(Feb-01-2012 03:10)
Young Women Go Topless Protesting Sex Trade, Claim Torture by KGB
Tim King
"This is the only way to be heard in this country. If we staged simple protests with banners, then our claims would not have been noticed" - FEMEN
I just heard about the groups of topless women in the Ukraine, part of The Femen Movement, who are taking a stand by taking their shirts off in public protest at events that quite naturally, have garnered their share of attention.
Read Full Article (Jan-27-2012 13:40)
Washington Wages War of Sanctions against Iran
Dr. Ismail Salami
In the long run, Western oil firms and consumers may “emerge the biggest losers.”
Washington's double-edged sword of policies towards the Islamic Republic is not only exhausting the patience of the Iranian nation but it is provoking the ire of international conscience as well.
Goaded by Washington, EU foreign ministers decided on January 23 to impose a ban on oil imports from Iran under the fickle excuse that the country is pursuing a clandestine nuclear weapons program.
Read Full Article (Jan-26-2012 13:11)
Mother Russia Ignores its Own: Artist and Sculptor Faces Homeless Winter in Moscow
Tim King
What Fresh Hell is This? - Dorothy Parker
We know that people in third-world countries like Palestine live under the constant threat of having their homes destroyed by demolition crews, but did you know this is also taking place in Russia? Elena Odnovarchenko has discovered how it feels to have no say over your personal destiny.
An artist and sculptor, she lost everything- her life's work, when bulldozers destroyed her former home.
Read Full Article (Jan-19-2012 13:51)
Syria, the myth of Assad`s popularity and the media of disinformation
Nureddin Sabir Special to
A flawed survey suggests more than half of the Syrian population want Bashar Assad to stay as president...
Could it be true that most Syrians are in favour of Basher Assad remaining president of Syria?
If Jonathan Steele of the Guardian newspaper is to be believed, the answer is yes. His counter-intuitive conclusion is based on a recent YouGov Siraj internet survey on Syria commissioned by Al-Jazeera's Doha Debates, which are funded by the Qatar Foundation.
Read Full Article (Jan-13-2012 00:13)
Russian Move Against US Called `First Shot` Of World War III
Sorcha Faal Special to
What Does It Mean?
A grim Ministry of Finance report prepared for Prime Minister Putin is warning today that the decision by Iran to cease taking US Dollars for its oil could very be the “first shot” fired in World War III.
Read Full Article (Jan-12-2012 20:18)
Putin, a thorn in Washington`s flesh
F. William Engdahl Special to
Major western media chose either to downplay the Putin statement or to focus almost entirely on the claims of an emerging Russian opposition movement.
(ROME) -
Vladimir Putin is one of the few remaining world leaders with the gumption to obstruct Washington’s agenda of full spectrum dominance.
The recent Russian elections provided the context for a full-scale attempt to destabilize the country.
Read Full Article (Jan-06-2012 15:48)
Damascus `False Flag` Bombing Caught on Camera
Dr. Ashraf Ezzat
"But damn it all, the whole scheme could have gone perfect hadn’t it been for this blooper."
Dozens of people are reported to be dead after a blast in the Syrian capital, Damascus.
Syrian state TV said at least 25 people died and 46 more were wounded in Friday’s attack which it blamed on a suicide bomber.
Read Full Article (Jan-04-2012 22:43)
A mistaken case for Syrian regime change
Aisling Byrne Special to
"War with Iran is already here," wrote a leading Israeli commentator recently, describing "the combination of covert warfare and international pressure" being applied to Iran.
(ROME) -
Although not mentioned, the "strategic prize" of the first stage of this war on Iran is Syria; the first campaign in a much wider sectarian power-bid.
"Other than the collapse of the Islamic Republic itself," Saudi King Abdullah was reported to have said last summer, "nothing would weaken Iran more than losing Syria."
Read Full Article (Jan-03-2012 12:18)
Cranking Up Pressure on Syria as Government Forces Smash Heads, Literally - Warning, Graphic Video!
Tim King
"The Syrian president must leave power" - French President Nicolas Sarkozy
Syria's President Bashar Assad is being called onto the carpet over massacres in his country, the problems have escalated to the point that French President Nicolas Sarkozy, who contends that the Syrian regime is committing massacres, is calling on Assad to leave power.
Sarkozy's forces at the same time, are said to be guilty of war crimes connected to the mass bombings in Libya to establish western power.
Read Full Article (Dec-04-2011 21:45)
The Road to HelL: Libya and Now Syria?
Jeremy Salt Special to
Reconstructed Syria’s future is already being written.
(ANKARA Palestine Chronicle) -
The report just issued by the UN Human Rights Council’s ’independent international commission of inquiry on the Syrian Arab Republic’ is now being passed along the line to the UN Security Council, with the recommendation by the UN Human Rights Commissioner, Navi Pillay, that the Syrian government be referred to the International Criminal Court for prosecution.
Read Full Article