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President Obama`s Statement on Police Shootings

"This is an American issue" -U.S. President Obama, 7/7/2016

(WARSAW, Poland) - President Obama THE PRESIDENT: Good evening, everybody. I know we've been on a long flight, but given the extraordinary interest in the shootings that took place in Louisiana and Minnesota, I thought it would be important for me to address all of you directly.

And I want to begin by expressing my condolences for the families of Alton Sterling and Philando Castile.

Read Full Article (Aug-04-2014 16:13)

Is GOP Lawsuit Against Obama Based Partly on Racism?

When criticism turns into divisive racism, where does our accountability lie?

(SAN FRANCISCO) - President Obama On July 30, 2014, the Republican-led House approved a resolution authorizing Speaker John Boehner to sue President Barack Obama over claims he abused his powers at the expense of Congress and the Constitution.

Republicans argue Obama's executive orders in a number of areas were unlawful because it's the job of Congress to make or change laws. However, the GOP are basing their lawsuit on his handling of the Affordable Care Act. And there are persistent rumors that the House plans to impeach Obama.

Read Full Article (May-09-2014 13:28)

Oregonians Tell Washington County Sheriff: ``We Won`t Forgive. We Won`t Forget``

After years of community pressure across Oregon, a federal judge’s ruling forced over two dozen county sheriffs to decide to stop honoring requests for ICE holds.

(PORTLAND) - Oregonians Tell Washington County Sheriff: ''We Won't Forgive. We Won't Forget'' Today, Oregon DreamActivists and other supporters released a statement saying “We won’t forgive or forget the actions of the sheriff. We will continue struggling for an end to all deportations, for the right to migrate, and for an end to police violence.”

The statement is a response to the Washington County Sheriff’s decision to stop honoring requests from Federal Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) to hold undocumented individuals for transfer to ICE custody.

Read Full Article (May-08-2014 18:40)

Racial Humor Among Friends Deemed ``Harassment`` at Lewis & Clark College

“From the start, this case has been marked by disregard for free speech and failures of basic common sense,” - Peter Bonilla, director of FIRE’s Individual Rights Defense Program

(PORTLAND) - Lewis and Clark College Lewis & Clark College has declared two students, one African-American and one white, guilty of creating a “hostile and discriminatory environment” after racially themed jokes spoken between the friends at a private party were overheard and reported to campus authorities.

The students contacted the Foundation for Individual Rights in Education (FIRE) for help. In the face of media scrutiny and growing faculty concern, the college has said only that it “may” respond to FIRE’s criticisms.

Read Full Article (May-07-2014 08:26)

Can Multnomah County Help Black Youth Stay Out of Juvenile Court?

In 2001 Multnomah County was hailed nationally for its success in reducing the disproportionate numbers of Black and Hispanic youth in juvenile detention.

(PORTLAND The Skanner) - Youth danced outside the Rosewood Cafe in East Portland in 2012 Black youth in Multnomah County are 4.68 times more likely to end up in juvenile court than white youth. Once involved with the juvenile justice system Hispanic youth in Multnomah County are more than three times as likely as white youth to go to a secure juvenile prison.

And the racial disparities in Multnomah County, home to 49 percent of Black youth and 16 percent of Hispanic youth are worse than for the State of Oregon overall.

Read Full Article (May-06-2014 20:13)

Zionism Beyond Control...

Only Arafat (no other Palestinian leader) could have persuaded the PNC to be ready to make peace on that basis. What he needed thereafter was an Israeli partner for peace and there wasn’t one.

(LONDON) - Zionism out of control The conclusion to be drawn from the Obama administration’s predictable and predicted failure to get an Israeli-Palestinian peace process going is that the Zionist (not Jewish) monster state is beyond control. And the question arising is this. What are the real choices for the Palestinians?

In an editorial on 14 April the New York Times (NYT) offered its advice to President Barack Obama and Secretary of State John Kerry.

Read Full Article (May-01-2014 14:54)

America Cannot Win With Racist Attitudes

We have to work harder in this country to move beyond color, gender and ethnicity.

(NEWBURGH, Indiana) - Donald Sterling For the rest of his life Donald Sterling will be remembered for racist remarks even though they were made in private.

Paula Deen and Cliven Bundy will also be remembered for their racist remarks, as will Don Imus.

Read Full Article (May-01-2014 12:27)

Resistance Growing To Zionism`s Corrupting Influence

Narrow nationalism, in recent years, has corrupted this humane Jewish tradition.

(WASHINGTON DC) - Non-Zionist rabbis Zionism, the philosophy of Jewish nationalism which believes that Israel is the "homeland" of all Jews and that those living outside of Israel are in "exile," has distorted American Jewish life and is driving large numbers of young people away from what is becoming an increasingly intolerant community.

Many synagogues fly Israeli flags and have replaced God with Israel as the virtual object of worship, a practice akin to the idolatry practiced in the worship of the Golden Calf.

Read Full Article (May-01-2014 12:00)

Thoughts On The Donald Sterling Matter

The matter is probably not over. Sterling has said he will not sell the team.

(SAN FRANCISCO) - NBA Commissioner Adam Silver National Basketball Association Commissioner Adam Silver has banned Los Angeles Clipper’s owner Donald Sterling for life, fined him $2.5 million, and will urge the board of governors to force a sale of the team following the publication of a recorded conversation between Sterling and his ex-mistress, V. Stiviano, during which Sterling made racist comments.

Was it legal for Stiviano to record the conversation?

Read Full Article (Apr-26-2014 13:51)

Gilad Atzmon - The Biology Of The Israeli-Palestinian Conflict (video)

The lecture was given in Geneva in March and it presents the direction of my thought from now onward.

(LONDON) - Evolution to Israel The following video is probably my most important talk to date.

It is an attempt to deconstruct the notion of the ‘Jewish genius’. It elaborates on the building of Jewish cognitive elite. It equates between the Zionist and Israeli elite that is highly pragmatic as well as sinister and Palestinian elite that is, to a certain extent, dysfunctional politically.

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The NAACP of the Willamette Valley

Tribute to Palestine and to the incredible courage, determination and struggle of the Palestinian People. ~Dom Martin
