a Hoax or Real?

Heated snow leaves no distinct water or visible moisture...

(SALEM) - A number of YouTube users are posting video of what they say, is snow that will not melt. I am watching the videos that are being added online and it is starting to pique my curiosity.

The first video I watched out of Georgia, had a distinctive cut in the video that would technically, have allowed the reported snowball to be replaced. The individual puts flame to what they say is snow, and it does not melt. In fact it turns black and reportedly smelled like plastic.

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Salem-News.com (Jan-30-2014 12:43)

Researchers in Gaza ``Develop Cure for Hepatitis C``

Essentially cut off from the world, they are hoping that scientists in Sweden will take interest in further testing. (Includes Swedish translation)

(SALEM/GAZA STRIP) - Gaza researchers find cure for hepatitis C A team of researchers on the Gaza Strip say they have created a cure for hepatitis type B and, more importantly, hepatitis type C.

The group conducted experiments on people who tested positive for hepatitis (B&C), and after the submission of these patients for the drug, all tested negative with the treatment ranging from 15 to 30 days.

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Salem-News.com (Jan-30-2014 11:06)

Zebra Fish Fins Help Oregon Researchers Gain Insight Into Bone Regeneration

Bone regrowth in humans may be enhanced by manipulating activities of opposing molecular pathways

(EUGENE) - Stewart and Stankunas University of Oregon biologists say they have opened the window on the natural process of bone regeneration in zebra fish, and that the insights they gained could be used to advance therapies for bone fractures and disease.

In a paper placed online in advance of print in the Feb. 13 issue of the journal Cell Reports, the UO team shows that two molecular pathways work in concert to allow adult zebra fish to perfectly replace bones lost upon fin amputation.

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Salem-News.com (Jan-29-2014 20:41)

Oregon Researchers Show how Building Design Impacts Indoor Bacteria

Research center aims to understand the 'indoor microbiome' and improve it through architectural design

(EUGENE) - U of U Lillith Hall The Lillis Business Complex set the bar for sustainable buildings 10 years ago when it opened at the University of Oregon.

Now microbes drawn from the dust in 155 of its rooms have provided clues that could inspire future architectural designers to encourage a healthy indoor environment.

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Salem-News.com (Jan-21-2014 09:59)

Source of Galapagos Eruptions is Not Where Models Place It

University of Oregon study finds plume to the southeast, explaining active volcanic activity in the islands.

(EUGENE) - Doug Toomey Images gathered by University of Oregon scientists using seismic waves penetrating to a depth of 300 kilometers (almost 200 miles) report the discovery of an anomaly that likely is the volcanic mantle plume of the Galapagos Islands. It's not where geologists and computer modeling had assumed.

The team's experiments put the suspected plume at a depth of 250 kilometers (155 miles) and about 150 kilometers (about 100 miles) southeast of Fernandina Island, the westernmost island of the chain, and where generations of geologists and computer-generated mantle convection models have placed the plume.

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