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Page one |Previous Page| Next Page (Feb-02-2014 14:27)

The Un-Controlled Opposition

It is not a secret that the Zionists and Left are in a state of panic, and for a good reason.

(LONDON) - Jewish family dedicated to Israel If you really want to understand the world we are living in, you better stick with the Zionist media. The Jerusalem Post will provide you with the names of the Jews who own the planet.

The British Jewish Chronicle will teach you about arch pedophile Jimmy Seville’s ties with Israel. Haaretz will even let me speak about all those topics The Guardian (Of Zion) is there to shamelessly suppress.

Read Full Article (Feb-02-2014 11:55)

Pope Francis Named as Child Trafficker by Eyewitness

TCCS Breaking News from Rome and Madrid; Pope also covers up "Holyrood Agreement" extending child rape concealment to Church of England.

(ROME ITCCS) - Jorge Bergogloi - AKA Pope Francis A former civil servant in the Argentine military junta who is living in exile in Spain claims that Pope Francis engineered the kidnapping and trafficking of children of political prisoners during the Dirty War of the 1970's.

The man bases his claim on his personal involvement in meetings between Bergoglio and senior junta members that secured the child trafficking networks using Catholic orphanages and religious bodies as covers.

Read Full Article (Jan-30-2014 10:43)

Sri Lanka Christians Protest After Attacks by Buddhist Extremists

Two churches and a Christian prayer center were attacked on January 12 by Buddhist mobs claiming they were illegal and aiming to take Buddhists away from their religion, WWM reported.

(COLOMBO) - Christians in Sri Lanka Recent attacks on Christian places of worship by Buddhist extremists have sparked protests in the Sri Lanka capital against a perceived lack of religious freedom, World Watch Monitor reports.

The organization reports the story of Christians around the world under pressure for their faith and it said that more than 2,000 Christians gathered in Colombo on Sunday to protest.

Read Full Article (Jan-29-2014 22:31)

101 Reasons Not to Circumcise

Includes's two anti-circumcision songs by Agron Belica.

(WASHINGTON, DC) - Circumcision can cause numerous complications such as hemorrhaging, Chordee (bending of the penis), urinary retention, penile adhesions (skin attachments), swelling, partial amputation of the penis, loss of the penis, and death.

Many studies have documented infections that have occurred through circumcision such as tetanus, diphtheria, staphylococcus...

Read Full Article (Jan-28-2014 09:23)

Holocaust Day - The Time Is Ripe For A Jewish Apology

Indeed, I take this opportunity to make an apology, even though I have not been a Jew for quite a while.

(LONDON) - I'm sorry A mass protest in Paris on Sunday against French President François Hollande turned into an anti-Jewish demonstration and ended in clashes between police and protesters.

Seemingly, Jewish organisations around the world are scared by the recent developments in France. Once again, they clearly failed to appreciate the growing mass fatigue of Shoah indoctrination and belligerent lobby politics. However, I would contend that instead of whining about the “rise of anti-Semitism”, Jews better, once and for all, learn to ask why? Why the Jews again?

Read Full Article (Jan-27-2014 13:20)

The Vatican (Still) At The Crossroads

When you come to a fork in the road, take it. -Yogi Berra

(DAYTONA BEACH) - Bird attacking bird at Vatican News item: The Vatican - Two large seagulls attacked white doves released from a balcony by Pope Francis during his weekly Angelus prayer in front of tens of thousands of worshippers gathered in St. Peter's Square.

The peace gesture followed the Pope's prayer for Ukraine, where at least three people were killed during clashes that have left Kiev in flames.

Read Full Article (Jan-27-2014 11:02)

Jerusalem Post: Circumcision - Defending the Indefensible

By screening my TV documentary 'It’s a Boy!' for European parliamentarians I aim to help shore up their commitment to protection of children’s right to physical integrity.

(TEL AVIV Jerusalem Post) - Baby I am a Jewish filmmaker and I have been invited by the Council of Europe to its Parliamentary Assembly next week.

By screening my television documentary It’s a Boy! for European parliamentarians I aim to help shore up their commitment to protection of children’s right to physical integrity – a key step toward ending ritual circumcision of boys. Yet there is a struggle underway.

Read Full Article (Jan-26-2014 19:40)

On Extinction Level Events, and Other Abstractions: A Eulogy of Love

Death hangs over us these days wherever we are, and is closing off our options quicker than we are allowed to realize: and the last people we should turn to are those who pretend they're in charge.

(NANAIMO, Vancouver Island) - Sunset Nobody can think globally, anymore than one can seriously imagine one's own death.

And so when Fukushima exploded three years ago and as our skies and oceans became laced with toxicity, none of it seemed as real as the trivialities of my life.

Read Full Article (Jan-25-2014 19:13)

Turban charging the U.S. Military

Includes the full Department of Defense news release...

(SALEM) -  Menu Admin Home News Author Bios Feature Block Sports News Ads Ad Groups Sports Ads Calendar News Comments Sports Comments Staff Bios Manage Graphics Page Editor / Creator Preview Front Page Upload Photos Community Solutions Google Maps stats Panels - Ed New rules about uniform appearance could greatly impact the future look of the U.S. military. The Pentagon now says members of the armed services can seek waivers to wear religious clothing, engage in religious practices, and seek prayer time.

The new policy took effect Wednesday, and the waivers will be decided on a case-by-case basis. Defense Dept. officials say approval of the waiver will depend on where the service member is stationed. Also considered, is whether the change would affect military readiness or the mission.

Read Full Article (Jan-25-2014 13:13)

Human Rights Ambassador Congratulates Parties in Philippines on Negotiation of Peace Agreement

"I congratulate President Aquino and the courage and sincerity of the Leadership of the Moro Islamic Liberation Front" - William Nicholas Gomes

(WASHINGTON, DC) - Human Rights Ambassador for, William Nicholas Gomes A comprehensive peace agreement between the Government of the Philippines and the Moro Islamic Liberation Front has been reached.

Human Rights Ambassador, William Nicholas Gomes, said, "This is a significant step towards lasting peace and development for Mindanao. This peace process ending the long-running conflict will not just benefit the region, but is vital for the security and economic development of the Philippines as a whole."

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Tribute to Palestine and to the incredible courage, determination and struggle of the Palestinian People. ~Dom Martin


The NAACP of the Willamette Valley