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Page one |Previous Page| Next Page (Apr-07-2012 14:14)

UN Blames Assad, Assad Blames Opposition for Violence Ahead of Ceasefire

People, all against international interference in Syria, are showing support for the reform program Assad promised to implement.

(MOSCOW, RTV) - Syria supporters of Assad Thousands of people have taken into the streets of Damascus in a massive pro-government rally.

Syrian President Assad, meanwhile, has sent a message to the UN blaming the opposition for the recent spate of violence ahead of the ceasefire deadline.

Read Full Article (Mar-29-2012 18:59)

USCIRF Urges Secretary Clinton to Raise Religious Freedom Issue During Saudi Visit

One of the United States' longtime allies proposes elimination of Christianity in the land of oil.

(WASHINGTON DC) - Saudi flag Saudi Grand Mufti Abdulaziz ibn Abdullah Al al-Sheikh, says it is “necessary to destroy all the churches of the region.”

The U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom urges Secretary of State of State Hillary Clinton to raise religious freedom concerns, during her visit tomorrow to Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.

Read Full Article (Mar-19-2012 15:26)

US-NATO subversion in Syria

Saudi Arabia Is Arming Syrian "Opposition" As Twin Car Bombs Kill 27 In Damascus

(WASHINGTON DC) - Saudi Arabia aiding Syrian rebels Within hours of a twin car-bomb attack in the Syrian capital that left at least 27 dead and 100 injured, a senior Arab diplomatic source has confirmed that Saudi Arabia is arming anti-government factions.

It has been long suspected that Saudi Arabia and other pro-Western Gulf Arab states, including Qatar, are actively fueling the conflict in Syria over the past year.

Read Full Article (Feb-14-2012 15:52)

Russia Suddenly Flops on Syrian Regime Change

A multi-national invasion may be imminent.

(LOS ANGELES) - Syria and Russia It all started early on this morning when Zero Hedge reported that oil trading had been halted at the CME. Later in the afternoon they posted this explanation: Today's Black Gold Swan - Presenting The Reason Why The CME's Crude Market Was Halted For Over One Hour

Zero Hedge handled this masterfully and with great professionalism.

Read Full Article (Jan-17-2012 08:58)

The Al Saud runs the country as a family fiefdom

Women are not registered, when they disappear, nobody misses them, and families are not held accountable.

(DUBLIN) - the original Saudi Family: Abd Al Aziz Ibn Saud “Ibn Saud”, …and other family members 1911 Ib Saud, founding father of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, told his informal adviser, Englishman Harry St. John Philby, that he had married one-hundred-and-thirty-five virgins and about one-hundred other women, but planned, in future, to limit himself to two new wives a year.

Read Full Article (Jan-17-2012 08:14)

Israel is under Cyber Attack

Needless to say that the Jewish State is pretty devastated by the Idea that a bunch of ‘indigenous Arabs’ are far more technologically advanced than its own chosen cyber pirates.

(LONDON) - Saudi hackers The ‘Arab hackers’ attack on Israel escalated today. The Israeli Stock Exchange’s and El Al’s sites collapsed on Monday. The hackers say that it is within their capability to crash every Israeli server.

“If Israel apologises to the people of the Gaza genocide, we may reduce the attacks," said Saudi Hacker OxOmar to Ynet in an interview via email.

Read Full Article (Dec-03-2011 04:11)

Reflections of the Iraq War

It's a war where nationalism drove an aggressive U.S. to mirror the behavior it supposedly believed Iraq was 'capable' of committing.

(SALEM) - View from a U.S. soldier's sunglasses For many the war in Iraq will never end, and for their sake everyone should understand as much as possible about this military operation that claimed far more lives than western media sources accurately reveal.

There is right and there is wrong and there is popular opinion. U.S. politicians with few exceptions, follow that third option.

Read Full Article (Sep-29-2011 23:45)

Stop On Red Go On Green

Saudi Arabia, America's friend, sure has some nasty policies for women.

(CLEVELAND) - Shaima Jastaina A sentence of 10 lashes for a Saudi woman convicted of driving a car, was overturned by King Abdullah this week.

This oil rich ally of the Americans has extraordinarily laws against women that not only keep them from legally being able to drive and vote, but also forces them to wear tent like garments known as burqas, popular in other Middle eastern countries, 'allies' of the U.S. like Afghanistan.

Read Full Article (Mar-18-2011 12:59)

No Fly Zone over Israel- An Interview With Gilad Atzmon

For the conflict to be resolved the Jewish state has to give up on its tribal supremacist ideology" - Gilad Atzmon

(LONDON) - Gilad Atzmon Introduction by Gilad Atzmon: In the coming days I will write a summery of our German tour, but I can already confirm that the amount of press we received here is huge.

Clearly, the German press and public are open to discuss issues to do with Palestine, Zionism and the role of Jewish Identity. Our movement is growing rapidly. All we need is to be brave enough to speak out.

Read Full Article (Mar-18-2011 12:42)

Where Might the `Wrong Track` Lead?

IF the Obama administration is to be believed, it didn’t have advance notice of the Saudi move.

(LONDON) - Gaddafi In the early days of the demonstrations of people power on Arab streets it could have been said (some did say) that they were a huge setback for all the various forces of violent Islamic extremism.

This because the demonstrations, in Egypt especially, seemed to be sending a clear signal - that change could be brought about by peaceful means on a non-sectarian basis. But...

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